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"Le terme "renforcement des capacités" est entré dans le langage courant durant le développement international du vingt-et-unième siècle. Alors que ce terme a une signification différente pour différentes personnes, il est souvent utilisé pour décrire une infusion de connaissances ou de compétences pour contribuer à la création d'un gouvernement ou institution capable de répondre aux défis majeurs liés au développement. Toutefois, comme d'autres interventions bien intentionnées de l'Ouest industrialisé, un tel "renforcement des capacités" peut avoir un effet autant destructeur que productif. Ce volume problématise de telles activités et présente une autre façon de promouvoir la construction de capacité dans le cadre du développement. Le volume commence par une exploration du concept de renforcement des capacités et se concentre ensuite sur deux exemples de promotion de capacités pour l'éducation, les soins et le développement de la petite enfance (DPE). Le Programme de Partenariats des Premières Nations (PPPN), un programme d'éducation postsecondaire innovateur et efficace lancé en 1989 à la demande d'un grand conseil tribal dans le nord du Canada, a mené à 10 apports éducatifs dans diverses communautés autochtones au cours des vingt ans qui ont suivis. Le deuxième programme, lancé en 1994 à la demande du siège de l'UNICEF, met l'accent sur l'Afrique subsaharienne. Alors que le programme inclut toute une gamme d'activités qui concernent la promotion de capacités, le vecteur central pour ce travail de développement est l'Université Virtuelle pour le Développement de la Petite-Enfance (UVDPE), un programme créé en 2001 et maintenant en phase de transition vers les universités africaines. Ce livre décrit des approches pour la promotion de capacité qui répondent aux complexités et aux possibilités des communautés - au niveau local ainsi que national. Ces initiatives défient le discours actuel en ce qui concerne le développent dans le cadre du DPE et du développement international et, ce faisant, fournit d'autres moyens de renforcer les capacités pour les chercheurs et les professionnels dans le DPE, l'éducation, et le vaste domaine du développement international"--BC Campus website.
- Keywords:
- Child development Early childhood education Child care
- Resource Type:
- e-book
"This handbook presents the science and practice of eHealth evaluation based on empirical evidence gathered over many years within the health informatics discipline. The handbook describes different approaches used to evaluate the planning, design, implementation, use and impact of eHealth systems in different health settings. It also provides a snapshot of the current state of knowledge on the consequences of opting for eHealth systems with respect to their effects and implications on provider performance and health outcomes"--BC Campus website.
- Subjects:
- Health Technology and Informatics
- Keywords:
- Textbooks Medical care -- Evaluation
- Resource Type:
- e-book
"The science of social psychology investigates the ways other people affect our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It is an exciting field of study because it is so familiar and relevant to our day-to-day lives. Social psychologists study a wide range of topics that can roughly be grouped into 5 categories: attraction, attitudes, peace & conflict, social influence, and social cognition. This textbook presents core concepts common to introductory social psychology courses. The 8 units include 27 modules covering key social psych topics such as research methods, group processes, social influence, and relationships"--BC Campus website.
- Subjects:
- Psychology
- Keywords:
- Psychology Social psychology
- Resource Type:
- e-book
"This is a forest measurements textbook written for field technicians. Silvicultural applications and illustrations are provided to demonstrate the relevance of the measurements. Special "technique tips" for each skill are intended to help increase data collection accuracy and confidence. These include how to avoid common pitfalls, effective short cuts, and essentials for recording field data correctly. The emphasis is on elementary skills
- Keywords:
- Textbooks Forests forestry -- Measurement
- Resource Type:
- e-book
"The B.C. Open Textbook Adaptation Guide is a practical guide to adapting or revising open textbooks using the PressBooks platform. Included are tips to revising this OER, how to use the Pressbooks publishing platform, and general information on open textbooks and other open educational resources (OER)"--BC Campus website.
- Subjects:
- Educational Resources
- Keywords:
- Textbooks Teaching -- Aids devices
- Resource Type:
- e-book
"This Pressbooks Guide was created to provide information specific to the creation and adaptation of open textbooks and other open educational resources (OER) using the authoring platform, Pressbooks. It is intended to act as an adjunct to the very comprehensive Pressbooks Userguide. Specifically, this guide addresses the issues faced by authors of open textbooks, most of whom are using versions of Pressbooks for which the PressBooks Textbook plugin has been installed"--BC Campus website.
- Subjects:
- Educational Resources
- Keywords:
- Textbooks Teaching -- Aids devices
- Resource Type:
- e-book
"Student support and advocacy for OER is important to ensure that OER gain or continue to build momentum on campuses, bring together community members, and push for the adoption and creation of resources. This toolkit provides information on how interested student societies/associations as well as individual students can successfully advocate for greater OER adoption on campus. Primarily designed to serve post-secondary students in Canada working to support open education, we hope this toolkit will be useful to students from any country"--BC Campus website.
- Subjects:
- Educational Resources
- Keywords:
- Textbooks Teaching -- Aids devices
- Resource Type:
- e-book
"This guide was created by the B.C. Open Textbook Project with the assistance of several faculty and staff that attended our Adoption Workshop Development Sprint on March 31-April 1, 2016, in Vancouver. We thank Caroline Daniels and Dr. Farhad Dastur (Kwantlen Polytechnic University), Inba Kehoe (University of Victoria), Dr. David Harper (University of the Fraser Valley), Lucas Wright (UBC), and Gail Morong (Thompson Rivers University). This guide continues to be an ever evolving resource that will be updated as required"--BC Campus website.
- Subjects:
- Educational Resources
- Keywords:
- Textbooks Teaching -- Aids devices
- Resource Type:
- e-book
"The BC Open Textbook Print on Demand Guide is a an-progress (open creation) practical manual on the what, why, and how of creating your own hard copy textbook of any openly licensed textbook found in the B.C. Open Textbook Collection. However, these same steps can be used to create a print-on-demand textbook from other collections providing you have access to the correct file types. This guide will be updated as new information, practices and processes are developed"--BC Campus website.
- Subjects:
- Educational Resources
- Keywords:
- Textbooks Teaching -- Aids devices
- Resource Type:
- e-book
"This is an English-language skills textbook to help ESL students acquire communication skills in the community (listening, speaking, reading, and writing). The book is aimed at Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) levels 5/6, focusing on intercultural skills and essential skills: reading text, document use, writing, oral communication, thinking skills, working with others, and computer use"--BC Campus website.