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"This book is an adaptation of Principles of Microeconomics originally published by OpenStax. This adapted version has been reorganized into eight topics and expanded to include over 200 multiple choice questions, examples, eight case studies including questions and solutions, and over 200 editable figures"--BC Campus website.
- Subjects:
- Economics
- Keywords:
- Microeconomics Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
"This textbook was written for a community college introductory course in spreadsheets utilizing Microsoft Excel. While the figures shown utilize Excel 2016, the textbook was written to be applicable to other versions of Excel as well. The book introduces new users to the basics of spreadsheets and is appropriate for students in any major who have not used Excel before"--BC Campus website.
- Subjects:
- Business Information Technology
- Keywords:
- Electronic spreadsheets Microsoft Excel (Computer file) Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
"Microeconomics: Markets, Methods, and Models by D. Curtis and I. Irvine provides concise yet complete coverage of introductory microeconomic theory, application and policy. The text begins with an explanation and development of the standard tools of analysis in the discipline and carries on to investigate the meaning of 'well-being' in the context of an efficient use of the economy's resources. An understanding of individual optimizing behaviour is developed, and this behaviour is in turn used to link household decisions on savings with firms' decisions on production, expansion and investment. The text then explores behaviour in a variety of different market structures. The role of the government is examined, and the key elements in the modern theory of international trade are developed. Opportunity cost, a global economy and behavioural responses to incentives are the dominant themes. Examples are domestic and international in their subject matter and are of the modern era. This text is intended for a one-semester course, and can be used in a two-semester sequence with the companion text, Macroeconomics: Theory, Markets, and Policy. The three introductory chapters and the International Trade chapter (Chapter 15) are common to both books."--BC Campus website.
- Subjects:
- Economics
- Keywords:
- Microeconomics Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
"Macroeconomics: Theory, Models, and Policy by D. Curtis and I. Irvine provides complete, concise coverage of introductory macroeconomics theory and policy. The text observes short-run macroeconomic performance, analysis, and policy motivated by the recessions of the early 1980s and 1990s, the financial crisis and recession of 2008-2009, and the prolonged recovery in most industrial countries. A traditional Aggregate Demand and Supply (AD-AS) model is introduced, and a basic modern AD-AS model is developed. Numerical examples, diagrams, and basic algebra are used in combination to illustrate and explain economic relationships. Students learn about: the importance of trade flows, consumption, and government budgets
- Subjects:
- Economics
- Keywords:
- Textbooks Macroeconomics
- Resource Type:
- e-book
"Principles of Macroeconomics is an adaptation of the text, Macroeconomics: Theory, Markets, and Policy by D. Curtis and I. Irvine, and presents a complete and concise examination of introductory macroeconomics theory and policy suitable for a first introductory course. Examples are domestic and international in their subject matter and are of the modern era -- financial markets, monetary and fiscal policies aimed at inflation and debt control, globalization and the importance of trade flows in economic structure, and concerns about slow growth and the risk of deflation, are included. This text is intended for a one-semester course, and can be used in a two-semester sequence with the companion text, Principles of Microeconomics. The three introductory chapters are common to both books"--BC Campus website.
- Subjects:
- Economics
- Keywords:
- Textbooks Macroeconomics
- Resource Type:
- e-book
This book is a companion volume to Volume I, "The Story of Contract Law: Formation." Volume I introduces students to law study and teaches basic doctrines of contract formation along with formation defenses. This book, Volume II, The Story of Contract Law: Implementing the Bargain, covers the rest of basic contract doctrine, namely, laws that1) determine the content of the bargain (plain meaning, usage and custom, good faith, mistake in transmission, parol evidence, and express and constructive conditions);2) govern the effect of events that occur after formation (impracticability, frustration, failure of consideration, and risk of loss);3) set remedies—rescission, damages, specific performance—available to courts when liability exists; and4) establish the rights of third parties in contracts by assignment or delegation or as third-party beneficiaries. This book includes many classic teaching cases and introduces new ones. The book also includes many problems, most based on actual cases. The book takes especial care with the doctrine of concurrent conditions, a common-law rule adopted in the late 1700s that required doctrinal readjustment across all the law governing contract performance and remedies. This volume also continues several themes from Volume I. Volume II continues to tie rules to contract law’s central structural idea, that of fair exchange. Also, to the extent helpful to student understanding, Volume II explains doctrines in part through their chronological development. The book introduces the doctrines in the order best conducive to students’ understanding contract law as a regulatory whole; for this volume, it is the order in which the doctrines arise in litigation. Finally, where possible, this volume repeats ideas at helpful points and suggests ties between doctrines so that the structural coherence of contract doctrine becomes easier to understand.
- Subjects:
- Law and Legislation
- Keywords:
- Deals Contracts United States Good faith (Law) Obligations (Law) Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
This Chapter will address the current protections that are available to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (“LGBT”) individuals who allege they have been victims of employment discrimination. The Chapter's primary focus will be on federal statutory law, particularly Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Although the focus here is on federal law, Appendix I to this Chapter lists the states that protect individuals from public and/or private discrimination under state laws. This topic is explored in four parts: (1) a brief overview of congressional efforts to enact a statute to protect individuals from employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity; (2) discusses Title VII and sexual orientation; (3) discusses ways in which recent courts have handled sexual orientation discrimination under Title VII; and (4) similarly examines early judicial treatment of claims brought by individuals alleging discrimination on the basis of their gender identity and/or expression and explores how the law has developed in this area as well.
- Subjects:
- Sociology and Law and Legislation
- Keywords:
- Sex discrimination in employment Gender identity in the workplace Textbooks Discrimination in employment
- Resource Type:
- e-book
American Contract Law for a Global Age by Franklin G. Snyder and Mark Edwin Burge of Texas A&M University School of Law is a casebook designed primarily for the first-year Contracts course as it is taught in American law schools, but is configured so as to be usable either as a primary text or a supplement in any upper-level U.S. or foreign class that seeks to introduce American contract law to students. As an eLangdell text, it offers maximum flexibility for students to read either in hard copy or electronic format on most electronic devices. Why “American” Contract Law? Nearly all American contract law texts focus on U.S. law. This volume simply makes that focus explicit. Modern American lawyers face an increasingly global world, and the book makes it clear that American law is not the only important commercial law regime in the world. But much of the value that the cosmopolitan and transnational American-trained lawyer brings to the table is an understanding of the contract law of the United States. To this end, the venerable English cases that exemplify common law doctrine are here presented not in their hoary 19th century settings. but in the 21st century forms that students can intuitively grasp.
- Subjects:
- Law and Legislation
- Keywords:
- Contracts United States Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
This textbook is not intended to be an exhaustive treatise; rather, it is intended to be far more useful than that for beginning tax law students by equipping the novice not merely with unmoored detail but rather with a rich blueprint that illuminates the deeper structural framework on which that detail hangs (sometimes crookedly). Chapter 1 outlines the conceptual meaning of the term “income” for uniquely tax purposes (as opposed to financial accounting or trust law purposes, for example) and examines the Internal Revenue Code provisions that translate this larger conceptual construct into positive law. Chapter 2 explores various forms of consumption taxation because the modern Internal Revenue Code is best perceived as a hybrid income-consumption tax that also contains many provisions—for wise or unwise nontax policy reasons—that are inconsistent with both forms of taxation. Chapter 3 then provides students with the story of how we got to where we are today, important context about the distribution of the tax burden, the budget, and economic trends, as well as material on ethical debates, economic theories, and politics as they affect taxation. Armed with this larger blueprint, students are then in a much better position to see how the myriad pieces that follow throughout the remaining 19 chapters fit into this bigger picture, whether comfortably or uncomfortably. For example, they are in a better position to appreciate how applying the income tax rules for debt to a debt-financed investment afforded more favorable consumption tax treatment creates tax arbitrage problems. Congress and the courts then must combat these tax shelter opportunities (sometimes ineffectively) with both statutory and common law weapons. Stated another way, students are in a better position to appreciate how the tax system can sometimes be used to generate (or combat) unfair and economically inefficient rent-seeking behavior.
- Subjects:
- Law and Legislation
- Keywords:
- Income tax -- Law legislation United States Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
This is the first edition of a modular open textbook designed for entrepreneurial journalism, media innovation, and related courses. This book has been undergoing student and faculty testing and open review in fall 2017. Feedback has been implemented in Version 1.0 and will continue to be implemented in Version 2.0 (ETA spring 2018). An accompanying handbook will include additional activities, ancillary materials and faculty resources on media innovation for instructors.
- Subjects:
- Management and Communication
- Keywords:
- Digital media Entrepreneurship Journalism Communication technology Multimedia communications Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
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