Using UC Berkeley as an exemplar, Prof. Koshland gave us a distinguished lecture on ‘Lighting the Way with Interdisciplinary Research since 1868’. One of the hallmarks of UC Berkeley has always been engagement of its faculty and students in research and education that expand in cross disciplines, joining on multiple approaches to address major challenges facing the world today, which is also what we are seeking to do at PAIR of PolyU. Moreover, Prof. Koshland shared with us the ways in which individuals and institutions can engage in interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary research and education and how they can be creatively intertwined. Event Date: 22/4/2022 Speaker: Prof. Catherine P. Koshland (University of California, Berkeley) Moderator: Prof. Christopher Chao (Hong Kong Polytechnic University) Panel members: Prof. Xiang-dong Li, Prof. Yuguo Li (Hong Kong Polytechnic University) Hosted by: PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research