
"Cloudy Dreamland" Wedding Art Exhibition - Hangzhou Fayun Anman | GreatCase100

Hangzhou Fayun Anman, a picturesque resort, successfully utilized immersive and digital marketing strategies to promote its outdoor wedding services. Through a wedding art exhibition, themed "Cloudy Dreamland," the resort created immersive experiences for guests, featuring traditional ceremonies and healing rituals. Promotion through social media platforms garnered significant attention, with likes, shares, and inquiries from interested couples. The exhibition enhanced the resort's brand image and uniqueness. However, the challenge for Hangzhou Fayun Anman lies in maintaining its high-end positioning amidst increasing competition and price wars in the outdoor wedding market. Revenue growth while upholding luxury positioning is a key consideration for the resort's future success.

  • - The accompanying PDF file includes background information, marketing strategy, outcomes and implications of the case study.
  • - The video also hosted in Youku https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTk5OTA1MTkwNA==.html
  • -This video is made by Dr. Pearl Lin's project, "Great Case of Marketing in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry." A special thanks to Nicole Cao, who provided information and insights for this video.