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A short video on autism for the general public.
近期,我們經常會聽到有關自閉症的案例, 知道自閉症對於患者及家人都會帶來很大的影響和困擾,究竟什麼是自閉症?(0:45) 有什麼病癥會與自閉症會同時出現?(1:21) 自閉症對於語言有影響嗎?(3:06) 如何可以及早發現自閉症傾向?(4:10) 有沒有藥物可以治療自閉症?(5:20) 對於高功能自閉症,大家也有不同的迷思 (2:24),一起聽聽專家的解說吧!
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences and Communication
- Keywords:
- Autism
- Resource Type:
- Video
A short video on self description for the general public.
上一集,我們為大家介紹了「平行描述」的促進語言發展技巧,讓小孩一面玩耍,一面吸收家長的語言輸入。今集我們會介紹另一個技巧 - 「自行描述」,家長們可以一起試一試運用這些技巧,讓孩子邊玩邊學習!
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences and Communication
- Keywords:
- Children -- Language Games
- Resource Type:
- Video
A short video on dysgraphia for the general public.
[讀寫障礙 - 書寫困難] 有沒有家長發現學童無論重複抄寫多少次,還是難以記住如何寫字,默書成績更是強差人意?有時候他們會寫字出格、混淆筆劃等,有時候他們可能寫了一半又寫不下去,到底為什麼會這樣的呢?言語治療師如何可以幫助他們呢?我們聽一聽讀寫專家 - 劉博士的解說。
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences and Communication
- Keywords:
- Agraphia Writing Language disorders
- Resource Type:
- Video
A short video on parallel description for the general public.
我們經常聽說小孩可以一面玩耍一面學習,除了學習遊玩技巧外, 原來家長作爲小孩的主要溝通對象,是可以爲他們營造一個良好的語言學習環境, 從而促進語言發展。今集,我們會為大家講解和示範其中一種「促進語言發展技巧」 - 自行描述。大家一起看看到底如何能夠做到自行描述吧!
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences and Communication
- Keywords:
- Children -- Language Games
- Resource Type:
- Video
Have you ever come across times when you get particularly nervous, say during a presentation, you find it extra hard to speak smoothly? Most of us may stop at times when we talk, so how do we differentiate between Normal Dysfluency and Stuttering? Are kids struggling with words due to language ability or are they stuttering? Will they naturally outgrow stuttering? How do speech therapists help adults and children who stutter?
大家有否試過在某些時間特別緊張,例如在發佈會中,你覺得難以流暢地說話? 其實每一個人說話時也會有停頓的時候,到底我們如何分辨「口吃」和正常的不流暢呢? 孩子到底是口吃還是因語言能力較弱而在找字呢?是否長大後自然會沒有口吃的問題? 言語治療師可以如何幫助受口吃困擾的小孩和成人呢?
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences and Communication
- Keywords:
- Stuttering Speech disorders
- Resource Type:
- Video
The collection “The Cultural Revolution in Images: Caricature-Posters from Guangzhou 1966-1977” showcases the two hundred and sixteen original posters from the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Library. The posters are divided into two groups: Red Guards’ posters dated between 1966-1967; and images produced against the Gang of Four dated between 1976-1977. The aim of this digital collection is to make these valuable visual sources available to the academic community, and to allow scholars to employ them for research and teaching.
- Subjects:
- Chinese Studies
- Keywords:
- Cultural Revolution (China : 1966-1976) Caricatures cartoons
- Resource Type:
- Image
This video explain the concept of Celestial coordinate system.
- Course related:
- LSGI2224 Geo-Referencing System
- Subjects:
- Cosmology and Astronomy
- Keywords:
- Celestial mechanics Orbital mechanics
- Resource Type:
- Video
"This is a textbook on formal logic. The book is divided into eight parts. Part I introduces the topic and notions of logic in an informal way, without introducing a formal language yet. Parts II-IV concern truth-functional languages. In it, sentences are formed from basic sentences using a number of connectives ('or', 'and', 'not', 'if . . . then') which just combine sentences into more complicated ones. We discuss logical notions such as entailment in two ways: semantically, using the method of truth tables (in Part III) and proof-theoretically, using a system of formal derivations (in Part IV). Parts V-VII deal with a more complicated language, that of first-order logic. It includes, in addition to the connectives of truth-functional logic, also names, predicates, identity, and the so-called quantifiers. These additional elements of the language make it much more expressive than the truth-functional language, and we'll spend a fair amount of time investigating just how much one can express in it. Again, logical notions for the language of first-order logic are defined semantically, using interpretations, and proof-theoretically, using a more complex version of the formal derivation system introduced in Part IV. Part VIII covers an advanced topic: that of expressive adequacy of the truth-functional connectives"--BCcampus website.
- Subjects:
- Philosophy
- Keywords:
- Textbooks Logic
- Resource Type:
- e-book
This text is meant to be used in any first year College Composition class or as a general guide to college writing. The book focuses on writing as a process, not a product. The goal is to help students discover their own writing process, tryin g out different methods and strategies to find what works best for them
- Subjects:
- English Language
- Keywords:
- Report writing Textbooks Authorship English language -- Rhetoric
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Write Here, Right Now: An interactive Introduction to Academic Writing and Research utilizes PressBooks to create and host a writing e-textbook for first year university students that would effectively integrate into the flipped classroom model. The textbook could also be used for non-flipped classroom designs, as the embedded videos, diagrams and linked modules would act as an all-in-one multimedia textbook geared towards multiple learning styles and disciplines. The components of the textbook, including the embedded videos, could be swapped in and out in order to accommodate a professor’s best idea of his/her own course design.
- Subjects:
- English Language
- Keywords:
- Report writing Textbooks Academic writing
- Resource Type:
- e-book
Words of Wisdom can come from anyone. In this text we discuss topics ranging from "Are Humans good by nature?" to "Is there a God?" to "Do I have the right to my own opinion?" Philosophy is the study of wisdom, and can emerge in our conversations in social media, in school, around the family dinner table, and even in the car. The text uses materials that are 2,500 years old, and materials that were in the news this year. Wise people come in all shapes and types, and from every culture on earth. We have poetry and folktales, sacred writings and letters. Dialogues and interviews, news columns, Ted Talks, You Tube recordings and even comedy are all a part of the content in this text.You will be most successful reading this on line. The formatting in the downloadable versions is not wonderful. There is work being done by the software, but in the meantime, you will want to use it by clicking here on "read book:".
- Subjects:
- Philosophy
- Keywords:
- Philosophy Textbooks
- Resource Type:
- e-book
In this video, Prof. Mark Hampton share his view on why we need to care about other historians' ideas? Why don't we just finding facts.
- Keywords:
- Communication in the humanities Humanities -- Research History -- Research
- Resource Type:
- Video
Wind can be one of the most critical and complicated loads on civil structures. The case of the Tacoma Narrows bridge is a well-known cautionary tale that’s discussed in engineering and physics classrooms across the world. Both resonance from vortex shedding and aeroelastic flutter contributed to the failure. When you push the envelope, you have to be vigilant because things that didn’t matter before start to become important (e.g. wind loads on lighter structures). Unanticipated challenges are a cost of innovation and that’s something that we can all keep in mind.
- Subjects:
- Structural Engineering
- Keywords:
- Washington (State) -- Tacoma -- Tacoma Narrows Bridge (1940) Suspension bridges Wind-pressure
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this slide, it explains the reason why the information came from authoritative sources but still not trustworthy. The possible reason could be (1) the way information is produced, (2)carelessness or loaded with secret intentions, (3) in favour of their hidden goal, (4)not spending enough time, (5) limited topic vocabulary, (6) limited by technical barriers, (7)information that fits with your knowledge & beliefs, and (8) from a source that you think is trustworthy.
- Keywords:
- Research -- Methodology Information resources -- Evaluation
- Resource Type:
- Others
In this video, Prof Klaus Tochtermann, the Director of Leibniz Information Centre for Economics (ZBW) and Professor of Media Informatics of University of Kiel in German shares his view on the importance of becoming information literate.
- Keywords:
- Information literacy
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this video, a year 3 LLB student who is preparing a term paper with a substantial research component regularly consults his supervisor. In a recent meeting, the supervisor queries why two pieces of information were cited in his draft. One piece of information is from a local real estate agent’s website summarizing the legal provision for the Hong Kong deed of mutual covenant agreements. Another piece of information is a court case covered in a Hong Kong land law blog.
- Keywords:
- Information resources -- Evaluation Legal research
- Resource Type:
- Video
Anger researcher Ryan Martin draws from a career studying what makes people mad to explain some of the cognitive processes behind anger -- and why a healthy dose of it can actually be useful. "Your anger exists in you ... because it offered your ancestors, both human and nonhuman, an evolutionary advantage," he says. "[It's] a powerful and healthy force in your life."
- Subjects:
- Psychology
- Keywords:
- Anger Mental health
- Resource Type:
- Video
This video shows how simple reinforcement is used to prevent collapse of rock tunnels. Tunnels play an important role in our constructed environment as passageways for mines, conveyance for utilities, and routes for transportation. Rock bolts are a type of reinforcement for stabilizing rock excavations, usually made from steel bars or bolts. This simple construction method dramatically reduces the cost of making tunnels through rock safe from collapse.
- Subjects:
- Structural Engineering
- Keywords:
- Underground construction Rock bolts Tunneling Tunnels
- Resource Type:
- Video
Silence is a rare commodity these days. There's traffic, construction, air-conditioning, your neighbor's lawnmower ... and all this unwanted sound can have a surprising impact on your health, says noise researcher Mathias Basner. Discover the science behind how noise affects your health and sleep -- and how you can get more of the benefits of the sound of silence.
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences
- Keywords:
- Noise pollution -- Physiological effect Noise pollution -- Health aspects
- Resource Type:
- Video
Why do we make poor decisions that we know are bad for our health? In this frank, funny talk, behavioral economist and health policy expert David Asch explains why our behavior is often irrational -- in highly predictable ways -- and shows how we can harness this irrationality to make better decisions and improve our health care system overall.
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences
- Keywords:
- Health behavior Decision (Psychology)
- Resource Type:
- Video
Dark UI patterns have a very short term benefit when it comes to user trust. This article shares a set of best practices to avoid unethical and deceptive UI patterns.
- Subjects:
- Interactive and Digital Media
- Keywords:
- Human-computer interaction -- Psychological aspects Web-based user interfaces User interfaces (Computer systems)
- Resource Type:
- Others
This video shows more destructive testing to answer your questions about concrete. Concrete's greatest weakness is its tensile strength, which can be less than 10% of its compressive strength. So, we often reinforce it to create a composite material strong against all types of stress. This video briefly touches on conventional rebar and prestressed/post-tensioned reinforcement.
- Subjects:
- Building and Real Estate
- Keywords:
- Reinforced concrete Concrete
- Resource Type:
- Video
This video explains why ridges move, and other musings on thermal movement of large civil works. Most people have a certain intuition about thermal expansion, but you may not have considered how engineers design to accommodate it on large civil structures. The video gives a quick overview on this important consideration that engineers must account for when designing infrastructure like pipelines, bridges, and even sidewalks.
- Subjects:
- Structural Engineering
- Keywords:
- Structural analysis (Engineering) Expansion (Heat)
- Resource Type:
- Video
To have a better understanding on the importance of BPM by watching a video about graduates of Industrial Systems Engineering at PolyU and the good work by Professor Devonport Tom Davenport.
- Subjects:
- Management
- Keywords:
- Industrial management Workflow -- Management
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this video, a team of students are now discussing where is the best place to find primary sources and search more efficiently.
- Subjects:
- Statistics and Research Methods
- Keywords:
- Information resources Information retrieval Humanities -- Research
- Resource Type:
- Video
In the exercise, learner need to determine where is the best place to find these primary information.
- Subjects:
- Statistics and Research Methods
- Keywords:
- Information resources Humanities -- Research Information literacy
- Resource Type:
- Others
Architects, engineers and developers are creating increasingly greener structures - and doing it in a more literal way than ever before. This is what happens when trees meet buildings.
- Subjects:
- Environmental Engineering, Building Services Engineering, and Building and Real Estate
- Keywords:
- Buildings -- Energy conservation Roof gardening Sustainable buildings Sustainable construction Trees in cities
- Resource Type:
- Video
Tech that can decode your brain activity and reveal what you're thinking and feeling is on the horizon, says legal scholar and ethicist Nita Farahany. What will it mean for our already violated sense of privacy? In a cautionary talk, Farahany warns of a society where people are arrested for merely thinking about committing a crime (like in "Minority Report") and private interests sell our brain data -- and makes the case for a right to cognitive liberty that protects our freedom of thought and self-determination.
- Subjects:
- Computing, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence and Technology
- Keywords:
- Thought thinking -- Data processing Privacy Technological innovations -- Social aspects
- Resource Type:
- Video
It covers the diversity on BPM and its derivative
- Subjects:
- Management
- Keywords:
- Industrial management Workflow -- Management
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this game, you need to match the types of information sources with the corresponding information needs.
- Subjects:
- Statistics and Research Methods
- Keywords:
- Information resources Social sciences -- Research Information literacy
- Resource Type:
- Others
In this game, learners are required to put the information that can support the work in different research stages.
- Subjects:
- Statistics and Research Methods
- Keywords:
- Research -- Methodology Information literacy Information resources
- Resource Type:
- Others
In this video, two students are discussing the types of information are needed to answer the sub-questions. In their conversation, various type of information, including manuscripts, diaries and autobiographies, audio recordings and videos, original art works, letter patents, conference papers, books, government publications, critical analysis and review, journal articles, and handbooks.
- Subjects:
- Statistics and Research Methods
- Keywords:
- Information resources Social sciences -- Research Information literacy
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this exercise, a team of students listed out a number of tasks that they have to complete when preparing the lesson plan. Which of the following task will be listed as the top priority on your to-do list? Will you start searching at this moment?
- Keywords:
- Lesson planning Teaching Information literacy
- Resource Type:
- Others
In this video, Prof. Christine Bruce shares her view on "Why InfoLit is vital?" through the search & research they do every day.
- Keywords:
- Study skills Learning Information literacy
- Resource Type:
- Video
Sometimes conventional reinforcement isn't enough. The basics of prestressed concrete. Prestressing reinforcement doesn't necessarily make concrete stronger. But, it does increase the serviceability of concrete members by reducing the amount of deflection under load. This video explains the two most common types of prestressed concrete: pre-tensioned and post-tensioned. Prestressed concrete is used in all kinds of structures from bridges to buildings to silos and tanks. It’s a great way to minimize cracking and take fuller advantage of the incredible strength of reinforced concrete.
- Subjects:
- Building and Real Estate
- Keywords:
- Prestressed concrete Reinforced concrete
- Resource Type:
- Video
What's the difference between concrete and cement? Concrete is the most important construction material on earth and foundation of our modern society. At first glance it seems rudimentary, but there is a tremendous amount of complexity involved in every part of designing and placing concrete. This video is meant to be a bare-bones introduction to the topic, with a cool demonstration of concrete strength using a hydraulic press.
- Subjects:
- Building and Real Estate
- Keywords:
- Concrete Cement
- Resource Type:
- Video
This video shows the basics of fluid cavitation, including demonstration from AvE. If you subject a fluid to a sudden change in pressure, some interesting things can happen. You can cause tremendous damage to moving parts, or you can harness this destructive power in many beneficial ways.
- Keywords:
- Hydrodynamics Cavitation Fluid mechanics
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this exercise, learners are required to rank the task in the order that reflects the usual practices.
- Subjects:
- Statistics and Research Methods
- Keywords:
- Social sciences -- Research
- Resource Type:
- Others
In this exercise, please rank the task in the order that reflect your usual research practices.
- Subjects:
- Statistics and Research Methods
- Keywords:
- Public health -- Research Medical care -- Research Medicine -- Research
- Resource Type:
- Others
In this exercise, learners are require to order the tasks in a way that reflect the research usual practice.
- Subjects:
- Statistics and Research Methods
- Keywords:
- Humanities -- Research -- Methodology Humanities -- Research
- Resource Type:
- Others
While many journal articles and conference papers are written by scholars working at universities or research institutions, professional engineering associations also play a major role in disseminating research findings and practices by: Publishing peer-reviewed research journals Publishing practical “trade” journals Holding conferences & publishing proceedings In this video, it explains what professional associations do and why it matters.
- Subjects:
- Statistics and Research Methods
- Keywords:
- Professional associations Professional education Periodicals
- Resource Type:
- Video
In the video, it explains the criteria to use to evaluate legal information.
- Keywords:
- Information resources -- Evaluation Legal research
- Resource Type:
- Video
What keeps you up at night? Pondering deep questions? Excitement about a big trip? Stress about unfinished work? What if the very thing keeping you awake was stress about losing sleep? This seemingly unsolvable loop is at the heart of insomnia, the world’s most common sleep disorder. So what is insomnia? And is there any way to break the cycle? Dan Kwartler details the science of insomnia.
- Course related:
- APSS1L01 Tomorrow's Leader
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences
- Keywords:
- Insomnia
- Resource Type:
- Video
In this slide, it introduces the six frames for informed learning, suggested by Prof. Christine Bruce, would help learners brainstorm about the research topic in all-rounded, comprehensive way. The six aspects of your research topic that you should brainstorm for are: (1) Content frame, (2) Competency frame, (3) Learning to learn frame, (4) Personal relevance frame, (5) Social impact frame, and (6) Relational frame.
- Keywords:
- Learning Information literacy
- Resource Type:
- Others
In this video, it explains what secondary legal material are. Secondary legal sources often explain legal principles more thoroughly so it is good to start your research project with secondary sources.
- Keywords:
- Information resources Legal research -- Databases Legal research Legal research -- Computer network resources
- Resource Type:
- Video
There's no better way to stop a disease than to catch and treat it early, before symptoms occur. That's the whole point of medical screening techniques like radiography, MRIs and blood tests. But there's one medium with overlooked potential for medical analysis: your breath. Technologist Julian Burschka shares the latest in the science of breath analysis -- the screening of the volatile organic compounds in your exhaled breath -- and how it could be used as a powerful tool to detect, predict and ultimately prevent disease.
- Subjects:
- Health Sciences
- Keywords:
- Medicine Preventive Respiration
- Resource Type:
- Video
The US health care system assumes many things about patients: that they can take off from work in the middle of the day, speak English, have a working telephone and a steady supply of food. Because of that, it's failing many of those who are most in need, says Mitchell Katz, CEO of the largest public health care system in the US. In this eye-opening talk, he shares stories of the challenges low-income patients face -- and how we can build a better system for all.
- Subjects:
- Management of Health Care Services and Health Sciences
- Keywords:
- Medical care Poor -- Health hygiene
- Resource Type:
- Video
Raj Panjabi's life work has been to support and employ community health workers in the country of Liberia, where he grew up. In this talk, the TED Prize winner expands his vision. Over the next three years, his nonprofit Last Mile Health will partner with Living Goods to get smartphones to community health workers in six countries in Africa, bringing quality care to more than 34 million people.
- Subjects:
- Management of Health Care Services
- Keywords:
- Smartphones Public health personnel Community health services
- Resource Type:
- Video
In the US, the very same blood test can cost $19 at one clinic and $522 at another clinic just blocks away -- and nobody knows the difference until they get a bill weeks later. Journalist Jeanne Pinder says it doesn't have to be this way. She's built a platform that crowdsources the true costs of medical procedures and makes the data public, revealing the secrets of health care pricing. Learn how knowing what stuff costs in advance could make us healthier, save us money -- and help fix a broken system.
- Subjects:
- Management of Health Care Services and Health Sciences
- Keywords:
- Medical care -- Cost control Medical care Cost of
- Resource Type:
- Video
We may not be as deeply divided as we think -- at least when it comes to health, says Rebecca Onie. In a talk that cuts through the noise, Onie shares research that shows how, even across economic, political and racial divides, Americans agree on what they need to live good lives -- and asks both health care providers and patients to focus on what makes us healthy, not what makes us angry.
- Subjects:
- Public Health and Management of Health Care Services
- Keywords:
- Social medicine Medical care
- Resource Type:
- Video