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本院歷史期刊共有五種,由國立教育研究院籌備處及國立教育資料館於民國73年、民國83年創刊的《教育人力與專業發展雙月刊》與《教育資料與研究》,因應網路閱讀趨勢,自104年起整併為兼顧教育理論與教學現場實踐之《教育脈動》電子期刊;另外兩種為國立教育資料館於民國65年創刊的《教育資料集刊》,主要探討歐、美、亞、澳等國教育政策與發展趨勢;以及本院於民國101年創刊的Asia Pacific Journal of Educational Development,聚焦亞太地區教育發展趨勢與新興議題,之後因配合政策規劃陸續停刊。
- Keywords:
- Education Teaching Periodicals
- Resource Type:
- e-journal
eduClipper is an easy to use social learning platform that allows teachers to create and share dynamic content, leave meaningful feedback on student assignments, and allows learners to capture and track their academic growth and achievement over time in digital learning portfolios.
With eduClipper you can:
(1) Explore top quality education resources for K-12
(2) Create clips from the web, Drive, Dropbox
(3) Use your camera to capture awesome work that you create in and out of the classroom
(4) Create whiteboard recordings
(5) Create differentiated groups and share content with them
(6) Create Personal Learning Portfolios
(7) Create Class Portfolios as a teacher and share Assignments with students
(8) Provide quality feedback through video, audio, text, badges, or grades
(9) Collaborate with other users on eduClipboards for class projects or personal interests
(10) Works on iPhone and iPad and Apple Watch
(11) 100% free for Teachers and Students
(12) Used by over 175,000 Educators around the world
(13) Ideal for K-12 Educators and Students, Administrators, Parents, and more!
(14) As seen in TechCrunch, FreeTech4Teachers, EdSurge, VentureBeat, etc.
- Subjects:
- Educational Resources
- Keywords:
- Educational technology Computer-assisted instruction
- Resource Type:
- Others
Learning online is playing an increasingly large part of student life, whether as part of a blended approach, for group work, or even for fully online study. Join us in this webinar where we look at how to learn online, successfully, making the most of the opportunities and tools on offer.
Event Date: 23/8/2022
Facilitator(s): Harbutt, Darren; Ho, Anthony
- Subjects:
- Lesson Design and Student Engagement
- Keywords:
- Internet in education Motivation in education Blended learning Engagement (Philosophy)
- Resource Type:
- Video
Learn about making effective student video assignments and how you can use uRewind to facilitate the submission of student video assignments, peer assessment and collaboration, and provide time stamped feedback.
Event Date: 04/01/2021
Facilitator(s): Mitesh Patel (EDC), Kai Pan Mark (EDC)
- Subjects:
- Assessment & Feedback
- Keywords:
- Educational tests measurements Web-based instruction
- Resource Type:
- Video
Learn about making effective student video assignments and how you can use uRewind to facilitate the submission of student video assignments, peer assessment and collaboration, and provide time stamped feedback.
Event Date: 26/11/2020
Facilitator(s): Mitesh Patel (EDC), Kai Pan Mark (EDC)
- Subjects:
- Assessment & Feedback
- Keywords:
- Educational tests measurements Web-based instruction
- Resource Type:
- Video
This webinar will look at the current state of play of eAssessment in PolyU, Hong Kong and beyond. It will then present some examples that move beyond learners writing an essay in front of a webcam, sharing ideas to help stimulate your online assessment practices.
Event Date: 12/01/2021
Facilitator(s): Darren Harbutt (EDC), Laura Zhou (EDC)
- Subjects:
- Assessment & Feedback
- Keywords:
- Educational tests measurements Web-based instruction
- Resource Type:
- Video
This session offered by EDC and ITS introduces you how to adopt different assessment functions of Blackboard for formative, summative and other-related assessment purposes. You will have opportunities to seek pedagogical and technical advice from the Presenter(s)s for planning different aspects of your assessment including creating, deploying, and delivering assessment activities for this semester.
Event Date: 15/3/2022
Facilitator(s): Roy Kam (EDC), Pony Ma (ITS)
- Subjects:
- Lesson Design and Assessment & Feedback
- Keywords:
- Web-based instruction Educational tests measurements
- Resource Type:
- Video
Join us in this online showcase that looks at assessment solutions that leverage technology to help you assess student learning outcomes. We will consider examples from PolyU and HKBU that move beyond large-hall exams and their online invigilated equivalents to offer a more holistic solution.
Event Date: 7/7/2022
Facilitator(s): Darren Harbutt, Wallace Lai, Bruce Li, Theresa Kwong
- Subjects:
- Assessment & Feedback
- Keywords:
- Educational tests measurements Web-based instruction
- Resource Type:
- Video
Interested in Educational Research? Two experienced educational researchers will share how to prepare a good paper and enhance its chances of being published in a journal.
Event Date: 19/5/2022
Facilitator(s): Dr Robert Wright (MM), Dr Tang Yuk Ming (ISE), Dr Eric Tsui (EDC)
- Subjects:
- Good Practices
- Keywords:
- Proposal writing in educational research
- Resource Type:
- Video
What is a statement of Teaching Philosophy? This session introduces the concept to teachers who have no experience of preparing one. Together we will examine a previous statement, analyze its contents, and start the process of creating meaningful statements of what we stand for as teachers.
Event Date: 19/03/2020
Facilitator(s): John Sager (EDC), David Watson (EDC)
- Subjects:
- Lesson Design
- Keywords:
- Education -- Philosophy
- Resource Type:
- Video
This session, the second in a two-part series, explores how students can use the note-taking anddiscussion tools in uRewind to engage more deeply with the content of your lecture recording. It also looks at how you can create quizzes that require students to summarise what they have watched.
By the end of this session, you will be able to:
• design more complex quiz questions that develop the skill of summarising
• help students write contextualised, personal reflections on parts of your lecture recording
• engage students in discussions based around key moments in your video.
Event Date: 7/10/2021
Facilitator(s): Dave Gatrell, Kai Pan Mark
- Subjects:
- Student Engagement and Lesson Design
- Keywords:
- Motivation in education Computer-assisted instruction Web-based instruction Engagement (Philosophy) Lecture method in teaching
- Resource Type:
- Video
Lecture recordings have become an essential part of face-to-face, online and hybrid learning. They also offer many additional opportunities for active learning. This two-part, hands-on, workshop series is designed to help you make the most of your recordings, transforming them into an engaging learning resource that will increase students’ participation and interaction.
This session, the second in a two-part series, explores how students can use the note-taking and discussion tools in uRewind to engage more deeply with the content of your lecture recording. It also looks at how you can create quizzes that require students to summarise what they have watched. By the end of this session, you will be able to:
- design more complex quiz questions that develop the skill of summarising
- help students write contextualised, personal reflections on parts of your lecture recording
- engage students in discussions based around key moments in your video.
Event Date: 24/9/2021
Facilitator(s): Dave Gatrell, Kai Pan Mark
- Subjects:
- Student Engagement and Lesson Design
- Keywords:
- Motivation in education Computer-assisted instruction Web-based instruction Engagement (Philosophy) Lecture method in teaching
- Resource Type:
- Video
Join this Webinar to learn about Open Educational Resources (OERs) and how to use them to engage your students, and to create a co-learning environment for continuous improvement.
Event Date: 30/09/2020
Facilitator(s): Eric Tsui(EDC), David Watson (EDC)
- Subjects:
- Educational Resources
- Keywords:
- Open educational resources Engagement (Philosophy) Motivation in education
- Resource Type:
- Video
"The BCcampus Open Education Virtual Lab and Science Resource Directory lists free science resources designed to support remote science education. This directory is updated as new resources are identified. Note that, while all resources in this directory are free, not all are open. Resources that carry Creative Commons or otherwise open licences are clearly labelled"--BCcampus website.
- Subjects:
- Educational Resources
- Keywords:
- Directories United States Science -- Study teaching Canada
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Supported by the Virtual Teaching and Learning (VTL) project “Promoting the use of video-based formative assessment to develop the skills of reflection and peer feedforward and as an alternative to proctored examination”, teachers have been adopting video-base assessment techniques across different subjects and levels. In this session, three teachers are going to share their experience and provide suggestions to colleagues who are interested in adopting this approach: Dr Joe Ching [ELC]: Benefits and outcomes of using video-based formative assessment to improve presentation skills Dr Vincent Leung [MM]: Leveraging video assessment in global business learning at the graduate level Dr Betty Chung [SN]: Using video-based formative assessment to build a foundation of reflective learning in junior nursing students (in alphabetical order of Departments)
Event Date: 19/4/2023
Presenter(s): Dr Joe Ching (ELC), Dr Vincent Leung (MM), Dr Betty Chung (SN)
Facilitator(s): Dr Kai Pan Mark (EDC)
- Subjects:
- Lesson Design
- Keywords:
- Web-based instruction Educational tests measurements
- Resource Type:
- Video
As part of a learner-centered approach, classes should be recorded. As there are a number of platforms that can be used to record your face-to-face classes, EDC and ITS will collaboratively run workshops to show you how to best use the available tools.
Session 4: Using uRewind to record your face-to-face classes
Facilitator: Kai Pan Mark, EDC
Facilitator: Pony Ma, ITS
Facilitator: Jason Chow, ITS
Date: 11 Jan 2023
Time: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Venue: Z512 and Online via MS Teams
Come to this workshop to learn how to record your classes and then make them available to your students using uRewind.
Come to this session to learn how to use uRewind, powered by Panopto, to create, edit and share video content to use in your online teaching.
Event Date: 05/02/2020
Facilitator(s): Mitesh Patel (EDC), Kai Pan Mark (EDC)
- Subjects:
- Educational Resources
- Keywords:
- Educational technology Video recordings -- Production direction -- Study teaching Web-based instruction
- Resource Type:
- Video
Come to this workshop to learn how to record your classes and then make them available to your students using uRewind (Panopto)
Event Date: 6/2/2022
Facilitator(s): KP Mark, Jason Chow
- Subjects:
- Assessment & Feedback
- Keywords:
- Web-based instruction Video recordings -- Production direction -- Study teaching Educational technology
- Resource Type:
- Video
The first workshop in this series will introduce the Programme Review Tool (PRT) and the model it was developed to support - Plan, Map, Analyse and Interpret (PMAI) . Through an overview and demonstration of the PRT, participants will learn how analyses can be conducted using the PRT to address specific questions as part of programme review.
Event Date: 05/10/2020
Facilitator(s): Christine Armatas(EDC), Dick Chan (EDC)
- Subjects:
- Learning Analytics
- Keywords:
- Education -- Evaluation Educational technology Education -- Data processing Academic achievement -- Evaluation
- Resource Type:
- Video
Come to this workshop to learn how to record your classes and then make them available to your students using Zoom
Event Date: 3/1/2022
Facilitator(s): Dave Gatrell, Alan Cheng
Event Date: 21/05/2020
Facilitator(s): Dave Gatrell(EDC)
- Keywords:
- Computer conferencing in education Computer-assisted instruction Internet videoconferencing Web-based instruction
- Resource Type:
- Video
Turnitin Feedback Studio is an online paperless grading tool that saves instructors’ time while offering easy-to-read meaningful feedback on students’ writing. In this online webinar, we will introduce what Turnitin Feedback Studio is, what essential features and functions it has, who can use it and how to make use of it for your online grading and providing feedback to your students. We will also demonstrate how to create a Turnitin assignment and share useful resources for your further study.
Event Date: 26/1/2021
Facilitator(s): Laura Zhou (EDC), Mitesh Patel (EDC)
- Subjects:
- Assessment & Feedback
- Keywords:
- Web-based instruction Grading marking (Students) Educational tests measurements
- Resource Type:
- Video
This session will revisit the purposes and roles of a Programme Learning Outcomes Assessment Plan (P-LOAP) in quality assurance and enhancement. It will also discuss observations and good practices of how P-LOAP is used for monitoring and enhancing programme effectiveness in achieving its intended learning outcomes. Programme leaders and administrators are encouraged to attend to refresh and update their understanding and share their experience.
Event Date: 9/11/2022
Facilitator(s): Tam, Kenneth; Lo, Dawn
- Subjects:
- Lesson Design, Student Engagement, and Good Practices
- Keywords:
- Education Higher -- Aims objectives Education Higher -- Evaluation
- Resource Type:
- Video
Come to this workshop to learn how to record your classes and then make them available to your students using MS Teams
Event Date: 5/1/2022
Facilitator(s): Dick Chan, Robbie Cheung
As part of a learner-centered approach, classes should be recorded. As there are a number of platforms that can be used to record your face-to-face classes, EDC and ITS will collaboratively run workshops to show you how to best use the available tools.
Session 1: Using MS Teams to record your face-to-face classes
Facilitator: Robbie Cheung, ITS
Facilitator: Kai Pan Mark, EDC
Date: 05 Jan 2023
Time: 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Venue: CD301 and Online via Zoom
Come to this workshop to learn how to record your classes and then make them available to your students using MS Teams.
Working across international borders is one of the innumerable challenges facing teachers today. This workshop shows how one teacher works together with a colleague at Nagoya University of College and Business in Japan to use case studies to integrate students from different locations. Join us to find out more.
Event Date: 16/12/2022
Presenter(s): Leung, Vincent
Facilitator(s): Sager, John
- Subjects:
- Lesson Design and Good Practices
- Keywords:
- International education Education Higher -- International cooperation Intellectual cooperation
- Resource Type:
- Video
Come to this session to learn how to use the essential features of LEARN@PolyU to deliver quality online teaching and learning. Discover how to make learning materials available online and create social presence to ensure constructive interaction with your students through active online learning.
Event Date: 07/02/2020
Facilitator(s): Dave Gatrell (EDC), David Watson (EDC)
- Subjects:
- Lesson Design
- Keywords:
- Educational technology Instructional systems Computer-assisted instruction
- Resource Type:
- Video
Come to this workshop to learn how to record your classes and then make them available to your students using Blackboard Collaborate Ultra
Event Date: 4/1/2022
Facilitator(s): Mitesh Patel, Eric Ng
This session, the second in a two-part series, explores how students can use the note-taking and discussion tools in uRewind to engage more deeply with the content of your lecture recording. It also looks at how you can create quizzes that require students to summarise what they have watched. By the end of this session, you will be able to: (1) design more complex quiz questions that develop the skill of summarising; (2) help students write contextualised, personal reflections on parts of your lecture recording; (3)engage students in discussions based around key moments in your video.
Event Date: 1/4/2022
Facilitator(s): Mitesh Patel (EDC), Dick Chan (EDC)
- Subjects:
- Student Engagement, Learning Analytics, Lesson Design, and Assessment & Feedback
- Keywords:
- Web-based instruction Lecture method in teaching Motivation in education Computer-assisted instruction Engagement (Philosophy)
- Resource Type:
- Video
This session, the first in a two-part series, looks at how you can use tools in uRewind to organise your lecture recording and create in-video quizzes to encourage active learning. It also examines the use of learning analytics to help you see how students are engaging and interacting with your video. By the end of this session, you will be able to: (1) upload your recorded lecture to uRewind and create a table of contents so your students can easily navigate your videos; (2) create in-video quizzes to promote active engagement (3)analyse student viewing data.
Event Date: 29/3/2022
Facilitator(s): Mitesh Patel (EDC), Dick Chan (EDC)
- Subjects:
- Student Engagement, Learning Analytics, Assessment & Feedback, and Lesson Design
- Keywords:
- Web-based instruction Lecture method in teaching Motivation in education Computer-assisted instruction Engagement (Philosophy)
- Resource Type:
- Video
PolyU has announced the return of F2F learning and teaching (L&T) mode in the coming semester. Are we ready to continue our journey to the ‘new normal’ of e-L&T in our pedagogical pursuit for the new generation? In this Webinar organized by APSS and in collaboration with Educational Development Centre (EDC), Professor Doug VOGEL will provide the audience with a succinct capture of his aspiration for Education 4.0, and give his feedback on the endeavors that APSS has been working on with EDC to ride the juggernaut of pedagogical challenges and advancement in the changing environments.
Event Date: 17/12/2021
Facilitator(s): Julia Chen, Rodney Chu, Darren Harbutt
- Subjects:
- Good Practices and Lesson Design
- Keywords:
- Web-based instruction Educational technology Computer-assisted instruction Teaching Blended learning Learning
- Resource Type:
- Video
The hybrid classroom is a challenging pedagogical environment for a teacher to work within. In this session, we will hear from a teacher who will discuss his planning and implementation of hybrid lessons. He will also explain how he works with teaching assistants to ensure that together they give a quality lesson.
Event Date: 3/3/2021
Facilitator(s): Thomas Lee (BME), Maria Gan (BME), Kai Pan Mark(EDC), John Sager (EDC)
- Subjects:
- Student Engagement and Lesson Design
- Keywords:
- Blended learning Computer-assisted instruction Teaching -- Computer network resources
- Resource Type:
- Video
The ELC professional development model was designed to improve the quality of teacher candidates’ Practicum field placements and align teaching in field placements with Learning Standards used in the teacher education program. Teams of four educators from varied settings worked in a Practicum placement setting for one semester to improve their teaching and align it with Learning Standards. An action research approach improved teaching challenges teams faced. Research articles were read to improve teams’ teaching challenges by implementing one agreed strategy. Teams video-recorded, assessed, and reflected on the impact of the strategy on their teaching, on teacher candidates’ learning and on children’s learning. This text compiles six case studies from this model to illustrate how teaching challenges were improved. Appropriate for practiced educators as well as educators in training, this text provides a real world look into applying Learning Standards in early childhood classrooms.
- Keywords:
- Teachers -- Training of Early childhood education Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
EDC presents a series of showcases that share project deliverables and innovations in TEL, promoting sustainable and impactful practices that resonate across PolyU and beyond. Showcase One proudly presents two departmental interventions funded by PolyU’s Quality Incentive Scheme Stage 1, which promotes eLearning, Teaching and Assessment (eLTA) by grooming and rewarding outstanding performance:
APSS on the Move: Incubation of L&T Strategies before, during and beyond the Pandemic Era.
AAE: Using an online platform, Github, to shape and build the students' problem-solving and learning-to-learn abilities through a flip-class project teaching approach.
Event Date: 13/10/2022
Presenter(s): Chui, Eric; Chu, Rodney; Hsu, Li Ta
Facilitator: Harbutt, Darren
- Subjects:
- Lesson Design, Student Engagement, and Good Practices
- Keywords:
- Internet in education Educational technology Web-based instruction
- Resource Type:
- Video
Explore a selection of engaging activities using Zoom that can enhance your extended/hybrid classroom practice: teaching online and face-to-face students simultaneously. Discuss some of the potential challenges you might experience in this mode of teaching and work with colleagues to develop possible solutions to them.
Event Date: 02/07/2020
Facilitator(s): Dave Gatrell(EDC), Dick Chan, Kai Pan Mark (EDC)
- Subjects:
- Lesson Design
- Keywords:
- Computer conferencing in education Computer-assisted instruction Internet videoconferencing College teaching -- Aids devices Web-based instruction
- Resource Type:
- Video
Explore a selection of engaging activities using Zoom that can enhance your extended/hybrid classroom practice: teaching online and face-to-face students simultaneously. Discuss some of the potential challenges you might experience in this mode of teaching and work with colleagues to develop possible solutions to them.
Event Date: 22/06/2020
Facilitator(s): Dave Gatrell(EDC), Dick Chan(EDC), Kai Pan Mark (EDC)
- Subjects:
- Lesson Design
- Keywords:
- Computer conferencing in education Computer-assisted instruction Internet videoconferencing College teaching -- Aids devices Web-based instruction
- Resource Type:
- Video
To participate in the webinar, simply click on the link to register. Please register with your Connect email address. You will receive an email which has the link to access the session before the session starts.
Event Date: 30/06/2020
Facilitator(s): Dick Chan (EDC), Dr KP Mark (EDC)
- Subjects:
- Lesson Design
- Keywords:
- Educational technology Instructional systems Computer-assisted instruction
- Resource Type:
- Video
Explore a selection of engaging activities using Blackboard Collaborate Ultra that can enhance your extended/hybrid classroom practice: teaching online and face-to-face students simultaneously. Discuss some of the potential challenges you might experience in this mode of teaching and work with colleagues to develop possible solutions to them.
Event Date: 29/06/2020
Facilitator(s): Dave Gatrell(EDC), David Watson (EDC)
- Subjects:
- Lesson Design
- Keywords:
- Educational technology Instructional systems Computer-assisted instruction
- Resource Type:
- Video
Explore a selection of engaging activities using Blackboard Collaborate Ultra that can enhance your extended/hybrid classroom practice: teaching online and face-to-face students simultaneously. Discuss some of the potential challenges you might experience in this mode of teaching and work with colleagues to develop possible solutions to them.
Event Date: 18/06/2020
Facilitator(s): Dave Gatrell(EDC), David Watson (EDC)
- Subjects:
- Lesson Design
- Keywords:
- Educational technology Instructional systems Computer-assisted instruction
- Resource Type:
- Video
"The book examines the underlying principles that guide effective teaching in an age when all of us, and in particular the students we are teaching, are using technology. A framework for making decisions about your teaching is provided, while understanding that every subject is different, and every instructor has something unique and special to bring to their teaching. The book enables teachers and instructors to help students develop the knowledge and skills they will need in a digital age: not so much the IT skills, but the thinking and attitudes to learning that will bring them success."--BCcampus website.
- Subjects:
- Lesson Design and Student Engagement
- Keywords:
- Teaching Teaching -- Technological innovations Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
In past few years, hybrid/online teaching has been used during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this workshop, a 4C model: Content, Collaboration, Community and Communication is presented for hybrid/online teaching. To support the 4C model, various teaching/learning tools and resources can be used such as: presentation slides with annotations, chatbox communication, open educational resources, multiple choice exercises, group exercises, class surveys etc. Good practice and useful experience (e.g., how to handle the aforementioned tools smoothly in a class) will be shared through the workshop.
Event Date: 7/12/2022
Facilitator(s): Chan, Henry; Zhou, Laura
- Subjects:
- Good Practices
- Keywords:
- Internet in education Educational technology College teaching Blended learning Web-based instruction
- Resource Type:
- Video
After a year of hybrid teaching, it is now time to review the experience, share good practices and the lessons learned, and plan for the coming year. This workshop will look at key features of teaching in a hybrid classroom, review classroom facilities and provide tips on how to fully utilize the classroom facilities for effective teaching and learning in the hybrid classroom.
Event Date: 6/5/2021
Facilitator(s): Kai Pan Mark, John Sager, Dawn Lo (EDC)
- Subjects:
- Student Engagement and Lesson Design
- Keywords:
- Web-based instruction Blended learning Computer-assisted instruction
- Resource Type:
- Video
Teachers, instructors and faculty are facing unprecedented change, with often larger classes, more diverse students, demands from government and employers who want more accountability and the development of graduates who are workforce ready, and above all, we are all having to cope with ever changing technology. To handle change of this nature, teachers and instructors need a base of theory and knowledge that will provide a solid foundation for their teaching, no matter what changes or pressures they face. Although the book contains many practical examples, it is more than a cookbook on how to teach. It addresses the following questions: is the nature of knowledge changing, and how do different views on the nature of knowledge result in different approaches to teaching? what is the science and research that can best help me in my teaching? how do I decide whether my courses should be face-to-face, blended or fully online? what strategies work best when teaching in a technology-rich environment? what methods of teaching are most effective for blended and online classes? how do I make choices among all the available media, whether text, audio, video, computer, or social media, in order to benefit my students and my subject? how do I maintain high quality in my teaching in a rapidly changing learning environment while managing my workload? what are the real possibilities for teaching and learning using MOOCs, OERS, open textbooks? In summary, the book examines the underlying principles that guide effective teaching in an age when everyone, and in particular the students we are teaching, are using technology. A framework and a set of guidelines are suggested for making decisions about your teaching, while understanding that every subject is different, and every teacher and instructor has something unique and special to bring to their teaching. In the end, though, the book isn't really about teachers and instructors, although you are the target group. It's about you helping your students to develop the knowledge and skills they will need in a digital age: not so much digital skills, but the thinking and knowledge that will bring them success. For that to happen, though, your students need you to be on top of your game. This book is your coach.
- Keywords:
- Teaching Educational technology Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Explore a selection of engaging activities that use the new features in Microsoft Teams to enhance your online teaching.
Event Date: 01/09/2020
Facilitator(s): Green Luk(EDC), Dick Chan(EDC), Kai Pan Mark (EDC)
- Subjects:
- Lesson Design
- Keywords:
- Microsoft software Computer-assisted instruction Groupware (Computer software)
- Resource Type:
- Video
Within the rapidly expanding field of educational technology, learners and educators must confront a seemingly overwhelming selection of tools designed to deliver and facilitate both online and blended learning. Many of these tools assume that learning is configured and delivered in closed contexts, through learning management systems (LMS). However, while traditional "classroom" learning is by no means obsolete, networked learning is in the ascendant. A foundational method in online and blended education, as well as the most common means of informal and self-directed learning, networked learning is rapidly becoming the dominant mode of teaching as well as learning. In Teaching Crowds, Dron and Anderson introduce a new model for understanding and exploiting the pedagogical potential of Web-based technologies, one that rests on connections — on networks and collectives — rather than on separations. Recognizing that online learning both demands and affords new models of teaching and learning, the authors show how learners can engage with social media platforms to create an unbounded field of emergent connections. These connections empower learners, allowing them to draw from one another's expertise to formulate and fulfill their own educational goals. In an increasingly networked world, developing such skills will, they argue, better prepare students to become self-directed, lifelong learners.
- Keywords:
- Social learning Group work in education Social media Educational technology Education -- Social aspects Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Teaching in an online environment can be challenging. It is even more challenging to engage and motivate students in an online class when your students do not want to turn on their microphones and webcams. Would you like to get some tips on how to make good use of some of the features of online platforms to create an interactive classroom for online learning? Come and join us in this teacher sharing session and be inspired, enlightened and stimulated!
Event Date: 25/09/2020
Facilitator(s): Laura Zhou (EDC), Kannass Chan (EDC), Leo Chon (EDC), Scott Chin (SD)
- Subjects:
- Student Engagement and Lesson Design
- Keywords:
- Internet in education Web-based instruction Instructional systems -- Design
- Resource Type:
- Video
Teaching in an online environment can be challenging. It is even more challenging to engage and motivate students in an online class when your students do not want to turn on their microphones and webcams. Would you like to get some tips on how to make good use of some of the features of online platforms to create an interactive classroom for online learning? Come and join us in this teacher sharing session and be inspired, enlightened and stimulated!
Event Date: 27/07/2020
Facilitator(s): Laura Zhou (EDC), Kannass Chan (EDC), Leo Chon (EDC), Scott Chin (SD)
- Subjects:
- Student Engagement and Lesson Design
- Keywords:
- Internet in education Web-based instruction Instructional systems -- Design
- Resource Type:
- Video
Find out how teachers from across PolyU have used ideas from the BOLT: Blended and Online Learning and Teaching course to develop Learning Innovation Plans for blended learning. We hope this sharing session will inspire you to develop blended learning strategies for the Summer Term and the academic year ahead.
Event Date: 28/5/2021
Facilitator(s): Catherine Cheung (SHTM), Gemmy Moon (SHTM), Tracie Frost (AF), Dian Xiang Ji (AP), Ping Geng - E2I (HKUST), Dave Gatrell (EDC), Laura Zhou (EDC)
- Subjects:
- Lesson Design and Student Engagement
- Keywords:
- Computer-assisted instruction Web-based instruction Blended learning
- Resource Type:
- Video
Find out how teachers from across PolyU have used ideas from the BOLT: Blended and Online Learning and Teaching course to design and implement blended learning. We hope this sharing session will inspire you to develop blended learning strategies for the Summer Term and the academic year ahead.
Event Date: 27/5/2021
Facilitator(s): Elaine Cheung (SN), Hannah Han (CBS), Sharon Yau (APSS), Tian Li (HTI), Dave Gatrell (EDC), Laura Zhou (EDC)
- Subjects:
- Lesson Design and Student Engagement
- Keywords:
- Computer-assisted instruction Web-based instruction Blended learning
- Resource Type:
- Video
Assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning. However, designing and conducting online assessments can be challenging tasks. Would you like to get some tips on designing open-book assessments and quizzes, and ways of conducting them effectively online? Join this webinar to learn some good practices and maybe share your own with others!
Event Date: 05/10/2020
Facilitator(s): Wallace Lai (LSGI), Kannass Chan(EDC), Laura Zhou(EDC), Leo Chon (EDC)
- Subjects:
- Good Practices and Assessment & Feedback
- Keywords:
- Educational tests measurements Web-based instruction
- Resource Type:
- Video