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This guide is meant to inform the user about Digital Pedagogy. It includes information on educational theory, a collection of case studies, and resources relevant to the study of digital pedagogy.
- Keywords:
- Makerspaces Makerspaces in libraries
- Resource Type:
- Others
A makerspace is a collaborative work space inside a school, library or separate public/private facility for making, learning, exploring and sharing that uses high tech to no tech tools. These spaces are open to kids, adults, and entrepreneurs and have a variety of maker equipment including 3D printers, laser cutters, cnc machines, soldering irons and even sewing machines.
- Keywords:
- Makerspaces Makerspaces in libraries
- Resource Type:
- Others
Create an inclusive and equitable culture within your makerspace by including three simple steps into your practice.
- Keywords:
- Maker movement in education Makerspaces Maker movement Makerspaces in libraries
- Resource Type:
- Others
The spirit of the Maker Movement was born from passion and providing better solutions that'll help others. What started out as a simple movement has made its way into many different areas of the world, including education. Making helps bring people of all different backgrounds and skill sets together, allowing them to invent with their heads, hearts, and hands each involved. These authentic connections also help prompt creative solutions that make a difference and showcase each person’s unique talents. Now a phenomenon with a global impact, the Maker Movement has brought so many creative people together. Now, that spirit has found its way into countless schools, classrooms, and libraries, helping today's teachers capitalize on the Maker Movement in education and offer fresh ways to excite all students. And, it's great to see how educators empower them to learn and express themselves through perseverance and project design.
- Keywords:
- Maker movement in education Makerspaces Maker movement Makerspaces in libraries
- Resource Type:
- Others
Maker education and the maker movement is all about project-based or problem-based learning. It relies on hands-on, collaborative experiences where projects focus on solving real problems in order to demonstrate learning.
Maker education originated from the maker movement in 2005 and gained traction in large part due to Make magazine and the popularity of events like Maker Faires. This movement brought together DIY-ers, hobbyists, and tinkerers from all different backgrounds who wanted to improve the world around them through collaboration and experimentation.
This emphasis on discovery through creating is at the heart of maker education—and the maker education movement.
- Keywords:
- Maker movement in education Makerspaces Maker movement Makerspaces in libraries
- Resource Type:
- Others
When engineers have access to campus makerspaces, they can be more creative, more inspired, and more comfortable with failure. Can these spaces be more inclusive, too?
- Keywords:
- Maker movement in education Makerspaces Makerspaces in libraries
- Resource Type:
- Others
‘The metaverse’ does not yet exist. It merely exists as many different visions of a future of computing, especially a future that Meta and Mark Zuckerberg would like to shape. Meanwhile, the history of computing has been marked by visions of augmented or virtual reality. At the same time, many media-technical elements of the metaverse-to-come already exist, such as games engines or VR glasses. This course therefore deals with visions of metaverses and their current media-technical instantiations. It explores some of the back stories of current and future metaverses, takes a critical look at current media, technical, social and economic aspects of existing offerings, and offers practical experiences of virtual worlds and the tools used to build them.
The Virtual Reality (VR) Training for Laser Cutter Operation was developed as a supplementary training tool for the PolyU Library’s technical support staff to practice and become familiar with the operation of a laser cutter. The application simulates the environment, laser cutter model, essential operational procedures, and corresponding responses of our laser cutter in service as realistically as feasible. A computer with a simplified laser cutting software interface was also built to simulate the software operation. Interactions (primarily on/off) with all other peripheral equipment, such as the ventilation system, air compressor, and earmuffs, are triggered through button clicks in an on-screen menu. The application simulates the operational procedures and corresponding reactions of the real laser cutter as closely as necessary. New technical staff members who are trained but not yet proficient with laser cutting can practice safely in an immersive environment enabled by VR technology.
- Keywords:
- Laser beam cutting Makerspaces in libraries Virtual reality Virtual reality -- Library applications
- Resource Type:
- Others
This video is made by Dr. Pearl Lin and Dr. Clare Fung's project, "Great Case of Marketing in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry." A special thanks to Bao Yanli, who provided information and insights for this video. This case discusses that to celebrate the 50th anniversary of China-Spain diplomatic relations and the anniversary of its hotels in China, Gran Meliá hotels launched a campaign focused on the "Mantón de Manila", a traditional Spanish shawl with Chinese cultural origins. The campaign leveraged the heritage and craftsmanship of both countries, featuring flamenco performances, Shu embroidery, and high-end experiences at Gran Meliá hotels in China. The integrated marketing effort generated significant media coverage and social media engagement, reinforcing Gran Meliá's position as a purveyor of Spanish luxury in the Chinese market.
本視頻由林博士和馮博士的專案「酒店和旅遊業行銷的傑出案例」製作。特別感謝包豔麗為本視頻提供信息和見解。本案例探討了為慶祝中西建交50周年及旗下酒店在華開業周年,美利亞酒店集團旗下Gran Meliá品牌推出以“Mantón de Manila”為主題的營銷活動。Mantón de Manila是一種源自中國文化的西班牙傳統披肩。該營銷活動充分利用了兩國的傳統和工藝,包括弗拉門戈表演、蜀繡在中國Gran Meliá酒店的高端體驗。整合行銷活動獲得了大量媒體報導和社交媒體參與,鞏固了Gran Meliá这一西班牙奢華品牌在中国市场的地位。
- Subjects:
- Hotel, Travel and Tourism
- Keywords:
- Hotels -- Marketing Cultural property Hospitality industry -- Marketing
- Resource Type:
- Others
Dr. Tulio Maximo is an Assistant Professor at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design. Tulio aims to improve society collaboratively by including individuals and institutions in knowledge development. His research interests include intergenerational and inclusive design, mobility devices, sitting ergonomics, design-led social entrepreneurship, healthcare services, and inclusive education. Tulio teaches ergonomics, capstone projects, and cooperative projects and has created the elective subject Design Meets Disabilities. He has received numerous awards for his design and teaching, including the UGC Teaching Award 2022 as an Early Career Faculty Member and the Red Dot Product Design Award 2022 for the design of the Omni Study System for children living in subdivided flats. Tulio’s teaching philosophy is inspired by value creation education and universal design for learning, and he advocates empathy as a core teaching and learning strategy. In this case study of teaching good practices, Tulio share how he uses empathy as a core teaching strategy.
- Subjects:
- Good Practices
- Keywords:
- Effective teaching Teaching
- Resource Type:
- Others
Every day, we are bombarded by information. From the morning paper to news and on social media throughout the day. We might not think of it much now but, that’s an overwhelming amount of information.
And it can be dangerous in some cases. From fake news or inaccurate information, or the information heavily biased.
This, in turn, impacts you. It impacts who you vote for, what you buy and maybe how you feel. In a sense, the information we consume dictates our entire life.
As a result, critical thinking skills become our saving grace in our lives. It’s a skill that so many of us lack in our lives and yet it’s one of the most critical.
- Keywords:
- Critical thinking
- Resource Type:
- Others
Critical thinking is the art of filtering through information to reach an unbiased, logical decision that guides better thought and action. It can be learned through powerful techniques listed in this article.
Before you read further, it is important for you to know that critical thinking is a state of mind, not a tool or strategy.
If you are bogged down in the trivial day to day matters of your professional and personal life, learning how to think critically can help you rise above these issues and focus your energies where they are needed – to solve problems and accomplish objectives.
It stands to reason that the better the learning techniques, the better critical thinking and reasoning will be. My experience in helping people grow means I know exactly what is needed to learn critical thinking (hint: it’s not just pondering over the problem).
- Keywords:
- Critical thinking
- Resource Type:
- Others
Do you take long to solve career or business problems? It may be time to learn how to use the 5 Whys to make the process simpler.
Maybe you believe that you need to know 1000 techniques to solve problems faster. The truth is that there isn’t a single technique that can solve all your problems. But despite this reality, you can still solve most of your problems in an effective way.
How? By leveraging Sakichi Toyoda’s 5 Whys technique. Toyoda used this technique for the Toyota production system, but you can apply it to most of your problems[1]. So, stop trying to memorize dozens of techniques and get ready to work smarter!
- Keywords:
- Decision making Problem solving
- Resource Type:
- Others
Have you ever thought of yourself as a problem solver? I’m guessing not. But in reality, we are constantly solving problems. And the better our problem solving skills are, the easier our lives are.
Every day, you’ll be faced with at least one problem to solve. But it gets easier when you realize that problems are simply choices. There’s nothing ‘scary’ about them other than having to make a decision.
No matter what job you’re in, where you live, who your partner is, how many friends you have, you will be judged on your ability to solve problems. Because problems equal hassles for everyone concerned. And people don’t like hassle. So the more problems you can solve, the less hassle all-round, the happier people are with you. Everyone wins.
- Keywords:
- Decision making Problem solving
- Resource Type:
- Others
Design thinking is playing an increasingly significant role in the business world. Companies doing some of the most innovative work, such as Apple, Amazon, and Google, use this approach to help solve complex problems and develop highly-creative solutions, products, and services. The need for design thinking is especially urgent now, given the constantly increasing pace of innovation.
- Keywords:
- Strategic planning Creative thinking Problem solving Critical thinking Creative ability in business
- Resource Type:
- Others
Networking is, as its name implies, work. And like any job, networking takes skills.
That's right: there’s more to the networking hustle than showing up at an event and hitting the bar. (It takes more than inviting someone to meet for a cup of coffee, too.) Networking has its own skillset, one that you have to work to hone. But luckily, you can get good at networking. Here's a guide on how to network—from how to view this often-dreaded activity to what to say and how to keep the conversation going.
- Keywords:
- Job hunting Career development Interpersonal relations Business networks Social networks
- Resource Type:
- Others
Picture this: You step into an elevator, and right after you steps in a well-dressed woman. She looks familiar, and as you squint your eyes you realize she is the CEO of the company where you’ve always wanted to work, a woman who you once met earlier in your career. She presses the button for floor 43. Can you tell her who you are, what your goals are, and leave a memorable impression before the elevator stops? The answer, of course, is yes – if you have a good elevator pitch!
This guide will give you the tools to craft a winning elevator pitch. It will take you through the elements of an elevator pitch, how to draft and practice the pitch, and how to deliver it successfully to anyone, whether it’s the CEO in the elevator or a person you bump into at a networking event.
- Keywords:
- Business presentations Job hunting Employment interviewing Interviewing
- Resource Type:
- Others
A good interviewer will tailor their questions to the company, the role, and to you. They want to find out as quickly and as effectively as possible if you’re suitable for the job. And at the same time, you’re trying to figure out if the role is suitable for you. There are a lot of interview questions that you will be asked again and again in job interviews. These common interview questions come up often because they are so relevant to a range of jobs, companies and when working with people. When you're asked an interview question, you need to be able to give well researched and well-thought-out answers.
- Keywords:
- Interviewing Employment interviewing Job hunting
- Resource Type:
- Others
Wondering what good skills to put on your resume? Wonder no more! You’ll find a list of the right skills for your resume, regardless of your job or experience.
- Keywords:
- Applications for positions Job hunting Résumés (Employment)
- Resource Type:
- Others
When writing a resume, it’s easy to forget about some important details or include something you’re not supposed to. But that won’t happen to you ever again—if you read this study.
- Keywords:
- Applications for positions Job hunting Résumés (Employment)
- Resource Type:
- Others