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Have you ever come across times when you get particularly nervous, say during a presentation, you find it extra hard to speak smoothly? Most of us may stop at times when we talk, so how do we differentiate between Normal Dysfluency and Stuttering? Are kids struggling with words due to language ability or are they stuttering? Will they naturally outgrow stuttering? How do speech therapists help adults and children who stutter?
大家有否試過在某些時間特別緊張,例如在發佈會中,你覺得難以流暢地說話? 其實每一個人說話時也會有停頓的時候,到底我們如何分辨「口吃」和正常的不流暢呢? 孩子到底是口吃還是因語言能力較弱而在找字呢?是否長大後自然會沒有口吃的問題? 言語治療師可以如何幫助受口吃困擾的小孩和成人呢?
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences and Communication
- Keywords:
- Stuttering Speech disorders
- Resource Type:
- Video
Learn how to fly the aircraft by using the primary, secondary and ancillary controls.
- Course related:
- AAE4902 Pilot Ground Theory
- Subjects:
- Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering
- Keywords:
- Aerodynamics Airplanes -- Piloting
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this animated object, learners view hydrogen and hydroxide ions in a solution. A brief quiz on the basic principles of the term pH completes the activity.
- Subjects:
- Chemistry
- Keywords:
- Hydrogen-ion concentration
- Resource Type:
- Others
The Virtual Reality (VR) Training for Laser Cutter Operation was developed as a supplementary training tool for the PolyU Library’s technical support staff to practice and become familiar with the operation of a laser cutter. The application simulates the environment, laser cutter model, essential operational procedures, and corresponding responses of our laser cutter in service as realistically as feasible. A computer with a simplified laser cutting software interface was also built to simulate the software operation. Interactions (primarily on/off) with all other peripheral equipment, such as the ventilation system, air compressor, and earmuffs, are triggered through button clicks in an on-screen menu. The application simulates the operational procedures and corresponding reactions of the real laser cutter as closely as necessary. New technical staff members who are trained but not yet proficient with laser cutting can practice safely in an immersive environment enabled by VR technology.
- Keywords:
- Laser beam cutting Makerspaces in libraries Virtual reality Virtual reality -- Library applications
- Resource Type:
- Others
3D Modelling and Virtual Reality Tour of the Library’s i-Space
A virtual reality tour was developed by a student that allows the user to navigate and explore the virtual Library’s i-Space (4/F North Wing) freely using a mouse and keyboard as playing a first-person shooter game. The student used 3DS MAX 3D modeling software to create a virtual space of i-Space and its 3D objects bit by bit including furniture, plants, laser printers, 3D printers and PCs video wall. Then, all these 3D objects are imported into Unity software to complete the VR game development. With his tremendous effort, user can get the first-person experience of the i-Space just like visiting in person and learn about what facilities provided in the Digital Makerspace. The web version of the virtual tour is available here:
- Keywords:
- Human-computer interaction Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Pao Yue-kong Library Virtual reality
- Resource Type:
- Others
With the advancement of technologies, we are now a lot easier to access the internet with different electronic widgets compared to the past decades. IoT technology is developed to make use of the vast usage of internet so as to create an environment for centralized control. Let’s look into the case of our home. When we feel that a room is dim, we have to switch on a light. Similarly, we are required to turn on a TV with a remote. “How about making a controller panel that can turn on all electronic appliances in our home?” One of the solutions of this question is making our home smarter with IoT.
- Keywords:
- Arduino (Programmable controller) Intelligent control systems Internet of things
- Resource Type:
- Others
An Internet-of-Thing (IoT) component can be configured to collect real-time environmental data by integrating NodeMCU ESP8266 development board with a temperature and humidity sensor DHT11. The student used an Arduino IDE program to set up a small scale weather monitoring station which indicate the real-time and historical environmental data over the IoT platform ThingsBoard.
- Keywords:
- Arduino (Programmable controller) Environmental monitoring--Data processing Internet of things
- Resource Type:
- Others
The following procedures will show you how to build a touchless auto dispenser for hand sanitiser with simple IoT components and 3D printing.
- Keywords:
- H washing Arduino (Programmable controller) H -- Care hygiene Detectors Internet of things
- Resource Type:
- Others
During COVID-19 outbreak, people are staying at homes to lower the chance of infection. Having a long period lockdown, do you miss the moment you walk along a country park to enjoy a breath of fresh air? A student has developed a virtual Green Park with first-person view navigation, you can take a virtual walk and feel it by controlling the movement with a mouse and keyboard. This Park provides an auto-pilot feature, in which an i-Space cat will introduce the Park to you after selecting a self-guided tour function. Users can also fly a drone in the Park to experience a bird's eye view for the whole park.
The student uses 3D modeling software to create a virtual landscape of the Green Park and its 3D objects including plants, fountain, bench, direction board and buildings. These objects are openly accessible for download. You can import the objects into Unity software to create a unique and exquisite virtual park for your loved ones.
- Keywords:
- Human-computer interaction Parks Virtual reality
- Resource Type:
- Others
In these comprehensive video courses, created by Santiago Basulto, you will learn the whole process of data analysis. You'll be reading data from multiple sources (CSV, SQL, Excel), process that data using NumPy and Pandas, and visualize it using Matplotlib and Seaborn, Additionally, we've included a thorough Jupyter Notebook course, and a quick Python reference to refresh your programming skills.
- Course related:
- AMA1600 Fundamentals of AI and Data Analytics and AMA1751 Linear Algebra
- Subjects:
- Computing, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics and Statistics
- Keywords:
- Computer programming Computer science Python (Computer program language)
- Resource Type:
- Others
freeCodeCamp is a proven path to your first software developer job. More than 40,000 people have gotten developer jobs after completing this – including at big companies like Google and Microsoft. If you are new to programming, we recommend you start at the beginning and earn these certifications in order. To earn each certification, build its 5 required projects and get all their tests to pass.You can add these certifications to your résumé or LinkedIn. But more important than the certifications is the practice you get along the way.If you feel overwhelmed, that is normal. Programming is hard. Practice is the key. Practice, practice, practice. And this curriculum will give you thousands of hours of hands-on programming practice. And if you want to learn more math and computer science theory, we also have thousands of hours of video courses on freeCodeCamp's YouTube channel. If you want to get a developer job or freelance clients, programming skills will be just part of the puzzle. You also need to build your personal network and your reputation as a developer. You can do this on Twitter and GitHub, and also on the freeCodeCamp forum. Happy coding.
- Subjects:
- Computing, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
- Keywords:
- Programming languages (Electronic computers) Computer programming Coding theory
- Resource Type:
- Others
"This is a textbook on formal logic. The book is divided into eight parts. Part I introduces the topic and notions of logic in an informal way, without introducing a formal language yet. Parts II-IV concern truth-functional languages. In it, sentences are formed from basic sentences using a number of connectives ('or', 'and', 'not', 'if . . . then') which just combine sentences into more complicated ones. We discuss logical notions such as entailment in two ways: semantically, using the method of truth tables (in Part III) and proof-theoretically, using a system of formal derivations (in Part IV). Parts V-VII deal with a more complicated language, that of first-order logic. It includes, in addition to the connectives of truth-functional logic, also names, predicates, identity, and the so-called quantifiers. These additional elements of the language make it much more expressive than the truth-functional language, and we'll spend a fair amount of time investigating just how much one can express in it. Again, logical notions for the language of first-order logic are defined semantically, using interpretations, and proof-theoretically, using a more complex version of the formal derivation system introduced in Part IV. Part VIII covers an advanced topic: that of expressive adequacy of the truth-functional connectives"--BCcampus website.
- Subjects:
- Philosophy
- Keywords:
- Textbooks Logic
- Resource Type:
- e-book
"forall x: Calgary is a full-featured textbook on formal logic. It covers key notions of logic such as consequence and validity of arguments, the syntax of truth-functional propositional logic TFL and truth-table semantics, the syntax of first-order (predicate) logic FOL with identity (first-order interpretations), translating (formalizing) English in TFL and FOL, and Fitch-style natural deduction proof systems for both TFL and FOL. It also deals with some advanced topics such as modal logic, soundness, and functional completeness. Exercises with solutions are available. It is provided in PDF (for screen reading, printing, and a special version for dyslexics) and in LaTeX source code. A proof editor/checker for the proof system used is available at"--BCcampus website.
- Subjects:
- Philosophy
- Keywords:
- Textbooks Logic
- Resource Type:
- e-book
"forall x is an open access introductory textbook in formal logic. It covers translation, proofs, and formal semantics for sentential and predicate logic."--BCcampus website.
- Subjects:
- Philosophy
- Keywords:
- Textbooks Logic
- Resource Type:
- e-book
eduClipper is an easy to use social learning platform that allows teachers to create and share dynamic content, leave meaningful feedback on student assignments, and allows learners to capture and track their academic growth and achievement over time in digital learning portfolios.
With eduClipper you can:
(1) Explore top quality education resources for K-12
(2) Create clips from the web, Drive, Dropbox
(3) Use your camera to capture awesome work that you create in and out of the classroom
(4) Create whiteboard recordings
(5) Create differentiated groups and share content with them
(6) Create Personal Learning Portfolios
(7) Create Class Portfolios as a teacher and share Assignments with students
(8) Provide quality feedback through video, audio, text, badges, or grades
(9) Collaborate with other users on eduClipboards for class projects or personal interests
(10) Works on iPhone and iPad and Apple Watch
(11) 100% free for Teachers and Students
(12) Used by over 175,000 Educators around the world
(13) Ideal for K-12 Educators and Students, Administrators, Parents, and more!
(14) As seen in TechCrunch, FreeTech4Teachers, EdSurge, VentureBeat, etc.
- Subjects:
- Educational Resources
- Keywords:
- Educational technology Computer-assisted instruction
- Resource Type:
- Others
ePortfolio Performance Support Systems: Constructing, Presenting, and Assessing Portfolios addresses theories and practices advanced by some of the most innovative and active proponents of ePortfolios. Editors Katherine V. Wills and Rich Rice interweave twelve essays that address the ways in which ePortfolios can facilitate sustainable and measureable writing-related student development, assessment and accountability, learning and knowledge transfer, and principles related to universal design for learning, just-in-time support, interaction design, and usability testing.
- Subjects:
- English Language
- Keywords:
- English language -- Rhetoric -- Study teaching (Higher) Electronic portfolios in education Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
The newly updated edition - based on Quirk's unique Think, Create, Engage, Optimise structure and processes - includes chapters on the latest marketing trends as well as updated facts and figures and all new real-world case studies showing the application of digital best practice. Other important updates include: Expansion of the THINK section to better position itself as a platform for approaching the rest of the book and the marketing process overall. Enormous improvements to the Market Research and Strategy chapters and the addition of a Content Strategy chapter. New Usability Design chapter. Expansion of the Video Marketing and Mobile chapters to reflect the growing importance of these areas in the digital landscape.
- Subjects:
- Marketing
- Keywords:
- Internet marketing Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
eMarketing: The Essential Guide to Online Marketing is a textbook intended for third and fourth year marketing students and draws on both academic theory and practical experience. The book offers students information that is applicable to the eMarket industry by providing examples that are easily relatable. The book covers all of the important aspects of online marketing, including the areas associated with search engine marketing, affiliate marketing, web analytics and conversion optimization, web development, online copywriting, online advertising, webPR, online reputation management, pay per click advertising, viral marketing, social media marketing, search engine optimization, eMarketing strategy, market research, mobile marketing, crowd sourcing, and customer relationship management. The book also features summaries, learning objectives and discussion points for each chapter, as well as, a glossary and index.
- Subjects:
- Marketing
- Keywords:
- Internet marketing Internet advertising Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Learning online is playing an increasingly large part of student life, whether as part of a blended approach, for group work, or even for fully online study. Join us in this webinar where we look at how to learn online, successfully, making the most of the opportunities and tools on offer.
Event Date: 23/8/2022
Facilitator(s): Harbutt, Darren; Ho, Anthony
- Subjects:
- Lesson Design and Student Engagement
- Keywords:
- Internet in education Motivation in education Blended learning Engagement (Philosophy)
- Resource Type:
- Video
Learn about making effective student video assignments and how you can use uRewind to facilitate the submission of student video assignments, peer assessment and collaboration, and provide time stamped feedback.
Event Date: 04/01/2021
Facilitator(s): Mitesh Patel (EDC), Kai Pan Mark (EDC)
- Subjects:
- Assessment & Feedback
- Keywords:
- Educational tests measurements Web-based instruction
- Resource Type:
- Video