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In the lecture, Prof. Lao will introduce his 30 years of experience in acupuncture research and share his witness in the United States from exploration in early years to the accessibility in the current healthcare system. Prof. Lao will also share his opinion on the challenges and difficulties in acupuncture clinical research.
Event date: 8/12/2023
Speaker: Prof. LAO Lixing
Hosted by: PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences
- Keywords:
- United States Acupuncture
- Resource Type:
- Video
Being diagnosed with autism is often seen as a tragedy. But for Jac den Houting, it was the best thing that's ever happened to them. As an autistic person, concepts like the Neurodiversity paradigm, the Social Model of Disability, and the Double Empathy Problem were life-changing for Jac. In this talk, Jac combines these ideas with their own personal story to explain why we need to rethink the way that we understand autism. Jac den Houting is a research psychologist and Autistic activist in pursuit of social justice. Jac currently holds the role of Postdoctoral Research Associate at Macquarie University in Sydney, working alongside Professor Liz Pellicano. In 2015, Jac was awarded an Autism CRC scholarship to complete their PhD through the Autism Centre of Excellence at Griffith University in Brisbane. Prior to this, they gained almost 10 years’ experience as a psychologist in the criminal justice system, with the Queensland Police Service and Queensland Corrective Services. Jac was identified as Autistic at the age of 25, and is proudly neurodivergent and queer. After participating in the inaugural Future Leaders Program at the 2013 Asia Pacific Autism Conference, Jac quickly became established as a strong advocate for the Autistic community. Jac is a current member of the Autistic Self Advocacy Network of Australia and New Zealand (ASAN-AuNZ)’s Executive Committee, the Autism CRC’s Data Access Committee, Aspect’s LGBTQIA+ Autism Advisory Committee, and the Aspect Advisory Council. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- Course related:
- RS3320 Clinical Sciences in Developmental Dysfunction
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences
- Keywords:
- Autistic people Autism Autistic people -- Services for
- Resource Type:
- Video
MedlinePlus is a service of the National Library of Medicine (NLM), the world's largest medical library, which is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Our mission is to present high-quality, relevant health and wellness information that is trusted, easy to understand, and free of advertising, in both English and Spanish. Anywhere, anytime, on any device—for free.
- Course related:
- ABCT1D13 Introduction to Cancer and HSS2011 Human Anatomy
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences and Nursing
- Keywords:
- Medicine -- Computer network resources Health -- Computer network resources Medical care -- Computer network resources
- Resource Type:
- Others
In this learning object the organizational levels of life are covered. Topics include listing the simplest to most complex levels of the human body and the organ systems. Labeling activities and quiz questions are included as self-assessments.
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences
- Keywords:
- Human anatomy Human physiology
- Resource Type:
- Others
Autism is a spectrum disorder which includes a large range of symptoms and behaviors. This video is part for Behavior Frontiers Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Training Program with an Autism Specialization. Available via web based training program or at seminars across the country.
- Course related:
- RS3320 Clinical Sciences in Developmental Dysfunction
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences
- Keywords:
- Autism
- Resource Type:
- Video
Browse over 1 million classes created by top students, professors, publishers, and experts.
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences and Nursing
- Keywords:
- Kidneys -- Physiology Kidneys -- Anatomy
- Resource Type:
- Others
These pages serve U-M Foundational Anatomy, a component of the Scientific Trunk of the M1 curriculum. Foundational Anatomy provides medical students with the necessary background in anatomy for success in clerkships.
- Course related:
- RS2040 Functional Anatomy and RS5308 Functional Anatomy
- Subjects:
- Rehabilitation Sciences, Health Sciences, and Nursing
- Keywords:
- Human body Human anatomy
- Resource Type:
- Others
Did you know that frailty can affect the quality of life of older people? Did you know that frailty can impose a burden on the significant others of older people? If you are a member of the general public and would like to know about the prevention of frailty and the promotion of healthy ageing, or if you are a healthcare professional who would like to provide the best care for older people and family members in order to combat frailty, this course is for you. The aim of this course is not only to provide theoretical knowledge about frailty, but also to give practical input to help our learners become familiar with frailty and how to manage it. Frailty is a common condition among older people. It is associated with ageing, which is a trend that is becoming a major concern around the globe. Frailty is not only costly in terms of medical expenses, but also imposes a mental and financial burden on the family members of older people with the condition. A person with frailty is also at an increased risk of disease, disability, and death. However, frailty is reversible. Preventing frailty is an important target in the promotion of healthy ageing.
Apart from introducing concepts related to frailty, this course also provides some practical approaches to help individuals, including the older people themselves, caregivers, and healthcare professionals, to monitor and manage frailty in daily life. Short movies and videos are used for illustration. The techniques introduced in this course for managing frailty can be incorporated into daily life, making frailty easier to manage.
This course is designed for anyone interested in the management of frailty. Taking this course will help you to manage the frailty and promote the health of older people around you.
- Subjects:
- Nursing and Health Sciences
- Keywords:
- Health behavior Aging Lifestyles -- Health aspects Older people -- Health hygiene
- Resource Type:
The real-life stroke scenario presented in ANA101x Human Anatomy has invited vigorous discussions on whether fully recovery from a severe stroke is possible and how it could happen. The knowledge of anatomy has arisen a series of queries on body functioning that are commonly implicated in stroke. An extension of human anatomy fundamentals towards functional anatomy has formed the basis of intervention approaches for functional recovery undertaken by different healthcare professionals, which is guiding the ultimate goals of post-stroke rehabilitation program for regaining independence and quality-of-life of the individuals. Therefore, this course is particularly designed to delineate the stroke recovery process and its underlying scientific rationales.
Continuing using the same clinical case of Mr Law, this course walks you through the recovery journey, known as stroke care pathway involving multiple healthcare professionals to compose module ONE. In module TWO, intervention approaches practiced in key healthcare disciplines underpinned by the functional anatomy will be explored. Finally, the course knowledge will be assessed using an experiential approach using a set of mini case studies derived from the mainstream scenario of Mr Law.
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences
- Keywords:
- Cerebrovascular disease -- Patients -- Rehabilitation
- Resource Type:
This course will equip you with the knowledge relevant to pulmonary diseases and broaden your understanding on the patient’s journey in healthcare from a holistic perspective – starting from symptoms emerge to the disease diagnosis and assessment, and finally, disease management in an interdisciplinary approach. In addition, as psychological intervention is also an important part in the all-round care of patients, this course also covers topics about the psychosocial needs of patients and caregivers.
What you'll learn:
The causes, signs and symptoms of common pulmonary diseases
Understand the psychosocial needs of patients and caregivers
Interpret the results of medical examinations for pulmonary diseases
Differentiate the roles of different healthcare professionals
Integrate the knowledge learnt from different disciplines in the management for patients with pulmonary diseases
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences
- Keywords:
- Lungs -- Diseases Lungs -- Diseases -- Patients Lungs -- Diseases -- Treatment
- Resource Type:
Have you ever come across times when you get particularly nervous, say during a presentation, you find it extra hard to speak smoothly? Most of us may stop at times when we talk, so how do we differentiate between Normal Dysfluency and Stuttering? Are kids struggling with words due to language ability or are they stuttering? Will they naturally outgrow stuttering? How do speech therapists help adults and children who stutter?
大家有否試過在某些時間特別緊張,例如在發佈會中,你覺得難以流暢地說話? 其實每一個人說話時也會有停頓的時候,到底我們如何分辨「口吃」和正常的不流暢呢? 孩子到底是口吃還是因語言能力較弱而在找字呢?是否長大後自然會沒有口吃的問題? 言語治療師可以如何幫助受口吃困擾的小孩和成人呢?
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences and Communication
- Keywords:
- Stuttering Speech disorders
- Resource Type:
- Video
A short video on dysgraphia for the general public.
[讀寫障礙 - 書寫困難] 有沒有家長發現學童無論重複抄寫多少次,還是難以記住如何寫字,默書成績更是強差人意?有時候他們會寫字出格、混淆筆劃等,有時候他們可能寫了一半又寫不下去,到底為什麼會這樣的呢?言語治療師如何可以幫助他們呢?我們聽一聽讀寫專家 - 劉博士的解說。
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences and Communication
- Keywords:
- Agraphia Writing Language disorders
- Resource Type:
- Video
A short video on self description for the general public.
上一集,我們為大家介紹了「平行描述」的促進語言發展技巧,讓小孩一面玩耍,一面吸收家長的語言輸入。今集我們會介紹另一個技巧 - 「自行描述」,家長們可以一起試一試運用這些技巧,讓孩子邊玩邊學習!
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences and Communication
- Keywords:
- Children -- Language Games
- Resource Type:
- Video
A short video on parallel description for the general public.
我們經常聽說小孩可以一面玩耍一面學習,除了學習遊玩技巧外, 原來家長作爲小孩的主要溝通對象,是可以爲他們營造一個良好的語言學習環境, 從而促進語言發展。今集,我們會為大家講解和示範其中一種「促進語言發展技巧」 - 自行描述。大家一起看看到底如何能夠做到自行描述吧!
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences and Communication
- Keywords:
- Children -- Language Games
- Resource Type:
- Video
A short video on autism for the general public.
近期,我們經常會聽到有關自閉症的案例, 知道自閉症對於患者及家人都會帶來很大的影響和困擾,究竟什麼是自閉症?(0:45) 有什麼病癥會與自閉症會同時出現?(1:21) 自閉症對於語言有影響嗎?(3:06) 如何可以及早發現自閉症傾向?(4:10) 有沒有藥物可以治療自閉症?(5:20) 對於高功能自閉症,大家也有不同的迷思 (2:24),一起聽聽專家的解說吧!
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences and Communication
- Keywords:
- Autism
- Resource Type:
- Video
A short video on language development for the general public.
[牙牙學語] 普遍來說,幼童6個月時,就會開始有牙牙學語的聲音,到了一歲,就會開始說有意思的單字或詞語。有家長會問:「如果我孩子到了一歲只會發出『咿咿呀呀』的聲音,甚至於還沒開口發聲,到底是什麼問題呢?是否代表他們完全還沒發展語言?其他幼童說的單字又是什麼呢?」我聽一聽言語治療臨床導師,楊浩怡姑娘的解說。
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences and Communication
- Keywords:
- Children -- Language
- Resource Type:
- Video
A short video on game and language development for the general public.
[遊戲及語言發展] 為了贏在起跑線上,很多家長會帶幼童參加playgroup或興趣班,但其實是否必要呢,而且是否能取代幼童和家長之間的遊玩?遊戲究竟對幼童有多重要?(1:22) 市面上玩具五花八門,家長如何選擇?幼童在不同階段適合玩什麼玩具?(2:07) 隨著科技發達,一些家長會讓幼童使用平板電腦等電子產品學習語言和玩遊戲,是否妥當呢?(4:00) 大家一起聽聽專家的說法! 如大家想詳細知道如何透過不同遊戲引導小孩和提供適當語言輸入,請留意下一集!
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences and Communication
- Keywords:
- Children -- Language Games
- Resource Type:
- Video
A short video on speech disorder for the general public.
[發音障礙]你的孩子說話時會否發音不準導致口齒不清,令你難以理解他的意思?甚至嚴重到被朋友取笑而不敢多說? 究竟什麼時候需要言語治療的介入呢?想了解多一點,不妨看看我們的短片。
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences and Communication
- Keywords:
- Speech therapy Speech disorders
- Resource Type:
- Video
A short video on dyslexia for the general public.
許多小朋友可能喺學習中文字時會遇上困難,花上很多時間溫習默書和考試但成績仍然強差人意,對文字和功課產生恐懼或厭惡, 他們有可能正受讀寫障礙的困擾。究竟什麼是讀寫障礙?我們如何地識別讀寫障礙既兒童呢?坊間流傳不同治療方法,是否有效?
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences and Communication
- Keywords:
- Reading disability Dyslexia Language disorders
- Resource Type:
- Video
The traditional way of taking a drug, such as a pill or injection, often results in plasma drug levels that cycle between too high and too low. To better maintain drug levels in the effective range, scientists have developed a variety of systems to optimize drug release. In his first talk, Bob Langer gives an overview of many of these controlled drug release technologies, including polymer and pump systems. Langer begins Part 2 with the story of how he became interested in drug release technologies, which is also a story of the power of perseverance. As a post-doc with Judah Folkman, and after much trial and error, Langer developed a polymer system that provided a slow and constant release of an anti-angiogenesis factor. Initially, his results were met with skepticism, by both scientists and the patent office. Today, many, many companies have developed peptide delivery systems based on that original work. Langer also describes ongoing research in areas such as targeted drug delivery and externally controlled microchips designed for drug delivery. In Part 3, Langer focuses on the materials used in drug delivery and medical devices. Many of the original materials used in medicine were adapted from completely unrelated uses and often generated their own problems. Langer describes work by his lab and others to make polymers designed for specific medical uses. For instance, a porous polymer can be shaped into an ear or nose and act as a scaffold onto which a patient’s cells can be seeded to grow a new structure. Different polymers have been successfully used as scaffolds to grow new blood vessels or artificial skin for burn victims.
- Subjects:
- Health Technology and Informatics and Health Sciences
- Keywords:
- Drugs -- Controlled release Controlled release technology
- Resource Type:
- Video