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Polyu oer sim
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A short video on aphasia for the general public.
什麼是失語症?為什麼會有失語症? 為什麼中風後會不懂得說話?又或者聽完他人說話完全沒有反應,好像聽不懂? 或者似乎聽得明白,想說話回應但總是話到嘴邊又說不出?這可能是由失語症引致,想進了解失語症的成因及症狀,請觀看短片簡介
- Subjects:
- Communication
- Keywords:
- Aphasia Speech therapy Cerebrovascular disease -- Patients
- Resource Type:
- Video
A short video on dysphagia (also known as swallowing disorder) for the general public
- Subjects:
- Communication
- Keywords:
- Deglutition disorders -- Treatment Deglutition disorders
- Resource Type:
- Video
A short video on game and language development for the general public.
[遊戲及語言發展] 為了贏在起跑線上,很多家長會帶幼童參加playgroup或興趣班,但其實是否必要呢,而且是否能取代幼童和家長之間的遊玩?遊戲究竟對幼童有多重要?(1:22) 市面上玩具五花八門,家長如何選擇?幼童在不同階段適合玩什麼玩具?(2:07) 隨著科技發達,一些家長會讓幼童使用平板電腦等電子產品學習語言和玩遊戲,是否妥當呢?(4:00) 大家一起聽聽專家的說法! 如大家想詳細知道如何透過不同遊戲引導小孩和提供適當語言輸入,請留意下一集!
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences and Communication
- Keywords:
- Children -- Language Games
- Resource Type:
- Video
A short video on language development for the general public.
[牙牙學語] 普遍來說,幼童6個月時,就會開始有牙牙學語的聲音,到了一歲,就會開始說有意思的單字或詞語。有家長會問:「如果我孩子到了一歲只會發出『咿咿呀呀』的聲音,甚至於還沒開口發聲,到底是什麼問題呢?是否代表他們完全還沒發展語言?其他幼童說的單字又是什麼呢?」我聽一聽言語治療臨床導師,楊浩怡姑娘的解說。
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences and Communication
- Keywords:
- Children -- Language
- Resource Type:
- Video
A short video on dyslexia for the general public.
許多小朋友可能喺學習中文字時會遇上困難,花上很多時間溫習默書和考試但成績仍然強差人意,對文字和功課產生恐懼或厭惡, 他們有可能正受讀寫障礙的困擾。究竟什麼是讀寫障礙?我們如何地識別讀寫障礙既兒童呢?坊間流傳不同治療方法,是否有效?
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences and Communication
- Keywords:
- Reading disability Dyslexia Language disorders
- Resource Type:
- Video
A short video on speech disorder for the general public.
[發音障礙]你的孩子說話時會否發音不準導致口齒不清,令你難以理解他的意思?甚至嚴重到被朋友取笑而不敢多說? 究竟什麼時候需要言語治療的介入呢?想了解多一點,不妨看看我們的短片。
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences and Communication
- Keywords:
- Speech therapy Speech disorders
- Resource Type:
- Video
Unravel the mysteries and meanings of life and death by exploring the journey from birth through ageing and illnesses to death.
- Subjects:
- Philosophy
- Keywords:
- Philosophy Death Life
- Resource Type:
Air transport liberalisation has been marked by two major developments, i.e. the advent of the hub-and-spoke network and the emergence of Low Fare Airlines (LFAs). All major Full Service Network Carrier (FSNCs) have heavily relied on hub operations to effectively compete in the long-haul market against LFAs which until recently focused on point-to-point, short-haul services. Recent competiton dynamics, however, have led to the gradual blurring of the different airline business models. LFAs have now established strong bases in satellite/airports and/or in low-cost terminals of major airports. Moreover, they have introduced long-haul flights thus competing with FSNCs at a new level. The lecture will highlight all the above issues focusing on their strategic business and geopolitical implications for aiport hubs. It will also discuss how Hong Kong International Airport can build on its current advantages to play focal role in the new environment.
Event Date: 16/06/2017
Speaker: Prof. Andreas Papatheodorou (University of Aegean)
Hosted by: School of Hotel and Tourism Management
- Subjects:
- Hotel, Travel and Tourism
- Keywords:
- Airlines -- Rates Airports Hong Kong International Airport Aeronautics Commercial
- Resource Type:
- Video