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Handling statistical data is an essential part of psychological research. However, many people find the idea of using statistics, and especially statistical software packages, extremely daunting. This free course, Getting started with SPSS, takes a step-by-step approach to statistics software through seven interactive activities. No statistics software is needed.
- Keywords:
- SPSS (Computer file) Statistics -- Computer programs Statistics -- Data processing
- Resource Type:
Being diagnosed with autism is often seen as a tragedy. But for Jac den Houting, it was the best thing that's ever happened to them. As an autistic person, concepts like the Neurodiversity paradigm, the Social Model of Disability, and the Double Empathy Problem were life-changing for Jac. In this talk, Jac combines these ideas with their own personal story to explain why we need to rethink the way that we understand autism. Jac den Houting is a research psychologist and Autistic activist in pursuit of social justice. Jac currently holds the role of Postdoctoral Research Associate at Macquarie University in Sydney, working alongside Professor Liz Pellicano. In 2015, Jac was awarded an Autism CRC scholarship to complete their PhD through the Autism Centre of Excellence at Griffith University in Brisbane. Prior to this, they gained almost 10 years’ experience as a psychologist in the criminal justice system, with the Queensland Police Service and Queensland Corrective Services. Jac was identified as Autistic at the age of 25, and is proudly neurodivergent and queer. After participating in the inaugural Future Leaders Program at the 2013 Asia Pacific Autism Conference, Jac quickly became established as a strong advocate for the Autistic community. Jac is a current member of the Autistic Self Advocacy Network of Australia and New Zealand (ASAN-AuNZ)’s Executive Committee, the Autism CRC’s Data Access Committee, Aspect’s LGBTQIA+ Autism Advisory Committee, and the Aspect Advisory Council. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- Course related:
- RS3320 Clinical Sciences in Developmental Dysfunction
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences
- Keywords:
- Autistic people Autism Autistic people -- Services for
- Resource Type:
- Video
This channel walks you through the entire process of learning to code in Python; all the way from basics to advanced machine learning and deep learning. The primary emphasis will be on image processing and other relevant functionality. Why did I create this channel? To help you (students and researchers) gain a new skill and succeed in your respective fields.
You may think coding is hard and that it's not your cup of tea, but Python made it easy to code even advanced algorithms. In addition, coding will make you self sufficient, it will teach you how to think, it improves your collaborative skills and it can take your career to new heights. Therefore, if you want to stay ahead of your peers and relevant in your field, overcome your fears and start coding!
- Subjects:
- Computing, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
- Keywords:
- Python (Computer program language) Computer programming Computer science
- Resource Type:
- Video
Algorithm Visualizer is an interactive online platform that visualizes algorithms from code. Learning an algorithm gets much easier with visualizing it.
- Subjects:
- Computing, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
- Keywords:
- Information visualization Algorithms
- Resource Type:
- Others
The video covered two questions: (1) What should buskers do if they want to sing famous pop songs in their performance without infringing any copyright? (2) What are moral rights? How are they different from copyright? The Copyright Classroom series is supported by HKU Teaching Development Grant (TDG) and Knowledge Exchange (KE). It is a collaborative project of HKU Law Faculty, Architecture Faculty, Knowledge Exchange Office, Technology-Enriched Learning Initiative, and Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning. For further reference - Copyright Ordinance (Cap 528).
The video covered three questions: (1) Can teachers play films, videos, or songs during lesson? (2) How can reference materials be distributed to students without infringing copyright? (3) Can teachers include other people's work in exam papers? The Copyright Classroom series is supported by HKU Teaching Development Grant (TDG) and Knowledge Exchange (KE). It is a collaborative project of HKU Law Faculty, Architecture Faculty, Knowledge Exchange Office, Technology-Enriched Learning Initiative, and Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning. For further reference - Copyright Ordinance (Cap 528).
The video covered two questions: (1) Can students share other people's work during in-class presentations? (2) Can students who work as private tutors photocopy past papers? The Copyright Classroom series is supported by HKU Teaching Development Grant (TDG) and Knowledge Exchange (KE). It is a collaborative project of HKU Law Faculty, Architecture Faculty, Knowledge Exchange Office, Technology-Enriched Learning Initiative, and Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning. For further reference - Copyright Ordinance (Cap 528).
- Keywords:
- Photocopying -- Fair use (Copyright) Copyright infringement Copyright Fair use (Copyright)
- Resource Type:
- Video
The video covered four questions: (1) What are the works in which copyright subsists? (2) What is the duration of copyright? (3) Who owns copyright in a work of joint authorship? (4) What kind of acts may constitute copyright infringement? The Copyright Classroom series is supported by HKU Teaching Development Grant (TDG) and Knowledge Exchange (KE). It is a collaborative project of HKU Law Faculty, Architecture Faculty, Knowledge Exchange Office, Technology-Enriched Learning Initiative, and Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning. For further reference - Copyright Ordinance (Cap 528).
Chemistry is the study of matter and the ways in which different forms of matter combine with each other.
On the 28th of April 2012 the contents of the English as well as German Wikibooks and Wikipedia projects were licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license. An URI to this license is given in the list of figures on page 175. If this document is a derived work from the contents of one of these projects and the content was still licensed by the project under this license at the time of derivation this document has to be licensed under the same, a similar or a compatible license, as stated in section 4b of the license. The list of contributors is included in chapter Contributors on page 169. The licenses GPL, LGPL and GFDL are included in chapter Licenses on page 179, since this book and/or parts of it may or may not be licensed under one or more of these licenses, and thus require inclusion of these licenses. The licenses of the figures are given in the list of figures on page 175. This PDF was generated by the LATEX typesetting software. The LATEX source code is included as an attachment (source.7z.txt) in this PDF file. To extract the source from the PDF file, we recommend the use of utility or clicking the paper clip attachment symbol on the lower left of your PDF Viewer, selecting Save Attachment. After extracting it from the PDF file you have to rename it to source.7z. To uncompress the resulting archive we recommend the use of The LATEX source itself was generated by a program written by Dirk Hünniger, which is freely available under an open source license from This distribution also contains a configured version of the pdflatex compiler with all necessary packages and fonts needed to compile the LATEX source included in this PDF file.
- Subjects:
- Biology
- Keywords:
- Biology
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
How can we ensure the continuous supply of the increasingly scarce raw materials that are needed to make the products we use every day? In this course, we will look at the potential benefits of circular procurement and how recycling technologies and more efficient ways of collecting and recycling critical raw materials (CRMs) can make your business and production more resource resilient. A good number of the materials found in everyday products are now referred to as “critical”. This means that there is a risk of failure in their supply and that they are also critical in terms of economic importance. Many metals, for instance, are already critical or could become critical in the near future due to their limited availability and the growing demand for products worldwide. Think of the newest electronic products that contain critical metals such as gallium, which is used in integrated circuits; beryllium, used in electronic and telecommunications equipment and permanent magnets and germanium found in infra-red optics. Innovative product design and reusing, recycling and remanufacturing products can help to deal with a raw materials shortage. But this can only provide an integrated solution if we keep CRMs in the loop through smarter CRM management. The starting point is to identify CRMs in products. It is not always clear what materials are in which products. It is, therefore, necessary to keep all metals in the loop for as long as possible. Scarcity in the supply chain can not only damage businesses but also negatively impact economic development and the environment. For this reason, the course will also discuss environmental issues and electric and electronic waste regulations. This course will be of value to a wide range of professionals working in or interested in this field. These include professionals involved in producing products containing CRMs (such as electronics) as well as local or national government officials tasked with organizing waste management and recycling for these products. Students interested in the field of waste management will also find this course helpful for their studies in electronics, industrial design, and industrial ecology.
- Subjects:
- Environmental Engineering
- Keywords:
- Refuse refuse disposal Waste products Recycling (Waste etc.) Raw materials Strategic materials
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
For the first time in history, the number of world citizens without access to electricity services has dropped below one billion, but still more than 2.8 billion people lack access to clean and affordable cooking fuels. Access to clean, affordable and reliable energy services for all world citizens is a precondition for the achievement of many other Sustainable Development Goals, such as health and economic development. The provision of sustainable energy services for all is not just a technological challenge or one confined to developing countries. Industrial and post-industrial societies also need to address issues of energy poverty and energy injustice. Rather than tackling the technological dimension of the formidable challenge to provide an inclusive energy system with renewable and climate-neutral energy resources, this course will focus on its social and institutional dimension. Introduction to the principle of the 4 As of energy services – Accessibility, Availability, Affordability, and Acceptability (environmental and social) will enrich your perspective as an engineering professional. Balancing these four critical and interdependent criteria is a recurrent challenge for individuals and society as a whole, as the characterization of the four As evolves with economic development and changing societal preferences. You will learn how the rules of the game as defined in laws, regulation and market designs impact the balance between the 4As. Using a wider socio-technical systems perspective you will discover new solutions for the inclusive provision of energy services beyond the purely technological solutions. After this course you can engage in a richer, more informed debate about how to achieve an inclusive energy system. You will be able to translate this knowledge into strategies to serve society’s future energy needs. The cases presented from developed and developing countries will help you to develop and test your analytical skills. Interviews with industry leaders shaping the energy system will challenge you to reflect on the position these leaders take and the interests they serve. Lastly, you will put yourself to the test by demonstrating your newly acquired knowledge and skills as a strategic policy advisor, in writing guidelines for a strategic action plan for the energy system and institutional context which are relevant for you, in your company, your city or your country.
- Subjects:
- Environmental Engineering and Environmental Policy and Planning
- Keywords:
- Energy policy Sustainable development Power resources -- Economic aspects Power resources -- Environmental aspects
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
Reduction of energy consumption of buildings is an important step in the move towards a sustainable economy. How can buildings be made net zero energy, in different climates? This course introduces you to zero energy design. It will teach you a stepped approach to design a zero energy climate concept for existing buildings: homes, schools, offices, shops etc. It will demonstrate how an integrated approach, which takes into account both passive measures (such as thermal insulation and sun shading) and active measures (such as heat pumps and photovoltaic panels), can deliver the best results. It will do so by providing you with an overview of possible measures, and through reviewing several case studies of zero energy buildings in the Netherlands, with lessons for other climates as well. Thus, you will learn which measures are most suitable for individual buildings under local climate conditions. This course is for anyone interested in making buildings more energy efficient, who already possess asic technical knowledge.
Engineers need to be able to predict how water will behave in order to design structures that manage or control it. And fluids don’t always behave the way you’d expect. On this episode, we’re talking about one of the most interesting phenomena in open-channel flow: the hydraulic jump.
- Subjects:
- Hydraulic Engineering
- Keywords:
- Hydraulics Hydraulic jump
- Resource Type:
- Video
A weir is a small dam built across a river to control the upstream water level. Weirs have been used for ages to control the flow of water in streams, rivers, and other water bodies. Unlike large dams which create reservoirs, the goal of building a weir across a river isn’t to create storage, but only to gain some control over the water level. Over time, the term weir has taken on a more general definition in engineering to apply to any hydraulic control structure that allows water to flow over its top, often called its crest. In fact, the spillways of many large dams use weirs as control structures. So how do they work?
- Subjects:
- Hydraulic Engineering
- Keywords:
- Dams Hydraulics Weirs
- Resource Type:
- Video
Dams serve a wide variety of purposes from hydropower to flood control to storage of water for municipal and industrials uses. But when a dam’s useful purpose fades away, the structure itself still remains. Dams come in all shapes and sizes, but contrary to what you might think, the most dangerous dams are often the smallest, also known as low head dams.
- Subjects:
- Hydraulic Engineering
- Keywords:
- Dam safety Dams Hydraulics
- Resource Type:
- Video
This video gives a quick overview of how we build underwater structures. Oceans, rivers, and lakes are often beautiful, but they’re not necessarily convenient places to build things. Yet, many types of the infrastructure we depend on every day, including wharves, bridges, and dams, are founded below the water. How do they do it? On this episode, we're talking about different types of underwater construction, including cofferdams, diversions, caissons, and drilled shafts. Whether the construction site is on the bottom of a lake or river, or simply located in the floodplain and only at risk during extreme weather, engineers and construction contractors put a significant amount of thought and consideration into the feasibility and costs of managing this water.
- Subjects:
- Hydraulic Engineering
- Keywords:
- Underwater construction Hydraulic engineering
- Resource Type:
- Video
Traffic management in dense urban areas is an extremely complex problem with a host of conflicting goals and challenges. One of the most fundamental of those challenges happens at an intersection, where multiple streams of traffic - including vehicles, bikes and pedestrians - need to safely, and with any luck, efficiently, cross each others’ paths. However we accommodate it now or in future, traffic will continue to be one of the biggest challenges in our urban areas and traffic signals will continue to be one of its solutions.
- Subjects:
- Transportation
- Keywords:
- Traffic signs signals Roads -- Interchanges intersections Traffic flow
- Resource Type:
- Video
We normally build a dam to hold water back and store it for use in water supply, irrigation, hydropower, or flood control. But sometimes we have to let some water go. Whether we need it downstream or the impounded water behind the dam is simply too full to store any more, nearly every dam needs a spillway to safely discharge water. The spillway is a critical part of any dam and often the most complex component. So how does it work?
- Subjects:
- Hydraulic Engineering
- Keywords:
- Hydraulic structures Spillways Dams Reservoirs Diversion structures (Hydraulic engineering)
- Resource Type:
- Video
The modern world depends on electricity. It’s a crucial resource, especially in urban areas, but electricity can’t be created, stored, and provided at a later time. The instant it’s produced, it’s used no matter how far apart the producer is from the user. And the infrastructure that makes all this possible is one of humanity’s most important and fascinating engineering achievements: the power grid.
- Subjects:
- Building Services Engineering and Electrical Engineering
- Keywords:
- Electric power distribution
- Resource Type:
- Video
This video continues the series on the power grid by diving deeper into the engineering of large-scale electricity generation. The importance of electricity in our modern world can hardly be overstated. What was a luxury a hundred years ago is now a critical component to the safety, prosperity, and well-being of nearly everyone. Generation is the first step electricity takes on its journey through the power grid, the gigantic machine that delivers energy to millions of people day in and day out. So how does it work?
- Subjects:
- Building Services Engineering and Electrical Engineering
- Keywords:
- Electric power production
- Resource Type:
- Video
Untangling the various equipment you might see in an electrical substation. In many ways, the grid is a one-size-fits-all system - a gigantic machine to which we all connect spinning in perfect synchrony across, in some cases, an entire continent. On the other hand, our electricity needs, including when we need it, how much we need, and how reliably it should be delivered vary widely. Substations play a critical role in controlling and protecting the power grid.
- Subjects:
- Building Services Engineering and Electrical Engineering
- Keywords:
- Electric power distribution Electric substations
- Resource Type:
- Video
Discussing some of the fascinating engineering that goes into overhead electric power transmission lines. In the past, power generating plants were only able to serve their local areas. As power plants grew larger and further away from populated areas, the need for ways to efficiently move electricity over long distances has become more and more important. Stringing power lines across the landscape to connect cities to power plants may seem as simple as connecting an extension cord to an outlet, but the engineering behind these electric superhighways is more complicated and fascinating than you might think.
- Subjects:
- Building Services Engineering and Electrical Engineering
- Keywords:
- Electric power transmission Electric lines
- Resource Type:
- Video
The vast majority of our grid-scale storage of electricity uses this clever method. Electricity faces a fundamental problem that comes with pretty much any product that’s provided on-demand: our ability to generate large amounts of it doesn’t match up that closely with when we need it. The storage of electricity for later use, especially on a large scale, is quite challenging. That’s not to say that we don’t store energy at grid scale though, and there’s one type of storage that makes up the vast majority of our current capacity.
- Subjects:
- Environmental Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering
- Keywords:
- Energy storage Water-power Pumped storage power plants
- Resource Type:
- Video
The Global History of Capitalism project hosted the conference ‘Convergence/Divergence: New Approaches to the Global History of Capitalism’ on September 28-29 2019. The conference brought together cultural, economic, and political historians of global capitalism with the aim of starting a new conversation about the relationship between capitalism and global history.
- Subjects:
- Anthropology and Political Science
- Keywords:
- Economics Capitalism
- Resource Type:
- Others
This podcast is designed to give you an insight into the University of Oxford's digital - visual - cultural series of events. The series is interested in exploring the impact of digital visualising technologies on contemporary life and hope to give you a taste of why you should be too! Bite-sized episodes will introduce you to a range of themes and discussions, as well as multiple voices from academia and industry.
- Subjects:
- Society and Culture and Technology
- Keywords:
- Digital media -- Social aspects
- Resource Type:
- Others
Find out how to interact with Stata 16 using the menu system and dialog boxes, the Command window, and the Do-file Editor. We also show you some valuable, time-saving tips for improving your workflow in Stata. Finally, you can see an overview of the major components of the software, such as data management, graphics, and how to get help.
- Subjects:
- Statistics and Research Methods
- Keywords:
- Stata Statistics -- Data processing Mathematical statistics -- Data processing
- Resource Type:
- Video
Our Salary Survey is based on the analysis of permanent, interim and contract placements made across each of our geographies and recruitment disciplines during 2018, and our predictions for the year ahead.
- Subjects:
- Management
- Keywords:
- China Southeast Asia Wages
- Resource Type:
- Others
This video explores the protective systems that keep the power grid from self destructing. We usually think of the power grid in terms of its visible parts: power plants, high-voltage lines, and substations. But, much of the complexity of power grid comes in how we protect it when things go wrong. When your power goes out, it’s easy to be frustrated at the inconvenience, but consider also being thankful that it probably means things are working as designed to protect the grid as a whole and ensure a speedy and cost-effective repair to the fault.
- Subjects:
- Building Services Engineering and Electrical Engineering
- Keywords:
- Electric power failures -- Prevention Electric power distribution Electric power failures
- Resource Type:
- Video
This video gives a quick description and demo of this ingenious pump. A hydraulic ram is a clever device invented over 200 years ago that can pump water uphill with no other external source of power except for the water flowing into it and there is a way to take advantage of this normally inauspicious effect for a beneficial use. The ram pump is an ingenious way to take advantage of the properties of fluids. We all need water for a variety of reasons, so being able to move it where we need it without any fancy equipment or external sources of power is a pretty nice tool to have in your toolbox.
- Subjects:
- Hydraulic Engineering
- Keywords:
- Hydraulic rams Pumping machinery
- Resource Type:
- Video
This video explores the behavior and design of structural steel elements according to AISC 360. Design of tension members, bolted and welded connections, columns, beams, and beam-columns based on strength and serviceability requirements.
- Subjects:
- Structural Engineering
- Keywords:
- Building Iron steel Steel Structural
- Resource Type:
- Video
This video explores the challenges of self-driving cars and possible solutions to address the safety of self-driving technology.
- Subjects:
- Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Transportation
- Keywords:
- Automobiles -- Automatic control Automobile industry trade -- Technological innovations
- Resource Type:
- Video
This video shows an interesting case study of how a drone delivery service was designed and operated in Rwanda.
- Subjects:
- Transportation, Industrial and Systems Engineering, and Logistics
- Keywords:
- Drone aircraft Rwa Business logistics
- Resource Type:
- Video
Earthquakes are almost impossible to predict. Luckily, engineers have come up with some amazing ways to protect people the next time one might strike.
- Subjects:
- Building and Real Estate and Disaster Control and Management
- Keywords:
- Building failures -- Prevention Earthquake resistant design Buildings -- Earthquake effects
- Resource Type:
- Video
Some people say that buying an electric car is a great way to fight climate change - but if they use electricity that is made by burning fossil fuels, are they really more environmentally friendly than gas powered cars?
- Subjects:
- Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Transportation
- Keywords:
- Electric vehicles Electric vehicles -- Environmental aspects Automobiles -- Environmental aspects
- Resource Type:
- Video
From self-healing asphalt to electrified roads, technology is steering the future of driving along some exciting new paths!
- Subjects:
- Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Transportation
- Keywords:
- Traffic safety Roads -- Technological innovations Automobile driving
- Resource Type:
- Video
Introduction to Philosophy: Philosophy of Mind surveys the central themes in philosophy of mind and places them in a historical and contemporary context intended to engage first-time readers in the field. It focuses on debates about the status and character of the mind and its seemingly subjective nature in an apparently more objective world.
- Subjects:
- Philosophy
- Keywords:
- Philosophy of mind
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Principles of Accounting is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of a two-semester accounting course that covers the fundamentals of financial and managerial accounting. Due to the comprehensive nature of the material, we are offering the book in two volumes. This book is specifically designed to appeal to both accounting and non-accounting majors, exposing students to the core concepts of accounting in familiar ways to build a strong foundation that can be applied across business fields. Each chapter opens with a relatable real-life scenario for today’s college student. Thoughtfully designed examples are presented throughout each chapter, allowing students to build on emerging accounting knowledge. Concepts are further reinforced through applicable connections to more detailed business processes. Students are immersed in the “why” as well as the “how” aspects of accounting in order to reinforce concepts and promote comprehension over rote memorization.
- Subjects:
- Accounting
- Keywords:
- Managerial accounting
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Principles of Accounting is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of a two-semester accounting course that covers the fundamentals of financial and managerial accounting. Due to the comprehensive nature of the material, we are offering the book in two volumes. This book is specifically designed to appeal to both accounting and non-accounting majors, exposing students to the core concepts of accounting in familiar ways to build a strong foundation that can be applied across business fields. Each chapter opens with a relatable real-life scenario for today’s college student. Thoughtfully designed examples are presented throughout each chapter, allowing students to build on emerging accounting knowledge. Concepts are further reinforced through applicable connections to more detailed business processes. Students are immersed in the “why” as well as the “how” aspects of accounting in order to reinforce concepts and promote comprehension over rote memorization.
- Subjects:
- Accounting
- Keywords:
- Accounting
- Resource Type:
- e-book
A free marketing simulation game designed for use by lecturers and instructors, to help their students to understand various marketing concepts. Instruction video and PowerPoint slides are included. The game can accommodate up to 10 teams to play at the one time, and up to 8 rounds. The simulation game is built in Excel, requires no special software to run and does not include any macros.
- Subjects:
- Marketing
- Keywords:
- Marketing -- Simulation methods Management games
- Resource Type:
- Others
This is an accelerated introduction to MATLAB® and its popular toolboxes. Lectures are interactive, with students conducting sample MATLAB problems in real time. The course includes problem-based MATLAB assignments. Students must provide their own laptop and software. This is great preparation for classes that use MATLAB.
- Subjects:
- Computing, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
- Keywords:
- MATLAB Numerical analysis -- Computer programs Engineering mathematics -- Data processing
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
This book presents the current state of the art of industrial engineering and provides useful information to those who wish to optimize their business practices while increasing customer service and quality.
- Subjects:
- Management and Industrial and Systems Engineering
- Keywords:
- Industrial management Industrial engineering Workflow -- Management
- Resource Type:
- e-book
5 tips on Chi-Square Tests
- Course related:
- HTM3205 Analysing and Interpreting Research
- Subjects:
- Statistics and Research Methods
- Keywords:
- Research -- Methodology Social sciences -- Statistical methods Statistics
- Resource Type:
- Video
alterative pain control
- Subjects:
- Nursing and Rehabilitation Sciences
- Keywords:
- Pain -- Treatment
- Resource Type:
- Video
This book explores issues including airline management and operations, airline business models, airport systems, flight operational procedures, aircraft maintenance, runway safety management systems, and air traffic management.
- Subjects:
- Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering
- Keywords:
- Airlines -- Management Aeronautics Commercial
- Resource Type:
- e-book
This course introduces the structural and material design of aircraft. Students will see and understand how aircraft and spacecraft are manufactured, and learn how safety is enshrined at every stage. Experts from the Aerospace Structures and Materials Department of Delft University of Technology will help you explore and analyze the mechanical properties of materials; learning about manufacturing techniques, fatigue, loads and stresses, design considerations and more – all the scientific and engineering principles that structural and materials engineers face on a daily basis.
- Subjects:
- Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering
- Keywords:
- Space vehicles -- Materials Airplanes -- Materials Aerospace engineering
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
This work introduces a handwritten Manipuri Meetei-Mayek character dataset which consists of more than 5000 data samples which were collected from a diverse population group that belongs to different age groups (from 4 years to 60 years), genders, educational backgrounds, occupations, communities from three different districts of Manipur, India (Imphal East District, Thoubal District and Kangpokpi District) during March and April 2019.
- Subjects:
- Computing, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
- Keywords:
- Optical pattern recognition
- Resource Type:
- Others
This package contains: 1. SUFR-W, a dataset of “in the wild” natural images of faces gathered from the internet. The protocol used to create the dataset is described in Leibo, Liao and Poggio (2014) - 2. The full set of SUFR synthetic datasets, called the “Subtasks of Unconstrained Face Recognition Challenge” in Leibo, Liao and Poggio (2014) -
- Subjects:
- Computing, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
- Keywords:
- Human face recognition (Computer science) Optical pattern recognition
- Resource Type:
- Others
A dataset of five actors performing five different actions (drink, eat, jump, run and walk) on a treadmill from five different views (0, 45, 90, 135, and 180 degrees from the front of the actor/treadmill; the treadmill rather than the camera was rotated in place to acquire from different viewpoints). The dataset was filmed on a fixed, constant background.
- Subjects:
- Computing, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
- Keywords:
- Computer vision Optical pattern recognition Motion perception (Vision)
- Resource Type:
- Others
Pattern recognition, despite its relatively short history, has already found practical application in many areas of human activity. Systems of pattern recognition usually support people in performing tasks related to ensuring security, including access to premises and devices, detection of unusual changes (e.g. in medicine, cartography, geology), diagnosing technical conditions of devices, and many others. Nevertheless, pattern recognition is probably the most developing area because of the great demand for such solutions in the different areas of our lives. In this book we have collected the experience of scientists from different parts of the world who have researched diverse areas connected directly or indirectly with pattern recognition. We hope that this book will be a treasure trove of knowledge and inspiration for further research in the field of pattern recognition.
- Subjects:
- Computing, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence and Electronic and Information Engineering
- Keywords:
- Pattern perception Image processing Pattern recognition systems
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Genetic and cellular technologies in life science have recently achieved remarkable progress, and thus the roles of biochemical engineers have also been changed to incorporate the use of new technology. Therefore, this book deals with current topics in biochemical engineering. The chapters of this book discuss research that has introduced artificial enzymes, kinetic models in bioprocessing, a small-scale production process, and production of energy with microbial fuel. These chapters offer novel ideas for the production of effective compounds and energy. Moreover, other research has introduced the production technology of stem cells and biomedical processes using nanoshells and extracellular vesicles. These chapters will provide novel ideas to produce effective compounds and develop therapies for various diseases.
- Subjects:
- Electronic and Information Engineering
- Keywords:
- Biochemical engineering
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Software developments is advancing the technological world today. This changes have far more reaching implications in I.T industries such as Big data, Artificial intelligence and Agile Software development methodologies. Competition in the software development ecosystem has made developers to build software that are quick and reliable and often referred to as Agile development. Agile transformation is real and requires rethinking the business management, recruitment process and data strategy in a bid to stimulate disruptive solutions from within in-house development and deployment. AI product development would require rapid transformational changes within any organization. This can be accomplished by establishing specific operating models that permit development teams with the freedom of technology choice. This publication highlights some operating models that can be adopted to improve the success of AI products using Agile software development methodologies.
- Subjects:
- Computing, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
- Keywords:
- Agile software development
- Resource Type:
- Others
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a potent buzzword and happening technology which has greatly impacted the lifestyle of every human being either directly or indirectly and is shaping the future of tomorrow. In fact, AI is fast becoming an intrinsic part of our daily life and is not confined to university research labs, even if remarkable progress has been made in this domain. The benefit of this phenomenon is widely recognized in diversified areas, ranging from medicine to security to consumer applications and business, and resulting in improvements in the quality of life of humankind. Every new disruptive technology has its own pros and cons and AI is no exception to this rule. Privacy, data protection, and the rights of individuals pose social and ethical challenges.
- Subjects:
- Computing, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
- Keywords:
- Artificial intelligence
- Resource Type:
- e-book