Psych 9B/Psy Beh 11B: Psychology Fundamentals
This is one of the three courses that are a part of a three-quarter series, cross-listed as "Social Ecology Psy Beh P11 A, B, C" or "Social Sciences Psych 9 A, B, C." All three courses are offered every quarter and can be taken in any order. The series is designed to give students a strong foundation in the major research areas of psychology, including such areas as human cognitive and social development, memory, language, emotional and social behavior, psychopathology, and neuroscience. This course sequence is required for students majoring in Psychology and Social Behavior in the School of Social Ecology and for students majoring in Psychology in the School of Social Sciences. These courses can also be taken by non-majors. In this course specifically, referred to as "Psy Beh P11B" or "Psych 9B," topics to be covered include memory, thinking, language, learning, and cognitive development.