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An online lecture on the topic of "What is Microgravity? Discovering Interesting Phenomena in Microgravity".This lecture of “Science World: Exploring Space to Benefit Mankind” Education Programme in the 2021/22 school year for secondary students, which aims to cultivate the interest of local youth in space science and elevate their enthusiasm for participating in the development of space technology.
- Subjects:
- Physics and Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering
- Keywords:
- Gravity Reduced gravity environments
- Resource Type:
- Video
What is your dream? And how to make it come true? Ms Guo Jingjing, the Olympic Gold Medalist, will share with us her story of chasing dreams.
Event Date: 22.11.2022
- Keywords:
- China Athletes -- Training of Diving
- Resource Type:
- Video
This award-winning course aims to sharpen your competitive edge in work and life. It empowers you with positive values and practical problem-solving skills, including creative strategies for addressing challenges from COVID-19. Enriched with interesting animations, a new success story and breakthrough pedagogies, this updated version (2.5) effectively helps you master knowledge and skills requisite for a successful life.
- Keywords:
- Creative thinking Learning ability Critical thinking
- Resource Type:
An online lecture on the topic of "Space Station’s Contribution to Space Resources and Human Developments".This lecture of “Science World: Exploring Space to Benefit Mankind” Education Programme in the 2021/22 school year for secondary students, which aims to cultivate the interest of local youth in space science and elevate their enthusiasm for participating in the development of space technology.
- Subjects:
- Industrial and Systems Engineering and Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering
- Keywords:
- Space stations Exploration of outer space
- Resource Type:
- Video
An online lecture on the topic of "Solar Vehicles for Space".This lecture of “Science World: Exploring Space to Benefit Mankind” Education Programme in the 2021/22 school year for secondary students, which aims to cultivate the interest of local youth in space science and elevate their enthusiasm for participating in the development of space technology.
- Subjects:
- Electrical Engineering
- Keywords:
- Solar energy Space vehicles -- Solar engines
- Resource Type:
- Video
The real-life stroke scenario presented in ANA101x Human Anatomy has invited vigorous discussions on whether fully recovery from a severe stroke is possible and how it could happen. The knowledge of anatomy has arisen a series of queries on body functioning that are commonly implicated in stroke. An extension of human anatomy fundamentals towards functional anatomy has formed the basis of intervention approaches for functional recovery undertaken by different healthcare professionals, which is guiding the ultimate goals of post-stroke rehabilitation program for regaining independence and quality-of-life of the individuals. Therefore, this course is particularly designed to delineate the stroke recovery process and its underlying scientific rationales.
Continuing using the same clinical case of Mr Law, this course walks you through the recovery journey, known as stroke care pathway involving multiple healthcare professionals to compose module ONE. In module TWO, intervention approaches practiced in key healthcare disciplines underpinned by the functional anatomy will be explored. Finally, the course knowledge will be assessed using an experiential approach using a set of mini case studies derived from the mainstream scenario of Mr Law.
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences
- Keywords:
- Cerebrovascular disease -- Patients -- Rehabilitation
- Resource Type:
Before the advent of computers around 1950, optimization centered either on small-dimensional problems solved by looking at zeroes of first derivatives and signs of second derivatives, or on infinite-dimensional problems about curves and surfaces. In both cases, "variations" were employed to understand how a local solution might be characterized. Computers changed the picture by opening the possibility of solving large-scale problems involving inequalities, instead of only equations. Inequalities had to be recognized as important because the decisions to be optimized were constrained by the need to respect many upper or lower bounds on their feasibility. A new kind of mathematical analysis, beyond traditional calculus, had to be developed to address these needs. It built first on appealing to the convexity of sets and functions, but went on to amazingly broad and successful concepts of variational geometry, subgradients, subderivatives, and variational convergence beyond just that. This talk will explain these revolutionary developments and why there were essential.
Event date: 1/11/2022
Speaker: Prof. Terry Rockafellar (University of Washington)
Hosted by: Department of Applied Mathematics
- Subjects:
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Keywords:
- Computer science -- Mathematics Mathematical optimization Convex sets Convex functions
- Resource Type:
- Video
Adaptive computation is of great importance in numerical simulations. The ideas for adaptive computations can be dated back to adaptive finite element methods in 1970s. In this talk, we shall first review some recent development for adaptive methods with some application. Then, we will propose a deep adaptive sampling method for solving PDEs where deep neural networks are utilized to approximate the solutions. In particular, we propose the failure informed PINNs (FI-PINNs), which can adaptively refine the training set with the goal of reducing the failure probability. Compared with the neural network approximation obtained with uniformly distributed collocation points, the proposed algorithms can significantly improve the accuracy, especially for low regularity and high-dimensional problems.
Event date: 18/10/2022
Speaker: Prof. Tao Tang (Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University United International College)
Hosted by: Department of Applied Mathematics
- Subjects:
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Keywords:
- Mathematical models Differential equations Partial -- Numerical solutions Adaptive computing systems Sampling (Statistics)
- Resource Type:
- Video
We introduce a Dimension-Reduced Second-Order Method (DRSOM) for convex and nonconvex (unconstrained) optimization. Under a trust-region-like framework, our method preserves the convergence of the second-order method while using only Hessian-vector products in two directions. Moreover; the computational overhead remains comparable to the first-order such as the gradient descent method. We show that the method has a local super-linear convergence and a global convergence rate of 0(∈-3/2) to satisfy the first-order and second-order conditions under a commonly used approximated Hessian assumption. We further show that this assumption can be removed if we perform one step of the Krylov subspace method at the end of the algorithm, which makes DRSOM the first first-order-type algorithm to achieve this complexity bound. The applicability and performance of DRSOM are exhibited by various computational experiments in logistic regression, L2-Lp minimization, sensor network localization, neural network training, and policy optimization in reinforcement learning. For neural networks, our preliminary implementation seems to gain computational advantages in terms of training accuracy and iteration complexity over state-of-the-art first-order methods including SGD and ADAM. For policy optimization, our experiments show that DRSOM compares favorably with popular policy gradient methods in terms of the effectiveness and robustness.
Event date: 19/09/2022
Speaker: Prof. Yinyu Ye (Stanford University)
Hosted by: Department of Applied Mathematics
- Subjects:
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Keywords:
- Nonconvex programming Mathematical optimization Convex programming
- Resource Type:
- Video
Convex Matrix Optimization (MOP) arises in a wide variety of applications. The last three decades have seen dramatic advances in the theory and practice of matrix optimization because of its extremely powerful modeling capability. In particular, semidefinite programming (SP) and its generalizations have been widely used to model problems in applications such as combinatorial and polynomial optimization, covariance matrix estimation, matrix completion and sensor network localization. The first part of the talk will describe the primal-dual interior-point methods (IPMs) implemented in SDPT3 for solving medium scale SP, followed by inexact IPMs (with linear systems solved by iterative solvers) for large scale SDP and discussions on their inherent limitations. The second part will present algorithmic advances for solving large scale SDP based on the proximal-point or augmented Lagrangian framework In particular, we describe the design and implementation of an augmented Lagrangian based method (called SDPNAL+) for solving SDP problems with large number of linear constraints. The last part of the talk will focus on recent advances on using a combination of local search methods and convex lifting to solve low-rank factorization models of SP problems.
Event date: 11/10/2022
Speaker: Prof. Kim-Chuan Toh (National University of Singapore)
Hosted by: Department of Applied Mathematics
- Subjects:
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Keywords:
- Semidefinite programming Convex programming
- Resource Type:
- Video
【PolyU 85th Anniversary Interview Series】 Dr Sir Gordon Wu Ying-sheung assumed Chairmanship of the PolyU Council in 1997. Under his leadership of over six years, Sir Gordon guided a number of key PolyU campus development projects. He valued the positive impact hostel life brought to students and took part in the design of the PolyU’s first student hostel located in Hung Hom Bay. In this video, you will learn about Sir Wu’s views regarding education and whole person development as well as his wise words for young people.
【理大八十五周年訪談系列】 胡應湘爵士1997年出任理大校董會主席,在任六年領導理大校園多項重要發展,更親自參與理大第一所位於紅磡灣學生宿舍的設計,非常重視宿舍生活對大學生的成長。想知道胡爵士對學生全人教育的看法以及對年輕人的勸勉?立即看片。
- Keywords:
- History Hong Kong Polytechnic University Interviews Education Higher China -- Hong Kong Universities colleges College buildings
- Resource Type:
- Video
【PolyU 85th Anniversary Interview Series】 During his tenure as PolyU President, Prof. Timothy W. Tong faced the challenge of changing the undergraduate curriculum from three years to four years. He led the restructure of the curriculum, enhancing it to focus more on the holistic development of students. In addition, Prof. Tong launched a number of initiatives to foster entrepreneurial abilities as well as cultural and artistic development among students. Watch the video now and learn more about the curriculum restructure in those days!
- Keywords:
- College presidents Hong Kong Polytechnic University Interviews Education Higher China -- Hong Kong Universities colleges
- Resource Type:
- Video
【PolyU 85th Anniversary Interview Series】 Prof. Poon Chung-kwong led PolyU for 18 years. During his tenure as President, PolyU assumed full university status and started a new chapter in its history. In this video, you will learn about how Prof. Poon positioned PolyU in unique roles, helping the University to excel in various aspects and laying a strong foundation for its long-term development.
【理大八十五周年訪談系列】 潘宗光教授帶領理大18年,出任校長期間,理大正式取得大學地位,開展了理大歷史新的一頁。潘教授任內爲理大發展確立獨特的定位,並取得驕人成績,爲理大長遠發展奠定堅實的基礎。立即看片。
- Keywords:
- College presidents History Hong Kong Polytechnic University Interviews Education Higher China -- Hong Kong Universities colleges
- Resource Type:
- Video
【PolyU 85th Anniversary Interview Series】 During his Chairmanship of the PolyU Council, Dr the Hon. Victor Lo Chung-wing invited the internationally renowned architect Dame Zaha Hadid to design the Jockey Club Innovation Tower, showcasing PolyU as a vibrant and innovative campus. In this interview, Dr Lo shares that he witnessed the development of another important building at PolyU. Do you know what it is?
【理大八十五周年訪談系列】羅仲榮博士出任理大校董會主席期間,邀請了國際知名的殿堂級建築師Dame Zaha Hadid 女士設計了賽馬會創新樓,為大學的建築群展現了創新形象。羅博士在訪談中更分享了任內見證理大另一重要設施的發展,你知道是甚麼嗎?
- Keywords:
- History Hong Kong Polytechnic University Interviews Education Higher College buildings Universities colleges China -- Hong Kong
- Resource Type:
- Video
【PolyU 85th Anniversary Interview Series】 Dr Marjorie Yang was the first female Council Chairman of PolyU. During her tenure, she actively promoted the translation of research into practical solutions and collaborations between PolyU and industry partners. In this interview, Dr Yang shares a heart-touching experience during her tenure and her efforts in driving sustainability.
The notion of expertise is integral to all forms of institutional and professional practice in many domains – in education, healthcare, social welfare, law, journalism, banking, information technology, marketing, translating and interpreting services etc. It is a concept addressed by scholars across many disciplines – cognitive science, sociology, anthropology, psychology, language/communication studies, among others. There are, however, enduring problems of definition, description and measurement of expertise. Some scholars draw attention to the ongoing ‘crisis in expertise’ and others pronounce the ‘death of expertise’ in contemporary society.
More humbly, I begin with a characterisation of professional expertise very broadly to include scientific, experiential, technological, organisational, legal, ethical and communicative knowledge. This then leads me to the notion of ‘distributed expertise’, which extends beyond the individual remit and the conventional lay-expert divide. For instance, in the healthcare domain, a significant development afforded by internet-based technology is the increased level of patients’ e-health literacy and, consequently, democratisation of expertise. This amounts not only to accessing health information digitally, but also the phenomenon of patients ‘doctoring’ themselves in ‘the now of its presence’, i.e., ‘expert patients’ becoming instrumental in self-diagnosis and even self-treatment.
Additionally, ‘distributed expertise’ is also constitutive of ‘expert systems’, e.g., diagnostic and interventionist technologies as well as decision aids mediated by algorithms and templates. This is what I refer to as the technologization of expertise. I suggest that there is overreliance on ‘expert systems’ by both experts and lay persons in everyday decision making. Access to and use of ‘expert systems’ in optimal ways inevitably necessitates a reconfiguration of the very conditions and consequences of professional expertise.
Event Date: 25/11/2022
Speaker: Prof. Srikant Sarangi (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Hosted by: Faculty of Humanities
- Keywords:
- Information technology -- Social aspects Democratization Expertise
- Resource Type:
- Video
Professor Yigong Shi will reflect on the challenges in global higher education, based on his 37 years of learning, scientific research, and teaching experience in academia. He will present Westlake University's educational reforms in university operations, governance, talent recruitment, student development, research and academic evaluation, and interdisciplinary studies, which altogether provide new opportunities for future-oriented higher education.
Event date: 06/12/2022
Speaker: Prof. Yigong Shi
Moderator: Prof. Qingyan Chen (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Hosted by: PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research
- Keywords:
- Educational change China Education Higher
- Resource Type:
- Video
Geospatial information science is a discipline that focuses on using geospatial information technology to understand people, places, nature and processes of the earth. IoT refers to Internet of things, the combination of sensors, software and other technologies to connect and exchange data with other devices and systems over the Internet. The era of IoT brings us opportunities and challenges for geospatial information science. In the keynote, five characteristics and three scientific issues of geo-spatial information science in the era of IoT are summarised.
Event date: 06/09/2022
Speaker: Prof. Daren Li
Moderator: Prof. Christopher Chao (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Panel members: Prof. Qingyan Chen, Prof. Qinhao Chen (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Hosted by: PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research
- Subjects:
- Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics
- Keywords:
- Spatial data mining Internet of things Geospatial data
- Resource Type:
- Video
This presentation will discuss the future of global universities within the evolving context of current international education systems. It will begin with an overview of the challenges posed to modern day universities by the breadth and diversity of international further education curricular between the ages of 16 and 18 and the accessibility of world leading universities to international students, in general. Having established potential global trends in further education, the implications for global universities and higher education will be discussed within the context of both teaching and research
Event Date: 17/05/2022
Speaker: Prof. David Cardwell (University of Cambridge)
Moderator: Prof. Christoper Chao (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Panel members: Prof. Wong Kwok-yin (Hong Kong Polytechnic University), Prof. Andrew Cohen (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Hosted by: PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research
- Keywords:
- International education Universities colleges -- Administration Education Higher
- Resource Type:
- Video
Using UC Berkeley as an exemplar, Prof. Koshland gave us a distinguished lecture on ‘Lighting the Way with Interdisciplinary Research since 1868’. One of the hallmarks of UC Berkeley has always been engagement of its faculty and students in research and education that expand in cross disciplines, joining on multiple approaches to address major challenges facing the world today, which is also what we are seeking to do at PAIR of PolyU. Moreover, Prof. Koshland shared with us the ways in which individuals and institutions can engage in interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary research and education and how they can be creatively intertwined.
Event Date: 22/4/2022
Speaker: Prof. Catherine P. Koshland (University of California, Berkeley)
Moderator: Prof. Christopher Chao (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Panel members: Prof. Xiang-dong Li, Prof. Yuguo Li (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Hosted by: PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research
- Keywords:
- Interdisciplinary research Interdisciplinary approach in education
- Resource Type:
- Video
Operations management deals with operational planning and control issues, and is needed in all sectors of the society. One of the challenges to operations manager is how to make use of the available resources in the best way for meeting a certain objective. Quantitative approaches are inevitably needed in tackling many of such problems. Operations Research (OR) deals with problem formulation and application of analytical methods to assist in decision-making of operational problems in planning and control. The techniques of OR are useful quantitative tools to assist operations managers, and has a wide applicability in engineering, manufacturing, construction, financial and various service sectors. Operations Research is an applied mathematics subject and is also a course in many engineering and management programmes. This course is designed for both students learning OR and learners who are practitioners in their respective professionals. The mathematical procedures for the OR techniques are introduced in details in the examples provided in the course. This helps learners to master the methodology and the techniques and apply them to achieve their goals through active learning. This course introduces two prominent OR techniques and their extended topics. The Simplex Method for Linear Programming (LP) has been considered one of the top 10 algorithms of the 20th century. LP is an optimization technique for solving problems such as finding the optimal product mix, production plan, and shipment allocation, in order to maximize the profir or minimize the cost. The Critical Path Method (CPM) is a popular technique employed by project managers in scheduling project activities. Some extended topics of CPM are also introduced to deal with certain special situations in project management. In reality, many systems operate under stochastic environment and the operational problems cannot be solved by the known analytical methods. To this end, the simulation approach is introduced in the last chapter of this course. Simulation is a powerful technique for tackling OR problems under such situations.
- Subjects:
- Statistics and Research Methods
- Keywords:
- Operations research
- Resource Type:
With rapid globalization and proliferation of social media, businesses and organizations are in face of enormous communication challenges. How to communicate effectively on social media, how to manage social media data analysis as well as handling fake news are definitely at the top of the list.
By seeing challenge as opportunity, this course aims to unfold the communication challenges induced by the rise of social media in business corporations and most importantly, offer solutions to overcome these challenges. In addition, the course serves presents a vantage point to forge an interface of synergy between academics and practitioners to discuss and address global communication challenges. Participants can benefit from meaningful synergy between academics and practitioners as well as learning materials and meaningful multilateral discussions surrounding authentic communication cases and industrial practices engaging both instructors and participants. In sum, this course provides insights for business leaders, senior managerial members, and communication professionals by discussing the major communication challenges encountered by businesses around the world which in turn, helps the participants to advance their career in the ever-changing communication environment.
- Subjects:
- Communication
- Keywords:
- Social media Information technology -- Management
- Resource Type:
University education nowadays focuses more on the promotion of students’ knowledge and professional qualifications, as compared to the cultivation of their morals and values. In fact, all the above are equally crucial to whole-person development. In this PolyU 85th Anniversary Public Lecture, we are honored to have Prof. Poon Chung-kwong share with us the relationship between knowledge and self-cultivation, and how they complement each other to fulfill the ultimate purpose of education.
Event Date: 16.09.2022
- Keywords:
- College students -- Attitudes College students -- Conduct of life
- Resource Type:
- Video
Aviation is essential for global business as it supports worldwide travelling and cargo transportation. Before COVID-19, the economic benefits generated by the industry across countries showed a growing trend. This course is aimed to provide learners with a broad understanding of airport services in different phases in terms of design and engineering. Learners will receive basic knowledge of how an airport operates. Key topics include the future perspective of air traffic control, air traffic flow management, airport management, facility planning, airport terminal design for the post-pandemic world and ground services.
- Subjects:
- Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering and Logistics
- Keywords:
- Airports -- Management Aeronautics Commercial -- Management Airlines -- Management
- Resource Type:
The course describes the theoretical underpinnings of USR. It showcases some effective practices and activities carried out in institutions around the world. The course also promotes understanding of the USR concept, its implications, impacts, evaluation, possible implementation methods, and replicability. In doing so, it contributes to the expansion and consolidation of the USR movement. It provides a knowledge base for designing, planning, implementing, and evaluating programs from the fundamentals of USR and some existing good practices.
No prior knowledge is required to join the course. This course is for you especially if you are an administrator, a professor, or a professional staff member interested in learning new creative ways from the experts' at the universities to address the needs of society including SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). If you are a government official or a foundation representative seeking ways to strengthen higher education, this course will help you explore future opportunities and directions.
An online lecture on the topic of "Introduction to Space Astronomy".This lecture of “Science World: Exploring Space to Benefit Mankind” Education Programme in the 2021/22 school year for secondary students, which aims to cultivate the interest of local youth in space science and elevate their enthusiasm for participating in the development of space technology.
- Subjects:
- Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering
- Keywords:
- Space astronomy
- Resource Type:
- Video
An online lecture on the topic of "Introduction to Hong Kong Radio Astronomy".This lecture of “Science World: Exploring Space to Benefit Mankind” Education Programme in the 2021/22 school year for secondary students, which aims to cultivate the interest of local youth in space science and elevate their enthusiasm for participating in the development of space technology.
- Subjects:
- Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering and Industrial and Systems Engineering
- Keywords:
- Radio astronomy
- Resource Type:
- Video
This course will equip you with the knowledge relevant to pulmonary diseases and broaden your understanding on the patient’s journey in healthcare from a holistic perspective – starting from symptoms emerge to the disease diagnosis and assessment, and finally, disease management in an interdisciplinary approach. In addition, as psychological intervention is also an important part in the all-round care of patients, this course also covers topics about the psychosocial needs of patients and caregivers.
What you'll learn:
The causes, signs and symptoms of common pulmonary diseases
Understand the psychosocial needs of patients and caregivers
Interpret the results of medical examinations for pulmonary diseases
Differentiate the roles of different healthcare professionals
Integrate the knowledge learnt from different disciplines in the management for patients with pulmonary diseases
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences
- Keywords:
- Lungs -- Diseases Lungs -- Diseases -- Patients Lungs -- Diseases -- Treatment
- Resource Type:
Population ageing is a global phenomenon profoundly affecting the well-being of communities. Disciplines such as Social Sciences, Design, and Engineering offer unique, insightful innovations for ageing societies. Along with providing solutions catering to their professional niche, these disciplines achieve creative and practical innovations through interdisciplinary collaboration. This course intends to explore and examine the process of incubating innovations in these three disciplines and help the learners to appreciate the synergy created when working toward innovations by adopting an interdisciplinary approach.
- Subjects:
- Social Sciences
- Keywords:
- Older people -- Government policy Older people -- Services for Technology older people Ageing
- Resource Type:
Machine learning can deliver unprecedented performance. Its application domain has expanded into safety-critical cyber-physical systems such as UAVs and self-driver cars. However, the safety assurance of vehicular control has two conditions: 1) an analytical model of system behaviors such as provable stability, and 2) the software safety certification process (e.g., DO 178C) requires that the software be simple enough so that software safety can be validated by a combination of model checking and near exhaustive testing. Although ML software, as is, does not meet these two safety requirements, the real-time physics model supervised ML architecture holds the promise to 1) meet the two safety requirements and 2) enable ML software to safely improve control performance and safely learn from its experience in real-time. This talk will review the structure of the proposed architecture and some methods to embed physics into ML-enabled CPS control.
Event Date: 12/05/2022
Speaker: Prof. Lui Sha (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
Hosted by: Graduate School
- Subjects:
- Computing, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence and Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering
- Keywords:
- Machine learning Computer software -- Reliability Drone aircraft Vehicles Remotely piloted
- Resource Type:
- Video
Everyone wishes to know the future!
Although we do not have the magic crystal ball to show us the future, we have interviewed more than forty (40+) international industrialists, academics, and business leaders. They are experts in their area and the drivers behind the industry. Our guests will share their views of the future and potential of the fashion industry with you.
During the interviews, we focused on the following questions:
What are the current challenges?
What are the new main directions in the coming five to ten (5 – 10) years?
What kind of new technologies will become popular?
Will there be any new business models (new ways of doing business)?
What role can a government play?
Will there be any ideology that may bring a big impact?
We fully understand that learners may face the obstacle of terminology and background. We will introduce the background of the fashion supply chain first. Then, we take the learners to attend the interviews week by week, sector by sector. Most importantly, the course content is bilingual in Chinese and English. Learners will enjoy our learning supports.
Suitable for students, consumers, anyone who is interested or working in the fashion business.
- Subjects:
- Fashion retailing and merchandising
- Keywords:
- Retail trade -- Management Clothing trade -- Management Business logistics
- Resource Type:
A portfolio for ITC3089E showing how to present the theme and fabric
- Course related:
- ITC3089E Woven Fabric Design Project
- Subjects:
- Textiles
- Keywords:
- Weaving Textile fabrics
- Resource Type:
- Others
Did you know that frailty can affect the quality of life of older people? Did you know that frailty can impose a burden on the significant others of older people? If you are a member of the general public and would like to know about the prevention of frailty and the promotion of healthy ageing, or if you are a healthcare professional who would like to provide the best care for older people and family members in order to combat frailty, this course is for you. The aim of this course is not only to provide theoretical knowledge about frailty, but also to give practical input to help our learners become familiar with frailty and how to manage it. Frailty is a common condition among older people. It is associated with ageing, which is a trend that is becoming a major concern around the globe. Frailty is not only costly in terms of medical expenses, but also imposes a mental and financial burden on the family members of older people with the condition. A person with frailty is also at an increased risk of disease, disability, and death. However, frailty is reversible. Preventing frailty is an important target in the promotion of healthy ageing.
Apart from introducing concepts related to frailty, this course also provides some practical approaches to help individuals, including the older people themselves, caregivers, and healthcare professionals, to monitor and manage frailty in daily life. Short movies and videos are used for illustration. The techniques introduced in this course for managing frailty can be incorporated into daily life, making frailty easier to manage.
This course is designed for anyone interested in the management of frailty. Taking this course will help you to manage the frailty and promote the health of older people around you.
- Subjects:
- Nursing and Health Sciences
- Keywords:
- Health behavior Aging Lifestyles -- Health aspects Older people -- Health hygiene
- Resource Type:
This mini lecture gives an overview on the principles underlying food spoilage and introduces different unit operations of food processing.
- Subjects:
- Food Science
- Keywords:
- Food industry trade Processed foods Food science
- Resource Type:
- Video
An online lecture on the topic of "Enabling Technologies for Experiments in Space".This lecture of “Science World: Exploring Space to Benefit Mankind” Education Programme in the 2021/22 school year for secondary students, which aims to cultivate the interest of local youth in space science and elevate their enthusiasm for participating in the development of space technology.
- Subjects:
- Industrial and Systems Engineering and Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering
- Keywords:
- Lunar exploration Exploration of outer space
- Resource Type:
- Video
“Easy Vlogging – making Interactive Self-introduction Videos” is an online course for people to learn, in self-paced format, how to create effective job interview videos for either academic pursuit or career needs. With the contents learned from this course, it helps learners apply for dream jobs easier and more successfully, producing self-introduction videos with good visual quality, superior self-expression and professional presence.
The purpose of this course is to offer students with:
• An overview of digital video production, including script writing and other preparation works;
• An introduction on various video production techniques, including the use of camera, lighting and video editing techniques; and
• An understanding on the role of digital self-introduction video for interview purposes.
- Keywords:
- Video recordings -- Production direction
- Resource Type:
A chance to have dialogue and interactive match with an Olympic Gold Medalist! On 17 December, the renowned foil fencing athlete and Olympic champion, Mr Cheung Ka-long, will have a live chat at PolyU where he will share details about his athletic and personal life with participants.
一起與奧運金牌運動員在校園對話、台上較量﹗香港著名劍擊運動員張家朗將於12月17日蒞臨 理大 校園,與一眾與會者暢談他在劍術內外的生活點滴。
- Keywords:
- Fencing China -- Hong Kong 張家朗 1997- Fencers Athletes -- Training of
- Resource Type:
- Video
Design thinking has become very popular recently. It is because many people believe that design thinking can help generate innovative solutions. Many business and non-business organizations are adopting it to resolving their problems. Even business schools and other disciplines include design thinking in their curriculum. Then, what is design thinking, really? And how can it benefit us?
Design thinking is commonly recognized as a problem-solving process that includes five stages - Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype and Test. However, when we compare the design thinking process with the conventional problem-solving process, there are no major differences, except the implementation part. Design thinking looks at problems with a holistic and human-centric perspective. It also tackles complex problems by using a non-linear approach. However, some people claim that considering design thinking as a problem-solving process is too simplistic.
Actually, design thinking should be considered as behaviors and attitudes when dealing with problems. Design thinkers use different thinking styles and attitudes when approaching problems. Design thinkers possess certain personal traits like human-centeredness, having a flexible and creative thinking style, being comfortable with subjective and intuitive judgement, and high self-efficacy. These thinking styles and attitudes help not only in problem-solving but also in finding opportunities. In order to be proficient in design thinking, we should not only understand the design Thinking process, but also have to make ourselves become a design thinker.
This MOOC provides you with core knowledge about design thinking and demystifies design thinking as a process for solving complex and wicked problems.
- Keywords:
- Creative ability Product design Critical thinking
- Resource Type:
This data analytics course takes an interdisciplinary approach to demonstrate the data analytics process in the context of accounting and finance. The growing volume of both structured and unstructured data has pushed forward a more data-driven form of decision-making in accounting and finance. In order to keep up with the Big Data era advancements, accountants and finance professionals need to have a data analyst mindset to excel in their jobs. This course will illustrate different concepts of accounting and finance with the application of data analytics. It will not only help the learners to develop their skills to ask the right questions but also teach them how to master the data and use different tools like Excel and Tableau to analyze the data. In the end, the learners will be able to interpret the results and make their decisions effectively.
This course will use a simple framework that helps the learners to develop an analytical mindset. This framework (QDAR) has four major components:
1. Ask the right Q uestions to address an issue in accounting or finance contexts.
2. Understand the different data types and how to retrieve and clean D ata.
3. Conduct different data A nalyses to answer the questions
4. Communicate the R esults to the decision-makers using graphs, visualizations and reports.
The whole course will cover different aspects of the framework in conjunction with different types of analyses. There will be additional datasets for the verified learners through which they can practice what they have learned during the course.
- Subjects:
- Accounting and Finance
- Keywords:
- Accounting -- Data processing Finance -- Data processing
- Resource Type:
An online lecture on the topic of "Computer Software Challenges for Aerospace Missions".This lecture of “Science World: Exploring Space to Benefit Mankind” Education Programme in the 2021/22 school year for secondary students, which aims to cultivate the interest of local youth in space science and elevate their enthusiasm for participating in the development of space technology.
- Subjects:
- Computing, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence and Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering
- Keywords:
- Computer programming Aeronautics -- Data processing
- Resource Type:
- Video
Owing to its rapid development in recent years, China has been in the spotlight of the international arena. While understanding modern China's economy, technology and politics is important, knowing its cultural roots and evolution is no less crucial for seeing the full picture of Chinese culture. This course introduces 5 interesting aspects of Chinese culture in transformation.
Key questions of the course:
(1) What are the Four Great Classical Chinese Novels? What are the stories about? Why are they so famous and influential in Chinese literature?
(2) What is special about the art of Chinese operas? What are the symbolic meanings behind the face make-up, gestures and costumes? How do the operas serve as a medium for transmitting knowledge in Chinese culture?
(3) Why did the private Confucian academies thrive in the Song dynasty? Why was the famous Donglin Academy suppressed by the state in the Ming dynasty? How were the private academies engaged in the state educational reforms in the late Qing dynasty?
(4) How did New Confucianism emerge as a movement in the 20th century? What were the aspirations of the New Confucians? How did they address modern challenges to the development of Chinese science, democracy and cosmology? Did they succeed in modernizing Confucianism?
(5) What were the traditional expectations of gender roles in China? How was gender politics heightened in the labour force in early New China? What light does the film Li Shuangshuang shed on the gender awareness of Chinese socialism?
- Subjects:
- Chinese Studies
- Keywords:
- China Manners customs Civilization Philosophy Chinese Chinese drama Politics culture Chinese fiction Confucianism
- Resource Type:
Owing to its rapid development in recent years, China has moved into the spotlight of the international arena. While understanding modern China's economy, technology and politics is important, knowing its cultural roots and evolution is no less crucial for seeing a full picture of Chinese culture. This course introduces 5 interesting aspects of traditional Chinese culture.
Key questions of the course
What was the origin of ancient Confucianism? How does ancient Confucian wisdom help us address the modern human predicament?
How does Daoism enlighten us with a butterfly and fish? What is the connection between Daoism and the equality of all living organisms?
Why does Buddhism see our present lifetime to be nothing but suffering? How do the Four Noble Truths help liberate us from suffering?
What is special about Chinese ancient warfare? Who is Sunzi? What is his book The Art of War about? What can we learn from this famous book?
- Subjects:
- Chinese Studies
- Keywords:
- China Religion Painting Chinese -- Song-Yuan dynasties Philosophy Chinese
- Resource Type:
Owing to its rapid development in recent years, China has been in the spotlight of the international arena. While understanding modern China's economy, technology and politics is important, knowing its cultural roots and evolution is no less crucial for seeing a full picture of Chinese culture. This course introduces 5 interesting aspects of Chinese cultural exchange and interaction with other countries in history.
Key questions of the course:
(1) How did the Silk Road emerge in history? Who was Matteo Ricci? What happened in history regarding the Chinese cultural exchange of religions, arts and sports with the West?
(2) Where is Central Asia? What was Pax Mongolica? What role did silver play in the Saga of the Silk Road?
(3) What cultural exchanges occurred between Vietnam and China? How did Vietnam contribute to the introduction of Buddhism to China through the maritime Silk Road? Which of the Vietnamese princes served as a high-ranking official in the Chinese court of the Ming dynasty?
(4) How did China confront Western colonialism as a global trend in the early 20th century? Who was Sun Yat-sen? How did he connect China with the rest of the world? How did Pan-Asianism arise and go bankrupt?
(5) What is the relationship between rituals, ghosts and alcohol in China? What are the stories behind Chinese medicinal food, correlative cosmology and tea? How many major types of Chinese cuisine are there? What sorts of food were exchanged between China and other countries in history?
- Subjects:
- Chinese Studies and Area Studies
- Keywords:
- China Manners customs Politics culture Diplomatic relations
- Resource Type:
An online lecture on the topic of "China Manned Space".This lecture of “Science World: Exploring Space to Benefit Mankind” Education Programme in the 2021/22 school year for secondary students, which aims to cultivate the interest of local youth in space science and elevate their enthusiasm for participating in the development of space technology.
- Subjects:
- Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering
- Keywords:
- Manned space flight Exploration of outer space
- Resource Type:
- Video
An online lecture on the topic of "Bone and Joint Health on Earth and in Space".This lecture of “Science World: Exploring Space to Benefit Mankind” Education Programme in the 2021/22 school year for secondary students, which aims to cultivate the interest of local youth in space science and elevate their enthusiasm for participating in the development of space technology.
- Subjects:
- Biomedical Engineering
- Keywords:
- Joints -- Physiology Space flight -- Physiological effect Bones -- Physiology
- Resource Type:
- Video
An online lecture on the topic of "Beidou Navigation Satellite System and Our Daily Lives".This lecture of “Science World: Exploring Space to Benefit Mankind” Education Programme in the 2021/22 school year for secondary students, which aims to cultivate the interest of local youth in space science and elevate their enthusiasm for participating in the development of space technology.
- Subjects:
- Industrial and Systems Engineering and Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering
- Keywords:
- Global Positioning System
- Resource Type:
- Video
An online lecture on the topic of "Aerothermodynamics in the Entry, Deceleration, and Landing Phase (EDL) of the Mars Mission".This lecture of “Science World: Exploring Space to Benefit Mankind” Education Programme in the 2021/22 school year for secondary students, which aims to cultivate the interest of local youth in space science and elevate their enthusiasm for participating in the development of space technology.
- Subjects:
- Industrial and Systems Engineering and Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering
- Keywords:
- Aerothermodynamics Space flight to Mars
- Resource Type:
- Video
PolyU AAE students guide you through the flight procedures of an A320 Flight Stimulator.
- Subjects:
- Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering
- Keywords:
- Flight training -- Simulation methods Flight simulators
- Resource Type:
- Video
The Palace Museum houses a collection of national treasures, which are not only rare and precious artworks, but also serve as vehicles for Chinese philosophy and culture. Since its establishment, the Palace Museum has taken preserving and carrying the Chinese cultural heritage forward as its core mission. In the past few decades, the Palace Museum has endeavoured to activate its collection and make the museum more connected and relevant to the world beyond the museum walls. As a bridge between the past and the present, China and the world, the Hong Kong Palace Museum is committed to the study and appreciation of Chinese art and culture. With a Hong Kong perspective and a global vision, the Museum interprets the Palace Museum’s collection and its culture and presents the essence of Chinese culture and values to a global audience, while advancing dialogue and mutual learning among world civilizations. In this PolyU 85th Anniversary Public Lecture, we are honored to have Dr Louis Ng Chi-wa, the first Director of Hong Kong Palace Museum, presents a public lecture, A New Vision for Carrying the Traditional Culture Forward. We sincerely invite you to embark on a journey exploring cultural heritage through the lecture.
Event Date: 22.10.2022
- Keywords:
- Art Chinese Historic preservation Civilization Cultural property
- Resource Type:
- Video