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A chance to have dialogue and interactive match with an Olympic Gold Medalist! On 17 December, the renowned foil fencing athlete and Olympic champion, Mr Cheung Ka-long, will have a live chat at PolyU where he will share details about his athletic and personal life with participants.
一起與奧運金牌運動員在校園對話、台上較量﹗香港著名劍擊運動員張家朗將於12月17日蒞臨 理大 校園,與一眾與會者暢談他在劍術內外的生活點滴。
- Keywords:
- Fencing China -- Hong Kong 張家朗 1997- Fencers Athletes -- Training of
- Resource Type:
- Video
What is your dream? And how to make it come true? Ms Guo Jingjing, the Olympic Gold Medalist, will share with us her story of chasing dreams.
Event Date: 22.11.2022
- Keywords:
- China Athletes -- Training of Diving
- Resource Type:
- Video
The Palace Museum houses a collection of national treasures, which are not only rare and precious artworks, but also serve as vehicles for Chinese philosophy and culture. Since its establishment, the Palace Museum has taken preserving and carrying the Chinese cultural heritage forward as its core mission. In the past few decades, the Palace Museum has endeavoured to activate its collection and make the museum more connected and relevant to the world beyond the museum walls. As a bridge between the past and the present, China and the world, the Hong Kong Palace Museum is committed to the study and appreciation of Chinese art and culture. With a Hong Kong perspective and a global vision, the Museum interprets the Palace Museum’s collection and its culture and presents the essence of Chinese culture and values to a global audience, while advancing dialogue and mutual learning among world civilizations. In this PolyU 85th Anniversary Public Lecture, we are honored to have Dr Louis Ng Chi-wa, the first Director of Hong Kong Palace Museum, presents a public lecture, A New Vision for Carrying the Traditional Culture Forward. We sincerely invite you to embark on a journey exploring cultural heritage through the lecture.
Event Date: 22.10.2022
- Keywords:
- Art Chinese Historic preservation Civilization Cultural property
- Resource Type:
- Video
University education nowadays focuses more on the promotion of students’ knowledge and professional qualifications, as compared to the cultivation of their morals and values. In fact, all the above are equally crucial to whole-person development. In this PolyU 85th Anniversary Public Lecture, we are honored to have Prof. Poon Chung-kwong share with us the relationship between knowledge and self-cultivation, and how they complement each other to fulfill the ultimate purpose of education.
Event Date: 16.09.2022
- Keywords:
- College students -- Attitudes College students -- Conduct of life
- Resource Type:
- Video
【PolyU 85th Anniversary Interview Series】 During his tenure as PolyU President, Prof. Timothy W. Tong faced the challenge of changing the undergraduate curriculum from three years to four years. He led the restructure of the curriculum, enhancing it to focus more on the holistic development of students. In addition, Prof. Tong launched a number of initiatives to foster entrepreneurial abilities as well as cultural and artistic development among students. Watch the video now and learn more about the curriculum restructure in those days!
- Keywords:
- College presidents Hong Kong Polytechnic University Interviews Education Higher China -- Hong Kong Universities colleges
- Resource Type:
- Video
【PolyU 85th Anniversary Interview Series】 Dr Marjorie Yang was the first female Council Chairman of PolyU. During her tenure, she actively promoted the translation of research into practical solutions and collaborations between PolyU and industry partners. In this interview, Dr Yang shares a heart-touching experience during her tenure and her efforts in driving sustainability.
【PolyU 85th Anniversary Interview Series】 During his Chairmanship of the PolyU Council, Dr the Hon. Victor Lo Chung-wing invited the internationally renowned architect Dame Zaha Hadid to design the Jockey Club Innovation Tower, showcasing PolyU as a vibrant and innovative campus. In this interview, Dr Lo shares that he witnessed the development of another important building at PolyU. Do you know what it is?
【理大八十五周年訪談系列】羅仲榮博士出任理大校董會主席期間,邀請了國際知名的殿堂級建築師Dame Zaha Hadid 女士設計了賽馬會創新樓,為大學的建築群展現了創新形象。羅博士在訪談中更分享了任內見證理大另一重要設施的發展,你知道是甚麼嗎?
- Keywords:
- History Hong Kong Polytechnic University Interviews Education Higher College buildings Universities colleges China -- Hong Kong
- Resource Type:
- Video
【PolyU 85th Anniversary Interview Series】 Dr Sir Gordon Wu Ying-sheung assumed Chairmanship of the PolyU Council in 1997. Under his leadership of over six years, Sir Gordon guided a number of key PolyU campus development projects. He valued the positive impact hostel life brought to students and took part in the design of the PolyU’s first student hostel located in Hung Hom Bay. In this video, you will learn about Sir Wu’s views regarding education and whole person development as well as his wise words for young people.
【理大八十五周年訪談系列】 胡應湘爵士1997年出任理大校董會主席,在任六年領導理大校園多項重要發展,更親自參與理大第一所位於紅磡灣學生宿舍的設計,非常重視宿舍生活對大學生的成長。想知道胡爵士對學生全人教育的看法以及對年輕人的勸勉?立即看片。
- Keywords:
- History Hong Kong Polytechnic University Interviews Education Higher China -- Hong Kong Universities colleges College buildings
- Resource Type:
- Video
【PolyU 85th Anniversary Interview Series】 Prof. Poon Chung-kwong led PolyU for 18 years. During his tenure as President, PolyU assumed full university status and started a new chapter in its history. In this video, you will learn about how Prof. Poon positioned PolyU in unique roles, helping the University to excel in various aspects and laying a strong foundation for its long-term development.
【理大八十五周年訪談系列】 潘宗光教授帶領理大18年,出任校長期間,理大正式取得大學地位,開展了理大歷史新的一頁。潘教授任內爲理大發展確立獨特的定位,並取得驕人成績,爲理大長遠發展奠定堅實的基礎。立即看片。
- Keywords:
- College presidents History Hong Kong Polytechnic University Interviews Education Higher China -- Hong Kong Universities colleges
- Resource Type:
- Video
This video is a step-by-step guide on how to find journal articles on the Hong Kong Polytechnic University Library’s OneSearch platform.
- Keywords:
- Online library catalogs Electronic information resource searching Online bibliographic searching
- Resource Type:
- Video
This video is a step-by-step guide on how to find both electronic and print books on the Hong Kong Polytechnic University Library’s OneSearch platform.
- Keywords:
- Online library catalogs Online bibliographic searching Library catalogs
- Resource Type:
- Video
This video gives a brief introduction of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University Library’s OneSearch and the types of materials you can find on the platform.
- Keywords:
- Online library catalogs Online bibliographic searching Library catalogs
- Resource Type:
- Video
This EndNote tutorial is prepared by Pao Yue-kong Library, Hong Kong Polytechnic University. This video will show you how to create a reference library in EndNote and what it is for. You will also learn recommended practices in naming your reference libraries.
In this video, Dr Rebecca Ong, at City University of Hong Kong, shares her fascinating insights on how to decide whether an idea or argument is strong and relevant to your research
- Keywords:
- Legal research
- Resource Type:
- Video
In the video, it explains the criteria to use to evaluate legal information.
- Keywords:
- Information resources -- Evaluation Legal research
- Resource Type:
- Video
In the video, it explains why it is important to evaluate legal information.
- Keywords:
- Information resources -- Evaluation Legal research
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this video, a year 3 LLB student who is preparing a term paper with a substantial research component regularly consults his supervisor. In a recent meeting, the supervisor queries why two pieces of information were cited in his draft. One piece of information is from a local real estate agent’s website summarizing the legal provision for the Hong Kong deed of mutual covenant agreements. Another piece of information is a court case covered in a Hong Kong land law blog.
- Keywords:
- Information resources -- Evaluation Legal research
- Resource Type:
- Video
Besides case law, legislation is also important for Jacob's legal research! The law librarian suggests he refreshes his understanding about what legislation is, and how to develop skills in researching legislation.This video will help you develop your skills in researching legislation.
- Keywords:
- China -- Hong Kong Legal research -- Databases Legislation Legal research
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this video, it explains what case law is, how and why to use it for legal research.
- Keywords:
- Information resources Judge-made law Legal research
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this video, it explains what secondary legal material are. Secondary legal sources often explain legal principles more thoroughly so it is good to start your research project with secondary sources.
- Keywords:
- Information resources Legal research -- Databases Legal research Legal research -- Computer network resources
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this video, Dr Rebecca Ong, at City University of Hong Kong, shares her fascinating insights on what ways do law researchers benefit from social media.
- Keywords:
- Online social networks Social media Legal research
- Resource Type:
- Video
When Jacob receives his term paper assignment, he cannot find previous Land Law course materials. He and his classmates discuss what they should do next in the Library. They consult the law librarian who suggests they watch the this video to get an idea on how to plan and start legal research.
- Keywords:
- Information retrieval Legal research
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this video, Prof. Christina Yu, Associate Vice President (Student Learning) at The Education University of Hong Kong, shares her fascinating insights into seeking, evaluating information for a lesson plan. In this video, Prof. Yu has to say about the following aspects: Is it common we are not capable to fully implement our lesson plan in the classroom?
- Keywords:
- Lesson planning Teaching Planning
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this video, Prof. Christina Yu, Associate Vice President (Student Learning) at The Education University of Hong Kong, her fascinating insights into seeking, evaluating information for a lesson plan. In this video, Prof. Yu has to say about the following aspects: what are the key ways to understand your student's progress of learning during a lesson.
- Keywords:
- Teaching Effective teaching
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this video, Prof. Christina Yu, Associate Vice President (Student Learning) at The Education University of Hong Kong, shares her fascinating insights into seeking, evaluating information for a lesson plan. In this video, Prof. Yu has to say about the following aspects: what do we need to pay attention to when using publisher's material in our lesson?
- Keywords:
- Information resources Lesson planning Teaching Planning
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this video, Prof. Christina Yu, Associate Vice President (Student Learning) at The Education University of Hong Kong, shares her fascinating insights into seeking, evaluating information for a lesson plan. In this video, Prof. Yu has to say about the following aspects: Why is it important to have a lesson plan?
- Keywords:
- Lesson planning Teaching Planning
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this video, Prof. Christina Yu, Associate Vice President (Student Learning) at The Education University of Hong Kong, shares her fascinating insights into seeking, evaluating information for a lesson plan. In this video, Prof. Yu has to say about the following aspects: (1)What is a lesson plan? (2) What are the essential questions that we need to bear in mind when planning a lesson?
- Keywords:
- Lesson planning Teaching Learning Psychology of
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this video, you will learn how to use make use of citation chaining to search related literature on similar topic
- Keywords:
- Research -- Methodology Google (Firm) Online bibliographic searching
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this video, Prof. Christine Bruce explains the seven things you should pay attention to when you plan the information needs of your research. (1) Use information and communication technology to be really up to date with what's happening. (2) Encounter different types of sources and knowing when it's important to use them. Not only academic literature but also people, social media, the environment, visual information, sound, anything that might inform you. (3) Create your processes to tackle problems or make decisions. (4) Connect information of all kinds that you encounter with specific projects, problems, or areas of interest. (5) Build your knowledge base about your fields of study. (6) Use your creativity and intuition to do something new. (7) Seventhly using information wisely for the benefit of others.
- Keywords:
- Study skills Learning Information literacy
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this video, Prof. Christine Bruce explains that being able to use information to learn, being an informed learner is about being able to maximize the potential of the information environment you have. It will make it possible for you to be productive, capable, and also innovative and creative.
- Keywords:
- Study skills Learning Information literacy
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this video, Prof. Christine Bruce explains that being information literate help you find creative and innovative ways of doing things, which is invaluably advantageous to your wider profession.
- Keywords:
- Study skills Learning Information literacy
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this video, Prof. Christine Bruce explains that being information literate give you critical and strategic approaches to solve problems. It's you who need to decide using which type (e.g. research or non-research based) of information to support ideas, claims, and proposals that you propose in your research task.
- Keywords:
- Study skills Learning Information literacy
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this video, Prof. Christine Bruce explains that being able to evaluate information in leisure, home, or professional situations is an essential skill. Our information world is always changing, and shelf-life of most information is no more than two years!
- Keywords:
- Study skills Learning Information literacy
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this video, Prof. Christine Bruce shares her view on "Why InfoLit is vital?" through the search & research they do every day.
- Keywords:
- Study skills Learning Information literacy
- Resource Type:
- Video
The advent of data intensive science has fueled the generation of digital scientific data. Undoubtedly, digital research data plays a pivotal role in transparency and re-producibility of scientific results as well as in steering the innovation in a research process. However, the main challenges for science policy and infrastructure projects are to develop practices and solutions for research data management which in compliance with good scientific standards make the research data discoverable, citable and accessible for society potential reuse. The talk will present GeRDI - the Generic Research Data Infrastructure - which is such a research data management initiative targeting long tail content that stems from research communities belonging to different domains. It provides a generic and open software which connects research data infrastructures of communities to enable the investigation of multidisciplinary research questions.
- Keywords:
- Science -- Data processing Research -- Data processing Information storage retrieval systems
- Resource Type:
- Video
The seminar defines as Open Science practices and processes in all scientific disciplines that foster participation and collaboration, accessibility and reuse, transparency and verifiability in science. This is linked to the use and promotion of an open web and the provision of infrastructures for scholarly research, teaching and learning. Open Science also promotes sustainable impact, both transdisciplinary in the science system as well as in politics, business, culture, and public life. Open Science is rooted in the tradition of established principles of good scientific practice. The goal is to critically reflect traditional scientific culture and to transfer it into the present era of linked-up research. Based upon experiences made in the EduArc project, the talk will place the emphasis on open educational resources and challenges to fully integrate them into teaching practices at universities.
Here comes to the last episode! Let's check out whether they can realize the unfinished plan of Ah On.
- Keywords:
- Information literacy -- Study teaching (Higher)
- Resource Type:
- Video
In order to realize the unfinished plan of Ah On, some of his friends conduct the interview, some of them responsible for the on-site investigation while some of them do the background research. Do you want to know what are they going to do? Let’s check it out!
- Keywords:
- Information literacy -- Study teaching (Higher)
- Resource Type:
- Video
There are many strange things happened in the old building, is it a trick played by the developers? Let’s continue the story to see what happened on the 5 young people.
- Keywords:
- Information literacy -- Study teaching (Higher)
- Resource Type:
- Video
In facing the developer hegemony, Ah Bao’s convenient store is being forced to relocate. His best friend, Ah On gave up the opportunity to study aboard and insisted to stay in Hong Kong and film a documentary about the reconstruction of the old district. Why did he give up the study? Let’s find out the story of Ah On.
- Keywords:
- Information literacy -- Study teaching (Higher)
- Resource Type:
- Video
In the age of information, everyone is easy to be satisfied with the so-called "facts". However, a young man, Ah On believes that the truth-seeking spirit just like playing a trick, you can only one-side of the "truth". Let's check out whether the buddies of Ah On have this truth-seeking spirit or not.
- Keywords:
- Information literacy -- Study teaching (Higher)
- Resource Type:
- Video
This video is about 'how to create high-quality ideas?'.
- Keywords:
- Information literacy -- Study teaching (Higher)
- Resource Type:
- Video
This video is about the basics techniques of evaluating information.
- Keywords:
- Information literacy -- Study teaching (Higher)
- Resource Type:
- Video
This video is about "where does information come from?".
- Keywords:
- Information literacy -- Study teaching (Higher)
- Resource Type:
- Video
This video is about 'what is learning?' at the university.
- Keywords:
- Study skills Learning Information literacy
- Resource Type:
- Video