
Hong Kong Jockey Club Disaster Preparedness and Response Institute

The Hong Kong Jockey Club Disaster Preparedness and Response Institute E-Learning Platform.

I have joined the classes: D13-1: Crisis and Risk Communication in Emergencies and Disasters D12-1:Basic Sign Language for First Responders and the Public in Health Emergencies and Disasters D11-2: International Humanitarian Law D09-2:Principles of Occupational Health and Challenges of Industrial Disasters D08-3:Health System Approach in Managing Disaster D05-4: Core Public Health Concepts for Health Emergency and Disaster Risk Management D04-5:Global Health Challenge for Human Security D03-7:Research Methodology for Disaster and Medical Humanitarian Response D01-9:Climate Change and Health All these can help me increase the awareness in public health, which is beneficial to my CV in the future in joining the healthcare field.
  • © 2015