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You take vacation days, sick days and mental health days; now it's time to add a financial health day to that list! What to do on it? Behavioral psychologist Wendy De La Rosa shares 10 simple steps you can take to spend less, save more -- and stress less.
- Subjects:
- Finance
- Keywords:
- Finance Personal
- Resource Type:
- Video
The fact of scarcity forces individuals, firms, and societies to choose among alternative uses – or allocations – of its limited resources. Accordingly, the first part of this summer course seeks to understand how economists model the choice process of individual consumers and firms, and how markets work to coordinate these choices. It also examines how well markets perform this function using the economist's criterion of market efficiency. Overall, this course focuses on microeconomics, with some topics from macroeconomics and international trade. It emphasizes the integration of theory, data, and judgment in the analysis of corporate decisions and public policy, and in the assessment of changing U.S. and international business environments.
- Subjects:
- Management
- Keywords:
- Microeconomics
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
15.875 is a project-based course that explores how organizations can use system dynamics to achieve important goals. In small groups, students learn modeling and consulting skills by working on a term-long project with real-life managers. A diverse set of businesses and organizations sponsor class projects, from start-ups to the Fortune 500. The course focuses on gaining practical insight from the system dynamics process, and appeals to people interested in system dynamics, consulting, or managerial policy-making.
- Subjects:
- Management
- Keywords:
- Business consultants Social psychology
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
This course covers the fundamental principles, practices and tools of Lean Six Sigma methods that underlay modern organizational productivity approaches applied in aerospace, automotive, health care, and other sectors. It includes lectures, active learning exercises, a plant tour, talks by industry practitioners, and videos. One third of the course is devoted to a physical simulation of an aircraft manufacturing enterprise or a clinic to illustrate the power of Lean Six Sigma methods. The course is offered during the Independent Activities Period (IAP), which is a special 4-week term at MIT that runs from the first week of January until the end of the month.
- Subjects:
- Management
- Keywords:
- Industrial efficiency Lean manufacturing Six sigma (Quality control stard)
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
Professional Arab women juggle more responsibilities than their male counterparts, and they face more cultural rigidity than Western women. What can their success teach us about tenacity, competition, priorities and progress? Tracing her career as an engineer, advocate and mother in Abu Dhabi, Leila Hoteit shares three lessons for thriving in the modern world.
- Keywords:
- Businesswomen Arab countries
- Resource Type:
- Video
Business in Africa is booming -- but international companies are missing out, says emerging markets expert Nomava Zanazo. Rushing in without knowing their customers, businesses underestimate Africans and make costly assumptions about their diversity, preferences and buying power. Sharing the basics about what companies need to know to succeed on the continent, Zanazo debunks four myths and misunderstandings about Africa and its citizens -- and invites businesses from overseas to share in its wealth ... once they've done their research.
- Keywords:
- Africa Business enterprises Industrial management
- Resource Type:
- Video
Learners read how each of the steps in 5S can be used to organize an office.
- Subjects:
- Management
- Keywords:
- Work environment Organizational behavior Office management
- Resource Type:
- Others
The video is about the six core arguments of BPM. It can help you to understand different aspects of a holistic BPM and why these six core elements are important to the success of BPM implementations.
- Subjects:
- Management
- Keywords:
- Industrial management Workflow -- Management
- Resource Type:
- Video
Why do we trust some companies and not others? Using real-world examples, digital trust advisor Marcos Aguiar decodes this make-or-break quality -- and offers seven tools to help leaders design a foundation of trust into their business ecosystems in order to achieve long-term success.
- Subjects:
- Management
- Keywords:
- Trust Corporate culture
- Resource Type:
- Video
Villy Wang is in the business of rewriting stereotypes, empowering youth of color to take back their narratives through storytelling. In this moving talk, Wang explains how she developed a program to train kids in filmmaking so they can create new, authentic stories and break the cycle of bias perpetuated in media.
- Subjects:
- Management
- Keywords:
- Motion pictures -- Production direction Racism Industrial management
- Resource Type:
- Video
It's 1762 BCE. As dawn breaks in the Babylonian city of Sippar, Beltani— a priestess and businesswoman— receives an urgent visit from her brother. He makes a troubling accusation: her tavern keeper has been undermining the business Beltani relies on in her old age. Now she has just a few short hours to find out the truth. Soraya Field Fiorio details a day in the life of a Babylonian naditu.
- Subjects:
- Area Studies
- Keywords:
- Middle East -- Babylonia Social conditions Women
- Resource Type:
- Video
An online lecture on the topic of "A First Look into AI+ Investment".This lecture is suitable for secondary school and university students as well as the general public.
- Subjects:
- Finance
- Keywords:
- Artificial intelligence -- Forecasting Investments
- Resource Type:
- Video
What would a sustainable, universally beneficial economy look like? "Like a doughnut," says Oxford economist Kate Raworth. In a stellar, eye-opening talk, she explains how we can move countries out of the hole -- where people are falling short on life's essentials -- and create regenerative, distributive economies that work within the planet's ecological limits.
- Subjects:
- Economics
- Keywords:
- Economic development Sustainable development
- Resource Type:
- Video
Open (Access) Journal-Article
This article investigates the integration of Lean and Six Sigma tools as a unified approach to continuous improvement and develops a Lean Six Sigma framework for selected automotive component manufacturing organisations in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN), South Africa.
- Subjects:
- Management and Business Information Technology
- Keywords:
- Production management Automobile supplies industry Six sigma (Quality control stard)
- Resource Type:
- Open (Access) Journal-Article
In this screencast you'll identify and write assertive "I" statements that focus on BCF (behavior, consequences, and feelings).
- Subjects:
- Management
- Keywords:
- Conflict management
- Resource Type:
- Video
As you read A Primer on Sustainable Business, we challenge you to not think of sustainability as a program, an initiative, or an activity. Rather, sustainability is a mind-set, a philosophy, and worldview. Throughout each chapter, you are challenged to alter the way you view your job, the workplace, the business, and the world. Whether you are an executive, an entrepreneur, or an employee, A Primer on Sustainable Business will help you understand the big picture of what it means to be a sustainable business and will give you the information you need to begin your journey toward sustainability.
- Subjects:
- Management
- Keywords:
- Corporations -- Environmental aspects Sustainability Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
This provides all the resources to help you prepare for the Applied Knowledge, Applied Skills and Strategic Professional exams.
- Course related:
- AF5141 Corporate Financial Accounting
- Subjects:
- Accounting
- Keywords:
- Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (Great Britain) Accounting -- Examinations
- Resource Type:
- Others
This lecutre is about the design and an excellent of business processes. Established frameworks from the American Productivity and Quality Council (APQC) is introduced.
- Subjects:
- Management
- Keywords:
- Industrial management Workflow -- Management
- Resource Type:
- Video
4RealSim serves its customers by providing Dassault Systemes’ SIMULIA products (Abaqus, Isight, Tosca, fe-safe, Simpack, XFLOW), VCollab and HyperSizer.
4RealSim offers high-quality Finite Element engineering services to assess, validate and optimize the response of products, assemblies and processes.
4RealSim offers training and mentoring to learn the analysis tools and improve FEA methodologies. Trainings are available online or organized in class rooms.
4RealSim offers customer-tailored and regulatory compliant Computer Modelling & Simulation services for the life-science and medical-device industry.
- Subjects:
- Computing, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence and Business Information Technology
- Keywords:
- Abaqus (Electronic resource) Finite element method
- Resource Type:
- Others
Accounting Principles: A Business Perspective uses annual reports of real companies to illustrate many of the accounting concepts in use in business today. Gaining an understanding of accounting terminology and concepts, however, is not enough to ensure your success. You also need to be able to find information on the Internet, analyze various business situations, work effectively as a member of a team, and communicate your ideas clearly. This text was developed to help you develop these skills.
- Subjects:
- Accounting
- Keywords:
- Accounting Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
We use Artificial Intelligence, Digital Finger Printing and Profiling to track your competitors' every move across all platforms including TV, Print, Outdoor, Radio, Digital, Mobile and Social Media. Be it a corporate campaign, new product launch, promotional messages, event announcement, to just a casual greeting, we alert you the minute it's out there so you can respond immediately.
- Subjects:
- Advertising Design and Marketing
- Keywords:
- Advertising campaigns Commercial art Advertising
- Resource Type:
- Others
Mayer, Warner, Siedel and Lieberman's Advanced Business Law and the Legal Environment is an up-to-date textbook with coverage of legal and regulatory issues that are more technical than the topics in the authors' Foundations of Business Law and the Legal Environment. Appropriate for students who have already taken an introductory Legal Environment or Business Law course, the text is organized to permit instructors to tailor the materials to their particular approach. The authors take special care to engage students by relating law to everyday events with which they are already familiar with their clear, concise and readable style. Advanced Business Law and the Legal Environment provides students with context and essential legal concepts relating to the Uniform Commercial Code and various aspects of property law. The text provides the vocabulary and legal savvy necessary for business people to talk in an educated way to their customers, employees, suppliers, and other stakeholders — and to their own lawyers.
- Subjects:
- Law and Legislation
- Keywords:
- Commercial law United States Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
This course introduces interactive oral and interpersonal communication skills critical to leaders, including strategies for presenting to a hostile audience, running effective and productive meetings, active listening, and contributing to group decision-making. There are team-run classes on chosen communication topics, and an individual analysis of leadership qualities and characteristics. Students deliver an oral presentation and an executive summary, both aimed at a business audience.
- Subjects:
- Communication
- Keywords:
- Interpersonal communication Business communication
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
Agent based modeling focuses on the individual active components of a system. This is in contrast to both the more abstract system dynamics approach, and the process-focused discrete event method. With agent based modeling, active entities, known as agents, must be identified and their behavior defined. They may be people, households, vehicles, equipment, products, or companies, whatever is relevant to the system. Connections between them are established, environmental variables set, and simulations run. The global dynamics of the system then emerge from the interactions of the many individual behaviors. AnyLogic combines professional discrete event, system dynamics, and agent based modeling in one platform for efficient, no compromise results. In our white paper, Multimethod Simulation Modeling for Business Applications, we investigate these three main simulation modeling approaches and construct a multimethod model example to illustrate the advantages of multimethod simulation modeling. Read the white paper and see why hybrid models are always a better choice!
- Course related:
- CE631 Simulation and IT Applications in Construction
- Subjects:
- Computing, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence and Business Information Technology
- Keywords:
- Multiagent systems Computer simulation System analysis -- Data processing
- Resource Type:
- Others
This case study discusses how Airbnb showcased local recommendations from its community and hosts through a 48-hour challenge to create the most suitable accommodation and experience routes for young travelers. The campaign leveraged the personalized travel needs of Generation Z and laid the foundation for Airbnb's market leadership.
- Subjects:
- Hotel, Travel and Tourism and Marketing
- Keywords:
- Bed breakfast accommodations -- Marketing Airbnb (Firm)
- Resource Type:
- Others
American Contract Law for a Global Age by Franklin G. Snyder and Mark Edwin Burge of Texas A&M University School of Law is a casebook designed primarily for the first-year Contracts course as it is taught in American law schools, but is configured so as to be usable either as a primary text or a supplement in any upper-level U.S. or foreign class that seeks to introduce American contract law to students. As an eLangdell text, it offers maximum flexibility for students to read either in hard copy or electronic format on most electronic devices. Why “American” Contract Law? Nearly all American contract law texts focus on U.S. law. This volume simply makes that focus explicit. Modern American lawyers face an increasingly global world, and the book makes it clear that American law is not the only important commercial law regime in the world. But much of the value that the cosmopolitan and transnational American-trained lawyer brings to the table is an understanding of the contract law of the United States. To this end, the venerable English cases that exemplify common law doctrine are here presented not in their hoary 19th century settings. but in the 21st century forms that students can intuitively grasp.
- Subjects:
- Law and Legislation
- Keywords:
- Contracts United States Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
This textbook introduces readers to the idea of cooperation and mutualism. Cooperatives and mutuals are participatory organizations in which members participate in control and governance, receive economic benefits through patronage refunds or net income, and become owners through equity. These mutual-benefit organizations exist alongside non-profit organizations and investor-benefit organizations through the global economy.
- Subjects:
- Management
- Keywords:
- Management -- Employee participation Industrial management Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
This video was recorded at European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD), Athens 2011. Comparing frequency counts over texts or corpora is an important task in many applications and scientific disciplines. Given a text corpus, we want to test a hypothesis, such as "word X is frequent", "word X has become more frequent over time", or "word X is more frequent in male than in female speech". For this purpose we need a null model of word frequencies. The commonly used bag-of-words model, which corresponds to a Bernoulli process with fixed parameter, does not account for any structure present in natural languages. Using this model for word frequencies results in large numbers of words being reported as unexpectedly frequent. We address how to take into account the inherent occurrence patterns of words in significance testing of word frequencies. Based on studies of words in two large corpora, we propose two methods for modeling word frequencies that both take into account the occurrence patterns of words and go beyond the bag-of-words assumption. The first method models word frequencies based on the spatial distribution of individual words in the language. The second method is based on bootstrapping and takes into account only word frequency at the text level. The proposed methods are compared to the current gold standard in a series of experiments on both corpora. We find that words obey different spatial patterns in the language, ranging from bursty to non-bursty/uniform, independent of their frequency, showing that the traditional approach leads to many false positives.
- Subjects:
- Computing, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence and Management
- Keywords:
- Computational linguistics Text processing (Computer science) Discourse analysis -- Data processing
- Resource Type:
- Presentation
This course seeks to establish understanding of the development processes of societies and economies by studying several dimensions of sustainability (environmental, social, political, institutional, economy, organizational, relational, and personal) and the balance among them. It explores the basics of governmental intervention, focusing on areas such as the judicial system, environment, social security, and health, and builds skills to determine what type of policy is most appropriate. We also consider implications of new technologies on the financial sector: Internationalization of currencies, mobile payment systems, and cryptocurrencies, and discuss the institutional framework to ensure choices are sustainable across all dimensions and applications.
- Subjects:
- Economics
- Keywords:
- Sustainability Electronic funds transfers Macroeconomics Internstional economic relations
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
Open (Access) Journal-Article
This work walks around the use of DMAIC methodology of six sigma to lessen the defect rate in sewing section of FCI (BD) LTD. Throughout five phases of DMAIC methodology, named Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control, this approach minimizes defects analytically. In different phases, different types of six sigma tools were exercised.
- Subjects:
- Management and Business Information Technology
- Keywords:
- Clothing trade Production management Six sigma (Quality control stard)
- Resource Type:
- Open (Access) Journal-Article
This case study discusses how Atour Light Hotel practiced brand concepts, YOL, new retail thinking frameworks, and social hotspots for marketing, successfully increasing the overall revenue of the hotel bar, opening up sales for mojito drinks, and also driving sales of other alcoholic beverages.
- Subjects:
- Hotel, Travel and Tourism and Marketing
- Keywords:
- Bring (Marketing) Hospitality industry -- Marketing Hotels -- Marketing
- Resource Type:
- Others
BIS statistics, compiled in cooperation with central banks and other national authorities, are designed to inform analysis of financial stability, international monetary spillovers and global liquidity.
- Subjects:
- Finance
- Keywords:
- International finance -- Statistics Banks banking International -- Statistical methods
- Resource Type:
- Others
Cover the adoptions of BPM in organizations, why they are being adopted, to what extent they're being adopted and what if organizations fail to adopt a BPM
- Subjects:
- Management
- Keywords:
- Industrial management Workflow -- Management
- Resource Type:
- Video
It covers the principle of Business Process Management and also give you a comparisons between Functional Management and Business Process Management.
- Subjects:
- Management
- Keywords:
- Industrial management Workflow -- Management
- Resource Type:
- Video
Principles of Finance will focus on what these managers, investors, and government agencies do with this information. It is an introductory course to various fields of finance and is comparable in content to courses that other institutions label as "corporate finance" or "financial management". Finance is a broad term; you will find that both managers that compile the financial reports we discussed in financial accounting and stockbrokers working on Wall Street will claim that they work in finance. So what exactly is finance? Finance is the science of fund management. It is distinct from accounting in that, whereas accounting aims at organizing and compiling past information, finance is geared towards deciding what to do with that information. In this course, you will be exposed to a number of different sub-fields within finance. You will learn how to determine which projects have the best potential payoff, to manage investments, and even to value stocks. In the end, you will discover that all finance boils down to one concept: return. In essence, finance asks: "If I give you money today, how much money will I get back in the future?". Though the answer to this question will vary widely from case to case, by the time you finish this course, you will know how to find the answer. You will learn how to use financial concepts such as the time value of money, pro forma financial statements, financial ratio analysis, capital budgeting analysis, capital structure, and the cost of capital. This course will also provide an introduction to bonds and stocks. Upon completion of this course, you will understand financial statements, cash flow, time value of money, stocks and bonds, capital budgeting, ratio analysis, and long term financing, and apply these concepts and skills in business decisions.
- Subjects:
- Finance
- Keywords:
- Business enterprises -- Finance Finance Corporations -- Finance
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
Management is the organization and coordination of work to produce a desired result. A manager is a person who practices management by working with and through people in order to accomplish his or her organization's goals. When you think of the term manager, you may be imagining your supervisor as he or she hires and terminates employees and makes major decisions above your authority. However, although you may not view yourself in this way, you yourself may also be a manager. In fact, many of us practice management skills in the workplace every day. You may have a team of employees that you manage, or lead a project that requires management strategy, or demonstrate leadership qualities among your peers. These are all scenarios that require you to apply the principles of management. In this course, you will learn to recognize the characteristics of proper management by identifying what successful managers do and how they do it. Understanding how managers work is just as beneficial for the subordinate employee as it is for the manager. This course is designed to teach you the fundamentals of management as they are practiced today. This course will illustrate how management evolves as firms grow in size. It is based upon the idea that the essential purpose of a business is to produce products and services in order to meet the needs and wants of the marketplace. A manager marshals an organization's resources (its people, finances, facilities, and equipment) toward this fundamental goal. In this course, you will explore the tasks that today's managers perform and delve into the key knowledge areas that managers need to master in order to run successful and profitable businesses.
- Subjects:
- Management
- Keywords:
- Management
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
We are all familiar with the science of operations management in some way, since we all have scarce resources and have to allocate those resources properly. Think about the process of preparing a meal: you have to gather all the proper ingredients and prepare them for cooking. Certain ingredients go in at certain times. Occasionally, you fall behind or get too far ahead, jeopardizing the entire meal. And, of course, if you find that you do not have enough ingredients, even more problems arise. All of these elements of meal preparation – purchasing ingredients, prepping the ingredients by dicing them up, mixing ingredients together, boiling or baking the dish, serving, and cleaning – can be seen as parts of operations management. In the realm of business, operations management is more complicated than preparing a family meal. There may be hundreds or thousands of participants rather than just you and your brother or wife or grandfather cooking in the kitchen. Each participant has a specific role in the operations process; if any step of the process is disrupted, the whole process can stall or fall apart. Smart operations managers will have contingency plans in the event that stoppages occur. In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of operations management as they apply to both production and service-based operations. Successful completion of this course will empower you to implement the concepts you have learned in your place of business. Even if you do not plan to work in operations, every department of every company has processes that must be completed; someone savvy with operations management will be able to improve just about any process.
- Subjects:
- Logistics
- Keywords:
- Production management
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
This is the third edition of Bankruptcy Law and Practice, a Casebook Designed to Train Lawyers for the Practice of Bankruptcy Law. It is designed for a one-semester course in debtor/creditor law and bankruptcy. The book deals with both creditor remedies and debtor protections, starting with state law collection remedies, exemptions, and the important special protections for secured creditors under both Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code and state real property recording acts. After a thorough review of state law debt collection practice, the book covers the basics of straight bankruptcy law with a focus on Chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code, both for individuals and businesses. Although the book has a practice focus, it covers the major Supreme Court cases, and important appellate cases with an emphasis on areas of uncertainty. The book also emphasizes the Bankruptcy Code itself, using problem sets to get students to work through the language of the Bankruptcy Code. At the end of the book are two abbreviated chapters on bankruptcy reorganizations for consumers under Chapter 13 and for businesses under Chapter 11. These chapters are intended to outline the reasons that debtors choose to file for reorganization rather than liquidation, and focuses on the rules for confirming a plan. The primary goal of the book is to prepare students for the practice of bankruptcy law. Students who understand these materials should be well prepared to anticipate and address the kinds of issues that arise in real bankruptcy cases, whether in a small dollar consumer practice or a big dollar corporate reorganization. Students will learn the language of commercial law and bankruptcy, along with the skills to find their way around the Bankruptcy Code.
- Subjects:
- Law and Legislation
- Keywords:
- Bankruptcy United States Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
This book is the 6th edition of a basic income tax text. This edition incorporates the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. It is intended to be a readable text, suitable for a three-hour course for a class comprised of law students with widely different backgrounds. The text integrates several of the CALI drills that Professor James Edward Maule (Villanova University) prepared.
- Subjects:
- Law and Legislation
- Keywords:
- Income tax -- Law legislation Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
In this learning activity you'll define and explain the broad steps in achieving quality in an organization.
- Subjects:
- Management
- Keywords:
- Quality control Quality assurance Industrial management
- Resource Type:
- Others
The revolution that made music more marketable, more personal and easier to pirate began ... at the dawn of the 19th century. José Bowen outlines how new printing technology and an improved piano gave rise to the first music industry.
- Keywords:
- Music trade -- Technological innovations
- Resource Type:
- Video
"This textbook was written for a community college introductory course in spreadsheets utilizing Microsoft Excel. While the figures shown utilize Excel 2016, the textbook was written to be applicable to other versions of Excel as well. The book introduces new users to the basics of spreadsheets and is appropriate for students in any major who have not used Excel before"--BC Campus website.
- Subjects:
- Business Information Technology
- Keywords:
- Electronic spreadsheets Microsoft Excel (Computer file) Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
This textbook was written for a community college introductory course in spreadsheets utilizing Microsoft Excel. While the figures shown utilize Excel 2019, the textbook was written to be applicable to other versions of Excel as well. The book introduces new users to the basics of spreadsheets and is appropriate for students in any major who have not used Excel before. This textbook includes instructions for Excel for Mac also.
- Subjects:
- Business Information Technology
- Keywords:
- Textbooks Microsoft Excel (Computer file)
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Lean thinking, as well as associated processes and tools, have involved into a ubiquitous perspective for improving systems particularly in the manufacturing arena. With application experience has come an understanding of the boundaries of lean capabilities and the benefits of getting beyond these boundaries to further improve performance. Discrete event simulation is recognized as one beyond-the-boundaries of lean technique. Thus, the fundamental goal of this text is to show how discrete event simulation can be used in addition to lean thinking to achieve greater benefits in system improvement than with lean alone. Realizing this goal requires learning the problems that simulation solves as well as the methods required to solve them. The problems that simulation solves are captured in a collection of case studies. These studies serve as metaphors for industrial problems that are commonly addressed using lean and simulation.
- Keywords:
- Computer simulation Lean manufacturing Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
While big data infiltrates all walks of life, most firms have not changed sufficiently to meet the challenges that come with it. In this course, you will learn how to develop a big data strategy, transform your business model and your organization. This course will enable professionals to take their organization and their own career to the next level, regardless of their background and position. Professionals will learn how to be in charge of big data instead of being subject to it. In particular, they will become familiar with tools to: - assess their current situation regarding potential big data-induced changes of a disruptive nature, - identify their options for successfully integrating big data in their strategy, business model and organization, or if not possible, how to exit quickly with as little loss as possible, and - strengthen their own position and that of their organization in our digitalized knowledge economy The course will build on the concepts of product life cycles, the business model canvas, organizational theory and digitalized management jobs (such as Chief Digital Officer or Chief Informatics Officer) to help you find the best way to deal with and benefit from big data induced changes. During the course, your most pressing questions will be answered in our feedback videos with the lecturer. In the assignments of the course, you will choose a sector and a stakeholder. For this, you will develop your own strategy and business model. This will help you identify the appropriate organizational structure and potential contributions and positions for yourself.
- Subjects:
- Computing, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence and Management
- Keywords:
- Business -- Data processing Big data
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
How to use Bloomberg to search fixed income data
- Subjects:
- Finance
- Keywords:
- Investment analysis Bonds
- Resource Type:
- Video
How to use Bloomberg to gather key macroeconomic indicators
- Subjects:
- Economics
- Keywords:
- Economics Economic indicators Social sciences -- Statistics
- Resource Type:
- Video
How to use Bloomberg to get information on mergers and acquisitions
- Subjects:
- Finance
- Keywords:
- Consolidation merger of corporations
- Resource Type:
- Video
How to use Bloomberg to find data needed for corporate finance
- Subjects:
- Finance
- Keywords:
- Corporations -- Finance
- Resource Type:
- Video
How to use Bloomberg to find data related to environmental, social, and governance (ESG)
- Subjects:
- Finance
- Keywords:
- Corporations -- Investor relations Social responsibility of business Business enterprises -- Environmental aspects
- Resource Type:
- Video
How to use Bloomberg to search for business and industry reports
- Subjects:
- Finance
- Keywords:
- Business Corporations Corporations -- Finance
- Resource Type:
- Video
How to use Bloomberg to collect foreign exchange data
- Subjects:
- Finance
- Keywords:
- Money market Foreign exchange Foreign exchange rates
- Resource Type:
- Video
How to use Bloomberg to collect equity and market data
- Subjects:
- Finance
- Keywords:
- Stocks Corporations -- Finance Capital market
- Resource Type:
- Video
How to use Bloomberg to screen companies by specific criteria
- Subjects:
- Finance
- Keywords:
- Investments Stocks Corporations -- Finance Equity
- Resource Type:
- Video
How to use Bloomberg to retrieve company financial data
- Subjects:
- Finance
- Keywords:
- Financial statements Corporations -- Finance Corporation reports
- Resource Type:
- Video
Open access ebooks from Bloomsbury Collections
- Keywords:
- Social sciences Management Design Geography Business Linguistics Humanities Economics
- Resource Type:
- e-book
This catalog contains educational content originally curated by Boundless. In collaboration with the Boundless team, Lumen Learning imported these OER courses to the Lumen Platform, to ensure they remain freely available to the education community after Boundless ceased operations. Lumen maintains the Boundless content in the same condition it was provided to us. Courses may contain issues with formatting, accessibility, and the degree to which content remains current, accurate, and complete.
This sequence is ideal for students or early data science professionals who want to strengthen their knowledge of fundamental probability and statistics concepts. Mastery of Mathematical Fundamentals is a prerequisite.
- Course related:
- AMA1110 Basic Mathematics I – Calculus and Probability & Statistics
- Subjects:
- Finance and Mathematics and Statistics
- Keywords:
- Probabilities Business mathematics Mathematical statistics
- Resource Type:
- Others
Learners will examine the four steps to listen actively to improve relationships.
- Subjects:
- Management
- Keywords:
- Interpersonal relations Interpersonal communication Industrial management
- Resource Type:
- Others
This book uses a balanced blend of frameworks and illustrations to teach you how to tackle the challenge of driving performance into the future. Kim Warren takes special care with this new textbook, Building Strategy and Performance, to ensure that it delivers instruction on how to deliver strategy powerfully over a sustained period of time. This book helps you to show your students where the levers are that they can control and how to choose what to do, when, and how much to achieve their specific goals. This book effectively outlines the dynamics of strategy, how one drives performance - past, today and into the future. It shows what causes performance to improve or deteriorate and what your students can do to change this trajectory for the better. But don't take our word for it, review the book now to see if it can help you to deliver the kind of tactical strategy course you desire for your students.
- Subjects:
- Management
- Keywords:
- Success in business Strategic planning Organizational effectiveness Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
"This is the first edition of the open text book Building a Competitive Investment Climate on First Nation Lands. This textbook is for students who are First Nation and tribal government employees or students who would like to work for or with First Nation and tribal governments. The purpose of this textbook is to help interested First Nation and tribal governments build a competitive investment climate. Work began on this text book in early 2012 with a generous grant from the Donner Canadian Foundation. Financial support was also provided by the First Nations Tax Commission and the Tulo Centre."--BCcampus website.
- Subjects:
- Finance
- Keywords:
- Textbooks Canada Indians of North America Investment of public funds
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Students read about the use of business cards in various countries and the customs that Americans should follow when presenting a card in those parts of the world.
- Keywords:
- Business cards Business etiquette
- Resource Type:
- Others
Business Communication for Success (BCS) provides a comprehensive, integrated approach to the study and application of written and oral business communication to serve both student and professor. This series features chapters with the following elements: Learning Objectives Introductory Exercises Clear expectations, relevant background, and important theories Practical, real-world examples Key Takeaways or quick internal summaries Key terms that are easily identified In-chapter assignments Postchapter assessments linked to objectives and skills acquisition Each chapter is self-contained, allowing for mix-and-match flexibility and custom or course-specific design. Each chapter focuses on clear objectives and skill demonstrations that can be easily linked to your syllabus and state or federal requirements. Supported by internal and external assessments, each chapter features time-saving and learning-enhancement support for instructors and students. BCS is designed to help students identify important information, reinforce for retention, and demonstrate mastery with a clear outcome product. The text has three content categories: Foundations Process and products Contexts The first three chapters form the core foundation for the study of oral and written business communication. The next sequence of chapters focus on the process of writing, then oral performance with an emphasis on results. The final sequence focuses on contexts where business communication occurs, from interpersonal to intercultural, from groups to leadership. In each of the process and product chapter sequences, the chapters follow a natural flow, from prewriting to revision, from preparation for a presentation to performance. Each sequence comes together in a concluding chapter that focuses on action—where we apply the skills and techniques of written or oral communication in business, from writing a letter to presenting a sales speech. These performances not only serve to reinforce real-world applications but also may serve as course assessments. This text has been used in classes at: Ohio University, Miami University – Oxford, Kent State University – Salem Campus, Cuyahoga Community College – West, University of Toledo, Cuyahoga Community College – District, Northern Arizona University, Gateway Community College, University of Arizona, Arizona Western College, Boise State University,Western Governors University, Doane College, Mcpherson College, University of Nebraska Med Center, Suny Fredonia, State University of New York Institute of Technology at Utica/Rome, Trinidad State Junior College, University of Delaware, Brenau University, Brewton-Parker College, Loras College, Kapiolani Community College, Muscatine Community College, Greenville College, University of Illinois – Chicago, Millikin University, Rockland Community College, Cornell University, National-Louis University – Lisle, St. Gregory's University, University of Southern Indiana, Missouri State University – W Plains, Bucks County Community College – Newton, Clarion University of Pennsylvania, Pulaski Technical College, Temple University, Dixie State College of Utah, Averett University, Virginia Polytech Institute, Fond Du Lac Tribal Community College, Lipscomb University, Edgewood College, University of Wisconsin – Stout, Wisconsin Lutheran College, Virginia State University, North Georgia Technical College – Blairsville, Paradise Valley Community College, Fordham University – Lincoln Center, New England College of Business/Finance, Eastern New Mexico University, University of Alabama, Albertus Magnus College, Pepperdine University, Fullerton College, Santa Ana College, Miracosta College – Oceanside, San Jose State University, De Anza College, University of The Southwest, Florida Institute of Technology, Forida State University, Dean College, California State University, University of Massachusetts, Suffolk University, Stevenson University, Worcester State College, University of Maryland, Clover Park Technical College, Minnesota State University – Moorhead, College of St. Scholastica, Ferris State University, Concordia University, Southern New Hampshire University, Lower Columbia College, University of North Carolina – Greensboro, Rockingham Community College, Stanly Community College, Wayland Baptist University, Bunker Hill Community College, Salve Regina University, University of The Incarnate Word, St. Mary's University, University of Rhode Island, Texarkana College, Renton Technical College, Tarleton State University, Wayland Baptist University – Plainview, University of Houston, Stephen F. Austin State University, Bates Technical College, Chabot College, Bakersfield College, Azusa Pacific University, University of Houston – Downtown, California Southern University, Miracosta College, American Public University, American Public University System, Huntington Junior College, Flat World Knowledge University, Jackson Senior High School, Holmes High School, Dlielc, Clintondale High School, American University in Kosovo in Conjunction with Rochester Institute of Technology, Southeast Lauderdale High School, Benedict Business Hotel Management School, University of the People, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, New Brunswick College of Craft and Design, New England School of English, Comsats Institute of Information Technology, Wayland Baptist University – Anchorage, Volcano Vista High School, Wayland Baptist University – San Antonio, Morrill High School, North Island College – B Campus, Seneca College, APOU, University of North Carolina – Greensboro, Southern New Hampshire University, University of Maryland University College, Harrisburg High School
- Subjects:
- English Language
- Keywords:
- Business writing English language -- Business English Business communication Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Intro to Computer Applications or Business Computers for Office 365
- Subjects:
- Business Information Technology
- Keywords:
- Microsoft Office Textbooks Business -- Computer programs
- Resource Type:
- e-book
This video series is designed to teach bench researchers how scientists in scientific enterprises structure business deals to achieve strategic goals. Content covers an overview of the business development process and includes identifying gaps, deal types and structure, and defining success. Concepts will be reinforced using practical examples from academic and industry settings.
- Subjects:
- Management
- Keywords:
- Business planning Industrial management
- Resource Type:
- Video
Business English for Success is a creative solution to a common challenge across Business Communication courses: Business English or Business Presentations? Some classes place an equal emphasis on oral and written communication. If that's the case for you check out our text Business Communication for Success. If, however, your class places the emphasis squarely on written communication and writing proficiency, then Business English for Success is for you. Business English for Success provides instruction in steps, builds writing, reading, and critical thinking, and combines comprehensive grammar review with an introduction to paragraph writing and composition. This step-by-step approach provides a clear path to student-centered learning. A wide range of writing levels and abilities are addressed, helping each student prepare for the next writing or university course. The text opens with a discussion on the sentence and then breaks it down into its elemental components, before reconstructing them into effective sentences, paragraphs, and larger assignments. Then, starting in Chapter 9: Effective Business Writing, the discussion applies lessons learned from the previous foundational chapters into common business issues and applications. From paraphrasing and plagiarism to style to the research process, the expectations increase as several common business documents are presented, including text messages and e-mail, memorandums and letters, the business proposal, business report, resume, and the sales message. This textbook has been used in classes at:Arizona Western College, Hostos Community College, Virginia State University, Truckee Meadows Community College, San Jose State University, Concordia University - Irvine, University New Brunswick - Fredericton, Cerritos College, University of Houston - Downtown, Flat World Knowledge University, A-C Central High School, University of The People, Truckee Meadows Community College, Danville Community High School
- Subjects:
- English Language
- Keywords:
- Business writing English language -- Business English Business communication Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Business Ethics is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of the single-semester business ethics course. This title includes innovative features designed to enhance student learning, including case studies, application scenarios, and links to video interviews with executives, all of which help instill in students a sense of ethical awareness and responsibility.
- Subjects:
- Business Ethics
- Keywords:
- Business ethics Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Business Law I Essentials is a brief introductory textbook designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of courses on Business Law or the Legal Environment of Business. The concepts are presented in a streamlined manner, and cover the key concepts necessary to establish a strong foundation in the subject. The textbook follows a traditional approach to the study of business law. Each chapter contains learning objectives, explanatory narrative and concepts, references for further reading, and end-of-chapter questions. Business Law I Essentials may need to be supplemented with additional content, cases, or related materials, and is offered as a foundational resource that focuses on the baseline concepts, issues, and approaches.
- Subjects:
- Law and Legislation
- Keywords:
- Business enterprises -- Law legislation Commercial law Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Our goal is to provide students with a textbook that is up to date and comprehensive in its coverage of legal and regulatory issues—and organized to permit instructors to tailor the materials to their particular approach. This book engages students by relating law to everyday events with which they are already familiar (or with which they are familiarizing themselves in other business courses) and by its clear, concise, and readable style. (An earlier business law text by authors Lieberman and Siedel was hailed “the best written text in a very crowded field.”) This textbook provides context and essential concepts across the entire range of legal issues with which managers and business executives must grapple. The text provides the vocabulary and legal acumen necessary for businesspeople to talk in an educated way to their customers, employees, suppliers, government officials—and to their own lawyers.
- Subjects:
- Law and Legislation
- Keywords:
- Commercial law United States Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Business Model
- Course related:
- MM2B05 Introduction to Marketing
- Subjects:
- Management and Marketing
- Keywords:
- Business planning Strategic planning
- Resource Type:
- Video
Designing a new business model is one thing, but how do you actually put it into practice? How do you move from your current model to a new business model? In this business and management course, you will learn how to make a practical action plan to implement your new business model. You will create a business model roadmap that will include practical activities that take into consideration the possible risks associated with moving to a new business model. You will also learn about the practical factors that need to be taken into consideration during the transition process, i.e. the competency of your people and your IT, in order to successfully implement a new business model.
- Subjects:
- Management
- Keywords:
- Business planning Strategic planning Industrial management
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
It seems as though Uber upended the taxi industry in less time than it takes to drive across Manhattan at rush hour. How did they do it, and what can legacy companies learn from their example? Business transformation expert Stefan Gross-Selbeck distills the unique qualities of today's most successful start-ups and shares strategies for replicating this spirit of hyper-innovation and disruption in any business.
- Subjects:
- Management
- Keywords:
- Business enterprises -- Technological innovations New business enterprises
- Resource Type:
- Video
Do you want to enhance your business model by creating a clear focus or implement your new business model innovation into your IT? In this business and management course, we will discuss business model agility and how specific business model metrics will help you focus on the overall goals of our business. You will also learn about advanced tools to help support the bridge between business model thinking and IT implementation.
- Subjects:
- Business Information Technology and Management
- Keywords:
- Strategic planning Industrial management Information technology -- Management Business planning
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
The world is changing rapidly and full of uncertainties. The future success of a business model depends on how well it is adapted to changing circumstances. Do you want to become aware of the relevant developments in technology, markets and society? And understand how this affects your business? This business and management course will teach you how to stress test your business model. You will learn how to identify the relevant trends and uncertainties and how they impact your business model. You will analyse the strong and weak parts of your business model and look for opportunities to make your business model more robust and future proof. You will learn through real-world examples from well-known companies and interact with fellow entrepreneurs. By the end of this course, you will be able to stress test your own business model to analyse its future success.
- Subjects:
- Management
- Keywords:
- Business planning Strategic planning Industrial management
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
This textbook and its accompanying spreadsheet templates were designed with and for students wanting a practical and easy-to-follow guide for developing a business plan. It follows a unique format that both explains what to do and demonstrates how to do it.
- Subjects:
- Management
- Keywords:
- Business planning Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
A basic introduction to Business Process Management
- Subjects:
- Management
- Keywords:
- Industrial management Workflow -- Management
- Resource Type:
- Video
This video was recorded at COIN / ACTIVE Summer School on Advanced Technologies for Knowledge Intensive Networked Organizations, Aachen 2010. Part 1. Context Computing. Context is used as a term for packaging information for a particular need. A criterion for selecting or prioritization information from a broader pool of information could be called contextual model. Search can be contextual: The relevance of Context in computing seems to be growing. Many application areas see an opportunity in extending its value by introducing "context sensitivity". More details do to be found in ISWC2006 Tutorial on "context sensitivity": Part 2. Text Mining & Light Weight Semantics. Videolectures discusses the following topics: - levels of text representations - modeling the data (Support Vector Machine) - classification into large taxonomies (DMoz) - visual & contextual search (Search Point) - multilingual search - news bias, news visualization - text enrichment (Enrycher) - knowledge based summarization - question answering (AnswerArt) - Cyc knowledge base and reasoning
- Subjects:
- Computing, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence and Management
- Keywords:
- Data mining Management information systems Business -- Data Processing Information resources management
- Resource Type:
- Presentation
In this interactive lesson, learners read the rules for filing business records and then test their knowledge in a series of exercises. Immediate feedback is provided
- Subjects:
- Management
- Keywords:
- Records -- Management Filing systems
- Resource Type:
- Others
This video series is designed to teach bench researchers how scientists develop and execute strategy. Content includes an overview of how scientific enterprises use business strategy such as determining value proposition, identifying stakeholders, and defining vision. Concepts will be reinforced using practical examples from academic and industry settings.
- Subjects:
- Management
- Keywords:
- Strategic planning
- Resource Type:
- Video
This CEO Report is about tapping into the psychological thought-processes of how great problem-solvers see, interpret and makes sense of being stuck with complexity and what they do (or fail to do) to progress. To uncover these underlying thinking patterns we administered a rigorous and systematic interview approach from clinical psychology called, Repertory Grid Technique (RGT). Our sample consists of fifty (50) seasoned CEOs /Executives spanning a wide range of industry sectors. Seven (7) inherent latent themes emerged from our analysis as to what are the core drivers (habits of mind) that help executives open up the alternatives whenever they find themselves stuck with complexity.
- Subjects:
- Management
- Keywords:
- Chief executive officers -- Psychology Problem solving
- Resource Type:
- Others
This video was recorded at COIN / ACTIVE Summer School on Advanced Technologies for Knowledge Intensive Networked Organizations, Aachen 2010. Organized by COIN FP7 Integrated Project ( and ACTIVE FP7 Integrated Project (, the summer school seeks to bring together students, scholars and researchers from industry in order to foster collaboration and interoperability through innovative software solutions and share the recent research developments from well-established researchers and educators. The main topics of the summer school are: Interoperability and collaboration models and solutions, Enterprise interoperability and collaboration services, Innovative knowledge and semantically powered technologies, Knowledge process and context modeling, Pro-active knowledge tools, Large scale analytics and reasoning tools, Business cases and real case studies. More about the event at
This video was recorded at COIN / PlanetData Winter School on Knowledge Technologies for Complex Business Environments, Ljubljana 2011. Organized by COIN FP7 Integrated Project and PlanetData FP7 Network of Excellence, the school seeks to bring together students, scholars and researchers from industry in order to foster collaboration and interoperability with innovative services and project large-scale data management in business environments. The main topics of the winter school are: Interoperability and collaboration models and solutions, Enterprise interoperability and collaboration services, Innovative knowledge and semantically powered technologies, Knowledge process and context modelling, Pro-active knowledge tools, Large scale analytics and reasoning tools, Business cases and real case studies.
This video was recorded at COIN / PlanetData Winter School on Knowledge Technologies for Complex Business Environments, Ljubljana 2011. Organized by COIN FP7 Integrated Project and PlanetData FP7 Network of Excellence, the school seeks to bring together students, scholars and researchers from industry in order to foster collaboration and interoperability with innovative services and project large-scale data management in business environments. The main topics of the winter school are: Interoperability and collaboration models and solutions, Enterprise interoperability and collaboration services, Innovative knowledge and semantically powered technologies, Knowledge process and context modelling, Pro-active knowledge tools, Large scale analytics and reasoning tools, Business cases and real case studies. Detailed information can be found here.
- Subjects:
- Computing, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence and Management
- Keywords:
- Management information systems Internetworking (Telecommunication) Information resources management
- Resource Type:
- Presentation
This video was recorded at COIN / PlanetData Winter School on Knowledge Technologies for Complex Business Environments, Ljubljana 2011. Organized by COIN FP7 Integrated Project and PlanetData FP7 Network of Excellence, the school seeks to bring together students, scholars and researchers from industry in order to foster collaboration and interoperability with innovative services and project large-scale data management in business environments. The main topics of the winter school are: Interoperability and collaboration models and solutions, Enterprise interoperability and collaboration services, Innovative knowledge and semantically powered technologies, Knowledge process and context modelling, Pro-active knowledge tools, Large scale analytics and reasoning tools, Business cases and real case studies.
Students read about cash flow problems and review suggestions for dealing with them.
- Subjects:
- Accounting
- Keywords:
- Cash flow
- Resource Type:
- Others
Causal Inference for The Brave and True
- Course related:
- MM501 Research Methods
- Subjects:
- Statistics and Research Methods
- Keywords:
- Social sciences -- Statistical methods
- Resource Type:
- Others
Learners read about the benefits of grouping machines together for an efficient flow of the product.
- Subjects:
- Management
- Keywords:
- Production planning Manufacturing cells
- Resource Type:
- Others
In this interactive object, learners identify the feelings and values that motivate them and others to take responsibility for improving ethics in the workplace.
- Subjects:
- Business Ethics
- Keywords:
- Ethics Business ethics Professional ethics
- Resource Type:
- Others
This video was recorded at COIN / ACTIVE Summer School on Advanced Technologies for Knowledge Intensive Networked Organizations, Aachen 2010. Organized by COIN FP7 Integrated Project ( and ACTIVE FP7 Integrated Project (, the summer school seeks to bring together students, scholars and researchers from industry in order to foster collaboration and interoperability through innovative software solutions and share the recent research developments from well-established researchers and educators. The main topics of the summer school are: Interoperability and collaboration models and solutions, Enterprise interoperability and collaboration services, Innovative knowledge and semantically powered technologies, Knowledge process and context modeling, Pro-active knowledge tools, Large scale analytics and reasoning tools, Business cases and real case studies. More about the event at
In this course, students develop and polish communication strategies and methods through discussion, examples, and practice with an emphasizes on writing and speaking skills necessary for effective leaders. The course includes several oral and written assignments which are integrated with other subjects, and with career development activities, when possible.
- Subjects:
- Management and Communication
- Keywords:
- Business presentations Leadership Business communication
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
"This books provides a comprehensive, integrated approach to the study and application of written and oral business communication to serve both student and professor. The text includes a number of features such as learning objectives, exercises, real world examples, key terms, and post-chapter assessments.This text is adapted from Business Communication for Success. This 2018 adaptation has significantly reduced the size and scope of the original publication and added Canadian examples. This open textbook is designed in 12 chapters featuring a spectrum of current and relevant Canadian business communication topics."--BC Campus website.
- Subjects:
- Communication and English Language
- Keywords:
- Business communication Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
From the animation of two process managers, who do you think is a better process manager for the organization?
- Subjects:
- Management
- Keywords:
- Industrial management Workflow -- Management
- Resource Type:
- Video
This video was recorded at COIN / PlanetData Winter School on Knowledge Technologies for Complex Business Environments, Ljubljana 2011. Organized by COIN FP7 Integrated Project and PlanetData FP7 Network of Excellence, the school seeks to bring together students, scholars and researchers from industry in order to foster collaboration and interoperability with innovative services and project large-scale data management in business environments. The main topics of the winter school are: Interoperability and collaboration models and solutions, Enterprise interoperability and collaboration services, Innovative knowledge and semantically powered technologies, Knowledge process and context modelling, Pro-active knowledge tools, Large scale analytics and reasoning tools, Business cases and real case studies. Detailed information can be found here.
This is the first in a series of Contracts casebooks. It was originally titled "Collaborative Teaching Materials for Contracts." The first semester of law school is mostly about learning to speak a new legal language (but emphatically not “legalese”), to formulate and evaluate legal arguments, to become comfortable with the distinctive style of legal analysis. We could teach these skills using almost any legal topic. But we begin the first-year curriculum with subjects that pervade the entire field of law. Contract principles have a long history and they form a significant part of the way that lawyers think about many legal problems. As you will discover when you study insurance law, employment law, family law, and dozens of other practice areas, your knowledge of contract doctrine and theory will be invaluable.
- Subjects:
- Law and Legislation
- Keywords:
- Contracts United States Law Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
This is Volume 2 in a three volume series written for Contracts Law. Its orginal title was "Collaborative Teaching Materials for Contracts." The first semester of law school is mostly about learning to speak a new legal language (but emphatically not “legalese”), to formulate and evaluate legal arguments, to become comfortable with the distinctive style of legal analysis. We could teach these skills using almost any legal topic. But we begin the first-year curriculum with subjects that pervade the entire field of law. Contract principles have a long history and they form a significant part of the way that lawyers think about many legal problems. As you will discover when you study insurance law, employment law, family law, and dozens of other practice areas, your knowledge of contract doctrine and theory will be invaluable.
- Subjects:
- Law and Legislation
- Keywords:
- Contracts United States Law Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
This is Volume 3 in a three volume series written for Contracts Law. Its former title is "Collaborative Teaching Materials for Contracts." The first semester of law school is mostly about learning to speak a new legal language (but emphatically not “legalese”), to formulate and evaluate legal arguments, to become comfortable with the distinctive style of legal analysis. We could teach these skills using almost any legal topic. But we begin the first-year curriculum with subjects that pervade the entire field of law. Contract principles have a long history and they form a significant part of the way that lawyers think about many legal problems. As you will discover when you study insurance law, employment law, family law, and dozens of other practice areas, your knowledge of contract doctrine and theory will be invaluable.
- Subjects:
- Law and Legislation
- Keywords:
- Contracts United States Law Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
At Conventus Law, we love to do things differently. We want to help people stay informed, give them new ideas about the Asia legal market and challenge the way people think. We specialise in partnering with law firms to deliver knowledge differently. Our products are highly informative, simple to access and easy to digest.
- Course related:
- AF5520 Corporate Law
- Subjects:
- Law and Legislation
- Keywords:
- Asia Law Law firms
- Resource Type:
- Video
Corporate Governance by de Kluyver is a primer on corporate governance. It is designed to help students understand corporate governance by looking at the subject from both a macro- and micro-perspective. Historical data and examples including the recent scandals that have torn the fabric of capitalism pave a pathway to the principal challenges facing today's corporate boards, and how to successfully manage them. Topics Include: Clear coverage on why proper corporate governance has become a moral imperative and how to corporations achieve it. Discussions on recent governance reforms in the United States. Outlines of the roles that each individual in the corporate governance process must take on and how to effectively execute on those roles. Exploration on the future of corporate governance in the epilogue Take some time to review Corporate Governance by de Kluyver to see if it is a good fit for your strategy courses.
- Subjects:
- Management
- Keywords:
- Textbooks Corporate governance
- Resource Type:
- e-book
This course takes an interdisciplinary approach to ethics in business and provides modules in Ethical Leadership, Ethical Decision-Making, Social Responsibility, and Corporate Governance. Students will actively study ethical theory by carrying out exercises to help them build theory-based tools for encountering ethical problems in business practice. They will also work with cases in business ethics designed to give them practice in developing skills of ethical leadership, ethical decision-making, and carrying out socio-technical analyses to respond to issues of social responsibility. This course will culminate in an Ethics Bowl competition in which students will practice ethics advocacy in a variety of organizational contexts in business.
- Subjects:
- Management and Business Ethics
- Keywords:
- Business ethics Textbooks Corporate governance
- Resource Type:
- e-book
In 17 episodes, Evelyn From The Internets will teach you soft skills for business and everyday life! This course is based on a college-level curriculum, with a variety of management and organizational psychology reference texts. By the end of the course, you will be able to: * Hone communication skills you already have to stand out in the workplace * Tackle the job search and negotiate a job offer with organization and confidence * Use time management strategies and set achievable personal and professional goals * Navigate complex situations involving difficult conversations, fairness, power, and trust * Work with a team effectively, from understanding others’ motivations to running a meeting
- Keywords:
- Business -- Vocational guidance Soft skills
- Resource Type:
- Video