Future Trends of Fashion and Textiles
Everyone wishes to know the future!
Although we do not have the magic crystal ball to show us the future, we have interviewed more than forty (40+) international industrialists, academics, and business leaders. They are experts in their area and the drivers behind the industry. Our guests will share their views of the future and potential of the fashion industry with you.
During the interviews, we focused on the following questions:
What are the current challenges?
What are the new main directions in the coming five to ten (5 – 10) years?
What kind of new technologies will become popular?
Will there be any new business models (new ways of doing business)?
What role can a government play?
Will there be any ideology that may bring a big impact?
We fully understand that learners may face the obstacle of terminology and background. We will introduce the background of the fashion supply chain first. Then, we take the learners to attend the interviews week by week, sector by sector. Most importantly, the course content is bilingual in Chinese and English. Learners will enjoy our learning supports.
Suitable for students, consumers, anyone who is interested or working in the fashion business.
- Video Transcript: 中文