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- Subjects:
- Chinese Language, Communication, and Foreign Language Learning
- Keywords:
- China -- Hong Kong Cantonese dialects
- Resource Type:
- Others
Training material for spoken Japanese and intonation by Hakushu Kitahara.
- Course related:
- CBS3534 Spoken Japanese and Intonation
- Subjects:
- Foreign Language Learning and Japanese Language
- Keywords:
- Japanese language -- Study teaching Japanese language -- Phonetics
- Resource Type:
- Video
This video explains the topic of Korean vowels and diphthongs.
- Course related:
- CBS2631 Introductory Korean I
- Subjects:
- Foreign Language Learning
- Keywords:
- Korean language -- Study teaching
- Resource Type:
- Video
Love and tragedy dominate book four of Virgil's most powerful work, building on the violent emotions invoked by the storms, battles, warring gods, and monster-plagued wanderings of the epic's opening. Destined to be the founder of Roman culture, Aeneas, nudged by the gods, decides to leave his beloved Dido, causing her suicide in pursuit of his historical destiny. A dark plot, in which erotic passion culminates in sex, and sex leads to tragedy and death in the human realm, unfolds within the larger horizon of a supernatural sphere, dominated by power-conscious divinities. Dido is Aeneas' most significant other, and in their encounter Virgil explores timeless themes of love and loyalty, fate and fortune, the justice of the gods, imperial ambition and its victims, and ethnic differences. This course book offers a portion of the original Latin text, study questions, a commentary, and interpretative essays. Designed to stretch and stimulate readers, Ingo Gildenhard's incisive commentary will be of particular interest to students of Latin at both A2 and undergraduate level. It extends beyond detailed linguistic analysis to encourage critical engagement with Virgil's poetry and discussion of the most recent scholarly thought.
- Subjects:
- Foreign Language Learning and Language and Languages
- Keywords:
- Epic poetry Latin Latin language -- Study teaching Aeneas -- (Legendary character) Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
This book is intended for use with intermediate level college French classes. Its multidisciplinary approach introduces students to topics and vocabulary associated with fields such as medicine, advertising, travel, business, agriculture, and relationships.
- Subjects:
- Foreign Language Learning
- Keywords:
- French language -- Study teaching Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
We have everything you need! Learn with books, e-books and online courses. You can learn to speak Korean anywhere, anytime, with our fun online lessons and beautiful paper books. We will help you continue learning without giving up.
- Course related:
- CBS2631 Introductory Korean I
- Subjects:
- Foreign Language Learning
- Keywords:
- Korean language -- Study teaching
- Resource Type:
- Others
Tajik Persian: Readings in History, Culture and Society seeks to help students develop reading proficiency in Tajik at advanced level through authentic texts written for native speakers and provides them glimpses into the history, culture and society of Tajikistan without losing its focus on cultural aspects of the country—an aspect that constitutes a core component in the second language acquisition. The book can be adopted by instructors as a supplementary or the main textbook for advanced-level courses.
- Subjects:
- Foreign Language Learning
- Keywords:
- Tajik language -- Grammar Textbooks Tajik language -- Dialects
- Resource Type:
- e-book
The emperor Nero is etched into the Western imagination as one of ancient Rome's most infamous villains, and Tacitus' Annals have played a central role in shaping the mainstream historiographical understanding of this flamboyant autocrat. This section of the text plunges us straight into the moral cesspool that Rome had apparently become in the later years of Nero's reign, chronicling the emperor's fledgling stage career including his plans for a grand tour of Greece; his participation in a city-wide orgy climaxing in his publicly consummated ‘marriage' to his toy boy Pythagoras; the great fire of AD 64, during which large parts of central Rome went up in flames; and the rising of Nero's ‘grotesque' new palace, the so-called ‘Golden House', from the ashes of the city. This building project stoked the rumours that the emperor himself was behind the conflagration, and Tacitus goes on to present us with Nero's gruesome efforts to quell these mutterings by scapegoating and executing members of an unpopular new cult then starting to spread through the Roman empire: Christianity. All this contrasts starkly with four chapters focusing on one of Nero's most principled opponents, the Stoic senator Thrasea Paetus, an audacious figure of moral fibre, who courageously refuses to bend to the forces of imperial corruption and hypocrisy. This course book offers a portion of the original Latin text, study aids with vocabulary, and a commentary. Designed to stretch and stimulate readers, Owen's and Gildenhard's incisive commentary will be of particular interest to students of Latin at both A2 and undergraduate level. It extends beyond detailed linguistic analysis and historical background to encourage critical engagement with Tacitus' prose and discussion of the most recent scholarly thought.
- Subjects:
- Foreign Language Learning, Area Studies, and Language and Languages
- Keywords:
- Annales (Tacitus Cornelius) Latin language -- Study teaching Tacitus Cornelius Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Welcome to Spunti: italiano intermedio – a unique program, authored by the Italian faculty of Muhlenberg College, that takes the place of a traditional language textbook. Spunti is a fully designed course that a college instructor of Italian can use and adapt.
- Subjects:
- Foreign Language Learning
- Keywords:
- Italian language--Study teaching Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Welcome to Spunti: Italiano elementare 2 – a new, unique program, authored by the Italian faculty of Muhlenberg College, that takes the place of a traditional language textbook. Spunti is a fully designed course that a college instructor of Italian can use and adapt.
- Subjects:
- Foreign Language Learning
- Keywords:
- Italian language--Study teaching Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Welcome to Spunti: Italiano elementare 1 – a new, unique program, authored by the Italian faculty of Muhlenberg College, that takes the place of a traditional language textbook. Spunti is a fully designed course that a college instructor of Italian can use and adapt.
- Subjects:
- Foreign Language Learning
- Keywords:
- Italian language--Study teaching Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
"Speaking and Writing Punjabi, by Ranbir Johal, is an introductory Punjabi textbook/workbook. This textbook is organized around a communicative approach with each chapter containing dialogues and exercises based on topics such as greetings and introductions, family and friends, daily routine, food and shopping. Ranbir Johal teaches Punjabi language and South Asian content courses at Kwantlen Polytechnic University."--BC Campus website.
- Subjects:
- Foreign Language Learning
- Keywords:
- Textbooks Panjabi language
- Resource Type:
- e-book
This peer-reviewed textbook is designed for the true beginner with U.S. college students in mind. It contains themed chapters, which are divided into 8 sections. Each section has its own set of learning objectives, and is further separated into three types of assignments, Para estudiar en casa (with detailed explanations), Para practicar en casa (homework exercises), and Para practicar en clase (paired and group classwork activities). The explanations and primary input are written to be easily comprehensible. The individual exercises are geared towards acquisition of form and function, and the communicative classwork exercises promote interpersonal exchanges between students. The digital copy includes some embedded audio files, and we are developing a website to house many more resources.
- Subjects:
- Foreign Language Learning
- Keywords:
- Spanish language -- Composition exercises. Textbooks Spanish language -- Study teaching
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Sons et lettres provides a set of classroom materials to train students to hear and produce the sounds of French and to recognize the regular spellings used to represent those sounds in print. The materials are inspired by a desire to help students feel more confident about their French pronunciation and more at home saying the many French words, familiar and unfamiliar, which they encounter in their studies, in French media and in their travels. In our experience, students are not given sufficient preparation to successfully decipher and pronounce French words. These materials are intended to fill that gap and to clear away the confusion that English speakers often feel when they see French words with seemingly mysterious combinations of letters.
- Subjects:
- Foreign Language Learning
- Keywords:
- French language -- Pronunciation French language -- Study teaching Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
"Le manuel Résumer, synthétiser, argumenter s'adresse aux étudiants de français langue seconde de niveau avancé (3e ou 4e année universitaire, essentiellement). Comme son titre l'indique, le manuel couvre l'écriture de résumés et de synthèses (cinq chapitres) et de textes argumentatifs (cinq chapitres). Les dix chapitres permettent de couvrir facilement un cours de six crédits
- Subjects:
- Foreign Language Learning
- Keywords:
- French language -- Composition exercises French language -- Study teaching (Secondary) French language -- Written French
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Português para principiantes is a time-tested text which can be used in conjunction with a variety of approaches to the teaching of beginning Portuguese. This media-rich text is designed to provide learners with a solid grammatical basis for using Brazilian Portuguese as well as regular opportunities to practice and improve their ability to read, speak, and understand the Portuguese language as it is used in contemporary Brazil.
- Subjects:
- Foreign Language Learning
- Keywords:
- Portuguese language -- Grammar Portuguese language -- Composition Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
This extract from Ovid's 'Theban History' recounts the confrontation of Pentheus, king of Thebes, with his divine cousin, Bacchus, the god of wine. Notwithstanding the warnings of the seer Tiresias and the cautionary tale of a character Acoetes (perhaps Bacchus in disguise), who tells of how the god once transformed a group of blasphemous sailors into dolphins, Pentheus refuses to acknowledge the divinity of Bacchus or allow his worship at Thebes. Enraged, yet curious to witness the orgiastic rites of the nascent cult, Pentheus conceals himself in a grove on Mt. Cithaeron near the locus of the ceremonies. But in the course of the rites he is spotted by the female participants who rush upon him in a delusional frenzy, his mother and sisters in the vanguard, and tear him limb from limb. The episode abounds in themes of abiding interest, not least the clash between the authoritarian personality of Pentheus, who embodies 'law and order', masculine prowess, and the martial ethos of his city, and Bacchus, a somewhat effeminate god of orgiastic excess, who revels in the delusional and the deceptive, the transgression of boundaries, and the blurring of gender distinctions. This course book offers a wide-ranging introduction, the original Latin text, study aids with vocabulary, and an extensive commentary. Designed to stretch and stimulate readers, Gildenhard and Zissos's incisive commentary will be of particular interest to students of Latin at AS and undergraduate level. It extends beyond detailed linguistic analysis to encourage critical engagement with Ovid's poetry and discussion of the most recent scholarly thought.
- Subjects:
- Foreign Language Learning and Language and Languages
- Keywords:
- Pentheus -- King of Thebes (Mythological character) Metamorphoses (Ovid) Ovid 43 B.C.-17 A.D. or 18 A.D. Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
From Catullus to Horace, the tradition of Latin erotic poetry produced works of literature which are still read throughout the world. Ovid's Amores, written in the first century BC, is arguably the best-known and most popular collection in this tradition. Born in 43 BC, Ovid was educated in Rome in preparation for a career in public services before finding his calling as a poet. He may have begun writing his Amores as early as 25 BC. Although influenced by poets such as Catullus, Ovid demonstrates a much greater awareness of the funny side of love than any of his predecessors. The Amores is a collection of romantic poems centered on the poet's own complicated love life: he is involved with a woman, Corinna, who is sometimes unobtainable, sometimes compliant, and often difficult and domineering. Whether as a literary trope, or perhaps merely as a human response to the problems of love in the real world, the principal focus of these poems is the poet himself, and his failures, foolishness, and delusions. By the time he was in his forties, Ovid was Rome's most important living poet; his Metamorphoses, a kaleidoscopic epic poem about love and hatred among the gods and mortals, is one of the most admired and influential books of all time. In AD 8, Ovid was exiled by Augustus to Romania, for reasons that remain obscure. He died there in AD 17. The Amores were originally published in five books, but reissued around 1 AD in their current three-book form. This edition of the first book of the collection contains the complete Latin text of Book 1, along with commentary, notes and full vocabulary. Both entertaining and thought-provoking, this book will provide an invaluable aid to students of Latin and general readers alike. This book contains embedded audio files of the original text read aloud by Aleksandra Szypowska.
- Subjects:
- Foreign Language Learning and Language and Languages
- Keywords:
- Amores (Ovid) Latin language -- Study teaching Erotic poetry Latin Ovid 43 B.C.-17 A.D. or 18 A.D. Textbooks Love poetry Latin
- Resource Type:
- e-book
The Online King Sejong Institute currently has three types of courses. (1) Cyber Korean Courses: After enrolling for Korean classes within a set period and being approved, you can start studying. An online teacher will manage your learning and provide feedback on questions and homework. (2) Cyber Korean Culture Courses:Shall we learn about Korean culture such as K-pop, travel in Korea, and Korean food? This is a course focused on learning more about Korea through special topics. Check out interesting Korean culture! (3) Self-study Courses: This is a course for those who want to study Korean by themselves. You can always preview or review Materials that you want to learn Korean anywhere, anytime.
- Course related:
- CBS4637 Advanced Korean I
- Subjects:
- Foreign Language Learning
- Keywords:
- Korean language -- Study teaching
- Resource Type:
- Others
One of the most important things we can do to hold ourselves accountable for our learning is to engage in goal setting and metacognition—a fancy term for thinking about the way we think and learn. The goals we set should be specific and achievable. Something like “Speak Spanish” is too broad, we need to focus on the steps we need to take to get there and the signs that we will see as proof of our progress.
- Subjects:
- Foreign Language Learning
- Keywords:
- Textbooks Spanish language -- Study teaching
- Resource Type:
- e-book
"Liberté, by Gretchen Angelo, is a first-year college French textbook with a true communicative approach. Each chapter is built around communicative strategies. Clearly dened [sic] objectives in communication, culture, and grammar are given at the start of each chapter, and summary exercises at the end allow students to measure their mastery of these objectives."--BCcampus website.
- Subjects:
- Foreign Language Learning
- Keywords:
- Textbooks French language -- Study teaching
- Resource Type:
- e-book
"Leyendas y arquetipos del Romanticismo español is an introduction to nineteenth-century Spanish literature with a thematic focus on legends and archetypes. It presents Romanticism in the context of nineteenth-century literary and social movements. It is designed as a first anthology for intermediate Spanish students at American universities. Although brief, it includes poetry, drama in verse and short story. The works have been selected for their literary interest and the social importance of their themes. They are all by canonical authors"--BC Campus website
- Subjects:
- Foreign Language Learning
- Keywords:
- Spanish language -- Study teaching (Secondary) 1800-1899 Spanish literature
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Others is a new collaboration between and Oxford University Press (OUP) to help users worldwide with everyday language challenges. Lexico is powered by Oxford’s free English and Spanish dictionaries and features multi-language dictionary, thesaurus, and translation content.
- Subjects:
- English Language and Foreign Language Learning
- Keywords:
- Spanish language Dictionaries English language -- Study teaching English language Spanish language -- Study teaching
- Resource Type:
- Others
Le Littéraire dans le quotidien is an open textbook for use in French courses. The Literary in the Everyday represents a new pedagogical approach to reading and writing at the lower levels and is applicable to all languages. Teachers of foreign languages besides French can read about the approach in the Teacher's Guide. Go to Google Drive for individual chapters. Additionally, the Foreign Languages & The Literary in the Everyday (FLLITE) Project, a joint initiative of COERLL and CERCLL, two national foreign language resource centers, offers open resources for professional development in the publication of CC licensed FLLITE lessons in any language.
- Subjects:
- Foreign Language Learning
- Keywords:
- French language -- Reading French language -- Study teaching Textbooks French language -- Writing
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Editoras: Paige Wilson, Margaret Saine, y Anna Traini Este libro, todavía en desarrollo, se dirige a estudiantes de español en universidades estadounidenses y pretende ofrecer una breve y simple introducción a la lingüística hispánica. Incluye conceptos básicos de la lingüística, brinda ensayos que abarcan temas de interés social conectando la lingüística con la vida diaria, y ejercicios para practicar los conceptos. También hay enlaces a materiales relevantes disponibles en la red. El libro está creado enteramente por textos escritos y materiales compartidos por estudiantes mayoritariamente de pregrado y también cuenta con el trabajo y esfuerzo de estudiantes-editoras en un proyecto a largo plazo de pedagogía abierta. Editors: Paige Wilson, Margaret Saine, and Anna Traini This book, a work in progress, is aimed at students of Spanish in universities in the USA and intends to offer a brief and simple introduction to the field of Hispanic Linguistics. It includes basic concepts in linguistics, essays that address topic of social relevance connecting linguistics to everyday life, and exercises to practice the concepts. Links to relevant material across the internet are also provided. The book is entirely created from texts and materials authored by mainly undergraduate students and it also includes the work and effort of student-editors, as part of a long-term open pedagogy project.
- Subjects:
- Foreign Language Learning
- Keywords:
- Textbooks Spanish language -- Study teaching
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Korean Through Folktales consists of four chapters and each centers on a famous Korean folktale. The lessons and values that famous folktales teach are embedded and permeated in various aspects of the Koran culture. Using folktales in the curriculum will provide an engaging way to expose students to a slice of the target culture that native Koreans are naturally exposed to at an early age. Through the selected folktales and various activities offered in the book, students can gain cultural knowledge and insights into traditional and cultural values while they are given linguistic lessons to reinforce their acquired skills and to apply the learned materials in an integrated approach. Korean Through Folktales is designed to accompany 1st-year, 2nd-year, and 3rd-year Korean courses offered at Portland State University. However, any Korean teacher can adopt this book to supplement his/her course materials at elementary, intermediate, and advanced levels. There are four chapters in the book. Each chapter will note main themes of a widely known folktale introduced in the chapter, followed by the links to several videos to watch and get a gist or a background of the story. The ensuing section will introduce important elements and symbolism embedded in the story so as to provide insights and to enhance the depth of appreciation. After that, three versions of the folktale are presented for different levels, followed by grammar lessons, exercises, and tasks. Traces of folktales and allusions to them are evident in cultural products that many students enjoy, such as dramas, movies, and music. Therefore, knowledge in folktales will help students make cultural connections as well as enrich their experience of learning the Korean language.
- Subjects:
- Foreign Language Learning
- Keywords:
- Tales Korean language -- Study teaching Folklore Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
This course is designed to provide new teachers or people interested in becoming teachers with some inspiration for the profession. It is not meant to be an indepth, comprehensive analysis of TEFL but rather an introduction to a few fundamental areas of teaching English. This course will cover 4 topics: Theories of Language Acquisition, Teaching Pronunciation, Teaching Grammar, and Teaching Young Learners.
- Subjects:
- English Language and Foreign Language Learning
- Keywords:
- English language -- Study teaching -- Foreign speakers
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
After completing basic biblical Greek, students are often eager to continue to learn and strengthen their skills of translation and interpretation. This intermediate graded reader is designed to meet those needs. The reader is “intermediate” in the sense that it presumes the user will have already learned the basics of Greek grammar and syntax and has memorized Greek vocabulary words that appear frequently in the New Testament. The reader is “graded” in the sense that it moves from simpler translation work (Galatians) towards more advanced readings from the book of James, the Septuagint, and from one of the Church Fathers. In each reading lesson, the Greek text is given, followed by supplemental notes that offer help with vocabulary, challenging word forms, and syntax. Discussion questions are also included to foster group conversation and engagement. There are many good Greek readers in existence, but this reader differs from most others in a few important ways. Most readers offer text selections from different parts of the Bible, but in this reader the user works through one entire book (Galatians). All subsequent lessons, then, build off of this interaction with Galatians through short readings that are in some way related to Galatians. The Septuagint passages in the reader offer some broader context for texts that Paul quotes explicitly from the Septuagint. The Patristic reading from John Chrysystom comes from one of his homilies on Galatians. This approach to a Greek reader allows for both variety and coherence in the learning process. This reader is a collaborative project that developed out of an advanced Greek course at Portland Seminary (2017-2018). The following students contributed equally to the content of the textbook. Alexander Finkelson (MATS, Portland Seminary, 2018) Bryn Pliska Girard (MATS, Portland Seminary, 2018) Charles E. R. Jesch (MDIV, Portland Seminary, current student) Paul C. Moldovan (MDIV, Portland Seminary, current student) Jenny E. Siefken (MATS, Portland Seminary, current student) Julianna Kaye Smith (MATS, Portland Seminary, 2018) Jana Whitworth (MDIV, Portland Seminary, current student) Kyle J. Williams (MATS, Portland Seminary, 2018)
- Subjects:
- Foreign Language Learning and Religious Studies
- Keywords:
- Bible. New Testament Greek language Biblical Bible. Galatians Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Histoires d'Avenirs est un manuel basé sur neuf nouvelles de science fiction française qui s'adresse à un public d'apprenants étrangers (de niveaux intermédiaire et avancé) mais aussi à un public natif voulant approfondir ses connaissances de la science-fiction moderne - après un chapitre préliminaire qui rappelle les bases historiques du genre. Le manuel propose une approche holistique (stylistique, linguistique, et interculturelle) et sollicite une pensée critique au travers d'activités de lecture, interprétation, conversation, recherche et présentations, dans un double objectif : développer les compétences en français sur des sujets contemporains au travers de la fiction; et faire découvrir la science-fiction française et francophone aux apprenants étrangers. Additional short stories are available at PDXScholar.
- Subjects:
- Foreign Language Learning
- Keywords:
- French language -- Study teaching (Higher) Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
The course aims to enable students to master the sounds of Cantonese and conduct basic conservations in Cantonese. It is suitable for learners of the following 3 categories:
(1) People from Hong Kong who may be expatriates, international students, ethnic minorities;
(2) People from the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) who may be expatriates;
(3) People from all over the world who may be heritage speakers of Cantonese, plan to study/work in Hong Kong/ the GBA, tourists… etc.
In fact, anyone who is interested in learning Cantonese are welcomed to join this course!
- Subjects:
- Chinese Language, Communication, and Foreign Language Learning
- Keywords:
- China -- Hong Kong Cantonese dialects
- Resource Type:
Greek and Latin Roots: Part II - Greek is part two of a two part series. This series examines the systematic principles by which a large portion of English vocabulary has evolved from Latin and (to a lesser degree) from Greek. This book focuses on Greek roots. A link to the first part focusing on the Latin roots can be found below. Part II will try to impart some skill in the recognition and proper use of words derived from Greek. There is a stress on principles: although students will be continually looking at interesting individual words, their constant aim will be to discover predictable general patterns of historical development, so that they may be able to cope with new and unfamiliar words of any type that they have studied. They will be shown how to approach the problem by a procedure known as “word analysis,” which is roughly comparable to the dissection of an interesting specimen in the biology laboratory. The text assumes no previous knowledge of Greek, and does not involve the grammatical study of this language—except for a few basic features of noun and verb formation that will help students to understand the Greek legacy in English. All students will be asked to learn the Greek alphabet. This skill is not absolutely essential for a general knowledge of Greek roots in English. However, it will help students understand a number of otherwise puzzling features of spelling and usage. Although there will be some attention paid to the historical interaction of Greek with English, this text is definitely not a systematic history of the English language. It focuses on only those elements within English that have been directly or indirectly affected by this classical language. In order to provide the broadest possible service to students, the text emphasizes standard English vocabulary in current use. The more exotic technical vocabulary of science and medicine can be extremely interesting, but is explored in only summary fashion. Nevertheless, this text should be of considerable value, say, to a would-be botanist or medical doctor, if only by providing the foundation for further specialized enquiry.
- Subjects:
- English Language, Foreign Language Learning, and Language and Languages
- Keywords:
- English language -- Foreign elements -- Greek Textbooks Greek language -- Influence on English English language -- Roots
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Greek and Latin Roots: Part I - Latin is part one of a two part series. This series examines the systematic principles by which a large portion of English vocabulary has evolved from Latin and (to a lesser degree) from Greek. This book focuses on Latin roots. A link to the second part focusing on the Greek roots can be found below. Part I will try to impart some skill in the recognition and proper use of words derived from Latin. There is a stress on principles: although students will be continually looking at interesting individual words, their constant aim will be to discover predictable general patterns of historical development, so that they may be able to cope with new and unfamiliar words of any type that they have studied. They will be shown how to approach the problem by a procedure known as “word analysis,” which is roughly comparable to the dissection of an interesting specimen in the biology laboratory. The text assumes no previous knowledge of Latin, and does not involve the grammatical study of this language—except for a few basic features of noun and verb formation that will help students to understand the Latin legacy in English. Although there will be some attention paid to the historical interaction of Latin with English, this text is definitely not a systematic history of the English language. It focuses on only those elements within English that have been directly or indirectly affected by this classical language. In order to provide the broadest possible service to students, the text emphasizes standard English vocabulary in current use. The more exotic technical vocabulary of science and medicine can be extremely interesting, but is explored in only summary fashion. Nevertheless, this text should be of considerable value, say, to a would-be botanist or medical doctor, if only by providing the foundation for further specialized enquiry.
- Subjects:
- English Language, Foreign Language Learning, and Language and Languages
- Keywords:
- English language -- Foreign elements -- Latin Latin language -- Influence on English Textbooks English language -- Roots
- Resource Type:
- e-book
A website built by University of Texas at Austin provides resources to learn Mandarin, including resources on pronunciation, vocabulary, listening, grammar and reading.
- Subjects:
- Foreign Language Learning
- Keywords:
- Chinese language -- Dialects Marin dialects
- Resource Type:
- Others
The purpose of this course is to provide students with in-depth introduction on the articulation mechanism in human speech. Three main modules covered in the class are 1) Fundamentals of Articulation 2) Software 3) Enact Accent. Lectures of Articulatory Phonetics will equip student will important knowledge on the field. They will then have hand-on training on tools which greatly facilitate articulatory/acoustic analysis of speech. The students’ performance will be evaluated based on a clip (with distinct accent) they choose to enact.
- Subjects:
- Language and Languages, Foreign Language Learning, and Chinese Language
- Keywords:
- Functionalism (Linguistics) Chinese language -- Grammar Chinese language -- Syntax Chinese language -- Semantics
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
Welcome to Francais Interactif where readers can explore the French language and culture by following the lives of real students from the University of Texas who have participated in the UT Summer Program in Lyon, France. In addition to following the exploits of these UT students, visitors can also watch interviews of native French speakers, as well as scenes of day-to-day interactions in France.
- Subjects:
- Foreign Language Learning
- Keywords:
- French language -- Study teaching -- English speakers
- Resource Type:
- e-book
This book is for students who have studied Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) for one year or more and would like to learn colloquial Arabic basics using their knowledge of MSA. It aims at transitioning learners from Novice Mid level to Intermediate Low through presenting situations useful for living in an Arab country. The book has several features including hyperlinks, practice dialogues with open answers, cultural tips, and more.
- Subjects:
- Foreign Language Learning
- Keywords:
- Arabic language -- Study teaching Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Estonian Academy Publishers issues seven open access scientific journals, peer-reviewed, indexed and abstracted in international review publications and databases. All journals have an international Editorial board. Publications of the Estonian Academy Publishers cover almost all important areas of contemporary science. Our journals are peer reviewed and recognized by the Estonian Research Council and the Estonian Committee of Science Compentence as journals meeting international scientific standards.
- Subjects:
- Mathematics and Statistics, Chemistry, Archeology, Environmental Sciences, Biology, Physics, and Foreign Language Learning
- Keywords:
- Chemistry Uralic languages Social sciences Science History Technology Archaeology Physics Mathematics Geology Periodicals Ecology Humanities Engineering Europe -- Baltic Sea Region
- Resource Type:
- e-journal
Learning with Duolingo is fun, and research shows that it works! With quick, bite-sized lessons, you’ll earn points and unlock new levels while gaining real-world communication skills.
- Subjects:
- Foreign Language Learning
- Keywords:
- Language languages -- Study teaching
- Resource Type:
- Others
"Cree: Language of the Plains is a comprehensive educational resource, offering a broad range of learning materials that is easily accessible to Cree language learners. This collection includes an updated and redesigned Cree language textbook, Cree language audio labs, and a Cree language workbook"--BCcampus website.
- Subjects:
- Foreign Language Learning
- Keywords:
- Textbooks Cree language
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Trebia. Trasimene. Cannae. With three stunning victories, Hannibal humbled Rome and nearly shattered its empire. Even today Hannibal's brilliant, if ultimately unsuccessful, campaign against Rome during the Second Punic War (218-202 BC) make him one of history's most celebrated military leaders. This biography by Cornelius Nepos (c. 100-27 BC) sketches Hannibal's life from the time he began traveling with his father's army as a young boy, through his sixteen-year invasion of Italy and his tumultuous political career in Carthage, to his perilous exile and eventual suicide in the East.As Rome completed its bloody transition from dysfunctional republic to stable monarchy, Nepos labored to complete an innovative and influential collection of concise biographies. Putting aside the detailed, chronological accounts of military campaigns and political machinations that characterized most writing about history, Nepos surveyed Roman and Greek history for distinguished men who excelled in a range of prestigious occupations. In the exploits and achievements of these illustrious men, Nepos hoped that his readers would find models for the honorable conduct of their own lives. Although most of Nepos' works have been lost, we are fortunate to have his biography of Hannibal. Nepos offers a surprisingly balanced portrayal of a man that most Roman authors vilified as the most monstrous foe that Rome had ever faced.Nepos' straightforward style and his preference for common vocabulary make Life of Hannibal accessible for those who are just beginning to read continuous Latin prose, while the historical interest of the subject make it compelling for readers of every ability. This book contains embedded audio files of the original text read aloud by Christopher Francese.
- Subjects:
- Foreign Language Learning, Area Studies, and Language and Languages
- Keywords:
- Hannibal 247 B.C.-182 B.C. Latin language -- Study teaching Nepos Cornelius Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
In republican times, one of Rome's deadliest enemies was King Mithridates of Pontus. In 66 BCE, after decades of inconclusive struggle, the tribune Manilius proposed a bill that would give supreme command in the war against Mithridates to Pompey the Great, who had just swept the Mediterranean clean of another menace: the pirates. While powerful aristocrats objected to the proposal, which would endow Pompey with unprecedented powers, the bill proved hugely popular among the people, and one of the praetors, Marcus Tullius Cicero, also hastened to lend it his support. In his first ever political speech, variously entitled pro lege Manilia or de imperio Gnaei Pompei, Cicero argues that the war against Mithridates requires the appointment of a perfect general and that the only man to live up to such lofty standards is Pompey. In the section under consideration here, Cicero defines the most important hallmarks of the ideal military commander and tries to demonstrate that Pompey is his living embodiment. This course book offers a portion of the original Latin text, study aids with vocabulary, and a commentary. Designed to stretch and stimulate readers, the incisive commentary will be of particular interest to students of Latin at both AS and undergraduate level. It extends beyond detailed linguistic analysis and historical background to encourage critical engagement with Cicero's prose and discussion of the most recent scholarly thought.
- Subjects:
- Foreign Language Learning, Area Studies, and Language and Languages
- Keywords:
- Speeches addresses etc. Latin Cicero Marcus Tullius Pompey -- the Great -- 106 B.C.-48 B.C. Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Looting, despoiling temples, attempted rape and judicial murder: these are just some of the themes of this classic piece of writing by one of the world's greatest orators. This particular passage is from the second book of Cicero's Speeches against Verres, who was a former Roman magistrate on trial for serious misconduct. Cicero presents the lurid details of Verres' alleged crimes in exquisite and sophisticated prose. This volume provides a portion of the original text of Cicero's speech in Latin, a detailed commentary, study aids, and a translation. As a literary artefact, the speech gives us insight into how the supreme master of Latin eloquence developed what we would now call rhetorical "spin". As an historical document, it provides a window into the dark underbelly of Rome's imperial expansion and exploitation of the Near East. Ingo Gildenhard's illuminating commentary on this A-Level set text will be of particular interest to students of Latin at both high school and undergraduate level. It will also be a valuable resource to Latin teachers and to anyone interested in Cicero, language and rhetoric, and the legal culture of Ancient Rome.
- Subjects:
- Foreign Language Learning, Area Studies, and Language and Languages
- Keywords:
- Speeches addresses etc. Latin Cicero Marcus Tullius Textbooks Latin language -- Study teaching
- Resource Type:
- e-book
This subject is the first semester of four that forms an introduction to modern standard Chinese, commonly called Mandarin, the language with the largest number of native speakers in the world. It is the official language of Mainland China and Taiwan, and one of the official languages of Singapore. The course presupposes no prior background in the language. Course objectives are to master Mandarin pronunciation, including the recognition and writing of Pinyin romanization, basic reading and writing skills (around 150 characters in the traditional character set or the simplified set), and to develop the ability to participate in simple, practical conversations on everyday topics. The relationship between Chinese language and culture and the sociolinguistically appropriate use of language will be stressed throughout. Typical class format will include performance of memorized basic conversations, drills, questions and discussion, and various types of communicative exercises.
- Subjects:
- Foreign Language Learning and Chinese Studies
- Keywords:
- Chinese language -- Dialects Marin dialects -- Pronunciation
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
Chapeau! is a first-year college text. Although it may appear, at first glance, to move very fast and introduce a large amount of material early, the vocabulary and grammatical structures that we expect students to control actively by the end of the year are limited in accord with our notion of a reasonable application of the ACTFL proficiency guidelines. As a result, while some instructors may be surprised at such things as the absence of the possessive pronoun, no insistence on the use of optional subjunctives, and no active treatment of the relative dont, others may be disturbed by what we still include in a first-year text. What we do expect students to acquire (which is quantitatively less than what we present in the text for them to know about), we believe they will acquire well, providing a sound basis for further study (formal or informal) and permitting us to say to them, both during and at the end of the course, "Chapeau!"
- Subjects:
- Foreign Language Learning
- Keywords:
- French language -- Study teaching Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Learn Spanish for free with Spanish lessons that cover grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, tips & tricks, and cultural aspects. My Spanish lessons are for all Spanish levels and are based on my passion for Spanish culture, language, and teaching. I want to make you confident speaking Spanish, and to encourage you and provide you with all you need to make your dream of speaking Spanish come true. Whether you decided to learn Spanish in your dreams, or failed your Spanish exam, or want to communicate with your Spanish friends, or will travel to a Spanish speaking country soon and are afraid because you only know how to say !Hola!… you've found the right place.
- Course related:
- ENGL2008 Elementary Spanish I
- Subjects:
- Foreign Language Learning
- Keywords:
- Spanish language -- Study teaching
- Resource Type:
- Video
An Introduction to Portuguese
- Subjects:
- Foreign Language Learning
- Keywords:
- Portuguese language Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Au boulot! is a two-year college French program consisting of: a textbook, workbook and 21 accompanying audio exercises; as well as a reference grammar, to be used the entire two years. We also insist that our students obtain a full-sized dictionary, and we recommend the HARPER-COLLINS-ROBERT bilingual New Standard Edition. (Instructors will note in reviewing the materials that we provide vocabulary lists at the ends of chapters, with translations, but no glossary. We have become convinced after years of experience that glossaries are counter-productive. It is vital that students learn to use dictionaries, and the sooner the better.)
- Subjects:
- Foreign Language Learning
- Keywords:
- French language -- Grammar French language -- Study teaching Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
In this journal platform, you can find the articles which published under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC-BY) license. They may be downloaded, printed, distributed, or posted online as long as they are properly attributed. The journal including:
Computer Reviews Journal
Journal of Drug and Alcohol Research
Journal of Evolutionary Medicine Journal of Orthopaedics and Trauma
MathLAB Journal Socialsci Journal
To Chemistry Journal
To Physics Journal
Mintage Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Sciences
Journal of Foreign Language Education and Technology
- Subjects:
- Computing, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Medicine, and Foreign Language Learning
- Keywords:
- Chemistry Social sciences Science Technology Physics Language languages--Computer-assisted instruction Periodicals Medicine Computer science
- Resource Type:
- e-journal
Una antología crítica de textos literarios del mundo hispanohablante. Se enfoca en autores canónicos y también se intenta incluir voces marginadas. Cada texto tiene una introducción y anotaciones creadas por estudiantes. A critical anthology of literary texts from the Spanish-speaking world. A focus on canonical authors and an attempt to include voices that have been marginalized. Each text includes an introduction and annotations created by students.
- Subjects:
- Foreign Language Learning and Language and Languages
- Keywords:
- Spanish literature Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
The Native Korean numbers are used when you say your age, tell the time or count something in Korean.And this system is only needed to tell the numbers from 1 to 99. Bigger numbers (like 100 for instance) existed in the past in native Korean numbers but they are no longer used. So all you have to remember is the numbers between 1~99. Therefore, it would be much easier for you to memorize these numbers compared to the Sino Korean Numbers
- Course related:
- CBS2631 Korean 1
- Subjects:
- Foreign Language Learning
- Keywords:
- Korean language --Study teaching
- Resource Type:
- Video