
Create a Taoist ancestral temple as a full-area Taoist cultural tourism destination |GreatCase100

This video is made by Dr. Pearl Lin and Dr. Clare Fung's project, "Great Case of Marketing in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry." A special thanks to Wei Youji, who provided information and insights for this video. This case discusses the conservation and marketing strategy for Longhu Mountain, the ancestral home of Taoism in China. Located in Jiangxi Province, Longhu Mountain is the "No. 1 Town of Taoism in China," rich in cultural, ecological, and tourism resources. The marketing strategy revolves around capitalizing on the growing trends of "great health consumption," deep integration of Chinese culture and immersive experiences, and embracing online platforms to create an "internet celebrity town" for tourists. The ultimate goal is to transform Longhu Mountain and Shangqing Town into an exemplary cultural destination that showcases Taoist history, medicine, and traditions over the next 20 years. However, challenges remain in educating the local populace and visitors about Taoist culture and etiquette.

  • -The accompanying PDF file includes background information, marketing strategy, outcomes, and implications of the case study.
  • -This video is made by Dr. Pearl Lin's project, "Great Case of Marketing in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry." A special thanks to Wei Youji, who provided information and insights for this video.
  • -The video is also hosted on Youku https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjQxMjY4MTY4OA==.html