University education nowadays focuses more on the promotion of students’ knowledge and professional qualifications, as compared to the cultivation of their morals and values. In fact, all the above are equally crucial to whole-person development. In this PolyU 85th Anniversary Public Lecture, we are honored to have Prof. Poon Chung-kwong share with us the relationship between knowledge and self-cultivation, and how they complement each other to fulfill the ultimate purpose of education. 大學教育近年來較著重提升學生的知識與專業水平,品德培養的比重相對較少。事實上全人教育涵蓋以上各方面,缺一不可。理大八十五周年校慶公開講座特別邀了理大榮休校長潘宗光教授與大家暢談學問與修養的關係。兩者兼備,相輔相成,才是教育的最高目標。 Event Date: 16.09.2022