
L-I-V-E:The Surge in Food Waste and Plastic Pollution

The live panel sharing of the L-I-V-E Training Series invited representatives from the Environmental Protection Department to share the challenges arisen from the disposal of plastic tableware and food waste collection and the policies currently adopted to tackle the problems: (1) Disposal of Plastic Tableware and (2) Food Waste Collection.

From this video, I can learn more about how the current environmental policies handle the challenges arisen from the disposal of plastic tableware and food waste collection. With the Covid-19 pandemic, most people prefer cooking at home or takeaway service to having meals in the restaurants in order to avoid the infection risk of the pandemic. Hence, increasing demand for takeaway service causes heavy disposal of plastic waste and plastic pollution. Besides, the food waste problem needs to be addressed as well because food waste disposed at landfills accounted for 30% in 2019. The waste problem will increase greenhouse gas emission as well as intensifying greenhouse effect, global warming and climate change. Therefore, this video is beneficial for me to gain more environmentally friendly knowledge and learn to perform green practice in daily life, including bringing my own shopping bag for grocery shopping and clean recycling.
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