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Have you ever come across times when you get particularly nervous, say during a presentation, you find it extra hard to speak smoothly? Most of us may stop at times when we talk, so how do we differentiate between Normal Dysfluency and Stuttering? Are kids struggling with words due to language ability or are they stuttering? Will they naturally outgrow stuttering? How do speech therapists help adults and children who stutter?
大家有否試過在某些時間特別緊張,例如在發佈會中,你覺得難以流暢地說話? 其實每一個人說話時也會有停頓的時候,到底我們如何分辨「口吃」和正常的不流暢呢? 孩子到底是口吃還是因語言能力較弱而在找字呢?是否長大後自然會沒有口吃的問題? 言語治療師可以如何幫助受口吃困擾的小孩和成人呢?
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences and Communication
- Keywords:
- Stuttering Speech disorders
- Resource Type:
- Video
Learn how to fly the aircraft by using the primary, secondary and ancillary controls.
- Course related:
- AAE4902 Pilot Ground Theory
- Subjects:
- Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering
- Keywords:
- Aerodynamics Airplanes -- Piloting
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this animated object, learners view hydrogen and hydroxide ions in a solution. A brief quiz on the basic principles of the term pH completes the activity.
- Subjects:
- Chemistry
- Keywords:
- Hydrogen-ion concentration
- Resource Type:
- Others
The Virtual Reality (VR) Training for Laser Cutter Operation was developed as a supplementary training tool for the PolyU Library’s technical support staff to practice and become familiar with the operation of a laser cutter. The application simulates the environment, laser cutter model, essential operational procedures, and corresponding responses of our laser cutter in service as realistically as feasible. A computer with a simplified laser cutting software interface was also built to simulate the software operation. Interactions (primarily on/off) with all other peripheral equipment, such as the ventilation system, air compressor, and earmuffs, are triggered through button clicks in an on-screen menu. The application simulates the operational procedures and corresponding reactions of the real laser cutter as closely as necessary. New technical staff members who are trained but not yet proficient with laser cutting can practice safely in an immersive environment enabled by VR technology.
- Keywords:
- Laser beam cutting Makerspaces in libraries Virtual reality Virtual reality -- Library applications
- Resource Type:
- Others
3D Modelling and Virtual Reality Tour of the Library’s i-Space
A virtual reality tour was developed by a student that allows the user to navigate and explore the virtual Library’s i-Space (4/F North Wing) freely using a mouse and keyboard as playing a first-person shooter game. The student used 3DS MAX 3D modeling software to create a virtual space of i-Space and its 3D objects bit by bit including furniture, plants, laser printers, 3D printers and PCs video wall. Then, all these 3D objects are imported into Unity software to complete the VR game development. With his tremendous effort, user can get the first-person experience of the i-Space just like visiting in person and learn about what facilities provided in the Digital Makerspace. The web version of the virtual tour is available here:
- Keywords:
- Human-computer interaction Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Pao Yue-kong Library Virtual reality
- Resource Type:
- Others
With the advancement of technologies, we are now a lot easier to access the internet with different electronic widgets compared to the past decades. IoT technology is developed to make use of the vast usage of internet so as to create an environment for centralized control. Let’s look into the case of our home. When we feel that a room is dim, we have to switch on a light. Similarly, we are required to turn on a TV with a remote. “How about making a controller panel that can turn on all electronic appliances in our home?” One of the solutions of this question is making our home smarter with IoT.
- Keywords:
- Arduino (Programmable controller) Intelligent control systems Internet of things
- Resource Type:
- Others
An Internet-of-Thing (IoT) component can be configured to collect real-time environmental data by integrating NodeMCU ESP8266 development board with a temperature and humidity sensor DHT11. The student used an Arduino IDE program to set up a small scale weather monitoring station which indicate the real-time and historical environmental data over the IoT platform ThingsBoard.
- Keywords:
- Arduino (Programmable controller) Environmental monitoring--Data processing Internet of things
- Resource Type:
- Others
The following procedures will show you how to build a touchless auto dispenser for hand sanitiser with simple IoT components and 3D printing.
- Keywords:
- H washing Arduino (Programmable controller) H -- Care hygiene Detectors Internet of things
- Resource Type:
- Others
During COVID-19 outbreak, people are staying at homes to lower the chance of infection. Having a long period lockdown, do you miss the moment you walk along a country park to enjoy a breath of fresh air? A student has developed a virtual Green Park with first-person view navigation, you can take a virtual walk and feel it by controlling the movement with a mouse and keyboard. This Park provides an auto-pilot feature, in which an i-Space cat will introduce the Park to you after selecting a self-guided tour function. Users can also fly a drone in the Park to experience a bird's eye view for the whole park.
The student uses 3D modeling software to create a virtual landscape of the Green Park and its 3D objects including plants, fountain, bench, direction board and buildings. These objects are openly accessible for download. You can import the objects into Unity software to create a unique and exquisite virtual park for your loved ones.
- Keywords:
- Human-computer interaction Parks Virtual reality
- Resource Type:
- Others
In these comprehensive video courses, created by Santiago Basulto, you will learn the whole process of data analysis. You'll be reading data from multiple sources (CSV, SQL, Excel), process that data using NumPy and Pandas, and visualize it using Matplotlib and Seaborn, Additionally, we've included a thorough Jupyter Notebook course, and a quick Python reference to refresh your programming skills.
- Course related:
- AMA1600 Fundamentals of AI and Data Analytics and AMA1751 Linear Algebra
- Subjects:
- Computing, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics and Statistics
- Keywords:
- Computer programming Computer science Python (Computer program language)
- Resource Type:
- Others
freeCodeCamp is a proven path to your first software developer job. More than 40,000 people have gotten developer jobs after completing this – including at big companies like Google and Microsoft. If you are new to programming, we recommend you start at the beginning and earn these certifications in order. To earn each certification, build its 5 required projects and get all their tests to pass.You can add these certifications to your résumé or LinkedIn. But more important than the certifications is the practice you get along the way.If you feel overwhelmed, that is normal. Programming is hard. Practice is the key. Practice, practice, practice. And this curriculum will give you thousands of hours of hands-on programming practice. And if you want to learn more math and computer science theory, we also have thousands of hours of video courses on freeCodeCamp's YouTube channel. If you want to get a developer job or freelance clients, programming skills will be just part of the puzzle. You also need to build your personal network and your reputation as a developer. You can do this on Twitter and GitHub, and also on the freeCodeCamp forum. Happy coding.
- Subjects:
- Computing, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
- Keywords:
- Programming languages (Electronic computers) Computer programming Coding theory
- Resource Type:
- Others
"This is a textbook on formal logic. The book is divided into eight parts. Part I introduces the topic and notions of logic in an informal way, without introducing a formal language yet. Parts II-IV concern truth-functional languages. In it, sentences are formed from basic sentences using a number of connectives ('or', 'and', 'not', 'if . . . then') which just combine sentences into more complicated ones. We discuss logical notions such as entailment in two ways: semantically, using the method of truth tables (in Part III) and proof-theoretically, using a system of formal derivations (in Part IV). Parts V-VII deal with a more complicated language, that of first-order logic. It includes, in addition to the connectives of truth-functional logic, also names, predicates, identity, and the so-called quantifiers. These additional elements of the language make it much more expressive than the truth-functional language, and we'll spend a fair amount of time investigating just how much one can express in it. Again, logical notions for the language of first-order logic are defined semantically, using interpretations, and proof-theoretically, using a more complex version of the formal derivation system introduced in Part IV. Part VIII covers an advanced topic: that of expressive adequacy of the truth-functional connectives"--BCcampus website.
- Subjects:
- Philosophy
- Keywords:
- Textbooks Logic
- Resource Type:
- e-book
"forall x: Calgary is a full-featured textbook on formal logic. It covers key notions of logic such as consequence and validity of arguments, the syntax of truth-functional propositional logic TFL and truth-table semantics, the syntax of first-order (predicate) logic FOL with identity (first-order interpretations), translating (formalizing) English in TFL and FOL, and Fitch-style natural deduction proof systems for both TFL and FOL. It also deals with some advanced topics such as modal logic, soundness, and functional completeness. Exercises with solutions are available. It is provided in PDF (for screen reading, printing, and a special version for dyslexics) and in LaTeX source code. A proof editor/checker for the proof system used is available at"--BCcampus website.
- Subjects:
- Philosophy
- Keywords:
- Textbooks Logic
- Resource Type:
- e-book
"forall x is an open access introductory textbook in formal logic. It covers translation, proofs, and formal semantics for sentential and predicate logic."--BCcampus website.
- Subjects:
- Philosophy
- Keywords:
- Textbooks Logic
- Resource Type:
- e-book
eduClipper is an easy to use social learning platform that allows teachers to create and share dynamic content, leave meaningful feedback on student assignments, and allows learners to capture and track their academic growth and achievement over time in digital learning portfolios.
With eduClipper you can:
(1) Explore top quality education resources for K-12
(2) Create clips from the web, Drive, Dropbox
(3) Use your camera to capture awesome work that you create in and out of the classroom
(4) Create whiteboard recordings
(5) Create differentiated groups and share content with them
(6) Create Personal Learning Portfolios
(7) Create Class Portfolios as a teacher and share Assignments with students
(8) Provide quality feedback through video, audio, text, badges, or grades
(9) Collaborate with other users on eduClipboards for class projects or personal interests
(10) Works on iPhone and iPad and Apple Watch
(11) 100% free for Teachers and Students
(12) Used by over 175,000 Educators around the world
(13) Ideal for K-12 Educators and Students, Administrators, Parents, and more!
(14) As seen in TechCrunch, FreeTech4Teachers, EdSurge, VentureBeat, etc.
- Subjects:
- Educational Resources
- Keywords:
- Educational technology Computer-assisted instruction
- Resource Type:
- Others
ePortfolio Performance Support Systems: Constructing, Presenting, and Assessing Portfolios addresses theories and practices advanced by some of the most innovative and active proponents of ePortfolios. Editors Katherine V. Wills and Rich Rice interweave twelve essays that address the ways in which ePortfolios can facilitate sustainable and measureable writing-related student development, assessment and accountability, learning and knowledge transfer, and principles related to universal design for learning, just-in-time support, interaction design, and usability testing.
- Subjects:
- English Language
- Keywords:
- English language -- Rhetoric -- Study teaching (Higher) Electronic portfolios in education Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
The newly updated edition - based on Quirk's unique Think, Create, Engage, Optimise structure and processes - includes chapters on the latest marketing trends as well as updated facts and figures and all new real-world case studies showing the application of digital best practice. Other important updates include: Expansion of the THINK section to better position itself as a platform for approaching the rest of the book and the marketing process overall. Enormous improvements to the Market Research and Strategy chapters and the addition of a Content Strategy chapter. New Usability Design chapter. Expansion of the Video Marketing and Mobile chapters to reflect the growing importance of these areas in the digital landscape.
- Subjects:
- Marketing
- Keywords:
- Internet marketing Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
eMarketing: The Essential Guide to Online Marketing is a textbook intended for third and fourth year marketing students and draws on both academic theory and practical experience. The book offers students information that is applicable to the eMarket industry by providing examples that are easily relatable. The book covers all of the important aspects of online marketing, including the areas associated with search engine marketing, affiliate marketing, web analytics and conversion optimization, web development, online copywriting, online advertising, webPR, online reputation management, pay per click advertising, viral marketing, social media marketing, search engine optimization, eMarketing strategy, market research, mobile marketing, crowd sourcing, and customer relationship management. The book also features summaries, learning objectives and discussion points for each chapter, as well as, a glossary and index.
- Subjects:
- Marketing
- Keywords:
- Internet marketing Internet advertising Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Learning online is playing an increasingly large part of student life, whether as part of a blended approach, for group work, or even for fully online study. Join us in this webinar where we look at how to learn online, successfully, making the most of the opportunities and tools on offer.
Event Date: 23/8/2022
Facilitator(s): Harbutt, Darren; Ho, Anthony
- Subjects:
- Lesson Design and Student Engagement
- Keywords:
- Internet in education Motivation in education Blended learning Engagement (Philosophy)
- Resource Type:
- Video
Learn about making effective student video assignments and how you can use uRewind to facilitate the submission of student video assignments, peer assessment and collaboration, and provide time stamped feedback.
Event Date: 04/01/2021
Facilitator(s): Mitesh Patel (EDC), Kai Pan Mark (EDC)
- Subjects:
- Assessment & Feedback
- Keywords:
- Educational tests measurements Web-based instruction
- Resource Type:
- Video
Learn about making effective student video assignments and how you can use uRewind to facilitate the submission of student video assignments, peer assessment and collaboration, and provide time stamped feedback.
Event Date: 26/11/2020
Facilitator(s): Mitesh Patel (EDC), Kai Pan Mark (EDC)
- Subjects:
- Assessment & Feedback
- Keywords:
- Educational tests measurements Web-based instruction
- Resource Type:
- Video
This webinar will look at the current state of play of eAssessment in PolyU, Hong Kong and beyond. It will then present some examples that move beyond learners writing an essay in front of a webcam, sharing ideas to help stimulate your online assessment practices.
Event Date: 12/01/2021
Facilitator(s): Darren Harbutt (EDC), Laura Zhou (EDC)
- Subjects:
- Assessment & Feedback
- Keywords:
- Educational tests measurements Web-based instruction
- Resource Type:
- Video
This session offered by EDC and ITS introduces you how to adopt different assessment functions of Blackboard for formative, summative and other-related assessment purposes. You will have opportunities to seek pedagogical and technical advice from the Presenter(s)s for planning different aspects of your assessment including creating, deploying, and delivering assessment activities for this semester.
Event Date: 15/3/2022
Facilitator(s): Roy Kam (EDC), Pony Ma (ITS)
- Subjects:
- Lesson Design and Assessment & Feedback
- Keywords:
- Web-based instruction Educational tests measurements
- Resource Type:
- Video
Join us in this online showcase that looks at assessment solutions that leverage technology to help you assess student learning outcomes. We will consider examples from PolyU and HKBU that move beyond large-hall exams and their online invigilated equivalents to offer a more holistic solution.
Event Date: 7/7/2022
Facilitator(s): Darren Harbutt, Wallace Lai, Bruce Li, Theresa Kwong
- Subjects:
- Assessment & Feedback
- Keywords:
- Educational tests measurements Web-based instruction
- Resource Type:
- Video
For three decades and longer we have heard educators and technologists making a case for the transformative power of technology in learning. However, despite the rhetoric, in many ways and at most institutional sites, education is still relatively untouched by technology. Even when technologies are introduced, the changes sometimes seem insignificant and the results seem disappointing. If the print textbook is replaced by an e-book, do the social relations of knowledge and learning necessarily change at all or for the better? If the pen-and-paper test is mechanized, does this change the nature of our assessment systems? Technology, in other words, need not necessarily bring significant change. Technology might not even represent a step forward in education. But what might be new? How can we use technologies to innovate in education? This course explores seven affordances of e-learning ecologies, which open up genuine possibilities for what we call New Learning – transformative, 21st century learning: 1. Ubiquitous Learning 2. Active Knowledge Making 3. Multimodal Meaning 4. Recursive Feedback 5. Collaborative Intelligence 6. Metacognition 7. Differentiated Learning These affordances, if recognized and harnessed, will prepare learners for success in a world that is increasingly dominated by digital information flows and tools for communication in the workplace, public spaces, and personal life. This course offers a wide variety of examples of learning technologies and technology implementations that, to varying degrees, demonstrate these affordances in action.
"Scott McLean's Writing for Success is a text that provides instruction in steps, builds writing, reading, and critical thinking, and combines comprehensive grammar review with an introduction to paragraph writing and composition. Beginning with the sentence and its essential elements, this book addresses each concept with clear, concise and effective examples that are immediately reinforced with exercises and opportunities to demonstrate, and reinforce, learning."--BCcampus website.
- Subjects:
- English Language
- Keywords:
- Textbooks English language -- Grammar
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Zygote Media Group, Inc. was founded in 1994 and has been creating the world's leading 3D anatomical products ever since. 3D anatomical products from Zygote have been seen in groundbreaking applications online, in broadcast television, films, computer games, educational software, and in medical illustrations and animations. Zygote is excited about showing the world the beauty and miracle of human life through our 3D anatomy products.
- Course related:
- RS3030 Clinical Neurology & Neuroscience, HSS2011 Human Anatomy, and RS2040 Functional Anatomy
- Subjects:
- Medical Imaging
- Keywords:
- Imaging systems in biology Three-dimensional imaging
- Resource Type:
- Others
Reduction of energy consumption of buildings is an important step in the move towards a sustainable economy. How can buildings be made net zero energy, in different climates? This course introduces you to zero energy design. It will teach you a stepped approach to design a zero energy climate concept for existing buildings: homes, schools, offices, shops etc. It will demonstrate how an integrated approach, which takes into account both passive measures (such as thermal insulation and sun shading) and active measures (such as heat pumps and photovoltaic panels), can deliver the best results. It will do so by providing you with an overview of possible measures, and through reviewing several case studies of zero energy buildings in the Netherlands, with lessons for other climates as well. Thus, you will learn which measures are most suitable for individual buildings under local climate conditions. This course is for anyone interested in making buildings more energy efficient, who already possess asic technical knowledge.
Using of Z table
- Course related:
- HTM3205 Analysing and Interpreting Research
- Subjects:
- Statistics and Research Methods
- Keywords:
- Mathematical statistics Statistics
- Resource Type:
- Video
Can the way you speak and write today predict your future mental state, even the onset of psychosis? In this fascinating talk, neuroscientist Mariano Sigman reflects on ancient Greece and the origins of introspection to investigate how our words hint at our inner lives and details a word-mapping algorithm that could predict the development of schizophrenia. "We may be seeing in the future a very different form of mental health," Sigman says, "based on objective, quantitative and automated analysis of the words we write, of the words we say."
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences
- Keywords:
- Mental health Mental illness
- Resource Type:
- Video
Where you live: It impacts your health as much as diet and genes do, but it's not part of your medical records. At TEDMED, Bill Davenhall shows how overlooked government geo-data (from local heart-attack rates to toxic dumpsite info) can mesh with mobile GPS apps to keep doctors in the loop. Call it "geo-medicine."
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences
- Keywords:
- Medical geography
- Resource Type:
- Video
Use YouTube to improve your English pronunciation. With more than 100M tracks, YouGlish gives you fast, unbiased answers about how English is spoken by real people and in context.
- Course related:
- ELC1013 English for University Studies and ELC1A08 Digital Literacies and Language
- Subjects:
- English Language
- Keywords:
- English language -- Study teaching
- Resource Type:
- Others
This text is meant to be used in any first year College Composition class or as a general guide to college writing. The book focuses on writing as a process, not a product. The goal is to help students discover their own writing process, tryin g out different methods and strategies to find what works best for them
- Subjects:
- English Language
- Keywords:
- Report writing Textbooks Authorship English language -- Rhetoric
- Resource Type:
- e-book
In Yoga Minds, Writing Bodies, Christy Wenger argues for the inclusion of Eastern-influenced contemplative education within writing studies. She observes that, although we have "embodied" writing education in general by discussing the rhetorics of racialized, gendered, and disabled bodies, we have done substantially less to address the particular bodies that occupy our classrooms. She proposes that we turn to contemplative education practices that engages student bodies through fusing a traditional curriculum with contemplative practices including yoga, meditation, and the martial arts. Drawing strength from the recent "quiet revolution" (Zajonc) of contemplative pedagogy within postsecondary education and a legacy of field interest attributable to James Moffett, this project draws on case studies of first-year college writers to present contemplative pedagogy as a means of teaching students mindfulness of their writing and learning in ways that promote the academic, rhetorical work accomplished in first-year composition classes while at the same time remaining committed to a larger scope of a writer's physical and emotional well-being.
- Subjects:
- English Language
- Keywords:
- English language--Composition exercises Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
This version of YAINTT has a particular emphasis on connections to cryptology. The cryptologic material appears in Chapter 4 and §§5.5 and 5.6, arising naturally (I hope) out of the ambient number theory. The main cryptologic applications – being the RSA cryptosystem, Diffie-Hellman key exchange, and the ElGamal cryptosystem – come out so naturally from considerations of Euler’s Theorem, primitive roots, and indices that it renders quite ironic G.H. Hardy’s assertion [Har05] of the purity and eternal inapplicability of number theory. Note, however, that once we broach the subject of these cryptologic algorithms, we take the time to make careful definitions for many cryptological concepts and to develop some related ideas of cryptology which have much more tenuous connections to the topic of number theory. This material therefore has something of a different flavor from the rest of the text – as is true of all scholarly work in cryptology (indeed, perhaps in all of computer science), which is clearly a discipline with a different culture from that of “pure”mathematics. Obviously, these sections could be skipped by an uninterested reader, or remixed away by an instructor for her own particular class approach.
- Subjects:
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Keywords:
- Textbooks Number theory
- Resource Type:
- e-book
I intend this book to be, firstly, a introduction to calculus based on the hyperrealnumber system. In other words, I will use infinitesimal and infinite numbers freely. Just as most beginning calculus books provide no logical justification for the real number system, I will provide none for the hyperreals. The reader interested in questions of foundations should consult books such asAbraham Robinson's Non-standard Analysis or Robert Goldblatt's Lectures onthe Hyperreals. Secondly, I have aimed the text primarily at readers who already have somefamiliarity with calculus. Although the book does not explicitly assume any prerequisites beyond basic algebra and trigonometry, in practice the pace istoo fast for most of those without some acquaintance with the basic notions of calculus.
- Subjects:
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Keywords:
- Textbooks Calculus
- Resource Type:
- e-book
In this learning resources page, you can find resources related to learning scripts, debating tipsm english exercise, exam tips and advices from the experts.
- Course related:
- ELC2011 Advanced English Reading and Writing Skills
- Subjects:
- English Language
- Keywords:
- English language -- Study teaching
- Resource Type:
- Others
This case study discusses how Xiang Ming Hotel Huangshan successfully reduced sales pressure and increased brand influence by attracting major clients through a nostalgic-themed event launched during Christmas.
- Subjects:
- Marketing and Hotel, Travel and Tourism
- Keywords:
- Festivals -- Marketing Hospitality industry -- Marketing Hotels -- Marketing
- Resource Type:
- Others
This case study discusses how Xi Bei Oat Noodle Village attracted many consumers by innovating their specialty products and turning Valentine's Day into their exclusive holiday, successfully creating a connection between the brand and consumers.
- Subjects:
- Hotel, Travel and Tourism and Marketing
- Keywords:
- Valentine's Day Restaurants -- Marketing
- Resource Type:
- Others
In this CIHK webinar, we will discuss the material conditions of and historical background to the use of Classical Chinese or Literary Sinitic in writing-mediated brush conversation between literati of Sinitic engaged in cross-border communication within Sinographic East Asia or the Sinographic cosmopolis, which corresponds with today’s China, North Korea, South Korea, Japan (including Okinawa, formerly the Ryukyu Kingdom) and Vietnam. Compared with speech as a modality of communication, real-time writing-mediated interaction between talking humans, synchronously face-to-face, seems uncommon. In any society, speaking is premised on one condition: the interlocutors must have at least one shared spoken language at their disposal, but even then, there are circumstances under which speaking is either physically not feasible or socially inappropriate. Could writing function as an alternative modality of communication when speaking is not an option due to the absence of a shared spoken language, as in cross-border communication settings? Whereas real-time writing-mediated face-to-face interaction is rare where a regional lingua franca was known to exist (e.g., Latin and Arabic), there is ample historical evidence of literati of Classical Chinese or Literary Sinitic from different parts of Sinographic East Asia conducting ‘silent conversation’, synchronously and interactively in writing mode using brush, ink, and paper. Such a pattern of writing-assisted interaction is still practiced and observable in pen-assisted conversation – pen-talk – between Chinese and Japanese speakers today, thanks to the pragma-linguistic affordance of morphographic, non-phonographic sinograms (i.e., Chinese characters and Japanese kanji). We will outline the historical spread of Classical Chinese or Sinitic texts from the ‘center’ to the ‘peripheries’, and the historical background to the acquisition of literacy in Sinitic by the people there. Their shared knowledge of Sinitic helps explain why, for well over a thousand years until the 1900s, literati from these places were able to speak their mind by engaging in ‘Sinitic brush-talk’ 漢文筆談 in cross-border communication.
Event date: 13/5/2022
Speaker: Prof. David C. S. Li
Hosted by: Confucius Institute of Hong Kong, Department of Chinese Culture
- Subjects:
- Language and Languages and Chinese Language
- Keywords:
- History China Written communication Chinese characters Chinese language -- Written Chinese East Asia
- Resource Type:
- Video
Writing the Nation: A Concise Guide to American Literature 1865 to Present is a text that surveys key literary movements and the American authors associated with the movement. Topics include late romanticism, realism, naturalism, modernism, and modern literature.
- Subjects:
- Area Studies and English Literature
- Keywords:
- Criticism interpretation etc. American literature Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
The editors of Writing in Knowledge Societies provide a thoughtful, carefully constructed collection that addresses the vital roles rhetoric and writing play as knowledge-making practices in diverse knowledge-intensive settings. The essays in this book examine the multiple, subtle, yet consequential ways in which writing is epistemic, articulating the central role of writing in creating, shaping, sharing, and contesting knowledge in a range of human activities in workplaces, civic settings, and higher education. Writing in Knowledge Societies helps us conceptualize the ways in which rhetoric and writing work to organize, (re-)produce, undermine, dominate, marginalize, or contest knowledge-making practices in diverse settings, showing the many ways in which rhetoric and writing operate in knowledge-intensive organizations and societies.
- Subjects:
- English Language and Language and Languages
- Keywords:
- Rhetoric -- Research Textbooks English language -- Rhetoric
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Interested in Educational Research? Two experienced educational researchers will share how to prepare a good paper and enhance its chances of being published in a journal.
Event Date: 19/5/2022
Facilitator(s): Dr Robert Wright (MM), Dr Tang Yuk Ming (ISE), Dr Eric Tsui (EDC)
- Subjects:
- Good Practices
- Keywords:
- Proposal writing in educational research
- Resource Type:
- Video
"Writing for Success is a text that provides instruction in steps, builds writing, reading, and critical thinking, and combines comprehensive grammar review with an introduction to paragraph writing and composition."--BCcampus website.
- Subjects:
- English Language
- Keywords:
- English language -- Grammar Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Writing for Success is a text that provides instruction in steps, builds writing, reading, and critical thinking, and combines comprehensive grammar review with an introduction to paragraph writing and composition. Beginning with the sentence and its essential elements, this book addresses each concept with clear, concise and effective examples that are immediately reinforced with exercises and opportunities to demonstrate, and reinforce, learning. Each chapter allows your students to demonstrate mastery of the principles of quality writing. With its incremental approach, it can address a range of writing levels and abilities, helping each student in your course prepare for their next writing or university course. Constant reinforcement is provided through examples and exercises, and the text involves students in the learning process through reading, problem-solving, practicing, listening, and experiencing the writing process. Each chapter also has integrated examples that unify the discussion and form a common, easy-to-understand basis for discussion and exploration. This will put your students at ease, and allow for greater absorption of the material. Tips for effective writing are included in every chapter, as well. Thought-provoking scenarios provide challenges and opportunities for collaboration and interaction. These exercises are especially helpful if you incorporate group work in your course. Clear exercises teach sentence and paragraph writing skills that lead to common English composition and research essays. Features: Exercises are integrated in each segment. Each concept is immediately reinforced as soon as it is introduced to keep students on track. Exercises are designed to facilitate interaction and collaboration. This allows for peer-peer engagement, development of interpersonal skills, and promotion of critical thinking skills. Exercises that involve self-editing and collaborative writing are featured. This feature develops and promotes student interest in the areas and content. There are clear internal summaries and effective displays of information. This contributes to ease of access to information and increases the ability of your students to locate desired content. Rule explanations are simplified with clear, relevant, and theme-based examples. This feature provides context that will facilitate learning and increase knowledge retention. There is an obvious structure to the chapter and segment level. This allows for easy adaptation to your existing and changing course needs or assessment outcomes.
- Subjects:
- English Language
- Keywords:
- Report writing Textbooks English language -- Rhetoric
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Good writing skills are important in today's competitive work environment. This is especially the case for communication-related professions such as public relations, brand communication, journalism, and marketing. Writing for Strategic Communication Industries emphasizes practical application of academic inquiry to help readers improve their writing skills. This book gives readers: Straightforward chapters that use real-world examples to illustrate key points. Discussion of different writing styles and techniques. Examples of communication materials such as press releases, creative briefs, feature articles, and more. Embedded videos of insights from communication professionals. Tips on pitching to the media. A collection of popular sources for further explanation.
- Subjects:
- English Language
- Keywords:
- Business writing Business communication Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Welcome to Writing for Electronic Media, an OER textbook. OER stands for Open Educational Resource, which means it’s free for all who access. Since it is electronic, I will do what I can to keep it updated with the changing media. People’s viewing habits are changing as they migrate to mobile sources, social media, and kitten videos.Television News is still a dominant #1 source, and radio is still the safest way to stay informed in your car. Hopefully, you already have some journalism background. This book does not teach the who, what, when, where, why, and how of reporting; its goal is to teach how to present the journalism you already know via electronic media, primarily television.
- Subjects:
- Communication
- Keywords:
- Mass media -- Authorship Television broadcasting of news Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
In the age of Buzzfeeds, hashtags, and Tweets, students are increasingly favoring conversational writing and regarding academic writing as less pertinent in their personal lives, education, and future careers. Writing and Literature: Composition as Inquiry, Learning, Thinking and Communication connects students with works and exercises and promotes student learning that is kairotic and constructive. Dr. Tanya Long Bennett, professor of English at the University of North Georgia, poses questions that encourage active rather than passive learning. Furthering ideas presented in Contribute a Verse: A Guide to First-Year Composition as a complimentary companion, Writing and Literature builds a new conversation covering various genres of literature and writing. Students learn the various writing styles appropriate for analyzing, addressing, and critiquing these genres including poetry, novels, dramas, and research writing. The text and its pairing of helpful visual aids throughout emphasizes the importance of critical reading and analysis in producing a successful composition. Writing and Literature is a refreshing textbook that links learning, literature, and life.
- Subjects:
- English Language and English Literature
- Keywords:
- Criticism interpretation etc. Composition (Language arts) Textbooks Literature
- Resource Type:
- e-book
What is a statement of Teaching Philosophy? This session introduces the concept to teachers who have no experience of preparing one. Together we will examine a previous statement, analyze its contents, and start the process of creating meaningful statements of what we stand for as teachers.
Event Date: 19/03/2020
Facilitator(s): John Sager (EDC), David Watson (EDC)
- Subjects:
- Lesson Design
- Keywords:
- Education -- Philosophy
- Resource Type:
- Video
Welcome to Writing Unleashed, designed for use as a textbook in first-year college composition programs, written as an extremely brief guide for students, jam-packed with teachers’ voices, students’ voices, and engineered for fun.
- Subjects:
- English Language
- Keywords:
- English language -- Composition exercises Textbooks English language -- Rhetoric
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Volumes in Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing offer multiple perspectives on a wide-range of topics about writing. In each chapter, authors present their unique views, insights, and strategies for writing by addressing the undergraduate reader directly. Drawing on their own experiences, these teachers-as-writers invite students to join in the larger conversation about the craft of writing. Consequently, each essay functions as a standalone text that can easily complement other selected readings in writing or writing-intensive courses across the disciplines at any level. Volume 2 continues the tradition of the previous volume with topics, such as the rhetorical situation, collaboration, documentation styles, weblogs, invention, writing assignment interpretation, reading critically, information literacy, ethnography, interviewing, argument, document design, and source integration.
- Subjects:
- English Language
- Keywords:
- Textbooks English language -- Rhetoric
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Volumes in Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing offer multiple perspectives on a wide-range of topics about writing, much like the modelmade famous by Wendy Bishop's “The Subject Is . . .” series. In eachchapter, authors present their unique views, insights, and strategies forwriting by addressing the undergraduate reader directly. Drawing ontheir own experiences, these teachers-as-writers invite students to joinin the larger conversation about developing nearly every aspect of thecraft of writing. Consequently, each essay functions as a standalonetext that can easily complement other selected readings in writing orwriting-intensive courses across the disciplines at any level. Topics in Volume 1 of the series include academic writing, how to interpret writing assignments, motives for writing, rhetorical analysis, revision, invention, writing centers, argumentation, narrative, reflective writing, Wikipedia, patchwriting, collaboration, and genres.
- Subjects:
- English Language
- Keywords:
- Textbooks English language -- Rhetoric
- Resource Type:
- e-book
The Writing Spaces Web Writing Style Guide was created as a crowdsourcing project of Collaborvention 2011: A Computers and Writing Unconference. College writing teachers from around the web joined together to create this guide (see our Contributors list). The advice within it is based on contemporary theories and best practices. While the text was originally written for students in undergraduate writing classes, it can also be a suitable resource for other writers interested in learning more about writing for the web. This document is available as a web text for reading online, a printer-friendly PDF, and an EPUB ereader versions.
- Subjects:
- English Language
- Keywords:
- Online authorship Conference papers proceedings Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Emerging from the International WAC/WID Mapping Project, this collection of essays is meant to inform decision-making by teachers, program managers, and college/university administrators considering how writing can most appropriately be defined, managed, funded, and taught in the places where they work. Writing Programs Worldwide offers an important global perspective to the growing research literature in the shaping of writing programs. The authors of its program profiles show how innovators at a diverse range of universities on six continents have dealt creatively over many years with day-to-day and long-range issues affecting how students across disciplines and languages grow as communicators and learners. In these profiles, we see teachers and researchers relying on colleagues and on transnational scholarship to build initiatives that are both well suited to their specific environments and can serve as regional and often global models. Their struggles and achievements offer insights to colleagues in similar locales and across borders who seek to establish, enhance, and assess their own work as designers of writing programs. An introduction and three section essays by the editors illuminate themes that inform this collection. Growing networks of initiators and scholars and survey results from the International WAC/WID Mapping Project exemplify the argument of this collection for transnational exchange and collaboration.
- Subjects:
- English Language
- Keywords:
- Textbooks Academic writing
- Resource Type:
- e-book
As schools, as well as the workplace, become more automated, and remote or distance learning/working becomes the “new normal,” understanding and leveraging artificial intelligence will become a critical skill.
- Keywords:
- Report writing Grading marking (Students) -- Computer programs Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Writing in College is designed for students who have largely mastered high-school level conventions of formal academic writing and are now moving beyond the five-paragraph essay to more advanced engagement with text. It is well suited to composition courses or first-year seminars and valuable as a supplemental or recommended text in other writing-intensive classes. It provides a friendly, down-to-earth introduction to professors' goals and expectations, demystifying the norms of the academy and how they shape college writing assignments. Each of the nine chapters can be read separately, and each includes suggested exercises to bring the main messages to life. Students will find in Writing in College a warm invitation to join the academic community as novice scholars and to approach writing as a meaningful medium of thought and communication. With concise discussions, clear multidisciplinary examples, and empathy for the challenges of student life, Guptill conveys a welcoming tone. In addition, each chapter includes Student Voices: peer-to-peer wisdom from real SUNY Brockport students about their strategies for and experiences with college writing. While there are many affordable writing guides available, most focus only on sentence-level issues or, conversely, a broad introduction to making the transition. Writing In College, in contrast, provides both a coherent frame for approaching writing assignments and indispensable advice for effective organization and expression.
- Subjects:
- English Language
- Keywords:
- English language--Composition exercises Textbooks English language -- Rhetoric
- Resource Type:
- e-book
In this learning activity you'll review how to write effective goal statements.
- Subjects:
- Management
- Keywords:
- Employee motivation Corporate culture
- Resource Type:
- Others
The learner will study an effective workplace email being written while a narrator explains the step-by-step process. The learner will distinguish the difference between poorly written and effectively written emails.
- Subjects:
- English Language
- Keywords:
- Commercial correspondence Business writing Letter writing
- Resource Type:
- Others
This is an open course on writing academic essays in English. It starts with a lesson on the the different types of essays. Then you'll learn how to write introduction paragraphs, body paragraphs, and conclusion paragraphs.
- Subjects:
- English Language
- Keywords:
- English language -- Rhetoric -- Study teaching (Higher) Academic writing
- Resource Type:
- Courseware
The booklet "Write your best Paper" summarizes the most important topics in a step by step instruction with a timeline and many practical tips.
- Subjects:
- Economics and Statistics and Research Methods
- Keywords:
- Academic writing Dissertations Academic -- Authorship
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Write Here, Right Now: An interactive Introduction to Academic Writing and Research utilizes PressBooks to create and host a writing e-textbook for first year university students that would effectively integrate into the flipped classroom model. The textbook could also be used for non-flipped classroom designs, as the embedded videos, diagrams and linked modules would act as an all-in-one multimedia textbook geared towards multiple learning styles and disciplines. The components of the textbook, including the embedded videos, could be swapped in and out in order to accommodate a professor’s best idea of his/her own course design.
- Subjects:
- English Language
- Keywords:
- Report writing Textbooks Academic writing
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Dr. Ernest Madu runs the Heart Institute of the Caribbean in Kingston, Jamaica, where he proves that -- with careful design, smart technical choices, and a true desire to serve -- it's possible to offer world-class healthcare in the developing world.
- Subjects:
- Management of Health Care Services and Health Sciences
- Keywords:
- Health services administration
- Resource Type:
- Video
The vast majority of our grid-scale storage of electricity uses this clever method. Electricity faces a fundamental problem that comes with pretty much any product that’s provided on-demand: our ability to generate large amounts of it doesn’t match up that closely with when we need it. The storage of electricity for later use, especially on a large scale, is quite challenging. That’s not to say that we don’t store energy at grid scale though, and there’s one type of storage that makes up the vast majority of our current capacity.
- Subjects:
- Environmental Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering
- Keywords:
- Energy storage Water-power Pumped storage power plants
- Resource Type:
- Video
Learn about the principles and practices of how grapes are grown and wine is made.
- Subjects:
- Food and Beverage
- Keywords:
- Vineyards Wine wine making
- Resource Type:
World Regional Geography: People, Places and Globalization is designed for students to experience and study as much of the world as possible within a limited amount of time. It gives students the fundamental concepts and the latest data regarding world places in a concise, easy-to-read format. This World Regional Geography textbook focuses on the primary issues that have created our cultural and societal structures, and presents them within a framework for global understanding. A pattern of development is outlined from the imprint that European colonialism had on culture to the impact that giant retail corporations like Wal-Mart have on consumerism. Within this framework, the textbook takes a regional approach to globalization and world geography, as each chapter focuses on one subject or region. The first unit covers the basic concepts of location, the environment, and global economic dynamics. Then, these basic concepts, theories, and principles are presented for each region on a chapter-by-chapter basis. The basic concepts are covered using real world examples to provide purpose and relevance for the students. And each lesson begins with learning objectives and ends with key takeaways to stimulate critical thinking about each topic or region. Basic spatial concepts are also tracked throughout the text to connect ideas and apply concepts to every region of the world. Special sections on relevant topics are also distributed throughout the book. With each chapter focused on one region, the textbook provides professors with some course management and flexibility. The text is also brief enough to provide additional flexibility if professors want to include specialized information from outside sources. World Regional Geography: People, Places and Globalization provides students with a working knowledge of world geography in an easy-to-read format. Basic geographic concepts of world places are presented in concise chapters, and each chapter provides a foundational framework for understanding the development patterns of world regions. See for yourself and take a look at the book today!
Rather than present students with a broad, novice-level introduction to geography, emphasizing places and vocabulary terms, this text approaches geography as experts understand the discipline, focusing on connections and an in-depth understanding of core themes. This thematic approach, informed by pedagogical research, provides students with an introduction to thinking geographically. Instead of repeating the same several themes each chapter, this text emphasizes depth over breadth by arranging each chapter around a central theme and then exploring that theme in detail as it applies to the particular region. In addition, while chapters are designed to stand alone and be rearranged or eliminated at the instructor's discretion, the theme of globalization and inequality unites all of the regions discussed. This core focus enables students to draw connections between regions and to better understand the interconnectedness of our world. Furthermore, the focus on both globalization and inequality helps demonstrate the real-world application of the concepts discussed. Colonialism, for instance, rather than a historical relict, becomes a force that has shaped geography and informs social justice. This thematic approach is also intended to facilitate active learning and would be suitable for a flipped or team-based learning-style course since it more easily integrates case studies and higher-order thinking than the traditional model. Each chapter begins with a list of learning objectives. This text was written with the backward course design model in mind and the content of each chapter was structured around these learning objectives. Because of this backward design focus, the length of each chapter is considerably shorter than most traditional textbooks. The intention is for the instructor to supplement the text with problems, case studies, and news articles and to use the text as a springboard for discussing deeper issues. The chapters are written in an accessible style, often addressing the student directly, and the author's voice has intentionally tried to remain present in the text. Following the Washington Post's gender-inclusive style guide, the singular they is intentionally used throughout the text. Rhetorical questions are also used to help students reflect on concepts and to encourage them to dig deeper and consider concepts from different perspectives.
- Subjects:
- Geography
- Keywords:
- Human geography Geography Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
This peer-reviewedWorld Literature Ianthology includes introductory text and images before each series of readings. Sections of the text are divided bytimeperiod in three parts: the Ancient World, Middle Ages, and Renaissance, and then divided into chapters by location.
- Subjects:
- Language and Languages
- Keywords:
- Literature Language arts Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
World History: Cultures, States, and Societies to 1500 offers a comprehensive introduction to the history of humankind from prehistory to 1500. Authored by six USG faculty members with advance degrees in History, this textbook offers up-to-date original scholarship. It covers such cultures, states, and societies as Ancient Mesopotamia, Ancient Israel, Dynastic Egypt, India's Classical Age, the Dynasties of China, Archaic Greece, the Roman Empire, Islam, Medieval Africa, the Americas, and the Khanates of Central Asia.It includes 350 high-quality images and maps, chronologies, and learning questions to help guide student learning. Its digital nature allows students to follow links to applicable sources and videos, expanding their educational experience beyond the textbook. It provides a new and free alternative to traditional textbooks, making World History an invaluable resource in our modern age of technology and advancement.
- Subjects:
- Cultural Studies and History
- Keywords:
- History Ancient Religions Civilization Medieval Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
In this page, it covers various health topics, for example, addictive behaviours, blood products, clinical trials, disability, and Ebola virus disease etc.
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences
- Keywords:
- Public health Health
- Resource Type:
- Others
This session, the second in a two-part series, explores how students can use the note-taking anddiscussion tools in uRewind to engage more deeply with the content of your lecture recording. It also looks at how you can create quizzes that require students to summarise what they have watched.
By the end of this session, you will be able to:
• design more complex quiz questions that develop the skill of summarising
• help students write contextualised, personal reflections on parts of your lecture recording
• engage students in discussions based around key moments in your video.
Event Date: 7/10/2021
Facilitator(s): Dave Gatrell, Kai Pan Mark
- Subjects:
- Student Engagement and Lesson Design
- Keywords:
- Motivation in education Computer-assisted instruction Web-based instruction Engagement (Philosophy) Lecture method in teaching
- Resource Type:
- Video
Lecture recordings have become an essential part of face-to-face, online and hybrid learning. They also offer many additional opportunities for active learning. This two-part, hands-on, workshop series is designed to help you make the most of your recordings, transforming them into an engaging learning resource that will increase students’ participation and interaction.
This session, the second in a two-part series, explores how students can use the note-taking and discussion tools in uRewind to engage more deeply with the content of your lecture recording. It also looks at how you can create quizzes that require students to summarise what they have watched. By the end of this session, you will be able to:
- design more complex quiz questions that develop the skill of summarising
- help students write contextualised, personal reflections on parts of your lecture recording
- engage students in discussions based around key moments in your video.
Event Date: 24/9/2021
Facilitator(s): Dave Gatrell, Kai Pan Mark
- Subjects:
- Student Engagement and Lesson Design
- Keywords:
- Motivation in education Computer-assisted instruction Web-based instruction Engagement (Philosophy) Lecture method in teaching
- Resource Type:
- Video
This video was recorded at 5th Annual European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC), Tenerife 2008. The degree of automation in the management of the business process space of single enterprises and whole value chains is still unsatisfying. A key source of problems are representational heterogeneities between the various perspectives and the various stages in the life-cycles of business processes. Typical examples are incompatible representations of the managerial vs. the IT perspective, or the gap between normative modeling for compliance purposes and process execution log data. As early as in the 1990s, researchers have evaluated the potential of using ontologies for improving business process management in the context of the TOVE project; however, the impact of that work remained beyond initial expectations. Since 2005, there is now a renewed and growing interest in exploiting ontologies, of varying expressivity and focus, for advancing the state of the art in business process management, in particular in ERP-centric IT landscapes. The term "Semantic Business Process Management" has been suggested for the described branch of research in an early 2005 paper, which is now frequently cited as the first description of the overall vision. A flagship activity in the field is the European research project "SUPER", with more than a dozen premier industrial and academic partners, among them SAP, IDS Scheer, and IBM. In the past two years, substantial advancement has been made in investigating the theoretical and practical branches of this vision. However, the interdisciplinary nature of the topic requires a tight collaboration of researcher from multiple fields of, namely the BPM, SOA, Semantic Web, Semantic Web services, and Economics communities. There is a clear need for an annual event at which those communities meet, debate, challenge each others approaches, and eventually align their research efforts. Due to the strong involvement of Semantic Web researchers in the field, ESWC is the ideal target venue for this event. In this workshop, we want to bring together experts from the relevant communities and help reach agreement on a roadmap for SBPM research. We aim at bundling experiences and prototypes from the successful application of Semantic Web technology to BPM in various industries, like automotive, engineering, chemical and pharmaceutical, and services domains. The particular focus is on deriving reusable best-practices from such experiences, and to yield convincing showcases of semantic technology.
- Subjects:
- Computing, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence and Management
- Keywords:
- Industrial management Workflow -- Management
- Resource Type:
- Presentation
This video was recorded at 5th Annual European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC), Tenerife 2008. The degree of automation in the management of the business process space of single enterprises and whole value chains is still unsatisfying. A key source of problems are representational heterogeneities between the various perspectives and the various stages in the life-cycles of business processes. Typical examples are incompatible representations of the managerial vs. the IT perspective, or the gap between normative modeling for compliance purposes and process execution log data. As early as in the 1990s, researchers have evaluated the potential of using ontologies for improving business process management in the context of the TOVE project; however, the impact of that work remained beyond initial expectations. Since 2005, there is now a renewed and growing interest in exploiting ontologies, of varying expressivity and focus, for advancing the state of the art in business process management, in particular in ERP-centric IT landscapes. The term "Semantic Business Process Management" has been suggested for the described branch of research in an early 2005 paper, which is now frequently cited as the first description of the overall vision. A flagship activity in the field is the European research project "SUPER", with more than a dozen premier industrial and academic partners, among them SAP, IDS Scheer, and IBM. In the past two years, substantial advancement has been made in investigating the theoretical and practical branches of this vision. However, the interdisciplinary nature of the topic requires a tight collaboration of researcher from multiple fields of, namely the BPM, SOA, Semantic Web, Semantic Web services, and Economics communities. There is a clear need for an annual event at which those communities meet, debate, challenge each others approaches, and eventually align their research efforts. Due to the strong involvement of Semantic Web researchers in the field, ESWC is the ideal target venue for this event. In this workshop, we want to bring together experts from the relevant communities and help reach agreement on a roadmap for SBPM research. We aim at bundling experiences and prototypes from the successful application of Semantic Web technology to BPM in various industries, like automotive, engineering, chemical and pharmaceutical, and services domains. The particular focus is on deriving reusable best-practices from such experiences, and to yield convincing showcases of semantic technology.
- Subjects:
- Computing, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence and Management
- Keywords:
- Industrial management Workflow -- Management
- Resource Type:
- Presentation
This video was recorded at 5th Annual European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC), Tenerife 2008. The degree of automation in the management of the business process space of single enterprises and whole value chains is still unsatisfying. A key source of problems are representational heterogeneities between the various perspectives and the various stages in the life-cycles of business processes. Typical examples are incompatible representations of the managerial vs. the IT perspective, or the gap between normative modeling for compliance purposes and process execution log data. As early as in the 1990s, researchers have evaluated the potential of using ontologies for improving business process management in the context of the TOVE project; however, the impact of that work remained beyond initial expectations. Since 2005, there is now a renewed and growing interest in exploiting ontologies, of varying expressivity and focus, for advancing the state of the art in business process management, in particular in ERP-centric IT landscapes. The term "Semantic Business Process Management" has been suggested for the described branch of research in an early 2005 paper, which is now frequently cited as the first description of the overall vision. A flagship activity in the field is the European research project "SUPER", with more than a dozen premier industrial and academic partners, among them SAP, IDS Scheer, and IBM. In the past two years, substantial advancement has been made in investigating the theoretical and practical branches of this vision. However, the interdisciplinary nature of the topic requires a tight collaboration of researcher from multiple fields of, namely the BPM, SOA, Semantic Web, Semantic Web services, and Economics communities. There is a clear need for an annual event at which those communities meet, debate, challenge each others approaches, and eventually align their research efforts. Due to the strong involvement of Semantic Web researchers in the field, ESWC is the ideal target venue for this event. In this workshop, we want to bring together experts from the relevant communities and help reach agreement on a roadmap for SBPM research. We aim at bundling experiences and prototypes from the successful application of Semantic Web technology to BPM in various industries, like automotive, engineering, chemical and pharmaceutical, and services domains. The particular focus is on deriving reusable best-practices from such experiences, and to yield convincing showcases of semantic technology.
- Subjects:
- Computing, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence and Management
- Keywords:
- Industrial management Workflow -- Management
- Resource Type:
- Presentation
"Workplace Safety in the Foodservice Industry is one of a series of Culinary Arts books developed to support the training of students and apprentices in BC's foodservice and hospitality industry. Your health and well-being are your most valuable possessions. Many laws and regulations exist to ensure employee safety, yet every year thousands of serious injuries occur. In many cases, these injuries have serious long-term consequences for both employees and employers. For those new to the workforce, or working in the foodservice industry for the first time, having a solid understanding of both the rights and responsibilities of the employer and employee and training in how to operate safely in the workplace are the keys to minimizing the risk of a workplace injury."--BC Campus website.
- Subjects:
- Food and Beverage
- Keywords:
- British Columbia Food service Industrial safety Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Working of synchronous motor is elaborately explained in this video animation. This video explains how constant speed characteristics of synchronous motor is achieved, and why they are not self starting and use of damper winding to make them self start. Use of Synchronous motor as synchronous condenser is also explained here.
- Course related:
- EE3002 Electronic Product Design
- Subjects:
- Electrical Engineering
- Keywords:
- Permanent magnet motors Electric motors Synchronous
- Resource Type:
- Video
Food Service Industry
- Subjects:
- Food and Beverage
- Keywords:
- Food service -- Vocational guidance Food service employees -- Vocational guidance Food service management
- Resource Type:
- e-book
The editors and contributors to this collection explore what it means to adopt an "academic literacies" approach in policy and pedagogy. Transformative practice is illustrated through case studies and critical commentaries from teacher-researchers working in a range of higher education contexts—from undergraduate to postgraduate levels, across disciplines, and spanning geopolitical regions including Australia, Brazil, Canada, Cataluña, Finland, France, Ireland, Portugal, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Key questions addressed include: How can a wider range of semiotic resources and technologies fruitfully serve academic meaning and knowledge making? What kinds of writing spaces do we need and how can these be facilitated? How can theory and practice from "Academic Literacies" be used to open up debate about writing pedagogy at institutional and policy levels?
- Subjects:
- English Language
- Keywords:
- English language -- Rhetoric -- Study teaching Textbooks Academic writing
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Words of Wisdom can come from anyone. In this text we discuss topics ranging from "Are Humans good by nature?" to "Is there a God?" to "Do I have the right to my own opinion?" Philosophy is the study of wisdom, and can emerge in our conversations in social media, in school, around the family dinner table, and even in the car. The text uses materials that are 2,500 years old, and materials that were in the news this year. Wise people come in all shapes and types, and from every culture on earth. We have poetry and folktales, sacred writings and letters. Dialogues and interviews, news columns, Ted Talks, You Tube recordings and even comedy are all a part of the content in this text.You will be most successful reading this on line. The formatting in the downloadable versions is not wonderful. There is work being done by the software, but in the meantime, you will want to use it by clicking here on "read book:".
- Subjects:
- Philosophy
- Keywords:
- Philosophy Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Kirsten Hall has a provocative question: is it time to stop celebrating women in business, just for being women in business? Maybe, she suggests, we can wind down the idea of corporate women's groups - and position women in business as the new normal.
- Keywords:
- Businesswomen
- Resource Type:
- Video
Wolfram*Alpha brings expert-level knowledge and capabilities to the broadest possible range of people—spanning all professions and education levels. We work to accept completely free-form input, and to serve as a knowledge engine that generates powerful results and presents them with maximum clarity. Energetically developed for more than a decade, Wolfram*Alpha is an ambitious, long-term intellectual endeavor that we intend will deliver ever-increasing capabilities over the years to come. With a world-class team and participation from top outside experts in countless fields, we are constantly working to create what we hope will stand as a major milestone of 21st-century intellectual achievement. In this website, it covers the topics of calculus and analysis, differential equations, statistics, chemistry, engineering, computational sciences, earth sciences, language, finances
- Course related:
- AMA2308 Mathematics for Engineers, AMA1130 Calculus for Engineers, and AMA1110 Basic Mathematics I - Calculus and Statistical Probability
- Keywords:
- Lesson planning Statistics Web search engines
- Resource Type:
- Others
Discuss the often perplexing question of how to pair wine with food, and the physical, structural, textural, and aromatic aspects of both the "wine side" and the "food side" of the equation
- Keywords:
- Wine wine making Wine tasting
- Resource Type:
Published by the Wine Business Institute at Sonoma State University, the WBCRJ is the premier outlet for applied wine business research to teach business strategy and leadership. All cases are decision focused and involve real people and events in the global wine business context. Case exhibits include financial statements, making them a highly valuable learning resource. Each issue provides an industry digest of the cases to inform global wine researchers and industry practitioners about cutting-edge challenges and possible solutions.
- Subjects:
- Food and Beverage
- Keywords:
- Wine wine making Wine industry
- Resource Type:
- e-journal
Using a mobile app to check glucose levels, sending selfies to receive diagnoses and receiving text reminders to take pills. Is this what the future of healthcare will look like? Karalee Close believes it should, considering that medical mistakes are the fourth leading cause of death in the US. She argues that a closer marriage of technology, big data and healthcare can improve today's system -- especially when it comes to mitigating human error.
- Subjects:
- Health Technology and Informatics
- Keywords:
- Medical technology Public health -- Data processing
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this video, Prof. Mark Hampton share his view on why we need to care about other historians' ideas? Why don't we just finding facts.
- Keywords:
- Communication in the humanities Humanities -- Research History -- Research
- Resource Type:
- Video
Wind can be one of the most critical and complicated loads on civil structures. The case of the Tacoma Narrows bridge is a well-known cautionary tale that’s discussed in engineering and physics classrooms across the world. Both resonance from vortex shedding and aeroelastic flutter contributed to the failure. When you push the envelope, you have to be vigilant because things that didn’t matter before start to become important (e.g. wind loads on lighter structures). Unanticipated challenges are a cost of innovation and that’s something that we can all keep in mind.
- Subjects:
- Structural Engineering
- Keywords:
- Washington (State) -- Tacoma -- Tacoma Narrows Bridge (1940) Suspension bridges Wind-pressure
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this slide, it explains the reason why the information came from authoritative sources but still not trustworthy. The possible reason could be (1) the way information is produced, (2)carelessness or loaded with secret intentions, (3) in favour of their hidden goal, (4)not spending enough time, (5) limited topic vocabulary, (6) limited by technical barriers, (7)information that fits with your knowledge & beliefs, and (8) from a source that you think is trustworthy.
- Keywords:
- Research -- Methodology Information resources -- Evaluation
- Resource Type:
- Others
In this video, Prof Klaus Tochtermann, the Director of Leibniz Information Centre for Economics (ZBW) and Professor of Media Informatics of University of Kiel in German shares his view on the importance of becoming information literate.
- Keywords:
- Information literacy
- Resource Type:
- Video
Being diagnosed with autism is often seen as a tragedy. But for Jac den Houting, it was the best thing that's ever happened to them. As an autistic person, concepts like the Neurodiversity paradigm, the Social Model of Disability, and the Double Empathy Problem were life-changing for Jac. In this talk, Jac combines these ideas with their own personal story to explain why we need to rethink the way that we understand autism. Jac den Houting is a research psychologist and Autistic activist in pursuit of social justice. Jac currently holds the role of Postdoctoral Research Associate at Macquarie University in Sydney, working alongside Professor Liz Pellicano. In 2015, Jac was awarded an Autism CRC scholarship to complete their PhD through the Autism Centre of Excellence at Griffith University in Brisbane. Prior to this, they gained almost 10 years’ experience as a psychologist in the criminal justice system, with the Queensland Police Service and Queensland Corrective Services. Jac was identified as Autistic at the age of 25, and is proudly neurodivergent and queer. After participating in the inaugural Future Leaders Program at the 2013 Asia Pacific Autism Conference, Jac quickly became established as a strong advocate for the Autistic community. Jac is a current member of the Autistic Self Advocacy Network of Australia and New Zealand (ASAN-AuNZ)’s Executive Committee, the Autism CRC’s Data Access Committee, Aspect’s LGBTQIA+ Autism Advisory Committee, and the Aspect Advisory Council. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- Course related:
- RS3320 Clinical Sciences in Developmental Dysfunction
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences
- Keywords:
- Autistic people Autism Autistic people -- Services for
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this video, a year 3 LLB student who is preparing a term paper with a substantial research component regularly consults his supervisor. In a recent meeting, the supervisor queries why two pieces of information were cited in his draft. One piece of information is from a local real estate agent’s website summarizing the legal provision for the Hong Kong deed of mutual covenant agreements. Another piece of information is a court case covered in a Hong Kong land law blog.
- Keywords:
- Information resources -- Evaluation Legal research
- Resource Type:
- Video
Earthquakes have always been a terrifying phenomenon, and they’ve become more deadly as our cities have grown — with collapsing buildings posing one of the largest risks. But why do buildings collapse in an earthquake? And how can it be prevented? Vicki V. May explains the physics of why it is not the sturdiest buildings, but the smartest, that will remain standing.
- Subjects:
- Building and Real Estate and Disaster Control and Management
- Keywords:
- Building failures -- Prevention Earthquake resistant design Earthquake engineering Buildings -- Earthquake effects
- Resource Type:
- Video
Dissenters are often dismissed as disruptive, disrespectful and annoying. But when it comes to business, challenging the status quo can bring much needed change to any organization. Andrew Millar defends the dissenters of the world, arguing that these stalwarts are arguing out of compassion with an aim to improve ideas. In this impassioned talk, Millar shares lessons that any company or loyal objector can use to work strengthen their organization.
- Subjects:
- Management
- Keywords:
- Leadership Industrial management Business communication
- Resource Type:
- Video
Vibrating colors is a phenomenon that happens when two highly saturated color schemes look as if they are vibrating. The colors appear to merge and glow. In this article, you’ll learn how vibrating colors can cause legibility issues and how it affects visually impaired individuals.
- Subjects:
- Design Elements
- Keywords:
- Color in design Web sites -- Design
- Resource Type:
- Others
As the popularity of remote working continues to spread, workers today can collaborate across cities, countries and even multiple time zones. How does this change office dynamics? And how can we make sure that all employees, both at headquarters and at home, feel connected? Matt Mullenweg, cofounder of Wordpress and CEO of Automattic (which has a 100 percent distributed workforce), shares his secrets.
- Subjects:
- Management
- Keywords:
- Flexible work arrangements
- Resource Type:
- Video
Anger researcher Ryan Martin draws from a career studying what makes people mad to explain some of the cognitive processes behind anger -- and why a healthy dose of it can actually be useful. "Your anger exists in you ... because it offered your ancestors, both human and nonhuman, an evolutionary advantage," he says. "[It's] a powerful and healthy force in your life."
- Subjects:
- Psychology
- Keywords:
- Anger Mental health
- Resource Type:
- Video
This video shows how simple reinforcement is used to prevent collapse of rock tunnels. Tunnels play an important role in our constructed environment as passageways for mines, conveyance for utilities, and routes for transportation. Rock bolts are a type of reinforcement for stabilizing rock excavations, usually made from steel bars or bolts. This simple construction method dramatically reduces the cost of making tunnels through rock safe from collapse.
- Subjects:
- Structural Engineering
- Keywords:
- Underground construction Rock bolts Tunneling Tunnels
- Resource Type:
- Video
This video explains how GPS works, security issues of GPS, and why US military GPS can be made free for use.
- Subjects:
- Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics
- Keywords:
- Global Positioning System Artificial satellites in navigation
- Resource Type:
- Video
If you want to build a team of innovative problem-solvers, you should value the humanities just as much as the sciences, says entrepreneur Eric Berridge. He shares why tech companies should look beyond STEM graduates for new hires -- and how people with backgrounds in the arts and humanities can bring creativity and insight to technical workplaces.
- Keywords:
- Science the humanities Vocational guidance
- Resource Type:
- Others
School can be rife with stress, anxiety, panic attacks and even burnout -- but there's often no formal policy for students who need to prioritize their well-being. Hailey Hardcastle explains why schools should offer mental health days and allow students time to practice emotional hygiene without stigma. Follow along to learn how she and a team of fellow teens transformed their advocacy into law.
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences and Nursing
- Keywords:
- Students -- Mental health
- Resource Type:
- Video
Silence is a rare commodity these days. There's traffic, construction, air-conditioning, your neighbor's lawnmower ... and all this unwanted sound can have a surprising impact on your health, says noise researcher Mathias Basner. Discover the science behind how noise affects your health and sleep -- and how you can get more of the benefits of the sound of silence.
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences
- Keywords:
- Noise pollution -- Physiological effect Noise pollution -- Health aspects
- Resource Type:
- Video