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Delft University of Technology
Remove constraint Affiliation: Delft University of Technology
Remove constraint Year: 2017
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Are you fascinated by Geosciences and willing to take the challenge of predicting the nature and behavior of the Earth subsurface? This is your course! In a voyage through the Earth, Geoscience: the Earth and its Resources will explore the Earth interior and the processes forming mountains and sedimentary basins. You will understand how the sediments are formed, transported, deposited and deformed. You will develop knowledge on the behavior of petroleum and water resources. The course has an innovative approach focusing on key fundamental processes, exploring their nature and quantitative interactions. It will be shown how this acquired knowledge is used to predict the nature and behavior of the Earth subsurface. This is your ideal first step as a future Geoscientists or professional to upgrade your knowledge in the domain of Earth Sciences.
- Subjects:
- Environmental Sciences and Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics
- Keywords:
- Plate tectonics Earth sciences Petroleum -- Geology Geology Hydrology
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
Groningen, a province in the northeast of the Netherlands, is experiencing earthquakes due to the extraction of gas. This phenomenon is called induced seismicity. But what is induced seismicity? And how can the risk to life safety and the consequences for the built environment be reduced? The Groningen situation is unique and for this reason, solutions for the built environment cannot simply be copied from abroad. To contribute to a basic understanding of the various topics in this field, knowledge lectures have been developed as Open Course Ware by a large number of scientists and practitioners.
- Subjects:
- Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics and Disaster Control and Management
- Keywords:
- Netherls -- Groningen Earthquakes Induced seismicity
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
Are you an engineer, scientist or technician? Are you dealing with measurements or big data, but are you unsure about how to proceed? This is the course that teaches you how to find the best estimates of the unknown parameters from noisy observations. You will also learn how to assess the quality of your results. TU Delft’s approach to observation theory is world leading and based on decades of experience in research and teaching in geodesy and the wider geosciences. The theory, however, can be applied to all the engineering sciences where measurements are used to estimate unknown parameters. The course introduces a standardized approach for parameter estimation, using a functional model (relating the observations to the unknown parameters) and a stochastic model (describing the quality of the observations). Using the concepts of least squares and best linear unbiased estimation (BLUE), parameters are estimated and analyzed in terms of precision and significance. The course ends with the concept of overall model test, to check the validity of the parameter estimation results using hypothesis testing. Emphasis is given to develop a standardized way to deal with estimation problems. Most of the course effort will be on examples and exercises from different engineering disciplines, especially in the domain of Earth Sciences. This course is aimed towards Engineering and Earth Sciences students at Bachelor’s, Master’s and postgraduate level.
- Keywords:
- Observers (Control theory) Mathematical statistics
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
This course will focus on basic technologies for the treatment of urban sewage. Unit processes involved in the treatment chain will be described as well as the physical, chemical and biological processes involved. There will be an emphasis on water quality and the functionality of each unit process within the treatment chain. After the course one should be able to recognize the process units, describe their function and make simple design calculations on urban sewage treatment plants.
- Subjects:
- Environmental Engineering, Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics, and Hydraulic Engineering
- Keywords:
- Sewage Sewage disposal plants Sewage -- Purification
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
Do you have a passion for buildings and want to contribute to a sustainable environment? Then this is your chance to make a difference! The biggest sustainability challenge for cities worldwide is adapting existing obsolescent buildings and making them future-proof. In this course, you will learn about adapting buildings for sustainability. This course first introduces you to the challenging management task of redeveloping buildings for future use. Then you will learn how different management tools can be used to convert old buildings for sustainable reuse. Prior experience with studies or jobs related to the built environment is not essential for this course, but will be a great advantage. This MOOC is especially relevant for students who are interested in Real Estate, Project Management, Urban Planning, Architecture, Construction, Engineering, and Sustainability. The course is taught by a multi-disciplinary team of instructors and professors with relevant practical and theoretical experience. You can use the practical knowledge you obtain during this course to tackle many challenges related to the built environment.
- Subjects:
- Building and Real Estate
- Keywords:
- Buildings -- Remodeling for other use Sustainable buildings
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
This business and management course will focus on the necessary project management skills to successfully manage projects, distinguishing three areas: the project manager and the team, the project process and the project context. The course focuses on the early project phases, including examples from technical projects within various sectors and industries (amongst others, but not limited to, infrastructure projects and construction projects).
- Keywords:
- Engineering -- Management Project management
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
The technologies used to produce solar cells and photovoltaic modules are advancing to deliver highly efficient and flexible solar panels. In this course you will explore the main PV technologies in the current market. You will gain in-depth knowledge about crystalline silicon based solar cells (90% market share) as well as other up and coming technologies like CdTe, CIGS and Perovskites. This course provides answers to the questions: How are solar cells made from raw materials? Which technologies have the potential to be the major players for different applications in the future?
- Subjects:
- Electrical Engineering
- Keywords:
- Solar cells Photovoltaic power systems Photovoltaic power generation Silicon solar cells
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
The key factor in getting more efficient and cheaper solar energy panels is the advance in the development of photovoltaic cells. In this course you will learn how photovoltaic cells convert solar energy into useable electricity. You will also discover how to tackle potential loss mechanisms in solar cells. By understanding the semiconductor physics and optics involved, you will develop in-depth knowledge of how a photovoltaic cell works under different conditions. You will learn how to model all aspects of a working solar cell. For engineers and scientists working in the photovoltaic industry, this course is an absolute must to understand the opportunities for solar cell innovation.
- Subjects:
- Electrical Engineering
- Keywords:
- Solar energy Renewable energy sources Photovoltaic cells Photovoltaic power generation
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
A transition to sustainable energy is needed for our climate and welfare. In this engineering course, you will learn how to assess the potential for energy reduction and the potential of renewable energy sources like wind, solar and biomass. You’ll learn how to integrate these sources in an energy system, like an electricity network and take an engineering approach to look for solutions and design a 100% sustainable energy system.
- Subjects:
- Electrical Engineering
- Keywords:
- Solar energy Renewable energy sources Biomass energy Wind power Sustainable development
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
Have you ever wondered what it takes to get your train on the right platform at the scheduled time every day? Understanding the complexity behind today’s sophisticated railway systems will give you a better insight into how this safe and reliable transportation system works. We will show you the many factors which are involved and how multiple people, behind the scenes, have a daily task that enables you to get from home to work. Journey with us into the world of rail – a complex system that connects people, cities and countries. Railway systems entail much more than a train and a track. They are based on advanced technical and operational solutions, dealing with continuously changing demands for more efficient transport for both passengers and freight every day. Each system consists of many components that must be properly integrated: from trains, tracks, stations, signaling and control systems, through monitoring, maintenance and the impact on cities, landscape and people. This integration is the big challenge and the source of many train delays, inconvenient connections and other issues that impact our society. This engineering course attempts to tackle those issues by introducing you to a holistic approach to railway systems engineering. You will learn how the system components depend on each other to create a reliable, efficient and state-of-the-art network.
- Subjects:
- Electrical Engineering and Transportation
- Keywords:
- Railroad engineering
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
In this nuclear energy course, we will tackle provocative questions such as: -Is nuclear energy a good substitute for fossil fuels to reduce our CO2 emission or not? -Can nuclear reactors operate safely without any harm to the public and environment? -How much nuclear waste is produced and how long does it need to be stored safely? -How can we make nuclear energy clean and more sustainable? -How much are nuclear energy costs? You will learn the physics behind nuclear science, how to gain energy from nuclear fission, how nuclear reactors operate safely, and the life cycle of nuclear fuel: from mining to disposal. In the last part of the course, we will focus on what matters most in the public debate: the economic and social impact of nuclear energy but also the future of energy systems. Practically, we will: -Teach you about nuclear science and technology (radiation and radioactivity, nuclear reactions, nuclear reactors and fuel cycle, economics of nuclear energy, and the sociality aspects) -Show you short videos about the theory and practical implementation of nuclear energy -Stimulate discussion and debate about nuclear energy -Ask you to formulate your own opinion about nuclear energy and its role in society The GENTLE consortium has sponsored and prepared this course. GENTLE is focused on maintaining the current high level of nuclear safety, and developing a highly skilled and well informed nuclear workforce, following the conclusion of the Council of the EU that it “it is essential to maintain in the European Union a high level of training in the nuclear field” to deal with reactor fleet safely, decommission obsolete plants, be involved in new builds where policy dictates, and deal with the legacy and future radioactive wastes.
- Subjects:
- Physics and Electrical Engineering
- Keywords:
- Nuclear engineering Nuclear physics Nuclear energy
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
The focus of this course: - Applications of topology in condensed matter based on bulk-edge correspondence. - Special attention to the most active research topics in topological condensed matter: theory of topological insulators and Majorana fermions, topological classification of “grand ten” symmetry classes, and topological quantum computation - Extensions of topology to further areas of condensed matter, such as photonic and mechanical systems, topological quantum walks, topology in fractionalized systems, driven or dissipative systems.
- Keywords:
- Condensed matter Topology
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
Does your business need a make-over? Are you unsure how to start? Having an innovative business model is key for a profitable business and growth. In this business and management course, you will learn how to design, test and implement new business models for sustainable success. This course introduces you to the main topics of business model innovation. You will learn what drives business model innovation and why it is valuable to you and your business. You will apply practical tools to (re)design and test a business model. Be inspired by real-life business model examples from fellow entrepreneurs and learn from leading experts who design business model innovations. By the end of this course, you will be able to structure your thinking and communicate your business model ideas and learn how to improve your own business.
- Subjects:
- Management
- Keywords:
- Business planning Strategic planning Industrial management
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
How do populations grow? How do viruses spread? What is the trajectory of a glider? Many real-life problems can be described and solved by mathematical models. In this course, you will form a team with another student and work in a project to solve a real-life problem. You will learn to analyze your chosen problem, formulate it as a mathematical model (containing ordinary differential equations), solve the equations in the model, and validate your results. You will learn how to implement Euler’s method in a Python program. If needed, you can refine or improve your model, based on your first results. Finally, you will learn how to report your findings in a scientific way. This course is mainly aimed at Bachelor students from Mathematics, Engineering and Science disciplines. However it will suit anyone who would like to learn how mathematical modeling can solve real-world problems.
- Subjects:
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Keywords:
- Mathematical models
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
Do you want to start or grow your own business, go international, or avoid bankruptcy? In this business and management course, you will learn the key steps to take to design or innovate your own business model. You will learn about the trade-offs to be made, and the design issues that are critical for a viable and sustainable business model. This course will help you answer questions like, how do I create a simple business model in a structured way, how do I engage my users and how do I create value for my customers as well as revenue for my company.
- Subjects:
- Management
- Keywords:
- Business planning Strategic planning Industrial management
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
Are you an entrepreneur, or do you have a passion for building your own technology startup? This course will help and encourage you to start a successful technology-based venture. If you always wanted to become an entrepreneur, or if you are simply interested in putting a new technology to innovative use, this course is for you. This course helps you understand the process of entrepreneurship from a technology-oriented background. The course is made up of modules that are presented by experts in the field of entrepreneurship and technology. Modules include: - Team Building - Opportunity Recognition - Financing - Customer Acquisition
- Subjects:
- Management
- Keywords:
- Technological innovations -- Economic aspects Entrepreneurship High technology industries -- Management
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
The world is changing rapidly and full of uncertainties. The future success of a business model depends on how well it is adapted to changing circumstances. Do you want to become aware of the relevant developments in technology, markets and society? And understand how this affects your business? This business and management course will teach you how to stress test your business model. You will learn how to identify the relevant trends and uncertainties and how they impact your business model. You will analyse the strong and weak parts of your business model and look for opportunities to make your business model more robust and future proof. You will learn through real-world examples from well-known companies and interact with fellow entrepreneurs. By the end of this course, you will be able to stress test your own business model to analyse its future success.
- Subjects:
- Management
- Keywords:
- Business planning Strategic planning Industrial management
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
Designing a new business model is one thing, but how do you actually put it into practice? How do you move from your current model to a new business model? In this business and management course, you will learn how to make a practical action plan to implement your new business model. You will create a business model roadmap that will include practical activities that take into consideration the possible risks associated with moving to a new business model. You will also learn about the practical factors that need to be taken into consideration during the transition process, i.e. the competency of your people and your IT, in order to successfully implement a new business model.
- Subjects:
- Management
- Keywords:
- Business planning Strategic planning Industrial management
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
In this engineering course, you will learn about the engineering principles that play an important role in all of these and more phenomena. You will learn about microbalances, radiation, convection, diffusion and more and their applications in everyday life. This advanced course is for engineers who want to refresh their knowledge, engineering students who are eager to learn more about heat/mass transport and for all who have fun in explaining the science of phenomena in nature.
- Subjects:
- Mechanical Engineering
- Keywords:
- Transport theory Energy transfer Heat -- Transmission Mass transfer
- Resource Type:
- Courseware