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Explore these resource sites—a collection of all excellent resources related to open educational resources (OER) in higher education. You can have a faster and more productive search experience since the resources have been curated and organized into various categories including discipline, format, and license type.

  • MERLOT (Multimedia Educational Resources for Learning and Online Teaching)
  • The MERLOT collection consists of tens of thousands of discipline-specific learning materials, learning exercises, and Content Builder webpages, together with associated comments, and bookmark collections, all intended to enhance the teaching experience of using a learning material. All of these items have been contributed by the MERLOT member community, who have either authored the materials themselves, or who have discovered the materials, found them useful, and wished to share their enthusiasm for the materials with others in the teaching and learning community.

    #Academic Support Services #Business #Humanities #Applied Science and Textiles #Engineering #Health and Social Sciences
    #Academic Support Services #Arts #Business #Education #Humanities #Mathematics and Statistics #Science and Technology #Social Sciences #Workforce Development
    #Animation #Assessment Tool #Case Study #Open (Access) Journal-Article #Simulation #Open (Access) Textbook #Video #Social Networking Tool #Quiz/Test

  • OER Commons
  • The OER Commons is a digital public library and collaboration platform, informed by the organization's pioneering efforts in knowledge management and educational innovation. It offers a comprehensive infrastructure for curriculum experts and instructors at all levels to identify high-quality OER and collaborate around their adaptation, evaluation, and use to address the needs of teachers and learners. It also allows users to browse and search OER Commons to find curriculum, and tag, rate, and review it for others.

    #Applied Science and Textiles #Humanities #Business #Health and Social Science
    #Applied Science #Arts and Humanities #Business and Communication #Career and Technical Education #Education #English Language Arts #History #Law #Life Science #Mathematics #Physical Science #Social Science
    #Assessment #Case Study #Game # Lecture Note #Assignment #Teaching/Learning Strategy #Reading #Simulation #Textbook #Lesson

  • OpenCourseWare Consortium
  • The OpenCourseWare Consortium is a collaboration of more than 200 higher education institutions and associated organizations from around the world creating a broad and deep body of open educational content using a shared model. Users can find course materials by browsing individual OpenCourseWare sites or by searching across all courses.

    #Humanities #Health and Social Science #Applied Science and Textiles
    #English #History #Psychology #Language Learning #Math & Science
    #Open Courseware #Open Textbook #Open Access Journal #Digital Media

  • Common Spaces
  • The CommonS (Common Spaces for collaborative learning) project, co-funded by the Eramus+ Programme of the European Union, is aimed at the development of Common Spaces, an international co-learning and e-mentoring Community of Practice (CoP) devoted to improving the employability skills and work opportunities of participants and reducing the gap existing between the academic world and the labour market, by means of appropriately remixed and localised OERs, i.e. Open Educational Resources freely available to everyone.

    #Humanities #Health and Social Science #Applied Science and Textiles #Design #Engineering
    #Arts #Economics and Business #Entrepreneurship #Humanities #Foreign Languages #Social Sciences #Interpersonal Skills
    #Science, Technology and Mathematics #Education #Tutoring and Mentoring #Information & Communication Technology #ICT Literacy #Graphic Design
    #Assessments #Case Study #Games #Homework and Assignments #Images and Illustrations #Instructional Material #Readings
    #Simulations #Specimen #Student Guide #Syllabi #Teaching and Learning Strategies #Textbooks #Video Lectures #Software Tool

  • OpenStax
  • OpenStax is a nonprofit educational initiative based at Rice University, and it aims to give every student the tools they need to be successful in the classroom. Through the partnerships with philanthropic foundations and alliance with other educational resource companies, it breaks down the most common barriers to learning. It publishes high-quality, peer-reviewed, openly licensed college textbooks that are absolutely free online and low cost in print. And also developed a low-cost, research-based courseware that gives students the tools they need to complete their course.

    #Humanities #Health and Social Science #Applied Science and Textiles #Business
    #Math #Science #Social Sciences #Humanities #Business #Essentials
    #Open Textbook

  • MIT OpenCourseWare– Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • One of the most popular and most extensive open courseware collections online, MIT offers 1,900 courses in nearly every subject. The site contains free lecture notes, exams, and videos, and no registration is required. Through OCW, educators improve courses and curricula, making their schools more effective; students find additional resources to help them succeed; and independent learners enrich their lives and use the content to tackle some of our world’s most difficult challenges, including sustainable development, climate change, and cancer eradication.

    #Applied Science and Textiles #Engineering #Humanities #Business #Health and Social Sciences
    #Architecture and Planning #Engineering #Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences #Science #Management
    #Audio/Video Lectures #Online Textbooks

  • Khan Academy
  • Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. We tackle math, science, computer programming, history, art history, economics, and more.

    #Applied Science and Textiles #Engineering #Humanities #Business #Health and Social Sciences
    #Math #Science and Engineering #Arts & Humanities #Computing #Economics & Finance
    #Video #Test #Assignment

  • TED-Ed
  • TED-Ed is TED’s youth and education initiative. TED-Ed’s mission is to spark and celebrate the ideas of teachers and students around the world. Everything we do supports learning — from producing a growing library of original animated videos , to providing an international platform for teachers to create their own interactive lessons, to helping curious students around the globe bring TED to their schools and gain presentation literacy skills.

    #Applied Science and Textiles #Engineering #Humanities #Business #Health and Social Sciences #Design
    #Arts #Business & Economics #Design, Engineering & Technology #Health #Literature & Language #Philosophy & Religion
    #Psychology #Science & Technology #Social Studies #Teaching & Education #Thinking & Learning
    #Video #Animation #Lesson Plan

  • Openly Available Sources Integrated Search is a search tool aimed at making the discovery of open content easier. It currently searches open content from 91 sources and contains more than 365,000 records, most of which are in the public domain or openly licensed. Currently, more than 470 institutions from eight different countries are linking to OASIS from their institutions websites.

    #Applied Science and Textiles #Humanities #Health and Social Sciences
    #Society & social sciences #History #Humanities #Physics #Political Science
    #Textbook #Course #Course Material #Interactive Simulations #Public Domain Book #Audiobook #Modules #Open Access Books
    #Video #Podcasts #Learning Object