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A short video on autism for the general public.
近期,我們經常會聽到有關自閉症的案例, 知道自閉症對於患者及家人都會帶來很大的影響和困擾,究竟什麼是自閉症?(0:45) 有什麼病癥會與自閉症會同時出現?(1:21) 自閉症對於語言有影響嗎?(3:06) 如何可以及早發現自閉症傾向?(4:10) 有沒有藥物可以治療自閉症?(5:20) 對於高功能自閉症,大家也有不同的迷思 (2:24),一起聽聽專家的解說吧!
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences and Communication
- Keywords:
- Autism
- Resource Type:
- Video
A short video on self description for the general public.
上一集,我們為大家介紹了「平行描述」的促進語言發展技巧,讓小孩一面玩耍,一面吸收家長的語言輸入。今集我們會介紹另一個技巧 - 「自行描述」,家長們可以一起試一試運用這些技巧,讓孩子邊玩邊學習!
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences and Communication
- Keywords:
- Children -- Language Games
- Resource Type:
- Video
A short video on dysgraphia for the general public.
[讀寫障礙 - 書寫困難] 有沒有家長發現學童無論重複抄寫多少次,還是難以記住如何寫字,默書成績更是強差人意?有時候他們會寫字出格、混淆筆劃等,有時候他們可能寫了一半又寫不下去,到底為什麼會這樣的呢?言語治療師如何可以幫助他們呢?我們聽一聽讀寫專家 - 劉博士的解說。
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences and Communication
- Keywords:
- Agraphia Writing Language disorders
- Resource Type:
- Video
A short video on parallel description for the general public.
我們經常聽說小孩可以一面玩耍一面學習,除了學習遊玩技巧外, 原來家長作爲小孩的主要溝通對象,是可以爲他們營造一個良好的語言學習環境, 從而促進語言發展。今集,我們會為大家講解和示範其中一種「促進語言發展技巧」 - 自行描述。大家一起看看到底如何能夠做到自行描述吧!
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences and Communication
- Keywords:
- Children -- Language Games
- Resource Type:
- Video
Have you ever come across times when you get particularly nervous, say during a presentation, you find it extra hard to speak smoothly? Most of us may stop at times when we talk, so how do we differentiate between Normal Dysfluency and Stuttering? Are kids struggling with words due to language ability or are they stuttering? Will they naturally outgrow stuttering? How do speech therapists help adults and children who stutter?
大家有否試過在某些時間特別緊張,例如在發佈會中,你覺得難以流暢地說話? 其實每一個人說話時也會有停頓的時候,到底我們如何分辨「口吃」和正常的不流暢呢? 孩子到底是口吃還是因語言能力較弱而在找字呢?是否長大後自然會沒有口吃的問題? 言語治療師可以如何幫助受口吃困擾的小孩和成人呢?
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences and Communication
- Keywords:
- Stuttering Speech disorders
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this video, Prof. Mark Hampton share his view on why we need to care about other historians' ideas? Why don't we just finding facts.
- Keywords:
- Communication in the humanities Humanities -- Research History -- Research
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this slide, it explains the reason why the information came from authoritative sources but still not trustworthy. The possible reason could be (1) the way information is produced, (2)carelessness or loaded with secret intentions, (3) in favour of their hidden goal, (4)not spending enough time, (5) limited topic vocabulary, (6) limited by technical barriers, (7)information that fits with your knowledge & beliefs, and (8) from a source that you think is trustworthy.
- Keywords:
- Research -- Methodology Information resources -- Evaluation
- Resource Type:
- Others
In this video, Prof Klaus Tochtermann, the Director of Leibniz Information Centre for Economics (ZBW) and Professor of Media Informatics of University of Kiel in German shares his view on the importance of becoming information literate.
- Keywords:
- Information literacy
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this video, a year 3 LLB student who is preparing a term paper with a substantial research component regularly consults his supervisor. In a recent meeting, the supervisor queries why two pieces of information were cited in his draft. One piece of information is from a local real estate agent’s website summarizing the legal provision for the Hong Kong deed of mutual covenant agreements. Another piece of information is a court case covered in a Hong Kong land law blog.
- Keywords:
- Information resources -- Evaluation Legal research
- Resource Type:
- Video
To have a better understanding on the importance of BPM by watching a video about graduates of Industrial Systems Engineering at PolyU and the good work by Professor Devonport Tom Davenport.
- Subjects:
- Management
- Keywords:
- Industrial management Workflow -- Management
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this video, a team of students are now discussing where is the best place to find primary sources and search more efficiently.
- Subjects:
- Statistics and Research Methods
- Keywords:
- Information resources Information retrieval Humanities -- Research
- Resource Type:
- Video
In the exercise, learner need to determine where is the best place to find these primary information.
- Subjects:
- Statistics and Research Methods
- Keywords:
- Information resources Humanities -- Research Information literacy
- Resource Type:
- Others
It covers the diversity on BPM and its derivative
- Subjects:
- Management
- Keywords:
- Industrial management Workflow -- Management
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this game, you need to match the types of information sources with the corresponding information needs.
- Subjects:
- Statistics and Research Methods
- Keywords:
- Information resources Social sciences -- Research Information literacy
- Resource Type:
- Others
In this game, learners are required to put the information that can support the work in different research stages.
- Subjects:
- Statistics and Research Methods
- Keywords:
- Research -- Methodology Information literacy Information resources
- Resource Type:
- Others
In this video, two students are discussing the types of information are needed to answer the sub-questions. In their conversation, various type of information, including manuscripts, diaries and autobiographies, audio recordings and videos, original art works, letter patents, conference papers, books, government publications, critical analysis and review, journal articles, and handbooks.
- Subjects:
- Statistics and Research Methods
- Keywords:
- Information resources Social sciences -- Research Information literacy
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this exercise, a team of students listed out a number of tasks that they have to complete when preparing the lesson plan. Which of the following task will be listed as the top priority on your to-do list? Will you start searching at this moment?
- Keywords:
- Lesson planning Teaching Information literacy
- Resource Type:
- Others
In this video, Prof. Christine Bruce shares her view on "Why InfoLit is vital?" through the search & research they do every day.
- Keywords:
- Study skills Learning Information literacy
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this exercise, learners are required to rank the task in the order that reflects the usual practices.
- Subjects:
- Statistics and Research Methods
- Keywords:
- Social sciences -- Research
- Resource Type:
- Others
In this exercise, please rank the task in the order that reflect your usual research practices.
- Subjects:
- Statistics and Research Methods
- Keywords:
- Public health -- Research Medical care -- Research Medicine -- Research
- Resource Type:
- Others
In this exercise, learners are require to order the tasks in a way that reflect the research usual practice.
- Subjects:
- Statistics and Research Methods
- Keywords:
- Humanities -- Research -- Methodology Humanities -- Research
- Resource Type:
- Others
While many journal articles and conference papers are written by scholars working at universities or research institutions, professional engineering associations also play a major role in disseminating research findings and practices by: Publishing peer-reviewed research journals Publishing practical “trade” journals Holding conferences & publishing proceedings In this video, it explains what professional associations do and why it matters.
- Subjects:
- Statistics and Research Methods
- Keywords:
- Professional associations Professional education Periodicals
- Resource Type:
- Video
In the video, it explains the criteria to use to evaluate legal information.
- Keywords:
- Information resources -- Evaluation Legal research
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this slide, it introduces the six frames for informed learning, suggested by Prof. Christine Bruce, would help learners brainstorm about the research topic in all-rounded, comprehensive way. The six aspects of your research topic that you should brainstorm for are: (1) Content frame, (2) Competency frame, (3) Learning to learn frame, (4) Personal relevance frame, (5) Social impact frame, and (6) Relational frame.
- Keywords:
- Learning Information literacy
- Resource Type:
- Others
In this video, it explains what secondary legal material are. Secondary legal sources often explain legal principles more thoroughly so it is good to start your research project with secondary sources.
- Keywords:
- Information resources Legal research -- Databases Legal research Legal research -- Computer network resources
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this exercise, learners are required to distinguish the information belong to "primary sources" or "secondary sources". Primary information source are anything created at the time when the incident/event happened. They were created with the intention to record the incident/event. It could be a document, manuscript, autobiography, a recording, a diary, an artifact, and so on. Secondary information source is anything (e.g., documents, records, artifacts, objects, and so on) that discuss, relates, or refers another piece of information existing elsewhere.
- Keywords:
- Information resources Research -- Methodology Information literacy
- Resource Type:
- Others
In this exercise, learners are required to match legal resources with the contents.
- Keywords:
- Information resources Legal research
- Resource Type:
- Others
In this video, you will learn about strategies to critically evaluate search results, including (1) Choose good & varied search tools, (2) Ask yourself what you want or need, (3) Use the sorting & filtering functions, (4) Look for your keywords the important parts of the results, (5) Pay issuing organization or publisher, (6) Ask yourself the information whether is credible, suitable, technical information appropriate to your information needs.
- Subjects:
- Statistics and Research Methods
- Keywords:
- Engineering -- Research -- Methodology Engineering -- Research Information retrieval Information resources -- Evaluation
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this video, the students are plan to submit their report to "Student Newspaper" and call the editor for advices.
- Subjects:
- Statistics and Research Methods
- Keywords:
- Intellectual property Social sciences -- Research Scholarly publishing Copyright
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this video, a team of students are suggested to digitize the works of the exhibition.
- Subjects:
- Statistics and Research Methods
- Keywords:
- Intellectual property Humanities -- Research Copyright
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this exercise, learners are required to tell which one is a citation entry for a book/book chapter/article/map/news article.
- Subjects:
- Statistics and Research Methods
- Keywords:
- Social sciences -- Authorship Bibliographical citations Psychology -- Authorship
- Resource Type:
- Others
In this video, students are discussing the design of the report. One suggests to record an interview by their smartphones and use the video editing software.
- Subjects:
- Statistics and Research Methods
- Keywords:
- Social sciences -- Research Cell phones Interviewing
- Resource Type:
- Video
When Jacob receives his term paper assignment, he cannot find previous Land Law course materials. He and his classmates discuss what they should do next in the Library. They consult the law librarian who suggests they watch the this video to get an idea on how to plan and start legal research.
- Keywords:
- Information retrieval Legal research
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this video, the students are trying to finish writing up their report and using APA as the citation style.
- Subjects:
- Statistics and Research Methods
- Keywords:
- Social sciences -- Authorship Psychology -- Authorship Bibliographical citations
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this video, a team of students arrive the university library and meet the Reference Librarian at a discussion room. The Reference Librarian firstly recaps the concepts of the AAOCC. Then, she mentions the additional criteria for evaluating the primary and secondary sources!
- Subjects:
- Statistics and Research Methods
- Keywords:
- Information resources Information resources -- Evaluation Information literacy
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this slide, it explains the 4-steps-method outlined by the University of Pittsburg and it illustrate the role information and information literacy play in each step to help learners to see the bigger picture.
- Keywords:
- Information retrieval Study skills Information literacy
- Resource Type:
- Others
In this video, Prof. Christine Bruce explains that being information literate give you critical and strategic approaches to solve problems. It's you who need to decide using which type (e.g. research or non-research based) of information to support ideas, claims, and proposals that you propose in your research task.
- Keywords:
- Study skills Learning Information literacy
- Resource Type:
- Video
An animation which illustrates from a real story. 3 students went to a very large IT company in Shanghai for summer placement and they found how difficult it was to capture or rediscover the business process in reality.
- Subjects:
- Management
- Keywords:
- Industrial management Workflow -- Management
- Resource Type:
- Video
This video is about the basics techniques of evaluating information.
- Keywords:
- Information literacy -- Study teaching (Higher)
- Resource Type:
- Video
This video is about "where does information come from?".
- Keywords:
- Information literacy -- Study teaching (Higher)
- Resource Type:
- Video
This video is about 'how to create high-quality ideas?'.
- Keywords:
- Information literacy -- Study teaching (Higher)
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this video, a member of the team discovers a piece of surprising investment advice that she shares with her teammates. Watch the video to see the competition results and learn about the investment advice. What goes wrong?
- Keywords:
- Investments Investment analysis Stocks -- Prices
- Resource Type:
- Video
When preparing for research tasks (e.g. articles, essay, projects, reports, thesis,...), you have to go through a series of small tasks. In this slide, it elaborates and expands the research topic before carrying out the actual search.
- Keywords:
- Research -- Methodology
- Resource Type:
- Others
Staying F.O.C.U.S.E.D!
Learn BETTER. Learn FASTER. Learn MORE than you are used to.
To learn more about the idea of the “ecosystem” that we built around the FOCUSED philosophy and its accompanying 7 colourful dice framework, please visit the FOCUSED homepage.
Most problems, issues, and challenges remain unsolved because we end up resorting to our past habitual attempts without being mindful of new ways of thinking and new ways of doing. This video will showcase an innovative new strategic thinking framework that is designed to make you think more deeply and peripherally about your organization's unsolved problems, and in the process, open up alternatives not contemplated before.
This video illustrates the F.O.C.U.S.E.D. Dice framework, to help open your thinking about complex issues. Each letter represents different key behaviors:
"F" - Bring Fresh Perspective
"O" - Think, feel and act like an Owner/ Manager
"C" - Show Connected-thinking
"U" - Have a Sense of Urgency
"S" - Show Team SPIRIT
"E" - Always Engage
"D" - Exercise Deliberate Practice
- Subjects:
- Management
- Keywords:
- Problem solving Dice games
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this exercise, learners are required to sort the given information into scholarly journals or popular magazine.
- Subjects:
- Statistics and Research Methods
- Keywords:
- Information resources Public health -- Research Medical care -- Research Medical sciences -- Research Information literacy
- Resource Type:
- Others
In this video, the team finds that even they've covered the academic sources, but something is still missing. Having said that Google might not be ideal to kick-start your research; it does help you connect with top-quality reports by professional bodies if you know these tricks.
- Subjects:
- Statistics and Research Methods
- Keywords:
- Social sciences -- Research Google (Firm) Internet searching
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this video, a student, Jacob comes up with a brilliant idea to compile over hundreds of highly relevant citations for his reference list in just under an hour. Without this shortcut, Jacob might have spent a week tidying up his references before submitting his paper. Do you want to learn how Jacob so painlessly created the reference list? Watch the video below and see what Jacob ends up doing after he meets with Prof. Ian, his co-supervisor of the research project.
- Keywords:
- Bibliographical citations Report writing
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this video, Prof. Christine Bruce explains the seven things you should pay attention to when you plan the information needs of your research. (1) Use information and communication technology to be really up to date with what's happening. (2) Encounter different types of sources and knowing when it's important to use them. Not only academic literature but also people, social media, the environment, visual information, sound, anything that might inform you. (3) Create your processes to tackle problems or make decisions. (4) Connect information of all kinds that you encounter with specific projects, problems, or areas of interest. (5) Build your knowledge base about your fields of study. (6) Use your creativity and intuition to do something new. (7) Seventhly using information wisely for the benefit of others.
- Keywords:
- Study skills Learning Information literacy
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this video, the team requires to include viewpoints from journal articles in this academic project. You may ask, which articles are most influential and should be read first? Which journals are more prestigious in the field? Who are the champion authors on the topic?All these questions can be answered quickly if you select the right tools.
- Subjects:
- Statistics and Research Methods
- Keywords:
- Information retrieval Social sciences -- Periodicals Scholarly periodicals -- Ratings rankings
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this slide, it explains 3 questions: (1) What are the top 20 journals in the subject discipline of business and international management, (2) How can I find the most highly cited articles on a specific strategy, and (3) How can I find the articles from practitioner magazines and newspapers.
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