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HKMJ is published bimonthly and indexed in MEDLINE/Index Medicus, Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), Current Contents–Clinical Medicine, BIOSIS Previews, Embase/Excerpta Medica, Biological Abstracts, Index Copernicus, and SCOPUS. The 2020 Journal Impact Factor for the HKMJ is 2.227 (Clarivate, 2021). The 2020 CiteScore for the HKMJ is 1.6 (Scopus, 2021).
- Subjects:
- Public Health and Medicine
- Keywords:
- Periodicals Clinical medicine -- Periodicals Electronic journals Medicine -- Periodicals Public health -- Periodicals
- Resource Type:
- e-journal
In this journal platform, you can find the articles which published under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. The journal covers a various disciplines, including:
Biomedical & Life Sciences
Business & Management
Chemistry & Material Science
Computer & Communications
Earth & Environmental Science
Physics & Mathematics
Social Sciences
- Subjects:
- Computing, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, Chemistry, Management, Environmental Sciences, Biology, Physics, and Mathematics and Statistics
- Keywords:
- Chemistry Management Environmental sciences Physics Industrial management Mathematics Social Sciences Engineering Humanities Computer science Biology
- Resource Type:
- e-journal
"SciDoc Publishers" is an Open Access publisher established with a sole motive to disseminate knowledge among the scientific community. The journal including the disciplines:
Aerospace Research
Health Science & Medicine
Behavioral Research & Psychology
Food Science
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Medicine, Chemistry, Food Science, Biology, Physics, and Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering
- Keywords:
- Science Periodicals Medicine Technology
- Resource Type:
- e-journal
本院歷史期刊共有五種,由國立教育研究院籌備處及國立教育資料館於民國73年、民國83年創刊的《教育人力與專業發展雙月刊》與《教育資料與研究》,因應網路閱讀趨勢,自104年起整併為兼顧教育理論與教學現場實踐之《教育脈動》電子期刊;另外兩種為國立教育資料館於民國65年創刊的《教育資料集刊》,主要探討歐、美、亞、澳等國教育政策與發展趨勢;以及本院於民國101年創刊的Asia Pacific Journal of Educational Development,聚焦亞太地區教育發展趨勢與新興議題,之後因配合政策規劃陸續停刊。
- Keywords:
- Education Teaching Periodicals
- Resource Type:
- e-journal
Maxwell Scientific Publication Corp. operates as an independent science and technology publisher with a global reputation for quality products and services to contribute to the advancement of research knowledge. In this journal platform, you can find the articles which published under the open license. The journal including the disciplines:
Agricultural Sciences
Business Management & Economics Computer & Information Technology
Food Science and Technology
Social Sciences
- Subjects:
- Computing, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, Economics, Management, Environmental Sciences, Biology, Physics, Health Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics, Chemistry, Medicine, and Food Science
- Keywords:
- Food industry trade Economics Social sciences Statistics Science Agriculture Technology Food science Fisheries Industrial management Mathematics Periodicals Life sciences Dairying Engineering Environmental sciences Aquatic sciences Information technology Medicine
- Resource Type:
- e-journal
In this journal platform, you can find the articles which published under the open license. The journal including the disciplines:
Biomedical & Life Science
Business & Economics
Chemistry & Materials Science
Computer Science & Communication
Earth & Environmental Science
Medicine & Healthcare
Physics & Mathematics
Social Science & Humanities
- Subjects:
- Computing, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, Economics, Environmental Sciences, Biology, Physics, Health Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics, and Chemistry
- Keywords:
- Materials science Chemistry Social sciences Science Technology Physics Industrial management Mathematics Periodicals Life sciences Engineering Computer science Economics Environmental sciences Medicine
- Resource Type:
- e-journal
In this journal platform, you can find the articles which published under the open license. The journal including the disciplines:
Agriculture Sciences
Environmental Sciences
Social Sciences
Computer Science
- Subjects:
- Computing, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, Economics, Finance, Management, Environmental Sciences, Marketing, E-Commerce, and Accounting
- Keywords:
- Economics Finance Management Agriculture Environmental sciences Information technology Electronic commerce Periodicals Marketing Computer science Social sciences Industrial management Accounting
- Resource Type:
- e-journal
In this journal platform, you can find the articles which published under the open license. The journal including the disciplines:
Biological Sciences
Case Reports
Physical Sciences
Social Sciences and Education
Mathematics, Engineering, and Computer Science
- Subjects:
- Computing, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Medicine, and Mathematics and Statistics
- Keywords:
- Social sciences Science Biology Physics Physical sciences Mathematics Education Periodicals Engineering Computer science Technology Environmental sciences Medicine
- Resource Type:
- e-journal
Estonian Academy Publishers issues seven open access scientific journals, peer-reviewed, indexed and abstracted in international review publications and databases. All journals have an international Editorial board. Publications of the Estonian Academy Publishers cover almost all important areas of contemporary science. Our journals are peer reviewed and recognized by the Estonian Research Council and the Estonian Committee of Science Compentence as journals meeting international scientific standards.
- Subjects:
- Mathematics and Statistics, Chemistry, Archeology, Environmental Sciences, Biology, Physics, and Foreign Language Learning
- Keywords:
- Chemistry Uralic languages Social sciences Science History Technology Archaeology Physics Mathematics Geology Periodicals Ecology Humanities Engineering Europe -- Baltic Sea Region
- Resource Type:
- e-journal
Edorium journals is one of the leading academic publishers of open access journals. It publishes peer reviewed journals and international journals in fields including basic sciences, medical specialties and surgical specialties. You can refer the open access journals list on Edorium Journals to know the sub-specialties under which scholarly articles can be published here. It covers a variety of disciplines including medicine, science, humanities, technology, chemistry, arts, biology, engineering, management, physics, cancer research, neuroscience, genetics, immunology and infection, environment, developmental biology, bioengineering, clinical skills, biochemistry, behavior, psychology, and many more.
- Subjects:
- Environmental Sciences, Physics, Chemistry, Psychology, Biology, and Medicine
- Keywords:
- Science Periodicals Arts Physics Technology Chemistry Social sciences Environmental sciences Engineering Humanities Biology Medicine
- Resource Type:
- e-journal
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