
Naixue and Fantasy Collaboration - Naixue Leverages Jay Chou |GreatCase100

This video is made by Dr. Pearl Lin and Dr. Clare Fung's project, "Great Case of Marketing in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry." A special thanks to Liu Hao, who provided information and insights for this video. This case discusses how the Chinese tea brand Naixue collaborated with musician Jay Chou's Fantasy album to create a successful marketing campaign. Naixue leveraged Chou's massive fanbase by co-branding with the album, allowing them to use Chou's image and music without the high endorsement fees. They created a "Fantasy Music Universe" virtual space where consumers could access digital products and rewards by purchasing co-branded items. This innovative digital and experiential marketing strategy led to record-breaking sales, enhanced Naixue's brand image, and showcased the power of AI and digital technology in modern marketing. However, the case also highlights the need for brands to balance technological innovation with maintaining brand integrity and transparency to sustain long-term consumer trust.

  • 0:02:14
  • -The accompanying PDF file includes background information, marketing strategy, outcomes, and implications of the case study.
  • -The video is also hosted on Youku https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjQxMjA0Mzk5Mg==.html
  • -This video is made by Dr. Pearl Lin's project, "Great Case of Marketing in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry." A special thanks to Liu Hao, who provided information and insights for this video.