
Chinese New Year Celebration By AI Rabbit -Hotel Group | GreatCase100

InterContinental Hotel Group (IHG) successfully utilized AI technology for their Chinese New Year marketing campaign, creating AI rabbits to represent each hotel brand and incorporating AR+AI technology in their "New Year Catching Joyful Rabbits" campaign. This innovative approach attracted attention and engagement from consumers, with over 60,000 New Year red envelopes claimed within three days. The campaign achieved great exposure, with the IHG logo being seen over 44 million times during 280,000 interactions. This pioneering exploration of AI technology in the hotel industry has positioned IHG as a leader and raised questions about the potential for AI to enhance marketing efficiency and consumer interaction.

  • -This video is made by Dr. Pearl Lin's project, "Great Case of Marketing in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry." A special thanks to Xiao Jingjing, who provided information and insights for this video.
  • - The accompanying PDF file includes background information, marketing strategy, outcomes and implications of the case study.
  • - The video also hosted in Youku https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjAwMTcwNDg3Ng==.html