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The textile and fashion industry is in troubled times. Hong Kong is no exception. Our traditional market, the US, while difficult since 2018, has been dire in the covid pandemic. The industry is in the mist of disruptive changes brought by technological revolutions, in particular digitalization, and the retreat of globalism. But troubles always come with opportunities. Dr Henry Tan will give an overview on the outlook of the industry and his view on where opportunities are knocking.
Event date: 25/02/2021
Speaker: Dr Henry Tan (CEO, Luen Thai Group Ltd)
Hosted by: Institute of Textiles and Clothing
- Subjects:
- Fashion retailing and merchandising
- Keywords:
- Clothing trade -- China -- Hong Kong Clothing trade -- Technological innovations
- Resource Type:
- Video
Using UC Berkeley as an exemplar, Prof. Koshland gave us a distinguished lecture on ‘Lighting the Way with Interdisciplinary Research since 1868’. One of the hallmarks of UC Berkeley has always been engagement of its faculty and students in research and education that expand in cross disciplines, joining on multiple approaches to address major challenges facing the world today, which is also what we are seeking to do at PAIR of PolyU. Moreover, Prof. Koshland shared with us the ways in which individuals and institutions can engage in interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary research and education and how they can be creatively intertwined.
Event Date: 22/4/2022
Speaker: Prof. Catherine P. Koshland (University of California, Berkeley)
Moderator: Prof. Christopher Chao (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Panel members: Prof. Xiang-dong Li, Prof. Yuguo Li (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Hosted by: PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research
- Keywords:
- Interdisciplinary research Interdisciplinary approach in education
- Resource Type:
- Video
Ms Shirley Chan, BBS, JP, Vice Chairman of YGM Trading Ltd. shared her insights on the trend of global fashion supply chain under the "New Normal".
Event date: 24/11/2020
Speaker: Ms Shirley Chan (Vice Chairman, YGM Trading Limited)
Facilitators: Dr Chris Lo (ITC), Dr Fan Di (ITC)
Hosted by: Institute of Textiles and Clothing
- Subjects:
- Fashion retailing and merchandising
- Keywords:
- Clothing trade COVID-19 Pemic (2020-) Clothing trade -- Technological innovations
- Resource Type:
- Video
This presentation will discuss the future of global universities within the evolving context of current international education systems. It will begin with an overview of the challenges posed to modern day universities by the breadth and diversity of international further education curricular between the ages of 16 and 18 and the accessibility of world leading universities to international students, in general. Having established potential global trends in further education, the implications for global universities and higher education will be discussed within the context of both teaching and research
Event Date: 17/05/2022
Speaker: Prof. David Cardwell (University of Cambridge)
Moderator: Prof. Christoper Chao (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Panel members: Prof. Wong Kwok-yin (Hong Kong Polytechnic University), Prof. Andrew Cohen (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Hosted by: PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research
- Keywords:
- International education Universities colleges -- Administration Education Higher
- Resource Type:
- Video
主辦:香港孔子學院, 中國文化學系
- Subjects:
- Chinese Studies, Hong Kong Studies, and Performing Arts
- Keywords:
- Operas Chinese Theater China China -- Hong Kong
- Resource Type:
- Video
主辦:香港孔子學院, 中國文化學系
- Subjects:
- Chinese Studies
- Keywords:
- Han Dynasty (China) Politics government Jin Dynasty (China : 265-419) China Public administration Qin Dynasty (China)
- Resource Type:
- Video
主辦:香港孔子學院, 中國文化學系
- Subjects:
- Chinese Studies
- Keywords:
- Rock paintings China -- Zuo River Valley
- Resource Type:
- Video
主辦:香港孔子學院, 中國文化學系
- Subjects:
- Chinese Studies
- Keywords:
- Civilization Xi Xia Dynasty (China) History China
- Resource Type:
- Video
講者:陳恩維教授 (廣東外語外貿大學)
主辦:香港孔子學院, 中國文化學系
- Subjects:
- Chinese Studies
- Keywords:
- Civilization China
- Resource Type:
- Video
The notion of expertise is integral to all forms of institutional and professional practice in many domains – in education, healthcare, social welfare, law, journalism, banking, information technology, marketing, translating and interpreting services etc. It is a concept addressed by scholars across many disciplines – cognitive science, sociology, anthropology, psychology, language/communication studies, among others. There are, however, enduring problems of definition, description and measurement of expertise. Some scholars draw attention to the ongoing ‘crisis in expertise’ and others pronounce the ‘death of expertise’ in contemporary society.
More humbly, I begin with a characterisation of professional expertise very broadly to include scientific, experiential, technological, organisational, legal, ethical and communicative knowledge. This then leads me to the notion of ‘distributed expertise’, which extends beyond the individual remit and the conventional lay-expert divide. For instance, in the healthcare domain, a significant development afforded by internet-based technology is the increased level of patients’ e-health literacy and, consequently, democratisation of expertise. This amounts not only to accessing health information digitally, but also the phenomenon of patients ‘doctoring’ themselves in ‘the now of its presence’, i.e., ‘expert patients’ becoming instrumental in self-diagnosis and even self-treatment.
Additionally, ‘distributed expertise’ is also constitutive of ‘expert systems’, e.g., diagnostic and interventionist technologies as well as decision aids mediated by algorithms and templates. This is what I refer to as the technologization of expertise. I suggest that there is overreliance on ‘expert systems’ by both experts and lay persons in everyday decision making. Access to and use of ‘expert systems’ in optimal ways inevitably necessitates a reconfiguration of the very conditions and consequences of professional expertise.
Event Date: 25/11/2022
Speaker: Prof. Srikant Sarangi (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Hosted by: Faculty of Humanities
- Keywords:
- Information technology -- Social aspects Democratization Expertise
- Resource Type:
- Video
As a recent New York Times editorial proclaimed, "The Global Order Isn't Working. It's Time for Something Different." To teach environmental history and environmental ethics is to reacquaint ourselves with the facts that we need to try to build, while there is still time, a new cooperative order that understands this: simple fact: that other people and other countries are quite literally "the air we breathe." Moreover, all who claim to be ethical persons must take seriously the notion of inter-generational equity and try to act upon it. This notion should, in theory, come more easily to countries whose traditions have built upon classical/ Confucian learning, for those traditions say that the most important marker of human behavior is working toward common ends (qun 群) while "learning what is enough" (zhi zu 知足). Put another way, many resources within the Chinese tradition may strengthen our resolve to act more constructively in less short-sighted ways.
Event Date: 14/11/2022
Speaker: Prof. Michael Nylan (University of California, Berkeley)
Hosted by: Faculty of Humanities
- Keywords:
- Environmental ethics Intergenerational relations Philosophy Confucian Confucian ethics
- Resource Type:
- Video
Air transport liberalisation has been marked by two major developments, i.e. the advent of the hub-and-spoke network and the emergence of Low Fare Airlines (LFAs). All major Full Service Network Carrier (FSNCs) have heavily relied on hub operations to effectively compete in the long-haul market against LFAs which until recently focused on point-to-point, short-haul services. Recent competiton dynamics, however, have led to the gradual blurring of the different airline business models. LFAs have now established strong bases in satellite/airports and/or in low-cost terminals of major airports. Moreover, they have introduced long-haul flights thus competing with FSNCs at a new level. The lecture will highlight all the above issues focusing on their strategic business and geopolitical implications for aiport hubs. It will also discuss how Hong Kong International Airport can build on its current advantages to play focal role in the new environment.
Event Date: 16/06/2017
Speaker: Prof. Andreas Papatheodorou (University of Aegean)
Hosted by: School of Hotel and Tourism Management
- Subjects:
- Hotel, Travel and Tourism
- Keywords:
- Airlines -- Rates Airports Hong Kong International Airport Aeronautics Commercial
- Resource Type:
- Video
The lecture commenced with a welcome speech and speaker introduction by Prof. WANG Zuankai, Associate Vice President (Research and Innovation). In his presentation, Prof. Chen first gave a brief introduction to the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as well as the SDG monitoring practices in Mainland China. He pointed out that the Nation has adopted the high quality sustainable development concept, which emphasises harmonising the social, economic and environmental aspects in national development. Next, he elaborated on a pilot project that he led to measure Deqing County’s progress towards SDGs using geospatial and statistical information. The project was selected by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs as one of the first 16 good SDGs’ practices in 2020. After that, Prof. Chen shared that the achievement of sustainable development requires holistic and systematic research to build a digital governance system that can provide the basis for the scientific and orderly development of national territorial space. He also explained how territorial space sustainability studies can help unveil and analyse various patterns, such as the distributions of population, enterprises and public service facilities, and the relationships between them. To conclude, Prof. Chen introduced the national program on the development of the Realistic Geospatial Landscape Model (3dRGLm), which can generate digital description and representation of the real 3D geospatial spaces. This new geographic information system can support the Nation in achieving natural resources management and high quality sustainable development.
A question-and-answer session moderated by Prof. DING Xiaoli, Director of the Research Institute for Land and Space (RILS) and Prof. WENG Qihao, Associate Director of RILS, followed. The online and on-site audience engaged in a productive discussion with Prof. Chen.
Event date: 27/03/2024
Speaker: Prof. Jun CHEN (National Geomatics Center of China)
Hosted by: PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research
- Keywords:
- Sustainable development Geospatial data China Sustainable Development Goals Geographic information systems
- Resource Type:
- Video
The lecture commenced with a welcome speech by Prof. CHEN Qingyan, Director of PAIR, followed by a brief speaker introduction by Prof. Christopher CHAO, Vice President (Research and Innovation).
In his presentation, Prof. Brilakis first gave a brief introduction to digital twins (DT), pointing out that DT plays a central role in digital transformation. Next, he elaborated on the application of DT in the construction industry and explained how DT is involved in the planning, design, construction, maintenance and operation processes. He introduced research conducted at the University of Cambridge on inexpensive methods for generating object-oriented infrastructure geometry, detecting, and mapping visible defects on the resulting DT, automatically extracting defect spatial measurements, and sensor and sensor data modelling. Prof. Brilakis also provided examples of how these resulting DT are further exploited in design for manufacturing and assembly (DfMA), mixed-reality-enabled mobile inspection, and proactive asset protection from accidental damage. To conclude, Prof. Brilakis stated that DT, smart materials, data science, and automation & bobotics, constitute important digital assets for driving sustainability, and pointed out the future development directions in these areas.
A question-and-answer session moderated by Prof. DING Xiaoli, Director of the Research Institute for Land and Space (RILS), and Prof. WANG Yuhong, Member of RILS, followed. This session provided both the online and on-site audience with an opportunity to engage in a fruitful discussion with Prof. Brilakis.
Event date: 08/03/2024
Speaker: Prof. Ioannis BRILAKIS (University of Cambridge)
Hosted by: PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research
- Subjects:
- Technology
- Keywords:
- Construction industry Digital twins (Computer simulation) Buildings -- Computer-aided design
- Resource Type:
- Video
The lecture commenced with a welcome speech and speaker introduction by Ir Prof. MAN Hau-chung, Dean of Faculty of Engineering and Director of the Research Institute for Advanced Manufacturing (RIAM). In Prof. Lin presentation, he primarily indicated the increasing global requirements for reducing energy use and carbon dioxide emission of transportation vehicles, lightweight passenger cars have become an inevitable trend. Ultra-high strength steel (UHSS) can save the production cost of vehicles, improve productivity and car performance. Next, he introduced the “HFQ®-Technology” developed by his team in recent years that has enabled high strength alloys to be stamped into complex-shaped automotive components. He outlined the use of thermomechanical experimental tests for generating high quality data for modelling, and the use of spatio-temporal method for determining necking and fracture strains of sheet metals. He also explained the computational steps for evaluating the formability of sheet metals under hot stamping. To conclude, Prof. Lin emphasised that improvements in experimental sciences, technologies and standardised testing are important for supporting the development of new materials processing technologies.
Event date: 09/04/2024
Speaker: Prof. LIN Jianguo (Imperial College London)
Hosted by: PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research
- Keywords:
- Automobiles -- Materials Steel High strength Automobile industry trade
- Resource Type:
- Video
The lecture commenced with a warm welcome address by Prof. CHEN Qingyan, Director of PAIR, followed by a brief speaker introduction by Prof. WANG Zuankai, Associate Vice President (Research and Innovation) of PolyU. In his presentation, Prof. Yang highlighted that urgent need for tissue/organ biomanufacturing owing to the shortage of donation for organ transplantation. He pointed out some challenges in the in vitro manufacturing of tissues/organs, particularly in relation to accurate design, precise fabrication, and functional induction, which underscore the imperative need for new methods for tissue/organ manufacturing. Next, Prof. Yang outlined the development roadmap of biomanufacturing and shared specific examples demonstrating the research progress in 3D bioprinting. In concluding his presentation, Prof. Yang shared his insights on the future direction for biomanufacturing, as well as some significant accomplishments by him and his team at Zhejiang University in the field.
A question-and-answer session moderated by Prof. Wang was followed. Both the online and on-site audience had a fruitful discussion with Prof. Yang.
Event date: 2/1/2024
Speaker: Prof. Huayong Yang (Zhejiang University)
Moderator: Prof. Zuankai Wang (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Hosted by: PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research
- Subjects:
- Biomedical Engineering and Biology
- Keywords:
- Biomedical engineering Tissue engineering Regenerative medicine Three-dimensional printing
- Resource Type:
- Video
Smaller, faster-charging batteries are the answer for affordable and sustainable electric vehicles (EVs) for everyone, everywhere. The ability to quickly refill energy is profoundly important in order to reduce EV cost and demand for critical minerals. In this talk I will present asymmetric temperature modulation (ATM) approach to enabling 10-minute fast charging of energy-dense Li-ion batteries in any temperatures (even at -60°C) while still delivering remarkable cycle life. Recent disastrous events at EV charging stations caused by an arctic blast in Chicago will be given as an example of the dire need for quick energy refill in the extreme cold. Battery fast charging must also work in hot summers along with high-temperature stability of cycling and storage. We shall present novel thermal management concepts for extreme fast charging in both extreme cold and hot conditions. Overall, our development points to a new paradigm of battery design and thermal management without having to trade-off among fast charge, safety, lifetime, and cost.
Event date: 27/02/2024
Speaker: Prof. WANG Chao-Yang
Hosted by: PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research
- Subjects:
- Electrical Engineering
- Keywords:
- Lithium ion batteries Electric vehicles -- Batteries
- Resource Type:
- Video
In the lecture, Prof. Lao will introduce his 30 years of experience in acupuncture research and share his witness in the United States from exploration in early years to the accessibility in the current healthcare system. Prof. Lao will also share his opinion on the challenges and difficulties in acupuncture clinical research.
Event date: 8/12/2023
Speaker: Prof. LAO Lixing
Hosted by: PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences
- Keywords:
- United States Acupuncture
- Resource Type:
- Video
Universities conduct research for three reasons: to educate students, to contribute to society, and to understand the world. While society often holds a view of the scholar as a solitary and singular genius, in reality scholars today participate in a highly collaborative, worldwide search for shared understandings that stand the test of time and the scrutiny of others. The problems in the 21st century often demand effort by teams of researchers with resources at scale: laboratories and equipment, compute resources, and expert staffing. Working with faculty, students, and other stakeholders to identify the greatest opportunities and the resources needed to address them is both a privilege and a challenge for modern academic administrators. In this talk, I will share three examples: fostering collaborative proposal-writing; planning for shared capabilities in experimental facilities, data, and computation; and transforming academic structures.
Event date: 12/4/2023
Speaker: Prof. Kathryn Ann Moler
Hosted by: PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research
- Subjects:
- Statistics and Research Methods
- Keywords:
- Research Science
- Resource Type:
- Video
More than one hundred years ago, Albert Einstein published his Theory of General Relativity (GR). One year later, Karl Schwarzschild solved the GR equations for a non-rotating, spherical mass distribution; if this mass is sufficiently compact, even light cannot escape from within the so-called event horizon, and there is a mass singularity at the center. The theoretical concept of a 'black hole' was born, and was refined in the next decades by work of Penrose, Wheeler, Kerr, Hawking and many others. First indirect evidence for the existence of such black holes in our Universe came from observations of compact X-ray binaries and distant luminous quasars. I will discuss the forty-year journey, which my colleagues and I have been undertaking to study the mass distribution in the Center of our Milky Way from ever more precise, long-term studies of the motions of gas and stars as test particles of the space time. These studies show the existence of a four million solar mass object, which must be a single massive black hole, beyond any reasonable doubt.
Event date: 09/02/2023
Speaker: Prof. Reinhard GENZEL
Hosted by: PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research
- Subjects:
- Cosmology and Astronomy and Physics
- Keywords:
- Astrophysics Astronomy Deep space -- Milky Way Nobel Prize winners General relativity (Physics) Black holes (Astronomy)
- Resource Type:
- Video
Professor Yigong Shi will reflect on the challenges in global higher education, based on his 37 years of learning, scientific research, and teaching experience in academia. He will present Westlake University's educational reforms in university operations, governance, talent recruitment, student development, research and academic evaluation, and interdisciplinary studies, which altogether provide new opportunities for future-oriented higher education.
Event date: 06/12/2022
Speaker: Prof. Yigong Shi
Moderator: Prof. Qingyan Chen (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Hosted by: PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research
- Keywords:
- Educational change China Education Higher
- Resource Type:
- Video
Neuroemergentism, (NM) is a novel framework which has sought to consider language development as involving the organization and reorganization of cognition and its underlying neural substrate. Work to support this framework comes from studies of language and cognitive development. In this talk, I will focus on two separate levels, the sensorimotor plasticity needed to adjust to new input and the cognitive flexibility needed to select between these competing sources of information. This talk will discuss both these levels with regard to the neurocognitive adaptations seen in bilinguals. This will include structural brain differences in monolinguals and bilinguals that vary in the age of second language acquisition. In the second part, of the talk work that has focused on the cognitive flexibility will be presented. This will focus on the adaptations of the basal ganglia and frontostriatal tracts as a gating mechanism crucial for selecting the correct motor response. This includes newer work which links genes associated with dopamine to cognitive and language flexibility in bilinguals. The ways in which sensorimotor plasticity and cognitive flexibility represent accurate but incomplete conceptualizations of the competitive processes involved in language and cognitive processing will be discussed. The talk will conclude with potential future directions using an NM framework.
Event date: 15/03/2024
Speaker: Prof. Arturo E. HERNANDEZ (University of Houston)
Hosted by: Faculty of Humanities
- Subjects:
- Language and Languages
- Keywords:
- Language acquisition Code switching (Linguistics) Psycholinguistics Bilingualism
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this CIHK webinar, we will discuss the material conditions of and historical background to the use of Classical Chinese or Literary Sinitic in writing-mediated brush conversation between literati of Sinitic engaged in cross-border communication within Sinographic East Asia or the Sinographic cosmopolis, which corresponds with today’s China, North Korea, South Korea, Japan (including Okinawa, formerly the Ryukyu Kingdom) and Vietnam. Compared with speech as a modality of communication, real-time writing-mediated interaction between talking humans, synchronously face-to-face, seems uncommon. In any society, speaking is premised on one condition: the interlocutors must have at least one shared spoken language at their disposal, but even then, there are circumstances under which speaking is either physically not feasible or socially inappropriate. Could writing function as an alternative modality of communication when speaking is not an option due to the absence of a shared spoken language, as in cross-border communication settings? Whereas real-time writing-mediated face-to-face interaction is rare where a regional lingua franca was known to exist (e.g., Latin and Arabic), there is ample historical evidence of literati of Classical Chinese or Literary Sinitic from different parts of Sinographic East Asia conducting ‘silent conversation’, synchronously and interactively in writing mode using brush, ink, and paper. Such a pattern of writing-assisted interaction is still practiced and observable in pen-assisted conversation – pen-talk – between Chinese and Japanese speakers today, thanks to the pragma-linguistic affordance of morphographic, non-phonographic sinograms (i.e., Chinese characters and Japanese kanji). We will outline the historical spread of Classical Chinese or Sinitic texts from the ‘center’ to the ‘peripheries’, and the historical background to the acquisition of literacy in Sinitic by the people there. Their shared knowledge of Sinitic helps explain why, for well over a thousand years until the 1900s, literati from these places were able to speak their mind by engaging in ‘Sinitic brush-talk’ 漢文筆談 in cross-border communication.
Event date: 13/5/2022
Speaker: Prof. David C. S. Li
Hosted by: Confucius Institute of Hong Kong, Department of Chinese Culture
- Subjects:
- Language and Languages and Chinese Language
- Keywords:
- History China Written communication Chinese characters Chinese language -- Written Chinese East Asia
- Resource Type:
- Video
I will discuss how co-speech (i.e., speech-accompanying) gestures relate to language and conceptualisation underlying language. I will focus on “representational gestures”, which can depict motion, action, and shape or can indicate locations. I will provide evidence for the following two points. Various aspects of language shape co-speech gestures. Conversely, the way we produce co-speech gestures can shape language. I will discuss these issues in relation to manner and path in motion event descriptions, clause-linkage types in complex event descriptions, and metaphor. I will conclude that gesture and language are parts of a "conceptualisation engine”, which takes advantage of unique strengths of spatio-motoric representation and linguistic representation.
Event date: 26/02/2024
Speaker: Prof. Sotaro Kita (University of Warwick)
Hosted by: Faculty of Humanities
- Subjects:
- Language and Languages
- Keywords:
- Nonverbal communication Language languages Gesture
- Resource Type:
- Video
Focusing on tensions and links between national formation and international outlooks, this talk shows how classical world visions persist as China’s modernizers and revolutionaries adopted and revised the Western nation-state and cosmopolitanism. The concepts of tianxia (all under heaven) and datong (great harmony) have been updated into outlooks of global harmony that value unity, equality, and reciprocity as strategies of overcoming interstate conflict, national divides, and social fragmentation. The talk will delve into two debates: the embrace of the West vs. aspirations for a common world, and the difference between liberal cosmopolitanism and socialist internationalism.
Event date: 16/9/2022
Speaker: Prof. Ban Wang
Hosted by: Confucius Institute of Hong Kong, Department of Chinese Culture
- Subjects:
- Chinese Studies
- Keywords:
- Diplomatic relations World politics China Civilization
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this lecture, Prof. Robin D.S. YATES will focus on a review of recent data concerning the military development of the Qin and early Han periods. This information is crucial as these empires were established through the use of armed force. The lecture aims to address several fundamental inquiries that have previously lacked sufficient evidence. For instance, it will explore the command structure of the Qin and early Han forces, the fate of soldiers in victorious Qin armies, the treatment of defeated enemy, the existence of resistance against the Qin conquerors, the deployment of weapons and other equipment, the different types of soldiers present, and the methods employed in treating their wounds.
Event date: 11/04/2024
Speaker: Prof. Robin D.S. YATES (McGill University)
Hosted by: Faculty of Humanities
- Subjects:
- Chinese Studies
- Keywords:
- Han Dynasty (China) China Military art science Qin Dynasty (China) History Military
- Resource Type:
- Video
The lecture commenced with a welcome speech and speaker introduction by Prof. CHEN Qingyan, Director of PAIR, followed by a presentation by Prof. Cui. He first shared his scientific journey by reminiscing about the old days when he moved abroad to develop an academic career after graduating in China and gradually became a highly successful scientist. Next, he explained the importance of interdisciplinary research and shared how the combination of medical science and engineering enables the development of health technologies such as imaging, keyhole surgery, in vitro diagnostics, in vitro fertilisation, etc. Prof. Cui emphasised that scientists are to “discover” and find out “how a thing happens” whereas engineers are to “create” and “make things happen”. He then gave some advice on how to do well in interdisciplinary research and shared some innovations in microbioreactor and point-of-care testing developed by him and his team which has achieved great success in research commercialisation and made significant contributions to drug discovery and public health. To conclude, Prof. Cui shared that scientific success is based on many factors, including team, facilities, timing, luck, etc., and encouraged the next generation of engineers and scientists to consider a career in biomedical engineering, an exciting and rewarding domain.
Following the lecture, a lively and insightful question-and-answer session was moderated by Ir Prof. ZHANG Ming, Director of the Research Institute for Sports Science and Technology (RISports), Head of the Department of Biomedical Engineering and Chair Professor of Biomechanics. The audience had fruitful discussions with Prof. Cui.
Event date: 23/04/2024
Speaker: Prof. Zhanfeng CUI (University of Oxford)
Hosted by: PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research
- Keywords:
- Interdisciplinary research Interdisciplinary approach in education
- Resource Type:
- Video
Humans have long tried to make artificial versions of themselves. It is now well established that we attribute human-like states to artificial others. However, the effect of interacting with artificial minds and bodies on the human sense of self and self-identity is less understood. In this talk I will present theoretical and empirical work looking at embodied joint agency in human/ human versus human/ robotic and virtual agents. Specifically, I will outline the key role of the human embodiment and sense of self in establishing joint agency with artificial others. I will discuss key implications of these claims on recent efforts to design autonomous and interactive artificial others. I will introduce the notion of ‘hybrid agency’ to describe these new, technologically mediated ways to embody and control in tandem human and artificial minds and bodies in real and virtual environments.
Event date: 7/2/2024
Speaker: Prof. Anna CIAUNICA (University of Lisbon)
- Subjects:
- Technology
- Keywords:
- Technology -- Social aspects Human-computer interaction -- Psychological aspects Artificial intelligence
- Resource Type:
- Video
The idea of translanguaging has disrupted much of the thinking about language, communication and learning and raised some fundamental questions about human language and human cognition. One of these questions concerns an assumption that seems to underlie a great deal of the work on intercultural communication, and that is, speakers of different named languages not only use language differently, but also think differently and have different worldviews. In this talk, I want to invite the participants to rethink about this issue, from the perspective of Translanguaging, which posits that bilinguals and multilinguals do not think unilingually and thinking goes beyond named languages and indeed beyond what has traditionally been conceived as linguistic versus non-linguistic processes. I offer my views on the existing work in intercultural communication and cross-linguistic studies of cognitive processing and Linguistic Relativity. Implications of this common-humanity-based conceptual stance for intercultural communication including business and workplace lingua franca communication, as well as for language learning and pedagogy, and research design are discussed.
Event date: 18/07/2024
Speaker: Prof. Wei LI (University College London)
Hosted by: Faculty of Humanities
- Subjects:
- Language and Languages
- Keywords:
- Communicative competence Translanguaging (Linguistics) Multilingualism Intercultural communication Language awareness
- Resource Type:
- Video
A rapidly expanding research area involves the development of routes to shape programmable three-dimensional (3D) structures with feature sizes in the mesoscopic range (that is, between tens of nanometres and hundreds of micrometres). A goal is to establish methods to control the properties of materials systems and the function of devices, through not only static architectures, but also morphable structures and shape-shifting processes. Soft matter equipped with responsive components can switch between designed shapes, but cannot support the types of dynamic morphing capabilities needed to reproduce continuous shape-shifting processes of interest for many applications. Challenges lie in the establishment of 3D assembly/fabrication techniques compatible with wide classes of materials and 3D geometries, and schemes to program target shapes after fabrication.
In this talk, Prof. HUANG Yonggang will introduce a mechanics-guided assembly approach that exploits controlled buckling for constructing complex 3D micro/nanostructures from patterned two-dimensional (2D) micro/nanoscale precursors that can be easily formed using established semiconductor technologies. This approach applies to a very broad set of materials (e.g., semiconductors, polymers, metals, and ceramics) and even their heterogeneous integration, over a wide range of length scales (e.g., from 100 nm to 10 cm). To allow realisation of 3D mesostructures that are capable of qualitative shape reconfiguration, Prof. HUANG devises a loading-path controlled strategy that relies on elastomer platforms deformed in different time sequences to elastically alter the 3D geometries of supported mesostructures via nonlinear buckling. Prof. HUANG will also introduce a recent work on shape programmable soft surface, constructed from a matrix of filamentary metal traces, driven by programmable, distributed electromagnetic forces that follow from the passage of electrical currents in the presence of a static magnetic field. Under the guidance of a mechanics model-based strategy to solve the inverse problem, the surface can morph into a wide range of 3D target shapes and shape-shifting processes. The compatibility of these approaches with the state-of-the-art fabrication/processing techniques, along with the versatile capabilities, allow transformation of diverse existing 2D microsystems into complex configurations, providing unusual design options in the development of novel functional devices.
Event date: 08/08/2024
Speaker: Prof. HUANG Yonggang (Northwestern University)
Hosted by: PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research
- Keywords:
- Buckling (Mechanics) Materials science Elastomers Microstructure
- Resource Type:
- Video
Geospatial information science is a discipline that focuses on using geospatial information technology to understand people, places, nature and processes of the earth. IoT refers to Internet of things, the combination of sensors, software and other technologies to connect and exchange data with other devices and systems over the Internet. The era of IoT brings us opportunities and challenges for geospatial information science. In the keynote, five characteristics and three scientific issues of geo-spatial information science in the era of IoT are summarised.
Event date: 06/09/2022
Speaker: Prof. Daren Li
Moderator: Prof. Christopher Chao (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Panel members: Prof. Qingyan Chen, Prof. Qinhao Chen (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Hosted by: PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research
- Subjects:
- Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics
- Keywords:
- Spatial data mining Internet of things Geospatial data
- Resource Type:
- Video
The lecture will explore the role of technology in promoting environmental sustainability. It focuses on the development and implementation of innovative technologies that can help address environmental challenges and contribute to a more sustainable future.We are developing green technologies to benefit sustainable environment, which will enable people and the environment to prosper together. The Center for Filtration Research (CFR) at the University of Minnesota, collaborating with 20 leading international filtration manufacturers and end users, was established to develop green technologies to mitigate PM2.5, VOCs, ozone and other environmental pollutants. CFR investigators perform fundamental and applied research on air, gas and liquid filtration. The current research projects include indoor air cleaning and Covid prevention, bioaerosols sensor development and evaluation, nanofiber production and modeling, nanotechnology and instrumentation developments, among others. Large-scale air cleaning towers are established in Xi’an and Yancheng in China, and two additional towers in Delhi, India. They are developed to mitigate PM2.5 pollutants in urban air. The second-generation tower in Yancheng is developed to reduce not only the PM2.5 but also CO2 in the atmosphere. The construction of a set of large-scale air cleaning towers to capture 16 million tons of CO2 annually is proposed. All these research and development activities are helping to improve sustainable environment.
Event date: 13/9/2024
Speaker: Prof. PUI David (University of Minnesota)
Hosted by: PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research
- Subjects:
- Mechanical Engineering
- Keywords:
- Filters filtration Sustainable development Air -- Pollution Separation (Technology) Indoor air pollution Aerosols
- Resource Type:
- Video
In the lecture, Prof. Batty gave an overview of the development of the science of cities in the last 50 years. Drawing on the system approach and complex theory, he explained that urban science involves top-down and bottom-up thinking; it is a systematic, complex and evolving discipline built on knowledge in social physics, economics, transportation and numerous scientific methods that yield theories. He illustrated this with city morphology examples from the UK and the Greater Bay Areas (GBA) generated by large-scale computer models. At the end of the lecture, Prof. Batty described some challenges with fractal geometry, size and scaling, networks, and building models currently faced by the field, and he suggested the way forward for the discipline.
Event date: 01/09/2023
Speaker: Prof. Michael Batty
Hosted by: PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research
- Subjects:
- Building and Real Estate
- Keywords:
- City planning City planning -- Data processing
- Resource Type:
- Video
We introduce a Dimension-Reduced Second-Order Method (DRSOM) for convex and nonconvex (unconstrained) optimization. Under a trust-region-like framework, our method preserves the convergence of the second-order method while using only Hessian-vector products in two directions. Moreover; the computational overhead remains comparable to the first-order such as the gradient descent method. We show that the method has a local super-linear convergence and a global convergence rate of 0(∈-3/2) to satisfy the first-order and second-order conditions under a commonly used approximated Hessian assumption. We further show that this assumption can be removed if we perform one step of the Krylov subspace method at the end of the algorithm, which makes DRSOM the first first-order-type algorithm to achieve this complexity bound. The applicability and performance of DRSOM are exhibited by various computational experiments in logistic regression, L2-Lp minimization, sensor network localization, neural network training, and policy optimization in reinforcement learning. For neural networks, our preliminary implementation seems to gain computational advantages in terms of training accuracy and iteration complexity over state-of-the-art first-order methods including SGD and ADAM. For policy optimization, our experiments show that DRSOM compares favorably with popular policy gradient methods in terms of the effectiveness and robustness.
Event date: 19/09/2022
Speaker: Prof. Yinyu Ye (Stanford University)
Hosted by: Department of Applied Mathematics
- Subjects:
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Keywords:
- Nonconvex programming Mathematical optimization Convex programming
- Resource Type:
- Video
Convex Matrix Optimization (MOP) arises in a wide variety of applications. The last three decades have seen dramatic advances in the theory and practice of matrix optimization because of its extremely powerful modeling capability. In particular, semidefinite programming (SP) and its generalizations have been widely used to model problems in applications such as combinatorial and polynomial optimization, covariance matrix estimation, matrix completion and sensor network localization. The first part of the talk will describe the primal-dual interior-point methods (IPMs) implemented in SDPT3 for solving medium scale SP, followed by inexact IPMs (with linear systems solved by iterative solvers) for large scale SDP and discussions on their inherent limitations. The second part will present algorithmic advances for solving large scale SDP based on the proximal-point or augmented Lagrangian framework In particular, we describe the design and implementation of an augmented Lagrangian based method (called SDPNAL+) for solving SDP problems with large number of linear constraints. The last part of the talk will focus on recent advances on using a combination of local search methods and convex lifting to solve low-rank factorization models of SP problems.
Event date: 11/10/2022
Speaker: Prof. Kim-Chuan Toh (National University of Singapore)
Hosted by: Department of Applied Mathematics
- Subjects:
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Keywords:
- Semidefinite programming Convex programming
- Resource Type:
- Video
Before the advent of computers around 1950, optimization centered either on small-dimensional problems solved by looking at zeroes of first derivatives and signs of second derivatives, or on infinite-dimensional problems about curves and surfaces. In both cases, "variations" were employed to understand how a local solution might be characterized. Computers changed the picture by opening the possibility of solving large-scale problems involving inequalities, instead of only equations. Inequalities had to be recognized as important because the decisions to be optimized were constrained by the need to respect many upper or lower bounds on their feasibility. A new kind of mathematical analysis, beyond traditional calculus, had to be developed to address these needs. It built first on appealing to the convexity of sets and functions, but went on to amazingly broad and successful concepts of variational geometry, subgradients, subderivatives, and variational convergence beyond just that. This talk will explain these revolutionary developments and why there were essential.
Event date: 1/11/2022
Speaker: Prof. Terry Rockafellar (University of Washington)
Hosted by: Department of Applied Mathematics
- Subjects:
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Keywords:
- Computer science -- Mathematics Mathematical optimization Convex sets Convex functions
- Resource Type:
- Video
Adaptive computation is of great importance in numerical simulations. The ideas for adaptive computations can be dated back to adaptive finite element methods in 1970s. In this talk, we shall first review some recent development for adaptive methods with some application. Then, we will propose a deep adaptive sampling method for solving PDEs where deep neural networks are utilized to approximate the solutions. In particular, we propose the failure informed PINNs (FI-PINNs), which can adaptively refine the training set with the goal of reducing the failure probability. Compared with the neural network approximation obtained with uniformly distributed collocation points, the proposed algorithms can significantly improve the accuracy, especially for low regularity and high-dimensional problems.
Event date: 18/10/2022
Speaker: Prof. Tao Tang (Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University United International College)
Hosted by: Department of Applied Mathematics
- Subjects:
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Keywords:
- Mathematical models Differential equations Partial -- Numerical solutions Adaptive computing systems Sampling (Statistics)
- Resource Type:
- Video
Models arising in biology are often written in terms of Ordinary Differential Equations. The celebrated paper of Kermack-McKendrick (19271, founding mathematical epidemiology, showed the necessity to include parameters in order to describe the state of the individuals, as time elapsed after infection. During the 70s, many mathematical studies were developed when equations are structured by age, size, more generally a physiological trait. The renewal, growth-fragmentation are the more standard equations. The talk will present structured equations, show that a universal generalized relative entropy structure is available in the linear case, which imposes relaxation to a steady state under non-degeneracy conditions. In the nonlinear cases, it might be that periodic solutions occur, which can be interpreted in biological terms, e.g., as network activity in the neuroscience. When the equations are conservation laws, a variant of the Monge-Kantorovich distance (called Fortet-Mourier distance) also gives a general non-expansion property of solutions.
Event date: 19/1/2023
Speaker: Prof. Benoît Perthame (Sorbonne University)
Hosted by: Department of Applied Mathematics
- Subjects:
- Mathematics and Statistics and Biology
- Keywords:
- Biomathematics Equations
- Resource Type:
- Video
We investigate reversal and recirculation for the stationary Prandtl equations. Reversal describes the solution after the Goldstein singularity, and is characterized by regions in which u > O and u < 0. The classical point of view of regarding the Prandtl equations as an evolution equation in x completely breaks down since u changes sign. Instead, we view the problem as a quasilinear, mixed-type, free-boundary problem. This is a joint work with Sameer Iyer.
Event date: 14/3/2023
Speaker: Prof. Nader Masmoudi (New York University)
Hosted by: Department of Applied Mathematics
- Subjects:
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Keywords:
- Fluid dynamics -- Mathematical models
- Resource Type:
- Video
In the context of hyperbolic systems of balance laws with dissipative source manifesting relaxation, recent pr"Ogress will be reported in the program of passing to the limit, in 1he BV setting, as the relaxation lime tends to zero.
Event date: 16/2/2023
Speaker: Prof. Constantine Dafermos (Brown University)
Hosted by: Department of Applied Mathematics
- Subjects:
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Keywords:
- Relaxation Equilibrium -- Mathematical models Differential equations Hyperbolic
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this lecture I consider the fundamental, challenging and largely unsolved problem of deriving rigorously the most popular kinetic equations, starting from the laws governing the dynamics of microscopic systems. I plan to present classical and recent results, discussing also some present perspectives.
Event date: 30/3/2023
Speaker: Prof. Mario Pulvirenti (University of Roma La Sapienza)
Hosted by: Department of Applied Mathematics
- Subjects:
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Keywords:
- Mathematical models Kinetic theory of gases -- Mathematical models
- Resource Type:
- Video
Machine learning can deliver unprecedented performance. Its application domain has expanded into safety-critical cyber-physical systems such as UAVs and self-driver cars. However, the safety assurance of vehicular control has two conditions: 1) an analytical model of system behaviors such as provable stability, and 2) the software safety certification process (e.g., DO 178C) requires that the software be simple enough so that software safety can be validated by a combination of model checking and near exhaustive testing. Although ML software, as is, does not meet these two safety requirements, the real-time physics model supervised ML architecture holds the promise to 1) meet the two safety requirements and 2) enable ML software to safely improve control performance and safely learn from its experience in real-time. This talk will review the structure of the proposed architecture and some methods to embed physics into ML-enabled CPS control.
Event Date: 12/05/2022
Speaker: Prof. Lui Sha (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
Hosted by: Graduate School
- Subjects:
- Computing, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence and Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering
- Keywords:
- Machine learning Computer software -- Reliability Drone aircraft Vehicles Remotely piloted
- Resource Type:
- Video
PAIR distinguished lecture series: an overview of high performance computing and future requirements
In this talk, we examine how high performance computing has changed over the last ten years and look toward the future in terms of trends. These changes have had and will continue to impact our numerical scientific software significantly. A new generation of software libraries and algorithms are needed for the effective and reliable use of (wide area) dynamic, distributed, and parallel environments. Some of the software and algorithm challenges have already been encountered, such as the management of communication and memory hierarchies through a combination of compile-time and run-time techniques, but the increased scale of computation, depth of memory hierarchies, range of latencies, and increased run-time environment variability will make these problems much harder.
Event date: 6/12/2023
Speaker: Prof. Jack Dongarra
Hosted by: PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research
- Subjects:
- Computing, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
- Keywords:
- High performance computing
- Resource Type:
- Video
Prof. Alex MIHAILIDIS, Associate Vice President of International Partnerships at the University of Toronto delivered the 19th PAIR Distinguished Lecture titled “The Future of Elder Care: Integrating Large Language Models” on 26 April 2024. The lecture attracted about 100 participants to join in person and captivated an online viewing audience of over 14,100 from different countries and regions to watch the live broadcast on multiple social media platforms, including Bilibili, WeChat, Weibo, YouTube, etc.
The lecture commenced with a welcome speech and speaker introduction by Prof. ZHENG Yongping, Director of the Research Institute for Smart Ageing (RISA), followed by an engaging presentation by Prof. Mihailidis. The content materials used in Prof. Mihailidis’s presentation were generated by ChatGPT, while he added the narrative.
In his presentation, Prof. Mihailidis first played several videos created by artificial intelligence (AI) to introduce what LLM is, how it can support elderly care services, some drawbacks of using LLM, and its future development. He supplemented that LLMs are advanced AI systems capable of understanding and generating human-like texts, as well as visual outputs and models that can respond to or interact with users. Next, Prof. Mihailidis outlined the specific benefits of using LLMs in elderly care, including the support tools and resources they offer to caregivers. He then delved into the ethical considerations and challenges in LLM design, such as privacy concerns, the risk of over-dependence on technology, and the barriers to technology adoption by older adults and their caregivers. To conclude, Prof. Mihailidis emphasised the role of empathetic and emotionally-intuitive AI in enhancing the quality of life for the elderly and supporting the caregiving ecosystem.
Following the presentation was a lively and insightful question-and-answer session moderated by Ir Prof. Zheng. The audience had a fruitful discussion with Prof. Mihailidis. A souvenir was presented by Prof. CHEN Qingyan, Director of PAIR, to thank Prof. Mihailidis for his excellent presentation and support to PAIR.
Event date: 26/04/2024
Speaker: Prof. Alex MIHAILIDIS (University of Toronto)
Hosted by: PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research
In this lecture, Prof. Sifakis will discuss the relevance of existing criteria for comparing human and machine intelligence and show some notable analogies and differences between scientific knowledge and that produced by neural networks. Emphasising that autonomy is an important step towards Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), he will present a characterisation of autonomous systems, and showing key differences with mental systems equipped with common sense knowledge and reasoning, and advocate challenging work directions, including the development of a new foundation for systems engineering and scientific knowledge, and the joint exploration of physical and mental phenomena that embody human intelligence.
Event date: 3/3/2023
Speaker: Prof. Joseph Sifakis
Hosted by: PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research
- Subjects:
- Computing, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
- Keywords:
- Artificial intelligence
- Resource Type:
- Video
This talk will survey the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI), ethics, and the Humanities in the UK. It integrates insights from bibliometric analyses, interviews with various stakeholders, and reviews of existing research infrastructure and policies. The talk examines the current state of AI ethics research in the UK, identifying the contributions of the Arts and Humanities, the obstacles researchers face, and the potential impacts of their work. It also considers the international research environment and strategic investments made by other countries in AI and ethics, drawing comparisons with the UK's approach. Opportunities and threats are identified within the context of academia, public perception, and commerce, including the impacts of AI on diverse populations and industries. The talk will conclude by considering how the situation in the UK may compare with that in Hong Kong.
Event date: 30/04/2024
Speaker: Prof. Tony MCENERY (Lancaster University and Shanghai International Studies University)
Hosted by: Faculty of Humanities
- Subjects:
- Computing, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence and Philosophy
- Keywords:
- Artificial intelligence -- Moral ethical aspects Artificial intelligence -- Philosophy Great Britain
- Resource Type:
- Video
Overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic, public interests for healthcare innovations significantly increase. In order to prepare the next pandemic, POSTECH is initiating a new engineering-based medical school. This new program aims to solve practical medical problems via innovative technology and put significant efforts for commercialisation. As a Program Chair for the new Medical Science and Engineering Program, I will share my experience and future plans. Further, we spin-off a start-up company, “Opticho”, from the research outcomes in my lab. I will share my experience how translate the lab toys to commercial products: not only excitement but also difficulty.
Event date: 27/10/2023
Speaker: Prof. KIM Chulhong
Hosted by: PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research
- Subjects:
- Health Technology and Informatics, Biomedical Engineering, and Medicine
- Keywords:
- Biomedical engineering Medical education Medical technology
- Resource Type:
- Video
The lecture commenced with a warm welcome and brief speaker introduction by Prof. CHEN Qingyan, Director of PAIR. Prof. Russell kickstarted his presentation by giving a brief overview of the historical development of photonic crystal fibre (PCF), highlighting how advancements in optical fibres, Bragg scattering, photonic bandgaps and drawing towers laid the foundation for PCF breakthroughs. Prof. Russell shared that he proposed in 1991 a glass fibre with a periodic array of microscopic hollow channels running along its length might guide light in novel ways, and many PCFs emerged from drawing towers at universities in subsequent years. Next, he elaborated on the advantages of PCF, explaining how it offers enhanced control over the propagation light, and how this property has enabled valuable applications. He shared his research in light-guiding PCF, hollow core PCF filled with gas, and twisted PCF, reviewing how some of the scientific discoveries made possible by PCF have evolved into real-world applications.
Event date: 05/11/2024
Speaker: Prof. Philip RUSSELL
Hosted by: PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research
- Subjects:
- Physics
- Keywords:
- Fiber optics Optical fibers Optical communications
- Resource Type:
- Video
The lecture commenced with a warm welcome and a brief introduction of the speaker by Prof. CHEN Qingyan, Director of PAIR. Prof. Zheng kickstarted his presentation by outlining the key driving forces of innovation and technologies. He shared that achieving success in the “from zero to one” and the subsequent “from one to N” innovation stages often come with the inevitable “valley of death” period, which spans over a decade. He then elaborated on how he and his team have spent 20 years of relentless effort overcoming the “valleys of death” in studying structural superlubricity, building a model for talent development, and entering into the next “one-to-N” development phase. Prof. Zheng also shared the key turning points in his academic and research journey and outlined how the X-Institute nurtures interdisciplinary research talents.
Event date: 21/11/2024
Speaker: Prof. ZHENG Quanshui (Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Founding Principal of X-Institute and Professor of Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School, China)
Hosted by: PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research
- Keywords:
- Scientists Technological innovations
- Resource Type:
- Video
This presentation examines the urgent need to decolonize English Medium Instruction (EMI) in higher education by challenging the dominance of native English norms, addressing linguistic imperialism, and critically assessing the pervasive influence of imported Western curricula. Often, these resources reinforce colonial power dynamics by prioritizing Western perspectives and marginalizing local knowledge systems. Through Global Englishes frameworks, I will explore strategies for inclusive EMI practices that integrate diverse linguistic and cultural perspectives. Such strategies aim to foster curricula that respect local identities and empower students and educators in non-Anglophone contexts. Drawing on data from the Southeast Asian context, I will explore ways to foster an equitable, decolonized approach to internationalization in higher education that aligns with broader goals of internationalisation and linguistic justice.
Event date: 29/11/2024
Speaker: Dr. Nicola GALLOWAY (University of Glasgow)
Hosted by: Faculty of Humanities
The lecture commenced with a warm welcome and introduction of the speaker by Prof. CHEN Qingyan, Director of PAIR. Prof. McCulloch kickstarted his presentation by giving a brief overview of the current molecular designs of organic semiconductor polymers for charge transport. He explained how they enable organic thin film transistors to achieve high charge carrier mobility and their applications in flexible screens and other electronic devices. He then elaborated on the molecular characteristics of the indacenodithiophene-co-benzothiadiazole copolymer, a semiconductor polymer that exhibits high carrier mobility and is commonly used in organic transistors.
Prof. McCulloch also emphasised the importance of “conformational coplanarity” and “side chain assisted self-assembly”. These features help enhance one-dimensional transport along the “conjugated polymer backbone” and form sterically free “crossing points”, allowing charges to hop between chains. He further highlighted that current research has shown that the molecular conformation and film microstructure are influenced by the design and processing conditions of organic semiconductor polymers, and these significant findings can help achieve optimal charge transport properties.
Following the presentation was a question-and-answer session moderated by Prof. YAN Feng, Associate Director of the Research Institute for Intelligent Wearable Systems (RI-IWEAR) and Chair Professor of Organic Electronics in the Department of Applied Physics. The audience engaged in a productive discussion with Prof. McCulloch.
Event date: 14/01/2025
Speaker: Prof. Iain McCULLOCH (Princeton University)
Hosted by: PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research
- Subjects:
- Chemistry
- Keywords:
- Organic semiconductors Polymers Charge transfer
- Resource Type:
- Video