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In this lecture, I discuss the context within which the theory I am delineating through this course emerge: that of the cold war. What is belief? Why is it so important to people? Why will they fight to protect it? I propose that belief unites a culture's expectations and desires with the actions of its people, and that the match between those two allows for cooperative action and maintains emotional stability. I suggest, further, that culture has a deep narrative structure, presenting the world as a forum for action, with characters representing the individual, the known, and the unknown -- or the individual, culture and nature -- or the individual, order and chaos.
- Subjects:
- Psychology
- Keywords:
- Archetype (Psychology) Meaning (Psychology)
- Resource Type:
- Video
This video introduces the 2D materials; photonics & plasmonics in metallic graphene; semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) with large bandgap; and bridging the gap black phosphorus for nanophotonics.
- Course related:
- AP618 Science and Technology of Micro- and Nano- systems
- Subjects:
- Nanotechnology
- Keywords:
- Nanophotonics Two-dimensional materials
- Resource Type:
- Video
Jakob Magolan is here to change your perception of organic chemistry. In an accessible talk packed with striking graphics, he teaches us the basics while breaking the stereotype that organic chemistry is something to be afraid of.
- Subjects:
- Chemistry
- Keywords:
- Chemistry Organic
- Resource Type:
- Video
This text, originally by K. Kuttler, has been redesigned by the Lyryx editorial team as a first course in linear algebra for science and engineering students who have an understanding of basic algebra. All major topics of linear algebra are available in detail, as well as proofs of important theorems. In addition, connections to topics covered in advanced courses are introduced. The text is designed in a modular fashion to maximize flexibility and facilitate adaptation to a given course outline and student profile. Each chapter begins with a list of student learning outcomes, and examples and diagrams are given throughout the text to reinforce ideas and provide guidance on how to approach various problems. Suggested exercises are included at the end of each section, with selected answers at the end of the text. Lyryx develops and supports open texts, with editorial services to adapt the text for each particular course. In addition, Lyryx provides content-specific formative online assessment, a wide variety of supplements, and in-house support available 7 days/week for both students and instructors.
- Subjects:
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Keywords:
- Textbooks Algebras Linear
- Resource Type:
- e-book
This textbook guides a learner who has no previous German experience to gain the ability to accurately understand formal written German prose, aided only by a comprehensive dictionary.
- Subjects:
- Foreign Language Learning
- Keywords:
- German language -- Study teaching Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Technology should work for us, but what happens when it doesn't? Comedian Chuck Nice explores the unintended consequences of technological advancement and human interaction -- with hilarious results.
- Subjects:
- Technology and Communication
- Keywords:
- Digital media -- Social aspects Social media society Technological innovations -- Social aspects
- Resource Type:
- Video
What if we looked at Parkinson's as an neurological electrical problem? Brain researcher Eleftheria Pissadaki and her team study dopamine neurons, the neurons that selectively die during Parkinson's. They discovered that the bigger a neuron is, the more vulnerable it becomes because it simply requires more energy. This new insight is reframing the disease -- and by "finding the fuse box for each neuron" and figuring out how much energy it needs, may help us neuroprotect our brain cells.
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences and Mathematics and Statistics
- Keywords:
- Brain -- Diseases -- Research Brain -- Mathematical models
- Resource Type:
- Video
A Primer for Computational Biology aims to provide life scientists and students the skills necessary for research in a data-rich world. The text covers accessing and using remote servers via the command-line, writing programs and pipelines for data analysis, and provides useful vocabulary for interdisciplinary work. The book is broken into three parts: Introduction to Unix/Linux: The command-line is the “natural environment” of scientific computing, and this part covers a wide range of topics, including logging in, working with files and directories, installing programs and writing scripts, and the powerful “pipe” operator for file and data manipulation. Programming in Python: Python is both a premier language for learning and a common choice in scientific software development. This part covers the basic concepts in programming (data types, if-statements and loops, functions) via examples of DNA-sequence analysis. This part also covers more complex subjects in software development such as objects and classes, modules, and APIs. Programming in R: The R language specializes in statistical data analysis, and is also quite useful for visualizing large datasets. This third part covers the basics of R as a programming language (data types, if-statements, functions, loops and when to use them) as well as techniques for large-scale, multi-test analyses. Other topics include S3 classes and data visualization with ggplot2.
- Subjects:
- Biology
- Keywords:
- Computational biology Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
This is the story of a web-based information system rebuild. The system in question is, a digital library of K-12 engineering curriculum that was built from the ground up with established technology and which for 13 years enjoyed lasting support from its growing user community and its sponsors. These 13 years, however, cover the period during which smart phones and tablets became commonplace, during which the Internet of Things started replacing the Semantic Web, during which NoSQL databases made their way out of the research labs and into everyday development shops, during which we collectively started moving IT functions and services into ‘the cloud,’ and during which computing performance doubled a few times, yet again. During this same period, TeachEngineering’s user base grew from a few hundred to more than 3 million users annually, its collection size quadrupled, it went through several user interface renewals, and significant functionality was added while having an exemplary service record, and it enjoyed continued financial support from its sponsors. In this monograph we provide a side-by-side of this rebuild. We lay out the choices made in the old architecture —we refer to it as TE 1.0— and compare and contrast them with the choices made for TE 2.0. We explain why both the 1.0 and 2.0 choices were made and discuss the advantages and disadvantages associated with them.
- Subjects:
- Computing, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
- Keywords:
- Textbooks Web site development Web sites -- Design
- Resource Type:
- e-book
"Concise Introduction to Logic is an introduction to formal logic suitable for undergraduates taking a general education course in logic or critical thinking, and is accessible and useful to any interested in gaining a basic understanding of logic. This text takes the unique approach of teaching logic through intellectual history
- Subjects:
- Philosophy
- Keywords:
- Logic Reasoning
- Resource Type:
- e-book
This grammar provides the first comprehensive grammatical description of Moloko, a Chadic language spoken by about 10,000 speakers in northern Cameroon. The grammar was developed from hours and years that the authors spent at friends’ houses hearing and recording stories, hours spent listening to the tapes and transcribing the stories, then translating them and studying the language through them. Time was spent together and with others speaking the language and talking about it, translating resources and talking to Moloko people about them. Grammar and phonology discoveries were made in the office, in the fields while working, and at gatherings. In the process, the four authors have become more and more passionate about the Moloko language and are eager to share their knowledge about it with others.
- Subjects:
- Foreign Language Learning
- Keywords:
- Language languages -- Grammars Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
This book presents an in-depth linguistic description of Papuan Malay, a non-standard variety of Malay. The language is spoken in coastal West Papua which covers the western part of the island of New Guinea. The study is based on sixteen hours of recordings of spontaneous narratives and conversations between Papuan Malay speakers, recorded in the Sarmi area on the northeast coast of West Papua. Papuan Malay is the language of wider communication and the first or second language for an ever-increasing number of people of the area. While Papuan Malay is not officially recognized and therefore not used in formal government or educational settings or for religious preaching, it is used in all other domains, including unofficial use in formal settings, and, to some extent, in the public media. After a general introduction to the language, its setting, and history, this grammar discusses the following topics, building up from smaller grammatical constituents to larger ones: phonology, word formation, noun and prepositional phrases, verbal and nonverbal clauses, non-declarative clauses, and conjunctions and constituent combining. Of special interest to linguists, typologists, and Malay specialists are the following in-depth analyses and descriptions: affixation and its productivity across domains of language choice, reduplication and its gesamtbedeutung, personal pronouns and their adnominal uses, demonstratives and locatives and their extended uses, and adnominal possessive relations and their non- canonical uses. This study provides a starting point for Papuan Malay language development efforts and a point of comparison for further studies on other Malay varieties.
- Subjects:
- Foreign Language Learning
- Keywords:
- Language languages -- Grammars Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
This book is a comprehensive description of the grammar of Rapa Nui, the Polynesian language spoken on Easter Island. After an introductory chapter, the grammar deals with phonology, word classes, the noun phrase, possession, the verb phrase, verbal and nonverbal clauses, mood and negation, and clause combinations. The phonology of Rapa Nui reveals certain issues of typological interest, such as the existence of strict conditions on the phonological shape of words, word-final devoicing, and reduplication patterns motivated by metrical constraints. For Polynesian languages, the distinction between nouns and verbs in the lexicon has often been denied; in this grammar it is argued that this distinction is needed for Rapa Nui. Rapa Nui has sometimes been characterised as an ergative language; this grammar shows that it is unambiguously accusative. Subject and object marking depend on an interplay of syntactic, semantic and pragmatic factors. Other distinctive features of the language include the existence of a ‘neutral’ aspect marker, a serial verb construction, the emergence of copula verbs, a possessive-relative construction, and a tendency to maximise the use of the nominal domain. Rapa Nui’s relationship to the other Polynesian languages is a recurring theme in this grammar; the relationship to Tahitian (which has profoundly influenced Rapa Nui) especially deserves attention. The grammar is supplemented with a number of interlinear texts, two maps and a subject index.
- Subjects:
- Foreign Language Learning
- Keywords:
- Language languages -- Grammars Rapanui language -- Grammar Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
This book presents a synchronic grammar of the southern dialects of Yauyos, an extremely endangered Quechuan language spoken in the Peruvian Andes. As the language is highly synthetic, the grammar focuses principally on morphology; a longer section is dedicated to the language's unusual evidential system. The grammar's 1400 examples are drawn from a 24-hour corpus of transcribed recordings collected in the course of the documentation of the language.
- Subjects:
- Foreign Language Learning
- Keywords:
- Language languages -- Grammars Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
"A handbook for faculty interested in practicing open pedagogy by involving students in the making of open textbooks, ancillary materials, or other Open Educational Resources. This guide aims to both inspire and equip more faculty to follow in these open pedagogy pioneers' tracks in making open textbooks with students. This is a first edition, compiled by Rebus Community, and we welcome feedback and ideas to expand the text"--BC Campus website.
- Subjects:
- Educational Resources
- Keywords:
- Textbooks Teaching -- Aids devices
- Resource Type:
- e-book
This eBook was written as the sequel to the eBook titled DC Circuits, which was written in 2016 by Chad Davis. This eBook covers Alternating Current (AC) circuit theory as well as a brief introduction of electronics. It is broken up into seven modules. Module 1 covers the basic theory of AC signals. Since only DC sources are used in the first eBook, details of AC signals such as sinusoidal waveforms (or sine waves), square waves, and triangle waves are provided. Module 2, titled AC Circuits Math Background, covers the mathematics background needed for solving AC circuit problems. The background material in Modules 1 and 2 are combined in Module 3 to solve circuits with AC sources that include resistors, inductors, and capacitors (RLC circuits).
- Subjects:
- Electrical Engineering
- Keywords:
- Electric circuits -- Alternating current Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
This text was written as a prequel to the APEXCalculus series, a three–volume series on Calculus. This text is not intended to fully prepare students with all of the mathematical knowledge they need to tackle Calculus, rather it is designed to review mathematical concepts that are often stumbling blocks in the Calculus sequence. It starts basic and builds to more complex topics. This text is written so that each section and topic largely stands on its own, making it a good resource for students in Calculus who are struggling with the supporting mathemathics found in Calculus courses. The topics were chosen based on experience; several instructors in the Applied Mathemathics Department at the Virginia Military Institute (VMI) compiled a list of topics that Calculus students commonly struggle with, giving the focus of this text. This allows for a more focused approach; at first glance one of the obvious differences from a standard Pre-Calculus text is its size.
- Subjects:
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Keywords:
- Trigonometry Precalculus Algebra Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
About 9% of the global population experiences a kind of visual impairment, so can we do anything to improve their online experience? In this useful article, you’ll learn more about how website design affects visually impaired individuals and what we can do to make it better.
- Subjects:
- Technology
- Keywords:
- Computer drawing Adobe Illustrator (Computer file)
- Resource Type:
- Others
Active Calculus is different from most existing calculus texts in at least the following ways: the text is freely readable online in HTML format and is also available for in PDF; in the electronic format, graphics are in full color and there are live links to java applets; version 2.0 now contains WeBWorK exercises in each chapter, which are fully interactive in the HTML format and included in print in the PDF; the text is open source, and interested users can gain access to the original source files on GitHub; the style of the text requires students to be active learners — there are very few worked examples in the text, with there instead being 3-4 activities per section that engage students in connecting ideas, solving problems, and developing understanding of key calculus concepts; each section begins with motivating questions, a brief introduction, and a preview activity, all of which are designed to be read and completed prior to class; following the WeBWorK exercises in each section, there are several challenging problems that require students to connect key ideas and write to communicate their understanding.
- Subjects:
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Keywords:
- Textbooks Calculus
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Active Calculus Multivariable is the continuation of Active Calculus to multivariable functions. The Active Calculus texts are different from most existing calculus texts in at least the following ways: the texts are free for download by students and instructors in .pdf format; in the electronic format, graphics are in full color and there are live html links to java applets; the texts are open source, and interested instructors can gain access to the original source files upon request; the style of the texts requires students to be active learners — there are very few worked examples in the texts, with there instead being 3-4 activities per section that engage students in connecting ideas, solving problems, and developing understanding of key calculus concepts; each section begins with motivating questions, a brief introduction, and a preview activity, all of which are designed to be read and completed prior to class; the exercises are few in number and challenging in nature.
- Subjects:
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Keywords:
- Textbooks Functional analysis Calculus
- Resource Type:
- e-book
In this engineering course, you will learn about the engineering principles that play an important role in all of these and more phenomena. You will learn about microbalances, radiation, convection, diffusion and more and their applications in everyday life. This advanced course is for engineers who want to refresh their knowledge, engineering students who are eager to learn more about heat/mass transport and for all who have fun in explaining the science of phenomena in nature.
- Subjects:
- Mechanical Engineering
- Keywords:
- Transport theory Energy transfer Heat -- Transmission Mass transfer
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
In the era of Internet of Things (IoT) and with the explosive worldwide growth of electronic data volume, and associated need of processing, analysis, and storage of such humongous volume of data, several new challenges are faced in protecting privacy of sensitive data and securing systems by designing novel schemes for secure authentication, integrity protection, encryption, and non-repudiation. Lightweight symmetric key cryptography and adaptive network security algorithms are in demand for mitigating these challenges. This book presents some of the state-of-the-art research work in the field of cryptography and security in computing and communications. It is a valuable source of knowledge for researchers, engineers, practitioners, graduates, and doctoral students who are working in the field of cryptography, network security, and security and privacy issues in the Internet of Things (IoT). It will also be useful for faculty members of graduate schools and universities.
What is air pollution? Learn how greenhouse gasses, smog, and toxic pollutants effect climate change, and human health.
- Subjects:
- Environmental Sciences and Environmental Engineering
- Keywords:
- Air -- Pollution Greenhouse gases -- Environmental aspects Smog
- Resource Type:
- Video
The Native Korean numbers are used when you say your age, tell the time or count something in Korean.And this system is only needed to tell the numbers from 1 to 99. Bigger numbers (like 100 for instance) existed in the past in native Korean numbers but they are no longer used. So all you have to remember is the numbers between 1~99. Therefore, it would be much easier for you to memorize these numbers compared to the Sino Korean Numbers
- Course related:
- CBS2631 Korean 1
- Subjects:
- Foreign Language Learning
- Keywords:
- Korean language --Study teaching
- Resource Type:
- Video
American Contract Law for a Global Age by Franklin G. Snyder and Mark Edwin Burge of Texas A&M University School of Law is a casebook designed primarily for the first-year Contracts course as it is taught in American law schools, but is configured so as to be usable either as a primary text or a supplement in any upper-level U.S. or foreign class that seeks to introduce American contract law to students. As an eLangdell text, it offers maximum flexibility for students to read either in hard copy or electronic format on most electronic devices. Why “American” Contract Law? Nearly all American contract law texts focus on U.S. law. This volume simply makes that focus explicit. Modern American lawyers face an increasingly global world, and the book makes it clear that American law is not the only important commercial law regime in the world. But much of the value that the cosmopolitan and transnational American-trained lawyer brings to the table is an understanding of the contract law of the United States. To this end, the venerable English cases that exemplify common law doctrine are here presented not in their hoary 19th century settings. but in the 21st century forms that students can intuitively grasp.
- Subjects:
- Law and Legislation
- Keywords:
- Contracts United States Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
This textbook introduces readers to the idea of cooperation and mutualism. Cooperatives and mutuals are participatory organizations in which members participate in control and governance, receive economic benefits through patronage refunds or net income, and become owners through equity. These mutual-benefit organizations exist alongside non-profit organizations and investor-benefit organizations through the global economy.
- Subjects:
- Management
- Keywords:
- Management -- Employee participation Industrial management Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Applied Combinatorics is an open-source textbook for a course covering the fundamental enumeration techniques (permutations, combinations, subsets, pigeon hole principle), recursion and mathematical induction, more advanced enumeration techniques (inclusion-exclusion, generating functions, recurrence relations, Polyá theory), discrete structures (graphs, digraphs, posets, interval orders), and discrete optimization (minimum weight spanning trees, shortest paths, network flows). There are also chapters introducing discrete probability, Ramsey theory, combinatorial applications of network flows, and a few other nuggets of discrete mathematics. Applied Combinatorics began its life as a set of course notes we developed when Mitch was a TA for a larger than usual section of Tom's MATH 3012: Applied Combinatorics course at Georgia Tech in Spring Semester 2006. Since then, the material has been greatly expanded and exercises have been added. The text has been in use for most MATH 3012 sections at Georgia Tech for several years now. Since the text has been available online for free, it has also been adopted at a number of other institutions for a wide variety of courses. In August 2016, we made the first release of Applied Combinatorics in HTML format, thanks to a conversion of the book's source from LaTeX to MathBook XML. An inexpensive print-on-demand version is also available for purchase. Find out all about ways to get the book. Since Fall 2016, Applied Combinatorics has been on the list of approved open textbooks from the American Institute of Mathematics. Applied Combinatorics is open source and licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC-BY-SA).
- Subjects:
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Keywords:
- Textbooks Combinatorial analysis Graph theory
- Resource Type:
- e-book
In writing this book, care was taken to use language and examples that gradually wean students from a simpleminded mechanical approach andmove them toward mathematical maturity. We also recognize that many students who hesitate to ask for help from an instructor need a readable text, and we have tried to anticipate the questions that go unasked. The wide range of examples in the text are meant to augment the "favorite examples" that most instructors have for teaching the topcs in discrete mathematics. To provide diagnostic help and encouragement, we have included solutions and/or hints to the odd-numbered exercises. These solutions include detailed answers whenever warranted and complete proofs, not just terse outlines of proofs. Our use of standard terminology and notation makes Applied Discrete Structures a valuable reference book for future courses. Although many advanced books have a short review of elementary topics, they cannot be complete. The text is divided into lecture-length sections, facilitating the organization of an instructor's presentation.Topics are presented in such a way that students' understanding can be monitored through thought-provoking exercises. The exercises require an understanding of the topics and how they are interrelated, not just a familiarity with the key words. An Instructor's Guide is available to any instructor who uses the text. It includes: Chapter-by-chapter comments on subtopics that emphasize the pitfalls to avoid; Suggested coverage times; Detailed solutions to most even-numbered exercises; Sample quizzes, exams, and final exams. This textbook has been used in classes atCasper College (WY), Grinnell College (IA), Luzurne Community College (PA), University of the Puget Sound (WA).
- Subjects:
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Keywords:
- Computer science -- Mathematics Textbooks Mathematics
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Open (Access) Journal-Article
This work walks around the use of DMAIC methodology of six sigma to lessen the defect rate in sewing section of FCI (BD) LTD. Throughout five phases of DMAIC methodology, named Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control, this approach minimizes defects analytically. In different phases, different types of six sigma tools were exercised.
- Subjects:
- Management and Business Information Technology
- Keywords:
- Clothing trade Production management Six sigma (Quality control stard)
- Resource Type:
- Open (Access) Journal-Article
The ultimate Arduino tutorial for beginners. Learn how to choose an Arduino, dim LEDs, build a motor speed controller and more.
- Keywords:
- Programmable controllers Arduino (Programmable controller)
- Resource Type:
- Video
For most people, an anatomy atlas is a large book with illustrations of the different regions and systems of the body. Each region is labeled with the names of the organs and other anatomic structures that compose it. A textual description often describes the structures, their interrelationship, and their function. Taken together, the collection of information that makes up an atlas paints a comprehensive view of the body and how it works. For our purposes, we generalize the definition of anatomy atlases to include any annotated collection of spatially organized medical information. This definition includes digital atlases as well as printed books. This broader view also covers specialized atlases such as those used in radiology, pathology, and microscopy.
- Course related:
- HSS2011 Human Anatomy
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences
- Keywords:
- Three-dimensional imaging in medicine Human anatomy -- Atlases
- Resource Type:
- Others
This is a demo of a bell siphon I built in collaboration with a couple of engineering professors. There are certain cases where it would be nice to be able to create a siphon without any intervention, a self-priming or automatic siphon: the next level of siphonry. It's built out of an acrylic sheet and a piece of clear pipe.
- Subjects:
- Building Services Engineering
- Keywords:
- Siphons
- Resource Type:
- Video
We intend this work to be less a bestiary of bad ideas about writing than an effort to name bad ideas and suggest better ones. Some of those bad ideas are quite old, such as the archetype of the inspired genius author, the five-paragraph essay, or the abuse of adjunct writing teachers. Others are much newer, such as computerized essay scoring or gamification. Some ideas, such as the supposed demise of literacy brought on by texting, are newer bad ideas but are really instances of older bad ideas about literacy always being in a cycle of decline. Yet the same core questions such as what is good writing, what makes a good writer, how should writing be assessed, and the like persist across contexts, technologies, and eras. The project has its genesis in frustration, but what emerges is hope: hope for leaving aside bad ideas and thinking about writing in more productive, inclusive, and useful ways.
- Subjects:
- English Language
- Keywords:
- English language -- Composition exercises English language -- Rhetoric -- Study teaching Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
"This textbook was written for a community college introductory course in spreadsheets utilizing Microsoft Excel. While the figures shown utilize Excel 2016, the textbook was written to be applicable to other versions of Excel as well. The book introduces new users to the basics of spreadsheets and is appropriate for students in any major who have not used Excel before"--BC Campus website.
- Subjects:
- Business Information Technology
- Keywords:
- Electronic spreadsheets Microsoft Excel (Computer file) Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
This textbook was written for a community college introductory course in spreadsheets utilizing Microsoft Excel. While the figures shown utilize Excel 2019, the textbook was written to be applicable to other versions of Excel as well. The book introduces new users to the basics of spreadsheets and is appropriate for students in any major who have not used Excel before. This textbook includes instructions for Excel for Mac also.
- Subjects:
- Business Information Technology
- Keywords:
- Textbooks Microsoft Excel (Computer file)
- Resource Type:
- e-book
This textbook is designed for beginning learners who want to learn basic Japanese for the purpose of living and working in Japan. Unlike textbooks written primarily for students, whose content largely centers on student life, this book focuses more on social and professional life beyond school. As a beginning level textbook, this book includes many elementary grammar patterns (Japanese Language Proficiency Test Levels 5 and 4), but the vocabulary and situations are selected specifically for working adults. Explanations are kept concise so as to only cover key points. The main focus is on oral communication and the accompanying audio is to be used extensively. This textbook can be used for self-study, as part of an online course, or as a traditional college course.
- Subjects:
- Japanese Language
- Keywords:
- Japanese language -- Study teaching Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
A tutorial on setting up clothing to low poly character.
- Subjects:
- Computing, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence and Interactive and Digital Media
- Keywords:
- Three-dimensional display systems Computer graphics Blender (Computer file) Computer animation
- Resource Type:
- Video
Business Mathematics was written to meet the needs of a twenty-first century student. It takes a systematic approach to helping students learn how to think and centers on a structured process termed the PUPP Model (Plan, Understand, Perform, and Present). This process is found throughout the text and in every guided example to help students develop a step-by-step problem-solving approach. This textbook simplifies and integrates annuity types and variable calculations, utilizes relevant algebraic symbols, and is integrated with the Texas Instruments BAII+ calculator. It also contains structured exercises, annotated and detailed formulas, and relevant personal and professional applications in discussion, guided examples, case studies, and even homework questions.
- Subjects:
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Keywords:
- Textbooks Business mathematics
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Designing a new business model is one thing, but how do you actually put it into practice? How do you move from your current model to a new business model? In this business and management course, you will learn how to make a practical action plan to implement your new business model. You will create a business model roadmap that will include practical activities that take into consideration the possible risks associated with moving to a new business model. You will also learn about the practical factors that need to be taken into consideration during the transition process, i.e. the competency of your people and your IT, in order to successfully implement a new business model.
- Subjects:
- Management
- Keywords:
- Business planning Strategic planning Industrial management
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
The world is changing rapidly and full of uncertainties. The future success of a business model depends on how well it is adapted to changing circumstances. Do you want to become aware of the relevant developments in technology, markets and society? And understand how this affects your business? This business and management course will teach you how to stress test your business model. You will learn how to identify the relevant trends and uncertainties and how they impact your business model. You will analyse the strong and weak parts of your business model and look for opportunities to make your business model more robust and future proof. You will learn through real-world examples from well-known companies and interact with fellow entrepreneurs. By the end of this course, you will be able to stress test your own business model to analyse its future success.
- Subjects:
- Management
- Keywords:
- Business planning Strategic planning Industrial management
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
This textbook and its accompanying spreadsheet templates were designed with and for students wanting a practical and easy-to-follow guide for developing a business plan. It follows a unique format that both explains what to do and demonstrates how to do it.
- Subjects:
- Management
- Keywords:
- Business planning Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
This video introduces the basic concept and the overall working process of the ANN models, especially how the backpropogation works. How to establish a deep neuro network.
- Course related:
- LGT6801 Guided Study in Logistics I
- Subjects:
- Computing, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
- Keywords:
- Neural networks (Computer science) Machine learning
- Resource Type:
- Video
This video is a full explanation of the CRISPR system and the utilization of this system in gene engineering (Part 1).
- Course related:
- HTI44002 Molecular Diagnosis of Human Disease
- Subjects:
- Medical Laboratory Science and Biomedical Engineering
- Keywords:
- CRISPR (Genetics) Genetics
- Resource Type:
- Video
Calculus: Early Transcendentals, originally by D. Guichard, has been redesigned by the Lyryx editorial team. Substantial portions of the content, examples, and diagrams have been redeveloped, with additional contributions provided by experienced and practicing instructors. This approachable text provides a comprehensive understanding of the necessary techniques and concepts of the typical Calculus course sequence, and is suitable for the standard Calculus I, II and III courses. To practice and develop an understanding of topics, this text offers a range of problems, from routine to challenging, with selected solutions. As this is an open text, instructors and students are encouraged to interact with the textbook through annotating, revising, and reusing to your advantage. Suggestions for contributions to this growing textbook are welcome. Lyryx develops and supports open texts, with editorial services to adapt the text for each particular course. In addition, Lyryx provides content-specific formative online assessment, a wide variety of supplements, and in-house support available 7 days/week for both students and instructors.
- Subjects:
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Keywords:
- Textbooks Calculus
- Resource Type:
- e-book
China and the West: Music, Representation, and Reception' is the first book to explore how Chinese and Western musical materials and traditions—those involving instruments, melodies, rhythms, staged diversions (including operas and musical comedies), concert works, film scores, and digital recordings of several kinds—have gradually moved closer together and become increasingly accepted, as well as exploited, in Asia as well as Europe and North America. Although aimed in large part at a scholarly audience, China and the West should appeal to general readers of many kinds: those interested in politics, cultural history and theory, gender studies, sociology, theater, and media studies as well as musical composition and performance of ‘classical’ as well as traditional and popular kinds.
- Subjects:
- Performing Arts
- Keywords:
- Music -- Western influences China Exoticism in music Music -- Chinese influences Orientalism in music Music
- Resource Type:
- e-book
"Combinatorics provides an introduction to enumeration, graph theory, and design theory. It is aimed at upper-level undergraduate students and the exercises expect some mathematical sophistication, including a reasonable ability to construct proofs. The text is designed to be used in an undergraduate course, but could be suitable for independent study by a student with some mathematical background and understanding of proofs. It does not assume any background knowledge of combinatorics"--BC Campus website.
- Subjects:
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Keywords:
- Combinatorial analysis -- Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
This course introduces architecture of digital systems, emphasizing structural principles common to a wide range of technologies. It covers the topics including multilevel implementation strategies, definition of new primitives (e.g., gates, instructions, procedures, processes) and their mechanization using lower-level elements. It also includes analysis of potential concurrency, precedence constraints and performance measures, pipelined and multidimensional systems, instruction set design issues and architectural support for contemporary software structures.
- Subjects:
- Computing, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence and Electrical Engineering
- Keywords:
- Digital electronics
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
In 40 episodes, Carrie Anne Philbin teaches you computer science! This course is based on introductory college-level material as well as the AP Computer Science Principles guidelines. By the end of this course, you will be able to: *Outline the history of computers and the design decisions that gave us modern computers *Describe the basic elements of programming and software *Identify the basic components of computer hardware and what they do *Describe how computers are used and how that has evolved over time *Appreciate how far computers have come and how far they might take us
- Course related:
- AMA2222 Principles of Programming
- Subjects:
- Computing, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
- Keywords:
- Computer science
- Resource Type:
- Video
In 44 videos, Nicole Sweeney will teach you sociology! This course is based on an introductory college level curriculum, with Sociology, 15th edition, by John J. Macionis as its reference text. By the end of this course, you will be able to: * Understand what makes sociology a science and how sociological investigations occur * Recognize the social institutions that operate within the United States and influence cultural norms * Contextualize key sociological theories within history and the field of sociology * Discuss the way social groupings, interactions, and stratifications are constructed within societies and construct our behavior * Predict how social class, stratification, and institutions create or improve inequalities
Air transport liberalisation has been marked by two major developments, i.e. the advent of the hub-and-spoke network and the emergence of Low Fare Airlines (LFAs). All major Full Service Network Carrier (FSNCs) have heavily relied on hub operations to effectively compete in the long-haul market against LFAs which until recently focused on point-to-point, short-haul services. Recent competiton dynamics, however, have led to the gradual blurring of the different airline business models. LFAs have now established strong bases in satellite/airports and/or in low-cost terminals of major airports. Moreover, they have introduced long-haul flights thus competing with FSNCs at a new level. The lecture will highlight all the above issues focusing on their strategic business and geopolitical implications for aiport hubs. It will also discuss how Hong Kong International Airport can build on its current advantages to play focal role in the new environment.
Event Date: 16/06/2017
Speaker: Prof. Andreas Papatheodorou (University of Aegean)
Hosted by: School of Hotel and Tourism Management
- Subjects:
- Hotel, Travel and Tourism
- Keywords:
- Airlines -- Rates Airports Hong Kong International Airport Aeronautics Commercial
- Resource Type:
- Video
"Calculus arose as a tool for solving practical scientific problems through the centuries. However, it is often taught as a technical subject with rules and formulas (and occasionally theorems), devoid of its connection to applications. In this textbook, the applications form an important focal point, with emphasis on life sciences. This places the techniques and concepts into practical context, as well as motivating quantitative approaches to biology taught to undergraduates. While many of the examples have a biological flavour, the level of biology needed to understand those examples is kept at a minimum. The problems are motivated with enough detail to follow the assumptions, but are simplified for the purpose of pedagogy"--BC Campus website.
- Subjects:
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Keywords:
- Textbooks Life sciences Differential calculus
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Digital Foundations uses formal exercises of the Bauhaus to teach the Adobe Creative Suite. All students of digital design and production—whether learning in a classroom or on their own—need to understand the basic principles of design in order to implement them using current software. Far too often design is left out of books that teach software for the trade and academic markets. Consequently, the design software training exercise is often a lost opportunity for visual learning. This revised edition updates the original text for use with Adobe Creative Cloud 2017 software.
- Subjects:
- Interactive and Digital Media
- Keywords:
- Computer graphics -- Computer programs Adobe Creative Suite Textbooks Design
- Resource Type:
- e-book
The video introduces the basic principle of ETF
- Course related:
- HTM3222 Financial Management in Hospitality, Tourism and Events
- Subjects:
- Finance
- Keywords:
- Exchange traded funds
- Resource Type:
- Video
Elementary Algebra is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of a one-semester elementary algebra course. The book's organization makes it easy to adapt to a variety of course syllabi. The text expands on the fundamental concepts of algebra while addressing the needs of students with diverse backgrounds and learning styles. Each topic builds upon previously developed material to demonstrate the cohesiveness and structure of mathematics.
- Subjects:
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Keywords:
- Algebra Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
This graduate-level course is a computationally focused introduction to elliptic curves, with applications to number theory and cryptography.
- Subjects:
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Keywords:
- Curves Elliptic
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
A 24-minute class covering the basics of using EndNote X8 on the Macintosh.
- Subjects:
- Statistics and Research Methods
- Keywords:
- Bibliographical citations -- Computer programs EndNote (Computer file) Information storage retrieval systems
- Resource Type:
- Video
This book is designed for upper year undergraduate students and graduate students studying fundamental entrepreneurship concepts.
- Subjects:
- Management
- Keywords:
- Textbooks Entrepreneurship
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Are you an entrepreneur, or do you have a passion for building your own technology startup? This course will help and encourage you to start a successful technology-based venture. If you always wanted to become an entrepreneur, or if you are simply interested in putting a new technology to innovative use, this course is for you. This course helps you understand the process of entrepreneurship from a technology-oriented background. The course is made up of modules that are presented by experts in the field of entrepreneurship and technology. Modules include: - Team Building - Opportunity Recognition - Financing - Customer Acquisition
- Subjects:
- Management
- Keywords:
- Technological innovations -- Economic aspects Entrepreneurship High technology industries -- Management
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
What does pleasure have to do with morality? What role, if any, should intuition have in the formation of moral theory? If something is ‘simulated', can it be immoral? This accessible and wide-ranging textbook explores these questions and many more. Key ideas in the fields of normative ethics, metaethics and applied ethics are explained rigorously and systematically, with a vivid writing style that enlivens the topics with energy and wit. Individual theories are discussed in detail in the first part of the book, before these positions are applied to a wide range of contemporary situations including business ethics, sexual ethics, and the acceptability of eating animals. A wealth of real-life examples, set out with depth and care, illuminate the complexities of different ethical approaches while conveying their modern-day relevance. This concise and highly engaging resource is tailored to the Ethics components of AQA Philosophy and OCR Religious Studies, with a clear and practical layout that includes end-of-chapter summaries, key terms, and common mistakes to avoid. It should also be of practical use for those teaching Philosophy as part of the International Baccalaureate. Ethics for A-Level is of particular value to students and teachers, but Fisher and Dimmock's precise and scholarly approach will appeal to anyone seeking a rigorous and lively introduction to the challenging subject of ethics.
- Subjects:
- Philosophy
- Keywords:
- Ethics Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
This book is meant to be rigorous, conservative, elementary and minimalist. At the same time it includes about the maximum what students can absorb in one semester. Approximately one-third of the material used to be covered in high school, but not any more.The present book is based on the courses given by the author at the Pennsylvania State University as an introduction to the foundations of geometry. The lectures were oriented to sophomore and senior university students. These students already had a calculus course. In particular,they are familiar with the real numbers and continuity. It makes it possible to cover the material faster and in a more rigorous way than it could be done in high school.
- Subjects:
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Keywords:
- Textbooks Geometry Plane
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Exploring Movie Construction & Production contains eight chapters of the major areas of film construction and production. The discussion covers theme, genre, narrative structure, character portrayal, story, plot, directing style, cinematography, and editing. Important terminology is defined and types of analysis are discussed and demonstrated. An extended example of how a movie description reflects the setting, narrative structure, or directing style is used throughout the book to illustrate building blocks of each theme. This approach to film instruction and analysis has proved beneficial to increasing students' learning, while enhancing the creativity and critical thinking of the student.
- Subjects:
- Film studies
- Keywords:
- Cinematography Motion pictures -- Production direction Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
In this video, FCCHK President gives his views on the spread of fake news and how news and social media organisations can combat it
- Subjects:
- Statistics and Research Methods
- Keywords:
- Media literacy Social media Fake news Information literacy Disinformation
- Resource Type:
- Video
"The Faculty OER Toolkit is intended as an introductory guide for faculty interested in incorporating Open Educational Resources (OER) into their teaching practice. Beginning with a definition of OER, reasons to use OER, and online collections of OER to use, the Toolkit also covers basic information about adapting, adopting, and evaluating OER. Additionally, there is information about licensing and copyright, including an explanation of Creative Commons licenses and attribution statements. Throughout the Toolkit, links are provided to more in-depth resources on topics including adopting open textbooks, adapting open textbooks, and ensuring OER are truly accessible for all users"--BC Campus website.
- Subjects:
- Educational Resources
- Keywords:
- Textbooks Teaching -- Aids devices
- Resource Type:
- e-book
The authors believe this free of charge book, Fundamentals of Infrastructure Management, will expand the impact of the material and help improve the practice of infrastructure management. By ‘free of charge,' we mean that the material can be freely obtained, but readers should devote time and effort to mastering the material. We have provided problem assignments for various chapters, and we strongly urge readers to undertake the problems as a learning experience. This book grew out of a decade of co-teaching a course entitled ‘Infrastructure Management' at Carnegie Mellon University. Our teaching philosophy was to prepare students for work in the field of infrastructure management. We believe that infrastructure management is a professional endeavor and an attractive professional career. The book is co-authored by two accomplished engineers - each representing professional practice, academic research and theoretical evaluation. Their collective strengths are presented throughout the text and serve to support both the practice of infrastructure management and a role for infrastructure management inquiry and search. Importantly, both co-authors have academic research interests (and a number of research publications) on various topics of infrastructure management. That said, the primary audience for this book is expected to be professionals intending to practice infrastructure management, and only secondarily individuals who intend to pursue a career of research in the area. The text draws examples and discusses a wide variety of infrastructure systems, including roadways, telecommunications, power generation, buildings and systems of infrastructure. We have found that some common fundamentals of asset management, analysis tools and informed decision-making are useful for a variety of such systems. Certainly, many infrastructure managers encounter a variety of infrastructure types during their professional careers. Moreover, due to the functional inter-dependencies of different infrastructure systems, it is certainly advantageous for managers of one infrastructure type to understand other types of infrastructure. For example, roadway managers rely upon the power grid for traffic signal operation.
- Keywords:
- Infrastructure (Economics) -- Management Engineering -- Management Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Are you fascinated by Geosciences and willing to take the challenge of predicting the nature and behavior of the Earth subsurface? This is your course! In a voyage through the Earth, Geoscience: the Earth and its Resources will explore the Earth interior and the processes forming mountains and sedimentary basins. You will understand how the sediments are formed, transported, deposited and deformed. You will develop knowledge on the behavior of petroleum and water resources. The course has an innovative approach focusing on key fundamental processes, exploring their nature and quantitative interactions. It will be shown how this acquired knowledge is used to predict the nature and behavior of the Earth subsurface. This is your ideal first step as a future Geoscientists or professional to upgrade your knowledge in the domain of Earth Sciences.
- Subjects:
- Environmental Sciences and Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics
- Keywords:
- Plate tectonics Earth sciences Petroleum -- Geology Geology Hydrology
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
This class is designed to expose you to the cycles of disasters, the roots of emergency planning in the U.S., how to understand and map vulnerabilities, and expose you to the disaster planning in different contexts, including in developing countries.
- Subjects:
- Disaster Control and Management
- Keywords:
- Hazard mitigation Emergency management Disaster relief
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
This course explores the values (aesthetic, moral, cultural, religious, prudential, political) expressed in the choices of food people eat. Analyzes the decisions individuals make about what to eat, how society should manage food production and consumption collectively, and how reflection on food choices might help resolve conflicts between different values.
- Subjects:
- Sociology
- Keywords:
- Food habits Food consumption
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
Health Case Studies is composed of eight separate health case studies. Each case study includes the patient narrative or story that models the best practice (at the time of publishing) in healthcare settings. Associated with each case is a set of specific learning objectives to support learning and facilitate educational strategies and evaluation. The case studies can be used online in a learning management system, in a classroom discussion, in a printed course pack or as part of a textbook created by the instructor. This flexibility is intentional and allows the educator to choose how best to convey the concepts presented in each case to the learner. Because these case studies were primarily developed for an electronic healthcare system, they are based predominantly in an acute healthcare setting. Educators can augment each case study to include primary healthcare settings, outpatient clinics, assisted living environments, and other contexts as relevant.
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences and Nursing
- Keywords:
- Medical care Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
"Health Case Studies is composed of eight separate health case studies that align with the open textbooks Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care and Anatomy and Physiology: OpenStax. Each case study includes the patient narrative or story that models the best practice (at the time of publishing) in healthcare settings. Associated with each case is a set of specific learning objectives to support learning and facilitate educational strategies and evaluation. The case studies can be used online in a learning management system, in a classroom discussion, in a printed course pack or as part of a textbook created by the instructor. This flexibility is intentional and allows the educator to choose how best to convey the concepts presented in each case to the learner. Because these case studies were primarily developed for an electronic healthcare system, they are based predominantly in an acute healthcare setting. Educators can augment each case study to include primary healthcare settings, outpatient clinics, assisted living environments, and other contexts as relevant"--BC Campus website.
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences
- Keywords:
- Medical care Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Macinley Butson has won multiple awards for her inventions, including a device that improves protection from radiation during breast cancer treatment and a project enhancing the effectiveness of solar panels. In this talk, she shares how these forward-thinking endeavors were inspired by centuries-old technology, and how scientists need to shed their preconceptions about each other and their predecessors in order to do good work.
- Subjects:
- Technology and History
- Keywords:
- Technological innovations
- Resource Type:
- Video
Do you sometimes have your most creative ideas while folding laundry, washing dishes or doing nothing in particular? It's because when your body goes on autopilot, your brain gets busy forming new neural connections that connect ideas and solve problems. Learn to love being bored as Manoush Zomorodi explains the connection between spacing out and creativity.
- Keywords:
- Creative thinking Creative ability Boredom
- Resource Type:
- Video
What if you could know exactly how food or medication would impact your health -- before you put it in your body? Genomics researcher Jun Wang is working to develop digital doppelgangers for real people; they start with genetic code, but they'll also factor in other kinds of data as well, from food intake to sleep to data collected by a "smart toilet." With all of this valuable information, Wang hopes to create an engine that will change the way we think about health, both on an individual level and as a collective.
- Subjects:
- Health Technology and Informatics and Health Sciences
- Keywords:
- Medical informatics Human genetics
- Resource Type:
- Video
Sinkholes form through both natural and human-made processes. Most of us think about erosion on the surface of the earth, but erosion can occur in the subsurface as well. In fact, scientist and engineers have a very creative name for just such a process: internal erosion. If just the right factors come together in the subsurface, some very interesting things can occur, including sinkholes.
- Subjects:
- Geotechnical Engineering
- Keywords:
- Sinkholes Soil erosion
- Resource Type:
- Video
Take a look inside the optical bench of an Ocean Optics miniature spectrometer. In spectroscopy, photons encounter many components and undergo a variety of processes before registering as a spectrum. Let's see what happens to these photons once they enter the spectrometer!
- Course related:
- HTI24004 Clinical Laboratory instrumentation
- Subjects:
- Medical Laboratory Science
- Keywords:
- Spectrometer
- Resource Type:
- Video
During the Cold War, Soviet educators were tasked with raising citizens who could out-innovate and out-build their American counterparts. One of their primary tools for doing so? Math. Educator Masha Gershman describes how the adaptive, highly social Soviet approach to teaching math can be deployed to prep new generations for an ever-shifting future.
- Subjects:
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Keywords:
- Mathematics -- Study teaching
- Resource Type:
- Video
As quantum computing matures, it's going to bring unimaginable increases in computational power along with it -- and the systems we use to protect our data (and our democratic processes) will become even more vulnerable. But there's still time to plan against the impending data apocalypse, says encryption expert Vikram Sharma. Learn more about how he's fighting quantum with quantum: designing security devices and programs that use the power of quantum physics to defend against the most sophisticated attacks.
- Subjects:
- Computing, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, Physics, and Electronic and Information Engineering
- Keywords:
- Quantum computing Data encryption (Computer science)
- Resource Type:
- Video
In civil engineering, quicksand is more than just a puddle of mud! The "quick condition" occurs when seepage reduces the effective stress of a soil. This can lead to some dangerous conditions, especially if the seepage causes piping erosion to occur at a dam.
- Subjects:
- Hydraulic Engineering
- Keywords:
- Seepage Dam failures Quicks Fluid mechanics
- Resource Type:
- Video
Expansive soils cause more property damage per year than earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, and tornadoes combined. Expansive soils are a slow-moving geologic phenomenon, which makes them not very news-worthy. However, they still cause a tremendous amount of damage to buildings and the public infrastructure we rely on every day.
- Subjects:
- Building Services Engineering, Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics, and Building and Real Estate
- Keywords:
- Foundations Soil mechanics Swelling soils
- Resource Type:
- Video
When children are separated from their parents -- whether due to migration, custody changes, incarceration or any number of other factors -- how can families maintain connection? Computer scientist Lana Yarosh showcases why it's important to design technology that empowers people to share meaningful interactions beyond a video chat or phone call, granting them the chance to reconnect despite life's big disruptions.
- Subjects:
- Computing, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence and Technology
- Keywords:
- Communication technology Communication -- Technological innovations -- Social aspects
- Resource Type:
- Video
This video explores a primer on one of the most important companions to civil engineering: land surveyors. Conventional measurement tools like a tape measure and protractor don't work for large civil structures and public works projects. Surveying is essentially the science of measuring big stuff. In this video I give a quick explanation of how surveying works and show a few ways you can do your own leveling survey at home. No sines, cosines, or tangents required!
- Subjects:
- Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics
- Keywords:
- Surveying
- Resource Type:
- Video
If you’ve been struggling with limitations in your design role by non-designers, this article is for you. You’ll learn a few pointers on how to better advocate for your role and for the value of good design.
- Keywords:
- Industrial design -- Management Design services -- Management Commercial art -- Management
- Resource Type:
- Others
Do you want to start or grow your own business, go international, or avoid bankruptcy? In this business and management course, you will learn the key steps to take to design or innovate your own business model. You will learn about the trade-offs to be made, and the design issues that are critical for a viable and sustainable business model. This course will help you answer questions like, how do I create a simple business model in a structured way, how do I engage my users and how do I create value for my customers as well as revenue for my company.
- Subjects:
- Management
- Keywords:
- Business planning Strategic planning Industrial management
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
A video showing how to read and interpret any ECG, and able to recognize the majority of heart rhythms.
- Subjects:
- Nursing
- Keywords:
- Heart -- Diseases -- Diagnosis Electrocardiography -- Interpretation
- Resource Type:
- Video
Learn to write literature reviews in 5 steps.
- Keywords:
- Academic writing Research Dissertations Academic
- Resource Type:
- Video
Understanding how to present and measure user research results is key to the developing process of a product. Learn a few guidelines on how to ease communication between users and project teams.
- Subjects:
- Interactive and Digital Media
- Keywords:
- User interfaces (Computer systems) -- Testing Human-computer interaction Web-based user interfaces
- Resource Type:
- Others
To diagnose frozen shoulder specific criteria are described in the literature. This video shows you how to do it.
- Course related:
- RS3580 Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy II
- Subjects:
- Rehabilitation Sciences
- Keywords:
- Shoulder -- Wounds injuries
- Resource Type:
- Video
Learn how to create a Zotero account, install it, and set it up. If you need to learn how to use Zotero, click here:
- Subjects:
- Statistics and Research Methods
- Keywords:
- Bibliographical citations -- Computer programs Information storage retrieval systems
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this series we learn how to make an RPG from scratch using the Unity engine.
- Course related:
- COMP4122 Game Design and Development
- Subjects:
- Computing, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
- Keywords:
- Computer games -- Programming Unity (Electronic resource) Computer games -- Design
- Resource Type:
- Video
When they’re used well, graphs can help us intuitively grasp complex data. But as visual software has enabled more usage of graphs throughout all media, it has also made them easier to use in a careless or dishonest way — and as it turns out, there are plenty of ways graphs can mislead and outright manipulate. Lea Gaslowitz shares some things to look out for.
- Keywords:
- Critical thinking Media literacy Information visualization Charts diagrams etc.
- Resource Type:
- Video
A quick demo of how Google's reverse image search tool can be used to fact check and research images. Have you ever wondered about the source or history behind an image? Google image search can help provide answers. Whether you're doing research or just curious, reverse image search offers a digital paper trail of where an image has appeared on the internet. All you need to do is drag and drop an image into the search bar, paste a url into the search bar, or right click on an image when using the Chrome browser.
- Subjects:
- Statistics and Research Methods
- Keywords:
- Google (Firm) Internet searching Information literacy
- Resource Type:
- Video
This is just the short executive summary of IFRS 9 and does NOT replace the full standard - you can see the full text on IFRS Foundation's website.
- Course related:
- AF4912 Capstone Project
- Subjects:
- Finance
- Keywords:
- Financial instruments -- Accounting -- Stards Financial statements -- Stards
- Resource Type:
- Video
Intermediate Algebra 2e is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of a one-semester intermediate algebra course. The book’s organization makes it easy to adapt to a variety of course syllabi. The text expands on the fundamental concepts of algebra while addressing the needs of students with diverse backgrounds and learning styles. The material is presented as a sequence of clear steps, building on concepts presented in prealgebra and elementary algebra courses. The second edition contains detailed updates and accuracy revisions to address comments and suggestions from users. Dozens of faculty experts worked through the text, exercises and problems, graphics, and solutions to identify areas needing improvement. Though the authors made significant changes and enhancements, exercise and problem numbers remain nearly the same in order to ensure a smooth transition for faculty.
- Subjects:
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Keywords:
- Algebra Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
This new text by G. Arnold and S. Kyle, developed in collaboration by Athabasca University and Lyryx, is intended for the second of two in Intermediate Financial Accounting courses. It presumes that students have already completed the Introductory Financial Accounting, and the first Intermediate Financing Accounting course. The text reflects both current International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and ASPE. This text covers all topics essential to a second level Intermediate Accounting course: current, long-term and complex liabilities, income taxes, pensions, leases, shareholders' equity, earnings per share, statement of cash flows including the direct approach, effects of changes and errors, and disclosures and analysis. Topics that are covered in Advanced Financial Accounting courses, such as consolidations and foreign exchange, are not included here.
- Subjects:
- Finance and Accounting
- Keywords:
- Accounting Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
This course studies the fundamentals of how the design and operation of internal combustion engines affect their performance, efficiency, fuel requirements, and environmental impact. Topics include fluid flow, thermodynamics, combustion, heat transfer and friction phenomena, and fuel properties, with reference to engine power, efficiency, and emissions.
- Subjects:
- Mechanical Engineering
- Keywords:
- Internal combustion engines
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
This book describes how Earth's climate is changing, how it has been changing in the recent geological past and how it may change in the future. It covers the physical sciences that build the foundations of our current understanding of global climate change such as radiation, Earth's energy balance, the greenhouse effect and the carbon cycle. Both natural and human causes for climate change are discussed. Impacts of climate change on natural and human systems are summarized. Ethical and economical aspects of human-caused climate change and solutions are presented.
- Subjects:
- Environmental Sciences
- Keywords:
- Climatology Textbooks Climatic changes
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Introduction to Criminal Investigation, Processes, Practices, and Thinking is a teaching text designed to assist the student in developing their own structured mental map of processes, practices, and thinking to conduct criminal investigations. Delineating criminal investigation into operational descriptors of tactical-response and strategic response while using illustrations of task-skills and thinking-skills, the reader is guided into structured thinking practices. Using the graphic tools of a “Response Transition Matrix”, an “Investigative Funnel”, and the “STAIR Tool”, the reader is shown how to form their own mental map of investigative thinking that can later be articulated in support of forming their reasonable grounds to believe. Chapter 1 introduces criminal investigation as both a task process and a thinking process. This chapter outlines these concepts, rules, and processes with the goal of providing practical tools to ensure successful investigative processes and practices. Most importantly, this book informs the reader how to approach the investigative process using “investigative thinking.” Chapter 2 illustrates investigation by establishing an understanding of the operational forum in which it occurs. That forum is the criminal justice system and in particular, the court system. The investigative process exists within the statutory rules of law, including the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and case law rulings adjudicated by the courts. Considering the existence of these conditions, obligations, and case law rules, there are many terms and concepts that an investigator needs to understand to function appropriately and effectively within the criminal justice system. The purpose of this chapter is to introduce some of the basic legal parameters and concepts of criminal justice within which the criminal investigation process takes place. Chapter 3 describes the functions and terms of “evidence”, as they relate to investigation. This speaks to a wide range of information sources that might eventually inform the court to prove or disprove points at issue before the trier of fact. Sources of evidence can include anything from the observations of witnesses to the examination and analysis of physical objects. It can even include the spatial relationships between people, places, and objects within the timeline of events. From the various forms of evidence, the court can draw inferences and reach conclusions to determine if a charge has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Considering the critical nature of evidence within the court system, there are a wide variety of definitions and protocols that have evolved to direct the way evidence is defined for consideration by the court. In this chapter, we look at some of the key definitions and protocols that an investigator should understand to carry out the investigative process. Chapter 4 breaks investigation down into logical steps, establishing a progression that can be followed and repeated to reach the desired results. The process of investigation can be effectively explained and learned in this manner. In this chapter the reader is introduced to various issues in the progression that relate to the process of investigation. Chapter 5 examines the operational processes of investigation. In this chapter we introduce the three big investigative errors along with graphic illustrations of “The Investigative Funnel” and the “S T A I R Tool” to illustrate how each of these concepts in the investigative progression. Chapter 6 provides the reader the opportunity to work through some investigative scenarios using the S T A I R Tool. These scenarios demonstrate the investigative awareness required to transition from the tactical investigative response to the strategic investigative response. Once in the strategic response mode the reader is challenged to practice applying theory development to conduct analysis of the evidence and information to create an investigative plan. This chapter presents two investigative scenarios each designed to illustrate different steps of the S T A I R tool allowing the student to recognize both the tactical and the strategic investigative responses and the implications of transitioning from the tactical to the strategic response. Chapter 7 illustrates the investigative practices of witness management. Witness statements will assist the investigator in forming reasonable grounds to lay a charge, and will assist the court in reaching a decision that the charge against an accused person has been proved beyond a reasonable doubt. It is important for an investigator to understand these practices as they allow an investigator to evaluate witnesses and collect witness evidence that will be acceptable to the courts. Chapter 8 describes crime scene management skills. These skills are an extremely significant task component of investigation because evidence that originates at the crime scene will provide a picture of events for the court to consider in its deliberations. That picture will be composed of witness testimony, crime scene photographs, physical exhibits, and the analysis of those exhibits, along with the analysis of the crime scene itself. From this chapter, the reader will learn the task processes and protocols for several important issues in crime scene management. Chapter 9 examines the interviewing, questioning, and interrogation techniques police use to aid them in investigations. The courts expect police to exercise high standards using practices that focus on the rights of the accused person, and minimize any physical or mental anguish that might cause a false confession. In meeting these expectations, the challenges of suspect questioning and interrogation can be complex, and many police agencies have trained interrogators and polygraph operators who undertake the interrogation of suspects for major criminal cases. But not every investigation qualifies as a major case, and frontline police investigators are challenged to undertake the tasks of interviewing, questioning, and interrogating possible suspects daily. The challenge for police is that the questioning of a suspect and the subsequent confession can be compromised by flawed interviewing, questioning, or interrogation practices. Understanding the correct processes and the legal parameters can make the difference between having a suspect's confession accepted as evidence by the court or not. Chapter 10 examines various forensic sciences and the application of forensic sciences as practical tools to assist police in conducting investigations. As we noted in Chapter 1, it is not necessary for an investigator to be an expert in any of the forensic sciences; however, it is important to have a sound understanding of forensic tools to call upon appropriate experts to deploy the correct tools when required. Chapter 11 summarizes the learning objectives of this text and suggests investigative learning topics for the reader going forward. Many topics relative to investigative practices have not been covered here as part of the core knowledge requirements for a new investigator. These topics include: Major Case ManagementInformant and confidential source managementUndercover investigationsSpecialized team investigations
- Keywords:
- Criminal investigation Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
This subject serves as a broad introduction to the field of European and Latin American fiction. It is designed to help students acquire a general understanding of major fictional modes. We will pay attention not only to the literary movements these works represent, but also to the subtle interplay of history, geography, language and cultural norms that gave rise to specific literary forms. The books we read in this course are compelling, and film versions of five of the works we read give variety to the course and time to think about the interplay of film and print.
- Subjects:
- English Language and English Literature
- Keywords:
- Latin American fiction European fiction
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
This textbook is an adaptation by Athabasca University of the original text written by D. Annand and H. Dauderis. It is intended for use in entry-level college and university courses in financial accounting. A corporate approach is utilized consistently throughout the book. The adapted textbook includes multiple ancillary student and instructor resources. Student aids include solutions to all end-of-chapter questions and problems, and randomly-generated spreadsheet problems that cover key concepts of each chapter. These provide unlimited practice and feedback for students. Instructor aids include an exam bank, lecture slides, and a comprehensive end-of-term case assignment. This requires students to prepare 18 different year-end adjusting entries and all four types of financial statements, and to calculate and analyze 16 different financial statement ratios. Unique versions can be created for any number of individual students or groups. Tailored solutions are provided for instructors. The original Annand/Dauderis version of the textbook including .docx files and ancillary material remains available upon request to D. Annand (
- Subjects:
- Finance and Accounting
- Keywords:
- Accounting Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
This brief book provides a noncomprehensive introduction to GNU Octave, a free open source alternative to MatLab. The basic syntax and usage is explained through concrete examples from the mathematics courses a math, computer science, or engineering major encounters in the first two years of college: linear algebra, calculus, and differential equations.
- Subjects:
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Keywords:
- Computer science -- Mathematics Textbooks Programming (Mathematics) GNU Octave
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Game theory is an excellent topic for a non-majors quantitative course as it develops mathematical models to understand human behavior in social, political, and economic settings. The variety of applications can appeal to a broad range of students. Additionally, students can learn mathematics through playing games, something many choose to do in their spare time! This text also includes an exploration of the ideas of game theory through the rich context of popular culture. It contains sections on applications of the concepts to popular culture. It suggests films, television shows, and novels with themes from game theory. The questions in each of these sections are intended to serve as essay prompts for writing assignments. Ancillary material are available to verified course instructors by emailing
- Subjects:
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Keywords:
- Textbooks Game theory
- Resource Type:
- e-book
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