The video covered three questions: (1) What does "making an adaptation" mean? (2) What is "public domain"? (3) Does inclusion of a pop song in a performance infringe any copyright?
The Copyright Classroom series is supported by HKU Teaching Development Grant (TDG) and Knowledge Exchange (KE). It is a collaborative project of HKU Law Faculty, Architecture Faculty, Knowledge Exchange Office, Technology-Enriched Learning Initiative, and Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning. For further reference - Copyright Ordinance (Cap 528).
The video covered two questions: (1) What should buskers do if they want to sing famous pop songs in their performance without infringing any copyright? (2) What are moral rights? How are they different from copyright?
The Copyright Classroom series is supported by HKU Teaching Development Grant (TDG) and Knowledge Exchange (KE). It is a collaborative project of HKU Law Faculty, Architecture Faculty, Knowledge Exchange Office, Technology-Enriched Learning Initiative, and Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning. For further reference - Copyright Ordinance (Cap 528).