
Sichuan Chengdu Qingxia Mountain Residence Promotion | GreatCase100

The promotion of Sichuan Chengdu Qingxia Mountain Residence focused on digital marketing and utilized the 4I theory - Interesting, Interests, Interaction, and Individuality. Located in the international tourism resort of Qingcheng Mountain, the residence offered unique scenery and cultural attractions. The marketing strategy showcased the peculiar design of the products and aimed to spur the interest of potential customers through a combination of scenery, customers, and products. Visitors were encouraged to share their experiences on platforms like TikTok, Weibo, and Little Red Book, and were provided with incentives to increase visibility. Collaborations with key opinion leaders (KOLs) enriched the content. The outcomes included increased popularity, higher sales, and repeat customers. Challenges included maintaining the momentum of digital marketing and sustaining customer interest.

  • 0:02:00
  • - The accompanying PDF file includes background information, marketing strategy, outcomes and implications of the case study.
  • - The video also hosted in Youku https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjAwMTk0MDU2OA==.html
  • -This video is made by Dr. Pearl Lin's project, "Great Case of Marketing in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry." A special thanks to Chen Xin, who provided information and insights for this video.