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The first MOOC to teach Human Anatomy from multiple healthcare professional perspectives through a case-based study of stroke.
- Course related:
- HSS2011 Human Anatomy and RS2040 Functional Anatomy
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences, Rehabilitation Sciences, and Nursing
- Keywords:
- Human anatomy Cerebrovascular disease
- Resource Type:
Like other scientists, medical researchers and clinicians must be capable of presenting their work to an audience of professional peers. Unlike many scientists, however, physicians must routinely translate their sophisticated knowledge into lay terms for their own patients and for the education of the public at large. A surprising number of physicians write for less utilitarian reasons as well, choosing the narrative essay as a means of exploring the non-technical issues that emerge in their clinical practice. Over the course of the semester, we will explore the full range of writings by physicians and other health practitioners.
- Subjects:
- English Language
- Keywords:
- Medical writing
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
Covers over 5,000 reports published by the National Academies Press for the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine and National Research Council in the US.
- Subjects:
- Management
- Keywords:
- Industrial management Labor Technological innovations
- Resource Type:
- e-book
DOAB provides a searchable index to the information about these books, with links to the full texts of the publications at the publisher’s website or repository.
- Keywords:
- Political science Law
- Resource Type:
- e-book
DOAB provides a searchable index to the information about these books, with links to the full texts of the publications at the publisher’s website or repository.
- Keywords:
- Medical sciences Public health Medicine Dentistry Nursing
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Open access books in science, technology and medicine.
- Keywords:
- Medical sciences
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Covers over 5,000 reports published by the National Academies Press for the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine and National Research Council in the US.
- Keywords:
- Medical sciences Medicine Health
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Covers over 5,000 reports published by the National Academies Press for the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine and National Research Council in the US.
- Subjects:
- Sociology
- Keywords:
- Technology state Science state
- Resource Type:
- e-book
DOAB provides a searchable index to the information about these books, with links to the full texts of the publications at the publisher’s website or repository.
- Keywords:
- Education Anthropology Psychology Library science Social sciences Sociology
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Open access books in science, technology and medicine.
- Keywords:
- Business Humanities Social sciences
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Covers over 5,000 reports published by the National Academies Press for the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine and National Research Council in the US.
- Keywords:
- Psychology Social sciences Sociology
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Covers over 5,000 reports published by the National Academies Press for the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine and National Research Council in the US.
- Keywords:
- Education Secondary Higher education Early childhood education Educational technology Education
- Resource Type:
- e-book
The OAPEN Library contains freely accessible academic books, mainly in the area of humanities and social sciences.
- Keywords:
- Psychology Social sciences Sociology
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Open Textbook Library provides free, peer-reviewed and openly-licensed textbooks.
- Keywords:
- Education Teaching Educational psychology Research
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Open Textbook Library provides free, peer-reviewed and openly-licensed textbooks.
- Keywords:
- Psychology Politics government Women
- Resource Type:
- e-book
A multi-institutional collaborative venture to develop the next generation of open-access textbooks.
- Keywords:
- Economics Developmental psychology Psychology Social sciences Sociology
- Resource Type:
- e-book
OMICS International is an interactive open access journal for the communication of all scientific and medical research.
- Keywords:
- Medical sciences
- Resource Type:
- e-journal
OMICS International is an interactive open access journal for the communication of all scientific and medical research.
- Keywords:
- Pharmaceutical chemistry Drugs
- Resource Type:
- e-journal
OMICS International is an interactive open access journal for the communication of all scientific and medical research.
- Keywords:
- Medical care Nursing
- Resource Type:
- e-journal
OMICS International is an interactive open access journal for the communication of all scientific and medical research.
- Keywords:
- Medical sciences Physiology Pharmacy Drugs Anatomy Pharmacoepidemiology
- Resource Type:
- e-journal
Through investigating cross-cultural case studies, this course introduces students to the anthropological study of the social institutions and symbolic meanings of family, gender, and sexuality. We will explores the myriad forms that families and households take and considers their social, emotional, and economic dynamics.
- Subjects:
- Anthropology and Sociology
- Keywords:
- Sex Families Gender identity
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
This course introduces scholarly debates about the sociocultural practices through which individuals and societies create, sustain, recall, and erase memories. Emphasis is given to the history of knowledge, construction of memory, the role of authorities in shaping memory, and how societies decide on whose versions of memory are more "truthful" and "real." Other topics include how memory works in the human brain, memory and trauma, amnesia, memory practices in the sciences, false memory, sites of memory, and the commodification of memory. Students taking the graduate version complete additional assignments.
- Subjects:
- Anthropology
- Keywords:
- Memory Memory -- social aspects
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
This course explores the issue of human trafficking for forced labour and sexual slavery, focusing on its representation in recent scholarly accounts and advocacy as well as in other media. Ethnographic and fictional readings along with media analysis help to develop a contextualized and comparative understanding of the phenomena in both past and present contexts. It examines the wide range of factors and agents that enable these practices, such as technology, cultural practices, social and economic conditions, and the role of governments and international organizations. The course also discusses the analytical, moral and methodological questions of researching, writing, and representing trafficking and slavery.
- Subjects:
- Anthropology and Sociology
- Keywords:
- Slavery Human trafficking
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
This course examines the birth and international expansion of an American industry of political marketing. It focuses attention on the cultural processes, sociopolitical contexts and moral utopias that shape the practice of political marketing in the U.S. and in different countries. By looking at the debates and expert practices at the core of the business of politics, the course explores how the "universal" concept of democracy is interpreted and reworked through space and time, while examining how different cultural groups experimenting with political marketing understand the role of citizens in a democracy.
- Subjects:
- Anthropology and Political Science
- Keywords:
- Presidents -- Election United States Marketing
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
This course focuses on the social and cultural aspects of networked life through internet-related technologies (including computers, mobile devices, entertainment technologies, and emerging media forms).
- Subjects:
- Anthropology and Sociology
- Keywords:
- Internet -- Social aspects
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
This course applies microeconomic theory to analysis of public policy. It builds from the microeconomic model of consumer behavior and extends to operation of single and multiple markets and analysis of why markets sometimes fail. We will study empirical examples to evaluate theory, focusing on the casual effects of policy interventions on economic outcomes. Topics include minimum wages and employment, food stamps and consumer welfare, economics of risk and safety regulation, the value of education, and gains from international trade.
- Subjects:
- Economics and Political Science
- Keywords:
- Microeconomics Policy sciences Political planning
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
Political Economy I explores the major social science paradigms for analyzing relations among state, economy, and society. Through readings, lectures and discussion of original texts in political liberalism and individualism, neo-classical economics, Marxism, sociological and cultural theories, and neo-institutionalism, the seminar examines the fundamental assumptions on which our understanding of the social world and our research are based.
- Subjects:
- Economics and Political Science
- Keywords:
- Economics Political science
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
This course explores Japan's role in world orders, past, present, and future. It focuses on Japanese conceptions of security; rearmament debates; the relationship of domestic politics to foreign policy; the impact of Japanese technological and economic transformation at home and abroad; alternative trade and security regimes; Japan's response to 9/11; and relations with Asian neighbors, Russia, and the alliance with the United States.
- Subjects:
- Area Studies and Political Science
- Keywords:
- Diplomatic relations Japan Politics government National security East Asia
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
This course examines alternative conceptions and theoretical underpinnings of sustainable development. It focuses on the sustainability problems of industrial countries, and of developing states and economies in transition. It also explores the sociology of knowledge regarding sustainability, the economic and technological dimensions, and institutional imperatives, along with implications for political constitution of economic performance.
- Subjects:
- Environmental Engineering, Political Science, and Social Ecology
- Keywords:
- Sustainable development
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
This course provides an introduction to public policy analysis. It is designed for students who may be planning a career in public or non-profit sectors. The primary goal is to help students understand the implications of public policy for different pursuits. The class examines various approaches to policy analysis by considering the concepts, tools, and methods used in economics, political science, and other disciplines. Students apply and critique these approaches through case studies of current public policy problems.
- Subjects:
- Sociology
- Keywords:
- Political planning Policy sciences
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
This course explores the evolution of poverty and economic security in the United States, within a global context. It examines the impact of recent economic restructuring and globalization, and reviews the current debate about the fate of the middle class, sources of increasing inequality, and approaches to advancing economic opportunity and security. In this class, students will study the topic of poverty and economic security through the lens of the lived experience of Americans: individuals, families, and households; exploring the history, geography, and forces shaping the likelihood of being poor in America.
- Subjects:
- Sociology
- Keywords:
- Economic security United States Poverty
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
This class examines the built, psychosocial, economic, and natural environment factors that affect health behaviors and outcomes. Students will be introduced to tools designed to integrate public health considerations into policy making and planning, and will be given hands-on training on the application of Health Impact Assessment (HIA) methodology. This class is designed to prepare graduate students from planning and policy fields to interface with public health organizations, agencies, or advocacy groups in professional contexts.
- Subjects:
- Sociology
- Keywords:
- Public health Medical policy
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
This course explores the values (aesthetic, moral, cultural, religious, prudential, political) expressed in the choices of food people eat. Analyzes the decisions individuals make about what to eat, how society should manage food production and consumption collectively, and how reflection on food choices might help resolve conflicts between different values.
- Subjects:
- Sociology
- Keywords:
- Food habits Food consumption
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
Examines the causes and consequences of hate crimes as well as the larger soical land political context in which they occur. Considers the dynamics and politics of violence stemming from bigotry and discrimination, as well as the social policies designed to control it.
- Subjects:
- Sociology
- Keywords:
- Hate crimes Criminology
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
Examines criminal activity within the professions, organizations, and businesses. Theories discussing the etiology of these acts are considered as well as perspectives regarding their control.
- Subjects:
- Sociology and Business Ethics
- Keywords:
- Commercial crimes White collar crimes
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
This course is an anthropological exploration of religions in diverse cultural and historical contexts. Our focus will be on relations of power, social order, social change, gender, and the role that religion plays in modernity, transnationalism, and globalization. We will investigate the performance of rites and rituals, and the cultural expressions of religious beliefs and practices. Through comparative and critical strategies, we will look at how religion interacts with, and is embedded in other aspects of society. In doing so, we will find religious elements in unexpected places. We will study anthropological theories of culture and religion from the classical canon, in addition to contemporary approaches, and apply them to a variety of topics. While respecting the efficacy of all systems of belief, we will think about how religions orient people to their social worlds in ways that are systematically related to historical and cultural change.
- Subjects:
- Anthropology
- Keywords:
- Religion sociology
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
This course presents the overarching framework, principles, and core responsibilities of public health research and practice from a multidisciplinary perspective. The course also provides the necessary foundation for further studies toward advanced cross-cutting approaches essential for public health practice.
- Subjects:
- Public Health
- Keywords:
- Public health -- Research Public health Public health administration
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
International Studies 12: Global Issues & Institutions cross listed as Political Science 44A: Global Issues and Institutions. Global Issues and Institutions is an introductory survey course designed to introduce the students to numerous current issues confronting policy-makers, pundits, and concerned global citizens as well as to the international institutions that regularly cope with those same issues. Among the issues discussed are the following: nuclear politics, energy crisis, war, international terrorism, globalization, ethnic conflict, environmental degradation, development, debt, and dependence. At the end of the quarter students will be able to: (a) identify and describe some major political, economic, social, and environmental issues confronting the global community; (b) evaluate major threats to peace and stability in the world today; (c) understand the role of power and military force in global affairs and limitations to the use of force; and (d) evaluate the demographic, economic, and national aspects of development.
- Subjects:
- Political Science
- Keywords:
- International relations Policy sciences
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
International Studies 164: Iraq Reconstruction cross listed as Political Science 159: Iraq Reconstruction Iraq is an in-conflict country. Its people live under foreign occupation and experience daily confrontations and hostilities. The country is politically unstable, nationally fragmented, and deeply divided along sectarian lines. The involvement of Iraq in several wars since 1979, thirteen years of international sanctions, and its occupation by the U.S. and its allies since April 2003 have left a physically ravaged and socially fragmented country. In this context, Iraq represents in-conflict countries such as Afghanistan, where conflict prevails and determines the social, political, and economic life of the country and its people. The main objectives of this course are as follows: To provide a brief political history of Iraq; To analyze the prospects of Iraq’s economic development; To discuss the effects of external interventions on Iraqi society; To offer students theoretical and practical tools to understand the politics behind grand projects of post-conflict and in-conflict countries reconstructing and nation-building; To present and discuss in depth diverse perspectives on the reconstruction of Iraq through a variety of lenses.
- Subjects:
- Political Science
- Keywords:
- Postwar reconstruction Economic development Politics government Iraq
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
Public policy investigates what government does or, in other words, the outcomes of decisions made at local, regional, national, and international levels of governance - as well as the consequences they bring about. We explore three central, interrelated questions regarding the nature of governmental decision-making processes having as their aim the enactment, implementation, and evaluation of public policy. These are: 1) what frameworks, explanatory theories, and ways of knowing illuminate how and why certain types of policies get made? 2) What is the role of the policy analyst - an academically trained professional - in describing, understanding, predicting, and designing policies? And, 3) what are the consequences of different policy designs on: public welfare and well-being, other areas of social discourse and interaction, and the concept of democracy itself?
- Subjects:
- Sociology and Political Science
- Keywords:
- Political planning Policy sciences
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
Political Science 61A, Minority Politics, also cross listed as Chicano/Latino Studies 64, Minority Politics. The course’s focus is the politics and experiences of specific groups: African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, and Asian Americans. This examination and analysis will not only enhance our understanding of these groups’ political roles, but will demonstrate that the U.S. political system cannot be adequately understood without understanding the political dynamics of ethnicity and race.
This entry-level psychology course is designed to provide students with an in-depth survey of general psychology. Topics include biological bases of behavior, sensation, perception, cognition, development, personality, psychopathology, and social psychology
- Subjects:
- Psychology
- Keywords:
- Psychology
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
This is one of the three courses that are a part of a three-quarter series, cross-listed as "Social Ecology Psy Beh P11 A, B, C" or "Social Sciences Psych 9 A, B, C." All three courses are offered every quarter and can be taken in any order. The series is designed to give students a strong foundation in the major research areas of psychology, including such areas as human cognitive and social development, memory, language, emotional and social behavior, psychopathology, and neuroscience. This course sequence is required for students majoring in Psychology and Social Behavior in the School of Social Ecology and for students majoring in Psychology in the School of Social Sciences. These courses can also be taken by non-majors. In this course specifically, referred to as "Psy Beh P11B" or "Psych 9B," topics to be covered include memory, thinking, language, learning, and cognitive development.
- Subjects:
- Psychology
- Keywords:
- Psychology
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
Designed to provide freshman with an in-depth survey of general psychology. Topics include biological bases of behavior, sensation, perception, cognition, development, personality, psychopathology, and social psychology.
- Subjects:
- Psychology
- Keywords:
- Psychology
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
Provides training for students with an interest in clinical and translational research in the health care setting. Cultivates skills for study design, research literature review, ethics, responsible conduct of research, and cultural competence while emphasizing professionalism and personal responsibility.
- Subjects:
- Statistics and Research Methods
- Keywords:
- Clinical trials Medicine -- Research
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
This course provides direct opportunities for Public Health majors to observe and participate in public health activities and/or research; and to cultivate skills for verbal and written communication of contemporary public health topics for an integrative culminating experience,
- Subjects:
- Public Health
- Keywords:
- Public health Public health administration
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
Student participatory course practicing initiation, planning, and coordination of various speakers on the subject of Disparities in Health Care. Topics in this course include: mental health, Health Care financing, religion and spirituality in health, immigration and medical care, women's health, geriatrics, and prison health.
- Subjects:
- Public Health
- Keywords:
- Public health Health services accessibility Discrimination in medical care
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
Introduces the major concepts and principles of public health and the determinants of health status in communities. Emphasizes the ecological model that focuses on the linkages and relationships among multiple natural and social determinants affecting health. Course may be offered online.
- Subjects:
- Public Health
- Keywords:
- Public health Public health administration
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
At the dawn of the twenty-first century, globalization is a pervasive feature of social life. The clichéd examples – from McDonald’s to reggae music – form just the tip of the globalization iceberg. A world economy, a world polity, and a world culture are all undergoing rapid expansion. In this course, we will consider globalization’s aspects and impacts, in an effort to develop some understandings of its causes, effects, and implications for your own life.
- Subjects:
- Sociology
- Keywords:
- Sociology
- Resource Type:
- Courseware