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This video explain the concept of Celestial coordinate system.
- Course related:
- LSGI2224 Geo-Referencing System
- Subjects:
- Cosmology and Astronomy
- Keywords:
- Celestial mechanics Orbital mechanics
- Resource Type:
- Video
Section III Wave Motion 3.1.2 Properties of Waves Diffraction
- Course related:
- AP10006 Physics II
- Subjects:
- Physics
- Keywords:
- Physical sciences Sound-waves Diffraction
- Resource Type:
- Video
An online lecture on the topic of "What is Microgravity? Discovering Interesting Phenomena in Microgravity".This lecture of “Science World: Exploring Space to Benefit Mankind” Education Programme in the 2021/22 school year for secondary students, which aims to cultivate the interest of local youth in space science and elevate their enthusiasm for participating in the development of space technology.
- Subjects:
- Physics and Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering
- Keywords:
- Gravity Reduced gravity environments
- Resource Type:
- Video
Physics and marketing don't seem to have much in common, but Dan Cobley is passionate about both. He brings these unlikely bedfellows together using Newton's second law, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, the scientific method and the second law of thermodynamics to explain the fundamental theories of branding.
All over the planet, giant telescopes and detectors are looking (and listening) for clues to the workings of the universe. At the INK Conference, science writer Anil Ananthaswamy tours us around these amazing installations, taking us to some of the most remote and silent places on Earth.
- Subjects:
- Physics and Cosmology and Astronomy
- Keywords:
- Astrophysics -- Research Dark matter (Astronomy)
- Resource Type:
- Video
Learners read a description of torque and study the factors that cause its magnitude to change.
- Subjects:
- Physics
- Keywords:
- Torque -- Measurement
- Resource Type:
- Video
"We've been promised a future of chrome -- but what if the future is fleshy?" asks biological designer Christina Agapakis. In this awe-inspiring talk, Agapakis details her work in synthetic biology -- a multidisciplinary area of research that pokes holes in the line between what's natural and artificial -- and shares how breaking down the boundaries between science, society, nature and technology can lead us to imagine different possible futures.
- Subjects:
- Technology and Biology
- Keywords:
- Synthetic biology Sci9ence -- Social aspects
- Resource Type:
- Video
The fruits and vegetables we buy from the grocery story have been bred to grow bigger and faster — but at the cost of flavor and nutrition, says John C. Trimble, co-founder of Foodscaping Utah. Instead of wasting precious water to maintain the grass in our yards, he suggests we "foodscape" them instead. Not only will our produce taste better, but they'll be grown as locally as possible.
- Subjects:
- Food Science
- Keywords:
- Vegetable gardening Horticulture
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this screencast, you'll observe two vehicles moving across the screen at different rates then describe the motion. Additionally, you'll select the corresponding graphs of distance vs. time, velocity vs. time, and acceleration vs. time for each vehicle.
An online lecture on the topic of "Ultrasound: Application in Food Science and Technology". The Faculty of Applied Science and Textiles (FAST) and the Institute of Textiles & Clothing (ITC) organized the mini-lecture series for more than three years. The lectures aim to enrich students' knowledge in creative perspectives and arouse their interest in Sciences, Fashion and Textiles. In view of the unpredictable development of the COVID-19 pandemic, the upcoming mini-lecture Series will be switched from face-to-face mode to online mode.
- Subjects:
- Food Science
- Keywords:
- Ultrasonic imaging Food science
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this screencast, we review the positions of metals, metalloids, and nonmetals in the Periodic Table and the general characteristics of each.
- Subjects:
- Chemistry
- Keywords:
- Periodic table of the elements Chemical elements
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this video, it covers the topic of (1).2D layered transition metal dichalcogenides; (2) Theoretical study on opto-electronic properties of 2D materials; and (3) Molecularly thin 2D quantum ruddlesden-popper perovskites.FAST is organizing the Research at FAST Seminar Series 2021/22 in the coming months to explore collaboration opportunities within PolyU community. The series also serve as a platform for colleagues to get to know FAST researchers.
- Subjects:
- Materials Science
- Keywords:
- Two-dimensional materials Quantum chemistry
- Resource Type:
- Video
You're on an airplane when you feel a sudden jolt. Outside your window nothing seems to be happening, yet the plane continues to rattle you and your fellow passengers as it passes through turbulent air in the atmosphere. What exactly is turbulence, and why does it happen? Tomás Chor dives into one of the prevailing mysteries of physics: the complex phenomenon of turbulence.
- Subjects:
- Physics
- Keywords:
- Turbulence Atmospheric turbulence
- Resource Type:
- Video
Between you and the rest of the world lies an interface that makes up 16% of your physical weight. This is your skin, the largest organ in your body: laid out flat, it would cover close to 1.7 square metres of ground. But besides keeping your organs in, what is its purpose? Emma Bryce takes us into the integumentary system to find out. Lesson by Emma Bryce, animation by Augenblick Studios.
- Course related:
- BME1D04 Subject Title Skin-Care Technologies: Principles, Applications and Safety
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences and Human Biology
- Keywords:
- Body covering (Anatomy) Skin
- Resource Type:
- Video
Masterpieces of microengineering, kinesins are motorized transport machines that move cellular materials to their correct locations in the cell so they can perform their functions. Kinesins have two feet, or "globular heads," that literally walk, one foot over another. Known as the "workhorses of the cell," kinesins can carry cargo many times their own size.
- Course related:
- ABCT2103 Cell Biology
- Subjects:
- Biology
- Keywords:
- Kinesin
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this screencast, learners examine the function and location of the motor neurons and the damage that can result when they are injured.
- Subjects:
- Biology, Rehabilitation Sciences, and Health Sciences
- Keywords:
- Brain -- Anatomy Motor neurons
- Resource Type:
- Video
Physicist Werner Heisenberg said, "When I meet God, I am going to ask him two questions: why relativity? And why turbulence? I really believe he will have an answer for the first." As difficult as turbulence is to understand mathematically, we can use art to depict the way it looks. Natalya St. Clair illustrates how Van Gogh captured this deep mystery of movement, fluid and light in his work.
- Subjects:
- Physics
- Keywords:
- Turbulence Starry night (Gogh Vincent van)
- Resource Type:
- Video
Hydrogen fuel cell cars and lithium-ion battery powered cars, which is more energy efficient and cost effective? This video shows you some facts from perspectives of production, storage of fuels, and infrastructure set up for charging.
- Subjects:
- Electrical Engineering, Chemistry, Environmental Engineering, and Transportation
- Keywords:
- Hydrogen cars Hydrogen as fuel Electric vehicles Fuel cells Hydrogen -- Storage
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this animated and interactive object, learners examine the properties of liquids, solids, and gases.
- Subjects:
- Chemistry
- Keywords:
- Matter -- Properties
- Resource Type:
- Video
As we move through the world, we have an innate sense of how things feel -- the sensations they produce on our skin and how our bodies orient to them. Can technology leverage this? In this fun, fascinating TED-Ed lesson, learn about the field of haptics, and how it could change everything from the way we shop online to how dentists learn the telltale feel of a cavity.
- Subjects:
- Electronic and Information Engineering and Biology
- Keywords:
- Haptic devices Touch
- Resource Type:
- Video