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Early childhood education
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"In Australia and internationally much still needs to occur to promote inclusive practices in education and society with many educators not feeling equipped to recognise or appreciate diversity or cater effectively for inclusion. With embedded audio-visual components, this open textbook is designed to enhance the quality of the reader's experience with each chapter posing key understandings underpinning inclusion and diversity. Readers are encouraged to answer questions on culture, special learning needs, varied educational contexts, gender diversity and more. The key expected outcome of this open textbook is to engage readers in making meaning of inclusion and diversity and applying their learning to their own individual contexts."--BCcampus website.
- Subjects:
- Environmental Sciences
- Keywords:
- Early childhood education Multicultural education Australia Inclusive education Educational equalization
- Resource Type:
- e-book
"Le terme "renforcement des capacités" est entré dans le langage courant durant le développement international du vingt-et-unième siècle. Alors que ce terme a une signification différente pour différentes personnes, il est souvent utilisé pour décrire une infusion de connaissances ou de compétences pour contribuer à la création d'un gouvernement ou institution capable de répondre aux défis majeurs liés au développement. Toutefois, comme d'autres interventions bien intentionnées de l'Ouest industrialisé, un tel "renforcement des capacités" peut avoir un effet autant destructeur que productif. Ce volume problématise de telles activités et présente une autre façon de promouvoir la construction de capacité dans le cadre du développement. Le volume commence par une exploration du concept de renforcement des capacités et se concentre ensuite sur deux exemples de promotion de capacités pour l'éducation, les soins et le développement de la petite enfance (DPE). Le Programme de Partenariats des Premières Nations (PPPN), un programme d'éducation postsecondaire innovateur et efficace lancé en 1989 à la demande d'un grand conseil tribal dans le nord du Canada, a mené à 10 apports éducatifs dans diverses communautés autochtones au cours des vingt ans qui ont suivis. Le deuxième programme, lancé en 1994 à la demande du siège de l'UNICEF, met l'accent sur l'Afrique subsaharienne. Alors que le programme inclut toute une gamme d'activités qui concernent la promotion de capacités, le vecteur central pour ce travail de développement est l'Université Virtuelle pour le Développement de la Petite-Enfance (UVDPE), un programme créé en 2001 et maintenant en phase de transition vers les universités africaines. Ce livre décrit des approches pour la promotion de capacité qui répondent aux complexités et aux possibilités des communautés - au niveau local ainsi que national. Ces initiatives défient le discours actuel en ce qui concerne le développent dans le cadre du DPE et du développement international et, ce faisant, fournit d'autres moyens de renforcer les capacités pour les chercheurs et les professionnels dans le DPE, l'éducation, et le vaste domaine du développement international"--BC Campus website.
- Keywords:
- Child development Early childhood education Child care
- Resource Type:
- e-book
"The term 'capacity building' has come into common usage in twenty-first century international development. While the term means different things to different people, it is often used to describe an infusion of knowledge or skills to help 'build' a government's or institution's ability to address key development challenges. However, like other well intentioned interventions from the industrialized West, such 'capacity building' can have destructive, as well as productive, impacts. This volume problematizes such activities and presents an alternative approach to promoting capacity in development contexts. The volume starts with an exploration of the concept of capacity building and goes on to focus on two examples of capacity promotion for early childhood education, care and development (ECD). The First Nations Partnerships Program (FNPP), an innovative and successful post-secondary education program initiated in 1989 at the request of a large tribal council in northern Canada, led to 10 educational deliveries with diverse Indigenous communities over the subsequent two decades. The second program, launched in 1994 at the request of UNICEF headquarters, focuses on sub-Saharan Africa. While the program encompasses a range of capacity-promoting activities, the central vehicle for this ECD development work is the Early Childhood Development Virtual University (ECDVU), a program created in 2001 and now in transition to African universities. This book describes approaches to capacity promotion that respond to the complexities and possibilities of communities-at local and country levels. These initiatives challenge established developmental narratives in ECD and international development, and in so doing provide alternative ways for scholars and practitioners in ECD, education, and the broad international development field to enhance capacities"--BC Campus website.
- Keywords:
- Early childhood education Child development Child care
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Early childhood is a critical time in development. Many outcomes, both positive and negative, have their beginnings in these years. It is vital that children’s health and safety be protected. High-quality early care and education programs can play a valuable role in improving outcomesfor children.
- Subjects:
- Nursing
- Keywords:
- Early childhood education Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
The ELC professional development model was designed to improve the quality of teacher candidates’ Practicum field placements and align teaching in field placements with Learning Standards used in the teacher education program. Teams of four educators from varied settings worked in a Practicum placement setting for one semester to improve their teaching and align it with Learning Standards. An action research approach improved teaching challenges teams faced. Research articles were read to improve teams’ teaching challenges by implementing one agreed strategy. Teams video-recorded, assessed, and reflected on the impact of the strategy on their teaching, on teacher candidates’ learning and on children’s learning. This text compiles six case studies from this model to illustrate how teaching challenges were improved. Appropriate for practiced educators as well as educators in training, this text provides a real world look into applying Learning Standards in early childhood classrooms.
- Keywords:
- Teachers -- Training of Early childhood education Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Welcome to learning about how to effectively plan curriculum for young children. This textbookwill address: Developing curriculum through the planning cycle Theories that inform what we know about how children learn and the best ways for teachers to support learning The three components of developmentally appropriate practice Importance and value of play and intentional teaching Different models of curriculum Process of lesson planning (documenting planned experiences for children) Physical, temporal, and social environments that set the stage for children’s learning Appropriate guidance techniques to support children’s behaviors as the self-regulation abilities mature. Planning for preschool-aged children in specific domains including Physical development Language and literacy Math Science Creative (the visual and performing arts) Diversity (social science and history) Health and safety How curriculum planning for infants and toddlers is different from planning for older children Supporting school-aged children’s learning and development in out-of-school time through curriculum planning Making children’s learning visible through documentation and assessment
- Keywords:
- Education Preschool -- Curricula Early childhood education Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Covers over 5,000 reports published by the National Academies Press for the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine and National Research Council in the US.
- Keywords:
- Education Secondary Higher education Early childhood education Educational technology Education
- Resource Type:
- e-book